chapter 9 Ashley's new guardian

Ratchet was working at the control panel all night while keeping an optic on Moonpheonix, check on her now and again to make sure she was ok. The others were in recharge all was quiet but one Moonpheonix started to toss and turn, trying to wake from the nightmare she was having till she screams as she wakes up panting.

"Moonpheonix! Are you alright?!" Ratchet panic, quickly scan her and feel her for help with his servo, lowering himself down, looking her in the optics in worry, "Was it another nightmare again?"

Nodded her head while trying to calm her spark, "I...It was, but it was different Sire. It was how you guys thought I was offline on that rescue mission was an ambush I don't know who did it." Placing her servo on her chassis where a scar was, "Somehow...Sentinel had triggered it and what worst he knew my original name." Moonpheonix said clenching her servos into fists.

Ratchet gently takes both of her servos into his, he looks up into her bright blue and purple optics, "I know this is hard for you, Moon. Trust me I've been there." Ratchet lowered his optics away from hers as he continued, "I have seen so many things in this war that I wish to never see. I carried these scars, I did it all to save people's lives, only to lose them." sighing he looks back up Moon with a single tear in his optics, "I thought I lost you and then we found you. And whatever you are going through I will be doing it with you." Smiling, he kissed Moon on the helm and moved his servo over her chin with his digit lifting her helm up to meet his optics, "I love you, Moon."

A small smile came on her derma as she leaned into him "I love you too, Sire I'm so glad to have you as my sire." Ratchet smiled at his beloved daughter wrapping his arms around her, giving a Fatherly embrace. They stayed like that for a long while, till they both heard the sound of someone knocking something overcoming from the human area. Ratchet and Moon both look in the direction of the human area, there was Ashley.

With some of her blonde hair covering her face, she was wearing a blue top with black PJ pants, she had a thin sheet blanket which was wrapped around, her body shivering and her arms wrap around the stuffed tiger Moon gave her, "I' sorry...for interrupting...I...I just another blanket." She started to run down the stairs, her hair flying from her face, towards the hallway.

Moonpheonix opens a Portal underneath the girl as did Ashley lands on her servo "now where are you going Ashley luckily I got a spare "reach into her little box and pulls out a soft blanket and hands it to her"found this on in Japan when I was searching for Energon back when I was dark Phoenix you can have it, Ashley, it'll keep you warm "she said with a smile.

Ashley just froze in her servo in complete shock, "H...How that?" She asked, still freaking out that she fell into a portal and softly landed in Moon's servo.

"That's one of my special abilities Ashley I had it since I was a sparkling it was hard at first but luckily I had somebody to help me, "she said as she turns and looks at Ratchet after wrapping Ashley in the blanket, " Right, sire?"

"Of course, my little Moon." Ratchet said, letting go of the embrace, walking back to the control panel and computers. Ashley didn't move but nod her head in understanding as she wrapped the blanket tightly around her and sat down on Moonpheonix's servo in the pretzel position.

"So Ashley how are you liking the base so far?" Moonpheonix asks as she looks at her.

"I don't know. I guess so. Optimus showed me on top of the base. I really like going up there. It feels so lovely." Ashley gave Moon a smile as the others came from their berthroom/bedroom.

"Yes it does, Ashley. I would sneak up early in the morning after waking Optimus up so we can watch the sunrise." Moonpheonix smiles at her then look at everyone else*morning everyone

Ashley giggles, smiling up at Moon. Miko quickly ran over to Moon and taped her on the pedes to get her attention, "Morning Moon! Can I join you two?" Miko looked up to Ashley who gave her a wave as Optimus walked over to where they were.

"Good morning, sweetspark. How was your recharge?" Optimus asked, sitting next to Moon on the berth in Medic bay.

Lowers her servo the one with Ashley in it down to Miko looking at him "Not as well I wanted, Ori. It was a nightmare the worst one yet. Sire will tell you about, cause I don't want to say it in front of the children." Moonpheonix said as she lifts her servo up with Miko and Ashley.

"We all have bad dreams, it's not a big deal, right?" Bulkhead said walking over toward them with Raf and Bee following behind him.

