chapter 7

wedding plans and Sentinel returns

At the base in Optimus and Moonpheonix berthroom, Moonpheonix was weeping for her brother's death, a brother who was there for her till he became a monster. Optimus sat down next to her, his servo around her as he spoke soft words of comfort to her. Moonpheonix curls up into Optimus as she falls into recharge after crying for her brother. Optimus sighed sadly, still holding his femme in his arms and softly hummed a love song to her.

(In the main lobby)

"Hey, guys? Why did Moon leave the party, "Jack asked, walking over to the others who were playing a game together, "How should I know, Jack. I bet she's tired or she better not be crying," Bulkhead said as he was drinking some Energon.

Arcee rolled her optics at them, "You guys do realize she just lost her brother she looked up to, right?

"Oh yeah but still he's a psychopath. She's nothing like him. We need to cheer her up, " Bulkhead said.

Raf looks up from his laptop, "How about we do something that'll make her, " Stops to see some wedding stuff on his laptop, "Miko why are there wedding things on my laptop?"

Miko stopped playing her guitar and looked over at Raf, "Duh! Can't you see? We can cheer Moonpheonix up by giving her what every girl always wants to be."

Jack thinks for a bit and looks at Miko, "A wedding? Hmm...Miko, that doesn't sound so bad."

"A wedding? Never heard of that before. How do you know it'll cheer her up Miko?" Bulkhead asks, looks at them. but turns to look at Bee, who was making a beeping noise.

Ratchet looked over at the group and pushed something on his autoreceptors so he could hear what they were saying, "A Wedding is something humans do when they are going to be sparkmates or married to one another. I don't know why you humans do it anyway." turns his autoreceptors off so he wouldn't hear Miko playing her guitar.

"Ya...Ratchet basically summit up." Miko stated, "But...a wedding is like every girl's dream! To be the bride as she walks down the aisle, dressed in a white beautiful dress with a veil covering her face and seeing the man of her dreams she is going to marry." Miko sighed as she daydreamed about her wedding day but quickly snaps out of it, "So, what do you guys think?"

"Why do I have a bad feeling this might turn into a Miko disaster," Arcee said, looking hard at Miko, thinking this might not work for Moon and Optimus.

"That might help her...but Miko, we should let Optimus and Moonpheonix pick the theme for their wedding. Ratchet has to walk her down the aisle to give her away to Optimus." Raf said, looking at them with a smile.

Bulkhead shakes his helm, "Let's hope so. You do have a point...maybe this will help both of them and we can see what this wedding thing does."

"Sweet!" Miko said jumping up in the air with her fist up, "So...who's going to tell Optimus to propose to her?" Everyone was silent for a long time. Miko sighed, rolling her eyes, "Seriously?"

Jack sighs and looks at Bee who nods his helm at him as they both look at everyone, "We'll do it when Optimus comes out. But there's one thing he needs... a ring to propose." Jack said getting off the couch and walked over to Miko and Raf.

Arcee looked at Jack with confusion on her faceplate, "A ring? Aren't those really expensive to buy?"

"They can be expensive or cheap but I got a feeling moon's ring will be special," Jack said walking over and leaning on the rail.

Raf went over to Ratchet, tapping on his peds to get his attention, "Hey Ratchet? Do you guys have jewelry on your world?"

Ratchet stopped what he was doing and turned on his autoreceptors and looked down at Raf, "What do you want now?!"

Raf slowly looks up at him, "Do you have any jewelry on your homeworld? Cause if Optimus is gonna propose, he's going to need a ring."

With a sigh, Bulkhead holds Miko up and looks her in the eye/optic, "Miko, how about you, Jack, and Bee goes get Optimus? We'll wait here." He said, putting Miko down.

"Fine," Miko said, sighing as she went with Jack and Bumblebee to go get Optimus.

"We used to have flowers of crystals everywhere back on Cybertron. But ever since our planet died...there was nothing beautiful that grows there anymore." Ratchet sighed, thinking of all the wonderful memories he had before the war began.

"Flowers made of crystal? That's so cool, Ratchet! did Moonpheonix became your daughter if she's Megatron's sister?" Raf ask

Ratchet sighed and shook his helm, "I rather not talk about it just yet. It's a sad story."

Tilting his head Raf sits on his pede, "It's alright Ratchet it'll help if you talk about it I was curious and I know she's lucky to have a father like you."

Ratchet smiled down at Raf, then looked back to the screen and then back to Raf, "Thank you, Rafael. I will tell you the story later but for now, I should get back to work. We are getting low on Energon and I need to find us some, ok?"

Jack, Bee, and Miko were at the door. All three look at each other's as Bumblebee knocked on the door making beeping sounds, "(I hope this works.)"

