chapter 8

A new human

Here's the new chapter everyone enjoys

Everyone was back at base with Moonpheonix xi in the medic bay. Optimus was sitting on her berth where she lay. Ratchet said she took quite a couple of hits in her side with a hammer and ax but will soon recover. The new human girl, Ashely was silent sitting on the couch while trying not to look at the other robots in the room. Miko and Jack were playing video games while Raf looked worried at Optimus and Moon. Raf walks up to her, "Are you ok Ashley?" 

Ashley glanced at Raf and pulled up her knee to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, burying her face. Still afraid of one of the robots grabbing her.

"These our are friends Ashley, they won't hurt you," Raf said as she placed his hand on her arm. Ashley didn't look up and was still shy around him and Jack. With a sigh, Raf went over to Bee and started talking to him.

Letting out a moan, Moonpheonix slowly wakes from recharge, "O...Ori? W...What happen?" Her optics widen as she quickly sits up, "Miko? Ashley? Are they..."

"They are fine, love. But please try not to get up. Ratchet said you still need more time to recover." Optimus said gently, pulling her back down on the berth with a smile on his derma, "I'm so glad you are alright." 

Ratchet turns and walks over to where Moon and Optimus areas he took out his scanner and scans her, "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm glad Arcee, Miko, and Ashley are alright." She looks at Optimus then looks at her sire" I feel sore, what made it worse...I had a flashback about that day somehow Sentinel speaks of that son of the glitch he and breakdown trying to take me."

"Let's just be thankful that they didn't bring you back to their warship." Ratchet said, giving Optimus an Energon cube. 

Optimus took the cube from him and slowly lifted Moon up in a sitting position and moved the cube up to her derma, "Here, take it slowly." As the cube touches her derma, Moonpheonix slowly drinks it while holding onto his servo.

After she finished the cube up Optimus took it away from her derma and kiss her on the helm, "I see you got spotted by this new human we have here." Turn in the direction of where Ashley was still sitting.

With a smile, she looks up where the kids are at, "It seems so, love. Miko said she's shy around new people, we need to take it slow with her so we could gain her trust." 

With the humans, RAF looks at the others as he looks he sees moonpheonix was awake "Miko! Guys! Moonpheonix is awake," Rafel said excitedly. Miko quickly jumped off the couch, running down the stairs to the main floor to where Moon and Optimus were. Ashley got scared when Miko left her and hoped off and hid behind the couch.

"Finally you're up." Miko said looking up at Moon with a serious face expression, "You own me and Ashley a camp out together with you since you ruined our camp out last night."

"I know I do Miko. But still...knowing breakdown he would have shot you guys even if I did what he ask and I'm sorry I ruined your camping trip." Moonpheonix said as she tries to get up but Optimus stops her.

"Miko, that means she's trying to protect you guys," Jack said as he looks at her.

Miko rolled her eyes at Jack, "I's just...Ashley wanted to do this camp out so much because it reminds her of her home before her family moved to Jasper." Looks over to where Ashley was hiding behind the couch and sighs.

"I think a camp out with Miko would be a good idea to rest and relax before you head back in the field," Optimus said, laying Moon back on her berth.

With a sigh, Moonpheoxi looks back at him, "Alright, love. I will go with them. But I know a perfect spot if Miko and Ashley won't tell anyone about it."

"What? What is it?! Please tell me? I am dying to know!" Miko said jumping up and down while a huge smile was shown on her face.

Everyone except for Ashley was chuckling at Miko, "You have to wait till I'm recovering Miko then I'll show you two but you must promise you two won't tell anyone about it, ok? " Moonpheonix said when she places her servo on her helm as she has a flashback shaking slightly 

Optimus gently picked her up in his arms with worry in his optics, "Moon, love are you alright?" Ashley slowly pops out behind the couch looking to where Optimus is holding Moon in his arms.

"I..I'll be ok Ori just a flashback about that ambush on Cybertron love I somehow Sentinel been calling me Celistria my old name, " Moonpheonix said as she leans into him trying to stay calm

Optimus hold her close to his chassis, nudging her with his helm. Ashley continues to stare at Optimus as her eye grew wide in surprise. Smiles weakly, she nudges her helm with his gently and slowly Moonpheonix felt the pressure of the flashbacks slowly fading as she lets out a purr.