"I think we will talk about this nightmare later for now. Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, I need you three to bring the children home. So they can eat something and then bring them back." Optimus said, Arcee nodded and transformed into her vehicle form.

"Ah man, we have to go already," Miko stated, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I think we will be coming back, Miko, after we eat something for breakfast. I am getting hungry." Ashley's stomach started to growl along with Miko's.

Miko put a hand to her stomach and looked over at Ashley, "I guess you're right."

Bulkhead and bumblebee nodded their helms as they transform as Raf and jack went with their guardians Moonpheonix lower her servo so the girls will go to Bulkhead, "Go and eat girls, we'll be here when you get back" she said to them softly

Miko ran out of Moonpheonix's servo and jumped right in the passenger seat. Ashley got off of her servo slowly but turned and hugged her servo, "See you soon too, MP." Ashley said running over to Bulk in the driver's seat. Bulkhead closed his doors, driving out of the base with Arcee and Bee following behind.

Smiles softly as she Optimus and Ratchet watch them leave Moonpheonix looks at her servo where the girls were on then back at the entrance "Love, I want to be Ashley's guardian she's seems to trust me."

Ratchet looked over at his daughter, "That is a huge responsibility, Moon to take care of a human. Besides, you are our best warrior besides Optimus. I think it's best that Optimus assign someone else to be her guardian." Optimus looks to Moon waiting patiently to see what her answer will be.

"It may be so but who will be her guardian, Sire? if Miko lives next door to her Bulkhead might have two charges," Moon said looking straight at her Sire until Agent Fowler came out of the elevator.

Agent Fowler looks at her with his eyes widened, "What is the name of uncle sam hills, are you?" He demanded looking over at Moon and then looked at Optimus "PRIME WHO IS SHE AND WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT HER!?"

Moonpheonix stands in front of her Optimus protectively, "I'm Moonpheonix, second in command of the Autobots. Optimus is my spark mate and Ratchet's daughter, you." she said with a stern faceplate. Ratchet rolled his optics at the Agent and continued his work on the computer.

"Agent Fowler, what brings you?" Optimus asks, knowing it probably had to do with something that had happened with Bee and Jack going racing a couple of weeks ago.

Looking at her then at him "Somehow the Decepticons have been attacking the military base and stealing military weapon I want you and your team to help us deliver a weapon from the base "he said not looking at her Moonpheonix place her digits under her chin" that's odd the Decepticons doesn't steal military weapon if they don't know where the bases are

"Soundwave?" Ratchet asked, turning towards his daughter.

"Not him, Sire. If I know Soundwave, he won't step foot off the Nemesis unless it is necessary. And look at these pictures...they don't have a Decepticons on them. It could be humans that are doing this." Moonpheonix said as she shows them the picture that agent Fowler gave them.

Agent Fowler watches her, "Are you a Decepticon or Autobot cause you're acting like a con!"

Moonpheonix stops and looks at him trying not to growl " I'm an Autobot agent Fowler and use to be a Decepticon, but not by my own choice and I really don't want to talk about it, right now."

Trying not to lose it. Moonpheonix takes some deep vents as she goes to work.

An hour or so later Ratchet, Optimus and Moon had worked constantly on the situation about the stolen weapons from the military base. Agent Fowler left hoping the bots knew what they were doing as Bulkhead Arcee and Bee all came back with the kids.

"So what do you want to do first? Watch TV? Play video games? Draw pictures? Band practice?" Miko asked Ashley as they both got out of Bulkhead and started to head to the human area.

"I...I don't know. They all sound like a lot of fun." Ashley said, walking up the stairs and sitting on the couch.

Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee walk up to them, " Hey Optimus, Moonpheonix, and Ratchet what are you guys doing?" Bulkhead asks them.

Moonpheonix looks at the children then at the others, "Someone has been stealing military's weapons. We're trying to find out who, Bulkhead."

Moonpheonix said she saw the children and smiled, "hello you four." Ashley waved to Moon and started watching Jack Miko and Raf playing video games.

"Are you guys getting close as to who it can be?" Arcee asked, looking at Moonpheonix.

"Not yet Arcee my suspicion is correct the Decepticons aren't stealing the weapons someone else is.." Moonpheonix stops as she sees three Decepticons signal on the screen she has a stern look watching it, "Speak of Unicron we got three that are at a canyon, love."