Optimus turned his helm to hear a knock on the door. He slowly put Moonpheonix gently down on the berth, after that he slowly walks over and opens the door.

Jack, Bee, and Miko smile nervously till Jack spoke up, "H..Hey Optimus, could you come to the main hanger with us? We need to talk to you about something." Optimus faceplate showed confusion but nodded his helm and followed them back to the main room in the base.

Raf smile nodded as he gets off his peds he has an idea of what to do he sees Optimus coming in. Bulkhead walks up to Optimus, "Optimus? Miko came up with a way to cheer Moonpheonix up. but it's a human tradition, Miko you tell him."

Miko jumped up and down with excitement, "We want you to propose to Moonpheonix! Then you guys can have a wedding and get married and go on a sweet trip for a honeymoon!"

Optimus looked down at Miko as his faceplate was filled with confusion and curiosity, "Propose? Wedding? Honeymoon?"

Bulkhead places his servo on his shoulder plate, "It's a human way of being spark mates. But more ceremonial and in this the sire has to give their daughter away to their destined mates I think we should look it up so we know more." Optimus nods in understanding as he thinks it over.

Jack looks at Miko, "looks like there might be a wedding, after all, Miko."Bumblebee making sounds like saying we should use our holoform for this.

"Sweet!" Miko did a fist up and looked at Optimus, "So are you going to propose to her or what OP?"

"Propose?" Optimus looked confused and looked to Jack and Raf for an explanation.

Jack and Raf looks at each other then back at Optimus jack spoke first "propose is when the guy er mech would take the girl out somewhere romantic then he gets down on one knee and holds up a ring and ask her to marry him like this "he shows them how to do the proposed Bulkhead and bee chuckles at him"But you don't have to do the old fashioned way you can propose anyway you want Optimus "

Optimus looked at them all pondering what they said, "Are you... certain Moonpheonix would like this, Propose and Wedding idea?"

"Yeah, she will. I know you two loved each other and think of it as you are renewing your sparkmating thing," Raf said, rubbing behind his glasses.

"What must I do for this Propose as you humans call it?" Optimus asks, looking at the kids.

"Um...Miko a little help here?" Jack asks as her but Raf steps in" Optimus how did you ask Moonpheonix to be your spark mate?"

Moonpheonix was walking to the main room after she woke up.

Optimus thought about it for a minute, a smile on his derma, remembering that every special day, "I told her to meet me on a hill that was outside of the city. There I waited, having two Energon cubes to share with her and a Moonlight crystal flower." Optimus stopped and turned around and a chuckle came from him as he saw his beloved spark mate, "How was your recharge, love?"

"I recharge alright love what were you guys talking about?" Moonpheonix asks as she was walking up to him Jack covers Miko's mouth before she said something, "We were asking Optimus how he asks you to be his spark mate."

"I see you told them didn't you, Ori "She chuckles softly, "It was the most simple but very romantic thing he did if he asks me again I will always say yes in a spark beat, "Looks at them then at Optimus and turns to look at Ratchet, "Need a servo sire? "

Ratchet turned around and smiled at Moon, "I could always use the help. I'm tracking down some Energon mines and I think I am getting close." types on the keypad as his scanners worked on the computer.

Miko manages to get Jack's hand off her mouth and gives him the look, "Don't you ever over my mouth with your hand ever again!!!"

Kissing Optimus on the cheek plate, Moonpheonix smiles as she goes to help her sire, "Ok, sire. What do you want me to do?"

"I need someone to look for Decepticon activity, can you work on that, Moon?" Ratchet asked not to take his optics from the screen.

Jack wipes his hand, "Sorry, Miko you were about to blurt out what we're planning to do for her."

Miko rolled her eyes at him and walked over to the couch with her arms crossed. Optimus smiled at Moon but then looked to the others, "Would you like to discuss this proposal further?"

"Sure, sire. But don't look at the monitor to much. It'll ruin your optics." Moonpheonix chuckles as she gets to work. Raf nodded and said "Sure, but we need to go somewhere where Moonpheonix is not around," Bumblebee thinks and snaps his digit making beeping sound saying they should go up on the roof or have moon go on an Energon scouting "

"I think sending Moon on a scouting mission will be the best option." Acree pointed out as the other all nod in agreement.

(On the Nemesis)

Starscream was sitting on Megatron's throne with a smirk. Megatron was gone and now he's the new leader "Soundwave contact Sentinel and Knockout and Breakdown."Soundwave nodded as he sent out messages to them.

After waiting for a long time for Knockout Breakdown and Sentinel. Starscream was about to shout till he heard the doors slide open and saw the three he wanted to talk to, "It's about time you three show up! What took you so long?!" Knockout looking at his digits, "I was buffering my paint job and breakdown was helping me with some things. What is it that you want to tell us, Starscream?"