Jack sees her eyes widen he walks up to her, "Are you ok, Ashley? You've been staring at them for quite a while now."

Ashley quickly looks away and slowly walks out down the stairs and shyly goes over to Miko, "Miko? Can...can I...go home?"

"Why would you want to leave? This is probably the best thing that has ever happened to you." Miko said as Ashley sigh sadly to herself.

"Miko, if she wants to leave, she can leave. I will take you home." Bulkhead said as he walked up to them.

Looking at Jack and the other teens Moonpheonix whispers to Optimus to help her walk towards them so she can talk to Ashley. Optimus nods his helm in understanding and slowly gets up, putting her gently to the ground as he supported her with his arm, walking over to Miko and Ashley. 

Ashley slow walks backward away from Bulkhead, getting away from him, "'s o...k...I'll just...walk home." She bumped into something behind her, turning her head to see what it was. There stood Optimus and Moonpheonix, her back was against Moon's pedes, she quickly froze where she was as shyness took over, her hair covering half of her face.

Looking through her compartment Moonpheonix took out what is called a tiger stuff animal, she then gently placed it next to Ashley, "You don't have to be afraid, Sweetie. I know it's a lot to take, but know're surrounded by people and bots that care about you and I heard stuff animals plushie things helps cheer people up." As a smile formed on her derma.

Ashley turned slowly to Moonpheonix, taking the stuffed tiger, looking up into the femme's blue and purple optics as a smile spread on Ashley's lips, "Thank you, Moon. I feel a lot better now. Thanks for helping me."

Seeing a smile on her face, Moonpheonix smiles gently back at her, "You're welcome, Ashley. I'm glad you're feeling better, sweetie." She said softly at her as she gently rubs her digit on Ashley's hair.

"Hate to break it up, but...we need to take them back home and who's gonna be Ashley's guardian?" Bulkhead asks as he watches them. 

"We will discuss Ashley's guardian later. For now, it's best that you spend the night here." Optimus said, looking to Ashley then to Moon.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, love." Moon said, looking to Optimus then at Ashley, "Would you like to stay here for the night?"

"I guess I can since my parents think I'm camping with Miko." Ashley said Miko, put a fist in the air with a "Woohoo!" as she looks over at Ashley. 

"We get to have a sleepover together at Base! Best thing ever!" Miko shouted Ratchet growled in annoyance.

"But...where will we be sleeping?" Ashley asked looking up at Moonpheonix for an answer.

"Optimus and I were talking about if you three ever wanted to stay over you gonna need your own rooms. Follow us, " Moonpheonix told them with Optimus help takes them to a door and opens it "this is also soundproof you can make noise in the room and it won't disturb any of us while we work the blue door is for Jack and Rafael to sleep and the purple door is for you Miko and now for Ashley as well now  you four go take a look." Jack and Raf's jaws drop as they looked inside the room.

Miko quickly opened the purple door and ran inside the room, inside the walls were colored a green forsters color like Bulkhead, the bed had two pink pillows and purple sheets, on the opus it side was a TV with a videogame already hook up to the TV and a small couch to fix two to three people to sit on, right next to the TV was a guitar with a mic and speakers just ready to be played on. 

"Dude! This is the best thing ever!" Miko said, hopping on one of the beds and jumping up and down. 

In the boy's room, there were two beds one with a down pillow and blue sheets, the other had an orange pillow with yellow and black stripes on the sheets of the bed, there were two desks with chairs so they can do their homework, there was also a TV with a videogame already plugged in and a couch right in front of it.

"Soo cool," Jack said as he and Raf looks around then runs and jumps on the blue bed while Raf sits down on the couch smiles 

"Thank you, Moon, for the room," Ashley said, moving some of her hair out of a face that you could see in her eyes.

Moonpheonix looks at Ashley and smiles softly and warmly as she places a digit on her head "you're welcome Ashley now go have fun, ok? '' Looking into her blue eyes as she takes her digit off her head.

"How did you manage all of this moon and without us knowing ?" Bulkhead asks as he looks at the rooms.

"Simple, there were some rare crystals in the cave beside Energon. So, I sold them, and with Optimus help. That way Sire doesn't have to worry about hearing you or  Miko practicing out here but in the room."

Ashley looked to where Miko was jumping up and down on the bed, while the boys started relaxing in their room, "Is there a place where I can go outside for a bit? I want to get some fresh air before going to bed."