Optimus walks over to Moonpheonix and looks at the screen, showing three Decepticons near Jasper's canyons. Ashley looked over to the screen that Moon was showing to the others. Ashley stands up and walks over to where they are and touches Moon's pedes with her hand, "What's a Decepticon, MP?" she looked up at Moonpheonix

Looking down at her Moonpheonix gets on one knee and lower servo to her, "The Decepticons are the enemies of the Autobots they'll vile ruthless full of greed and lust for power, Ashley." Lifts her servo up with her in it, "They were once lead by Megatron who wanted nothing more but power." Looks at her, "Don't worry without him the Decepticons can't function."

"But...what would happen if something happened and you guys actually need him to save a greater enemy? Just as an example. If he was still alive and is the only one that knows where this great enemy is...would you expect his help?" Ashley asks, sits down on Moon's servo.

Optimus looked over at Ashley and spoke to her, "If he is willing to help us defeat a great enemy then he is. It will only be because he wants to rule this planet himself."

"Oh come on, Optimus. You know he's pushing up bolts and nuts." Bulkhead said to Prime crossing his servos over his chassis.

Moonpheonix shaking a little, "I have a feeling he will return," Hears the computer go off again, "We'll talk more later, seems Screamers is out there with Sentinel and Soundwave, love." She said as she holds Ashley close.

"That may be true, Bulkhead. But I still believe any Decepticons could change the path they are on to the good." Optimus answered looking to Bulkhead.

"You don't need to hold me so close, MP. I'm after all 18 years old. But..." Ashley started to stand up to her feet and hug Moon's chassis, "You have done a lot for me, MP so thank you. I also want to apologize for being such a shy little kid to you all. I kind of feel stupid to even act like that. It just activates when I meet new people." Ashley looks down at her feet and sighs.

Optimus looked over at the screens, "It may be that they will be looking for Megatron's warrior. One that he sent to earth before the Autobots came here."

"Wait? What! There's a Decepticon here on earth before we even came here?!" Bulkhead and as he looks at him.

Chuckles softly as she looks at her Moonpheonix gently hugs her back, "It's alright, Asha you have nothing to apologize for and you're welcome."

Ashley nods her head up at Moon with a smile on her lips. Optimus and Ratchet exchange looks and then looked back at the others, "None of the less, we still must go and investigate. Bumblebee with me, we will be back shortly, sweet spark." Optimus said kissing Moon on the helm, Ratchet activates the groundbridge as Optimus and Bumblebee went through.

Watching her beloved Sparkmate and Bumblebee go through Moonpheonix use the bond, "Come back safe to me my love, you and Bumblebee." looks down at Ashley smiles.

Jack and Miko look at each other, "Looks like Ashley found her guardian." Jack said.

"We will, love," Optimus said through the bond as they entered Jasper's canyons.

Starscream, Sentinel, and Soundwave were by the door of the stasis pod as Skyquake walks out. Starscream smirks at this ready to take control and be the new leader of the Decepticons.

"I live and wish to only serve, Master," Skyquake said looking down at Starscream. Sentinel, and Soundwave.

Bumblebee was walking beside Optimus. Starscream looks up at Skyquake with a smirk on his derma, "Yes, Skyquake. I'm lord Starscream, Leaders of the Decepticons. Megatron untimely offline was a terrible cause. So swear your legions to me." Soundwave watches them.

"I serve my one and only true master, Megaton." Looking angrily down at Starscream. Sentinel rolled his optics and sighed to himself. Optimus and Bee hide behind a boulder and watch what the cons are up to.

(At Base)

Moonpheonix looks at the children and then to their guardians, "Arcee Bulkhead you will go and back up Optimus and Bee if I think who Megatron sent is who I think he is then they are going to need you two. Ratchet and I will stay here and watch the children,"

Bulkhead looks at Miko "Sorry, Miko duty calls," gets up and goes to the groundbridge.

"Awww." Miko pouted crossing her arms over her chest as she watched Bulkhead and Arcee leave through the groundbridge.

"Don't worry Miko they'll be back soon alright and I see you're doing since projects, am I right?" Moonpheonix asks as she gently puts Ashley down.