Breakdown watches to see what happens next, while Sentinel rolled his optics in arrogance at Starscream.

"since Megatron is no more and I will become your new leader. But I need someone by my side as second in command, but who?" Thinks it over while smirking and looks over at them.

Knockout quickly speaks up, "Oh, come on drama queen? Just spill it already."

Starscream growls, "It's lord Starscream, Knockout! I want you three to go and capture Megatron's sister." Shows them a hologram of Moonpheonix, "This is Moonpheonix and I want you, Breakdown to go find her. Sentinel, you go with and Knockout get the device you use on her ready I think it's time to bring dark Phoenix back"

" Starscream you do know all except for one was destroyed and the Autobots found it but I will make a new one" knockout was interrupted by Starscream, "Put it in a color Knockout and make sure it won't be discovered, "The seeker said as he looks at all of them sees knockout walking away" Breakdown and sentinel go and don't come back till you have my soon to be queen

"Of course, lord Starscream."

Breakdown said with a smirk on his derma as he ran out of the throne room with Sentinel behind him, in hopes of capturing Moonphenoix.

(Back at the base)

"That's a great idea, Arcee. Then we can talk more about the proposal and wedding stuff." Bulkhead whisper to them.

"Sire so far no Decepticons activates lately. How is it coming with the Energon location?"Moonpheonix asks as she looks on the monitors.

Ratchet sighed in frustration and turned to face his daughter, "I thought I was close but now...I'm not sure anymore."

Moonpheonix put a servo to her chin as she spoke, "There's has to be...oh primus!" slapping herself in the faceplate Moonpheonix looks at her sire, "I'm such a dimwit. I forgot I have a cave filled with rich Energon that I kept as a secret."

Miko suddenly jumps with a face that said "Oh, no! I forgot!" as she quickly ran down the stairs on the main floor and ran over to Ratchet and Moon, "Can one of you bridge me back to my house? I promised my friend Ashley we were going to hang out tonight."

Moon looks down at Miko and smiles, "Sure, Miko. I will set the coordinates of the park in the forest close to your house." Punching in the coordinates and opening the groundbridge.

"Thanks, girlfriend," Miko said, giving Moon a wink as she ran through the groundbridge.

"What's a girlfriend?" Moonpheonix asks in confusion,

"It's another word for friend," Arcee explained.

Moonpheonix nods her helm in understanding and turns to face her sire, "I can go to the cave give you coordinates to the cave sire."

"Alright. Just be careful." Ratchet said with worry in his voice.

"I will, sire. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me, and if I see humans stay in my vehicle mode." Moonpheonix said as she went to the elevator but stops and went to Optimus kisses, " I won't be gone, long love."

"That's my girl," Ratchet whispered under his breath and continued his work.

"Take Arcee to a company you, on this mission. I want you to come back to me safely." Optimus said, kissing her back, with a smile on his derma.

"I will, Ori. Don't worry." She said softly to him then looked at Arcee,

"Ready to roll, Cee?"

Arcee smiled and nodded her helm and followed Moon out of the base.

"Ok, now that Moonpheonix is out. We need to make the plans on how to get the ring, the place, for the proposal to take place." Jack said, getting a little bit excited.

Moonpheonix transforms and flies as Arcee follows her, "It's not that far, just through the woods there's near the mountain, that's where the secret Energon mine is. You and the others will know of its location soon. Then we start mining." She said as they went through the woods.

Arcee transformed into her bot mode with her blasters at the ready as they continued walking through the forest, "I know this may be hard to answer that Megatron is gone. Do you think there may be a chance we can end this war?"

"I'm grateful for your concern Arcee but I know this is our chance to end this war sooner this war is over the better " Moonpheonix said as she has one of her blades out as they got to the cave, but stops holding her servo up, "We got company. Get ready, Arcee."

Breakdown and Sentinel slowly came out of the mine, "I can't believe we haven't found her yet. And to believe you think she would come back here to this Energon mine." Breakdown said rolling his optics at Sentinel till they see Arcee and Moonpheniox.

"I told you she would come back to this mine," Sentinel said with a smirk on his derma as he transformed his servo into an ax, "So, nice to finally see you again, Celestia."

Looking at them and was about to fight when she suddenly froze when Sentinel spoke to her original name, seeing Sentinel. She starts to shake as her memories are trying to overwhelm her, "Y...You traitor! When Optimus hears that you are back, you will be in a world of pain!" Look to Arcee, "Get into the mine and contact Optimus and the others now! I'll cover you." She takes out her other blade trying to fight the flashbacks.

Arcee hesitated but did as she was told as she transformed and drove into the mine. Breakdown was going to go after her, but Sentinel stopped him.