"We had a view on top of this base.

But I want you to go with someone before you go up there." Optimus stated gently to her.

"Can one of you come with me?" Ashley asked looking up at Optimus and Moonpheonix.

Looks at her then looks at Optimus then back at her "I would go with you Ashley if it's ok with Optimus and sire."

"I think it is best you get some rest, Moon. I will take her out for some air." Optimus said, picking Moon up in a bridal style, slowly walking back to the main room with Ashley close behind them still holding the stuffed tiger in her arms. 

Wrapping her servos around his neck cable, they got to the main room Moonpheonix was slowly falling into recharge.

"I see you are already tired." Ratchet said smiling down at the two till he notices Ashley behind them, "Just..set her over there on the berth so she can rest." Ratchet pointed his digits to the berth that she was on earlier.

Optimus lay her down gently onto the berth, kissing her on the helm and whispers, "Good Night, Sweetspark." Ashley watched, smiling at the two who are so nice to her.

Turning on her uninjured side in her recharge, Moonpheonix was smiling softly in recharge.

(On the Nemesis) 

 "YOU FOOLS I TOLD YOU BRING MY SOON TO BE QUEEN AND YOU WHAT DID YOU DO COME BACK EMPTY HANDED BUT YOU LET HER GET AWAY !" Starscream shouted at Breakdown and Sentinel because of their failure looking at them, "Well! What do you have to say for yourself?"

" We're...Sorry?" Breakdown asked not sure what to say as Sentinel rolled his optics at him.

Starscream looks at them "go get fix up we need to make a plan to get her back now go!" he demanded as he turns and sits on the throne.

Breakdown quickly ran out of the room while Sentinel stayed behind looking up at Starscream, "You do know it will take us forever to find here since the Autobot hide out in there Base."

"Perhaps...but you know Optimus well, as Megatron had, so tell me, why did you start to hate Prime and almost succeed into offline Moonpheonix, Hmmmm?" 

Sentinel growled at Starscream looking at him with hatred in his optics, "What do you mean, Moonpheonix?! Celistria is the one I want for my spark mate! She chose Optimus instead of me! That was the reason why I joined the Decepticons, to get even with Celistria and Optimus Prime!"

"Sentinel! Moonpheonix is Celistria! That beautiful femme you wanted is her. Seems her love for Optimus is still growing stronger than ever." He said as Starscream walks around him, " Optimus won't even let her out of his sight. And the Autobots love him as their leader and not you. I have a solution for you. Get Optimus alone and sure enough, Celistria will be with him."

Sentinel gazed at him with his optics, "And how am I supposed to do that? Celis...I mean Moonpheonix will know that I betrayed them. So what makes you think I will be able to trick Prime and her to meet me?"

"Because Moonpheonix doesn't remember who was the one that staged the ambush plus I'm sure one of the human pets will do the trick, Sentinel! Now if you excuse me Soundwave and I am gonna go retrieve Skyquake. I suggest you get your servo replaced," Starscream said as he walks away from him. 

Sentinel growled under his vent and slowly made his way to Medic bay as a plan started to slowly form in his mind.

(In the medbay ) 

Knockout was finishing the collar when Breakdown came in, "So, did you get her, breaky?" He asks not even looking from his work.

"We didn't...get her." Breakdown said walking over to Knockout while holding his servo to his private, "She got me right in the balls."

Hearing what Breakdown said, Knockout turns around, optics widen, "What did that glitch do to you! Go sit on the berth now! I need to examine it, cause when she hits or kicks, she kicks and hits very hard." Breakdown obeyed, slowly making his way to the berth and laying down on it as he closed his optics to rest.

Knockout starts to scan him winces, "Breaky it seems she nearly busted one of your balls badly. I need to operate to fix it up," He said as he gets his tools out.

Breakdown nodded his helm as Knockout put him into stasis to do the operation. Knockout starts to operate on Breakdown fixing the problem winces as he goes seeing the damage but is a relief that it wasn't bad he finished and patches him up" there good as new Breakdown now stay and rest " Breakdown quickly fell into recharge as Sentinel came in hold his servo over the one that got cut off by Moon and looks over at Knockout. Knockout turns and sighs, "Let me guess Moonpheonix cut off your servo? Go sit I'll weld it back on." Sentinel sits down on another berth as Knockout does repairs on him.

( the human Ashely belong to primestudio)