Jack looks up at her, "Yes and it's a big part of our grade at school "

"Ashley and I are doing our Science project together! We are making the Solar system. But I need Bulkhead to hold it up for us so we can paint it." Miko went over to her backpack and pulled out their project carefully, Ashley walked over to Miko and took her backpack off and started taking out some paints and paintbrushes.

Went to the girls and lifts the rings with the planets up"here you guys go hopefully it's the right height" Moonpheonix said as she talks Raf and jack through their science projects watching doing it with a smile

"Thanks, MP," Ashley said as she and Miko started to paint the planets.

"Yeah thanks, we'll get an A+ for sure," Jack said as he follows Moonpheonix instructions.

Ratchet turns around to see what Moon was doing with the kids, "Moon, What are you and the children doing?"

Moonpheonix smiles at them "You're welcome you four," She looks at her sire, "I'm helping the children with their science projects sire don't worry I'm careful not to reopen my wounds." She assured him.

Ratchet looked at the project, "You call this a good science project! Oh no, I think I should show you, kids, how it's really done." Ratchet said sternly and pulled out his tools and walked over to Jack and Raf's project.

Ashley looks up at Moon, "Moon, can you hide our project before Ratchet turns it into something else." Ashley looks a little frightened and walks behind Miko who rolled her eyes at her.

Moonpheonix teleports Miko, and Ashley projects to their rooms and does the same for Jack's and Rafael's, "Sire let them be, ok? And I think I reopened my wound on my shoulder plates." Looking at her shoulder plate till she felt something, " Sire, I need to go help Optimus and the others, "Opens a portal as she was about to walk through.

(With Optimus and the Autobots)

Bulkhead and Arcee found Optimus and bumblebee hiding spot and join them" Moonpheonix sends us for backup Optimus " bulkhead told Optimus as they watch

Starscream was getting furious this stupid mech is loyal to Megatron "he is no longer with us and his sister is with the Autobots so you will serve me Skyquake."

Skyquake looked down at Starscream, full of rage, and was just about to punch him when he noticed Optimus and his team, "Optimus, I haven't seen you since the battle near Iacon. Megaton ordered me to illuminate your spark."

Optimus stepped out of his hiding spot, "That maybe so, but we are no longer on Cybertron."

"I must still obey my Master's order in honor of his passing." With that Skyquake activates his canoes and starts firing at Optimus who quickly runs while transforming his servos into blasters firing at him in return.

Bulkhead bumblebee ducks out of the way from the blast and starts to shoot at him "It looks like Moon was right about this guy."

Starscream looks at Sentinel and Soundwave, "Get to the top, now! Unless you want to help Skyquake!" Starscream transforms and flies up to the top of the canyon with Soundwave following.

Sentinel looked to where Starscream and Soundwave were and then turned back to Skyquake who was now chasing the Autobots in their vehicle form. He transformed his servos into ax's and fought beside Skyquake.

Bulkhead and Bumblebee and Arcee split up and distracted Skyquake till he sees Sentinel "Optimus behind you that traitor Sentinel are behind you!" Bulkhead shouted at him.

Starscream watches with a smirk, "Soundwave tell me you're recording this moment in history?" Looks at him seeing something, "Wait a minute...there's a life single you say? It's weak and it's by the destroy Spacebridge how is it..." He mumbles under his breath, "I will go see if our dear lord is alive. You stay and watch till I get back." Jumps from the cliff and transforms into his jet form and flies the sky but didn't notice soundwave sent Laserbeack to follow him.

Optimus turns around transformers one of his servos into a blade as it collided with Sentinel's ax. Skyquake kept on firing at Arcee and Bulkhead while trying to chase Bee.

Bumblebee with Bulkhead and Arcee help, then manage to defeat Skyquake.

Sentinel charged at the Prime once more only to get some shots from Arcee to distract him from Optimus. Skyquake charged at Bulkhead, punching him in the faceplate and chassis.

Bulkhead screams in pain as he holds serve, "A little help here!" Seeing what's happening Bumblebee drives up to Skyquake, transforms into the air, and kicks him in the chassis.