"Leave her be, the faster we take, Celestia. The better for us." Sentinel said looking towards Moon with his ax at the ready, he charged at her with his other servo transforming into a blaster, glowing to life as he fired at her. Blocking the shots with her blades, Moonpheonix runs at them, brings her blades down, and kicks Breakdown in the balls as he falls to the ground holding his servos where she kicks him, then slices sentinel's servo off. Sentinel screamed in pain holding his servo against himself.

Breakdown quickly got back up to his pedes transforming his servos into hammers and charged at her hitting her in the faceplate and at the same time hitting her in the chassis as Moon fell to the ground, she forced herself to get back up, her body screaming to her to rest, "It takes more than that to take me down, Autobot!"


"Hold on, Miko! I almost got you. Just hold on."

Breakdown behind him and looked up to see two human girls. One girl with two pigtails was holding on to root into the mountain for dear life. The other girl looked older than the other girl, who was slowly climbing down while having a rope around her waist as she finally made it to the girl with pigtails, "It's ok, Miko. I'm here now, just take my hand and I will bring you back up, ok?"

Breakdown turned to Moonphexio with a smile on his derma, aiming his cannon at the two girls, "Make one move or say goodbye to the squishy."

Optics widen as she sees Miko and another human girl, Moonpheonix slowly lifts her up as a smirk crawls to her derma, "Acutely... it's you who will be going, Breaky. '' Opens a portal sending him away as she runs over to Miko and the other girl, "HANG ON MIKO I'M COMING!" She shouted, transforming into a jet and flies towards them opens up her the hanger, "Jump in you two, Hurry!" She didn't know that her fear was going through her and Optimus bond not noticing Sentinel was about to shoot her down. The two girls did as they were told and hoped inside of her.

"Nightly night, Celestia," Sentinel smirked aiming his blaster at Moon's wing as he fired.

(Through the bond)

"Moonpheonix! Move out of the way, Now!"

Moonpheonix moves out of the way with the girls seeing the blast almost hitting her. She flies away to a safe distance after she sees Optimus and the others coming in, "Miko are you and your friend, ok?"

"Were, fine. But you just ruined our camp out tonight." Miko said, sighing sadly as she looked outside the jet window.

"Did... the jet to us and save us without a person driving it!" The girl said, looking afraid and shocked as she tried hiding behind Miko.

"I'm sorry Miko but Breakdown was gonna blast you two so I have to interfere," she said as she transforms into her robot mode.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you to my friends. So, Moon, this is Ashley." Miko said pointing at the older girl who was trying to hide behind her back, "And Ashley, this is Moonpheonix."

Moonpheonix looks at her and Ashley, kneeling down on one knee and smiles, "Hello Ashley don't be afraid you're safe now," Moonpheonix said softly.

Ashley didn't say anything as she ran behind Miko not looking at the Moon. "She is shy when she meets new people. It took me forever to get her out of her shell." Miko said looking at Ashley who stayed hidden behind her. She looked like she was 17 or 18 years old, she had blonde hair with bright aqua eyes, She was wearing a jean jacket with a black shirt with glow in the dark stars and wore blue jeans.

(Optimus and the others)

The bulkhead was holding down Sentinel, Optimus holding him down with bumblebee's help, "Arcee, are you ok? Where's Moonpheonix?"

"I'm fine. I don't know where the Moon went." Arcee spoke as Team Prime started to look around when they saw more cons in the air flying straight towards them aiming their blasts right at them.

Sentinel smirk using his servo into a blaster and fired at Bumblebee who let him go in order to dodge the shot. He then punches Optimus in the faceplate, and kicks Bulkhead with a shot to the chassis and runs away from the Autobots. The cons fired their blaster, shooting Team Prime, a groundbridge appeared in front of Sentinel, who quickly ran in it along with the other cons following as the groundbridge closed.

Optimus wipes the Energon off his derma with his servo, turning to his team, "Is everyone accounted for?"

(Comlink)"I'm on top of the mountain with Miko and her friend, they're ok, the mine is through that cave... " Moonpheonix said as she felt dizzy falling on her side her body gave up after a harsh beating from breakdown and everything went black.

Ashley screamed, seeing Moonpheonix fall down with Energon leaking out from her side. Miko jumped a bit and quickly ran to her side, "Moon? Moon!"

Bulkhead optics widen as he hears Miko's name he yells "Miko, are you and your friend ok!!??"

Miko turned to hear Bulkhead voice echoing, she quickly shouted in reply, "Were good. But Moonpheonix is leaking Energon from her side really badly."

"Stay close to her, Miko. We are on our way." Optimus said, contacting base, "Ratchet, prepare the medic bay. Rafael, activate the groundbridge.