Skyquake fell to the ground full of rage, "How dare you!" He shouted as he got up and kicked Bumblebee to the ground while punching Bulkhead so hard that he hit the canyon wall. Optimus and Sentinel were still fighting blade and ax hitting against one other.

Bumblebee shots at Skyquake trying to get him away from Bulkhead. He started to climb up as he sees a boulder he shot at it making it goes down on Skyquake as bulkhead moves out of the way "beeeeppp boop zzz" *(Bulkhead are you ok)*.

"I'll be alright, Bee. Good work." Bulkhead said slowly getting up to his pedes while holding one servo against a wound on his side.

(Back at Base)

"Yip, Yip, Yip! You are not going anywhere till I say you are ready. Besides Optimus and the others didn't even call for backup yet. Which means they have it under control. Now go back to the medical bay and rest. I will help the children finish up their projects for school." Ratchet sternly said pointing to the berth in the medic bay with his optics locked on to her's, "Close the portal, now."

With a sigh, she closes the portal "Alright, Sir. I'll go rest, but um...can you help me with my shoulder plate? Cause it's reopened." Moonpheonix shows him her reopened wound. Ratchet started welding up her wound on her shoulder plate gently with great care.

Trying not to wince and move Moonpheonix stood still as her sire was fixing her wound till silver flames came from the wound and heals it leaving her and Ratchet widen optics "By the Allspark what just happened?"

"I'm not sure...but it may have something to do with your powers." Ratchet said looking over Moonpheonix from top and bottom.

"Ok that was just freaking, Sire, you don't think this is from primus himself or I had theses and didn't know about, "Moonpheonix said as she looks at her now heal shoulder plate.

"It could be possible that Primus himself is doing this...I will have to do a full scan of you in order to understand what just happened." Ratchet said, transforming his arm into a scanner.

Moonpheonix was sitting still as Ratchet was scanning her as she looked at the children's room door.

(In the kid's room)

Rafael looks around "Hey, where is Ashley?"

Miko stops painting and looks over at Raf, "She said she needs to get something she left on top of the base when she went up there with Bossbot and she said she needs to go to the restroom." Rafael nodded his head as he went back to work on his volcano.

(With Optimus and his team)

Sentinel punches and kicks Optimus in the chassis as Prime fell to the ground, "Now you are finished, Optimus!" Suddenly a mystery femme comes and knocks Sentinel in the balls before knocking him out into stasis as he fell to the ground down.

"Optimus, sire? Are you alright?" The femme asked, offering out her servo to him, Optimus takes it as the femme lifts him back onto his pedes. Optimus nods his helm telling her he was alright, his gaze fell on Sentinel who was still unconscious.

Bumblebee gives him the thumbs up and looks at Skyquake and the others making beeping noises "We gotta help Arcee bee let's go." Bulkhead said as he runs to help arcee

Arcee went over to Bulkhead and Bee limped a bit on her right pede, "I'm fine. Nice job taking down Skyquake." Look over at the rock pile that literally crushed Skyquake to death.

"Let's go look for Optimus, you guys.

We should make sure he's alright," Bulkhead said as he and the others walk to find Optimus with the mysterious femme and to see Sentinel is knock out. When the Mysterious femme saw the others coming she quickly transformed into a silver-white car and quickly drove away behind some boulders. Arcee quickly runs after her and follows her behind the boulders to only find a dead end with the mysterious gone.

(On top of the canyon)

Soundwave jumps down and transforms and flies away to the nemesis.

(Back at Base)

On the control panel on the screen, Optimus' picture popped up as his voice came through, "Ratchet, activated the groundbridge. Keep Moon and the children out of the main room for we will be returning with a Decepticon prisoner."

Ratchet quickly finished up his scenes on his daughter as he walked over to the computers and taped a button, "Understood Optimus." Ratchet turns around his gaze on his daughter, "I want you to take the children to the top of the base.

They will be safe up there, plus they can get out so I can have some quiet time around here."

"Sire, they caught him didn't they?" Moonpheonix asks when she sees him nodded his helm, activating the groundbridge. She went to the kid's room, "Alright you guys time to take a break and get some air." Picks all three of them up but looks around, "Where's Ashley?"

"She's on the roof of the base, Moon. Why?" Jack asks as they walk to the elevator in the main hall as the elevator doors open, Moonpheonix walks into the elevator, the door closes.

The groundbridge opens as the others walk through Bulkhead carrying Sentinel "Where you want me to put him, Optimus?" Bulkhead asked, Ratchet rolled his optics at him and shook his helm.

"Put him on this berth with the resistance." Ratchet pointed his servo to where the medic bay is where the berth was.

Bulkhead walks to the berth and drops him harshly "You got it, doc." puts the restraints on him.

Ratchet sighed and shook his helm and turned to his leader, "So...why did you bring him here?"

Optimus looked down at his old friend as Bulkhead took Sentinel to the berth, "Sentinel was the last one with Moonpheonix back on Cybertron during that mission."

"Are you thinking he was the one who made Moon into...Dark Pheonix?" Ratchet questioned a servo on his chin in thought.

"If he is the one who did this to her. Which means there may be a way to get Moonpheonix memory full back." Optimus stated as his optics fell on his team.

Bumblebee making some Beeping sound as he puts his fist together *"If he's the one that did this to, Moon. Then we should teach him a lesson."*

Optimus shook his helm no and sighed, his optics on the scout, "Even if he did this to Moon. Punishing him won't fix what happened in the past."

"As much as I hate Sentinel for everything he did to betray us and almost killed my right...punishing him won't fix anything that happened in the past." Ratchet sighed, clenching his servos in anger and then slowly released them.

"The only thing we can do is right here and now. I believe Sentinel may be able to tell us what the Decepticons are up to." Optimus stated, looking over at the unconscious prisoner.

(On Top of Base)

The elevator opened to the top, Moonpheonix walked out and gently set the three humans. Miko quickly looked around, "Where is Ashey? She said was going to be up here."

Looking around with the humans, Moonpheonix spots her sitting next to a pile of rocks and stones, she walks up to her, "There you are, Asha, we've been looking for you up here."

Ashley looked up and smiled seeing Moonpheonix in front of her, "Sorry for worrying you all. I just needed some alone." She rested her hand on a stone that was on the piled rocks, "What is this pile of rocks for, Moon?" Ashley asked, her eyes looking up into the femme's optics.

"It's alright, Ashley, I'm just glad you're ok" Kneeling down beside her Moonpheonix takes a deep breath, "That's a memorial of an Autobot we lost...his name was...Cliffjumper."

Ashley looked at the pile of rock, realizing it was a grave as she moved her hand away from it and stepped off of it, "I' sorry...I didn't know." Ashley looked at the pile with a long sad sigh, a tear falling from her eye.

Gently and softly Moonpheonix places her digit on her head, "It's sad that he's one with the Allspark. But his memory lives on, Ashley. You have nothing to apologize for." She smiles softly at her and the others.

"He was Arcee's partner wasn't he," Jack asked, receiving a nod from Moon as she gently scoops up Ashley and the children walk to the edge and sit down, "Guys we're in time for the sunset, look."

Rafael mouth gaps as they watch the sunset, "Wow." Ashley's lips turned into a smile, her eyes reflected the sunset, Miko watched in awe as the sunset behind the mountains when a phone started ringing.

"Who's ringing?" Miko asked looking over at Jack and Raf who both shook their heads no, all eyes were set on Ashley.

Ashley dug her hand into her pocket as she pulled out a light blue flip-phone and flipped it open to her ear, "Hello? Yes. We...had a lot of fun camp. When are we coming back? Tonight. Yes, I promise. I will see you soon. Ok, Bye." Ashley hung up putting her phone in her pocket as she looked over at Moon, "I need to go home, my parents want me home.

Plus we all have school tomorrow." Ashley looked over to the boys who nod in agreement. Miko just rolled her eyes and sighed.

Moonpheonix chuckles softly as she puts them down, "Alright I will tell your guardians that you need return home," Seeing them nodded she looks at Ashley, "Ashley would you like me to become your guardian?"

Ashley was now on Moonpheonix shoulder plate and lean her head against Moon's helm with Hope in her eyes, "I thought you will never ask." Ashley said, laying her head on Moon's cheek plate as the sun disappeared.