chapter 10

Scraplets v.s. flashback

Hello my beautiful readers I'm baaaaaccckkkkk and I got cute Bumblebee pic when he was a sparkling  so enjoy 

Flying back to the base, Moonpheonix was thinking about Ashley and how she was excited that she has her as a charge. Moon landed down on top of the base, went into the elevator, and went down to the main room, and walked out,  "The children are back at home, love. How is the prisoner?" Moon asked standing next to Optimus taking his servo into hers.

Optimus turns to his sparkmate, a small smile on his derma, "He's still in stasis. Ratchet thinks the mysterious femme hit him in the balls a bit too hard."

Moonpheonix trying not to laugh and gets an idea, "Hey, Sire, remember the terror twins use an electric shock to wake Ironhide up as a prank ?" Sees Ratchet nods with a smirk on his derma, "How about we use it to wake..." Walks up to Sentinel and hits him in the face, "this jerk up?"

"Just because he has done things to you in the past doesn't mean we should get them back in return," Optimus said looking softly at Moon and then to Ratchet who sighs.

"Fine, Fine. I'll try to wake him up again." Ratchet growls as he activates a device next to Sentinel.

Moonpheonix went to him nodded, "Alright, love, as long as we get info of the Nemesis, I will be satisfied with that for now." Looks up at him then back at Sentinel. Bulkhead walks over to Sentinel knocks on his helm with his servo, "Rise and shine, Seni."

Sentinel growled as he opened his optics slowly, growing wide as he looked around, "YOU! When the cons find me you will pay dearly for this, Prime!"


"I would like to see them try to find you. Our base blocks out your energy signal and communication. They won't find you any time soon." Ratchet stated, crossing his arms over his chassis, looking down where Sentinel was locked in on the berth he lays on.

Sentinel growled under his vent as his gaze was on Bulkhead, "Do you really expect me to tell you what the cons are doing? The last I heard was that we would find Skyquake and use him to get Moon for us. Besides that, I have no idea what they are up to."

Sentinel said, annoyed by Bulkhead.

"How do we know you're not lying to us?" Ratchet said, holding his wrench dangerously near Sentinel.

Moon snickers at her sire and sentinel reaction, "You better tell my Sire, he may be a medic, but when it comes to his family you better cooperate with us, so spill it and you won't get hit."

Sentinel tries to move away from Ratchet wrench but tries as he might he was locked pretty well on the berth he was on, "I'm serious! I don't know! Prime! Tell them!"

Optimus looked down at Sentinel carefully for a minute or two before looking at Ratchet and Moon, "He's telling the truth."

Moonpheonix looks at Optimus then back at Sentinel letting out a growl quietly she then looks at Optimus "Seem so, Ori. We will find the Decepticons sooner or later, love. I just know we will."  

Optimus nodded his helm and gently kissed her on the helm, "I think it's time we all went out for recharge from the long day we had. We will figure out what to do with Sentinel later. For now, put him in the back room. Make use to lock the door."

Moon chuckles softly, "Let's, love, but first." Place her servo on his chassis, her servo glows silver flames healing him and the others, "There we go, good as new, love. How do you feel?" 

"I feel much better. Thank you, Sweetspark. But how can you do this?" Optimus asked looking at her in all, but also a little confused at the same time.

"Sire and I think this ability is what primus gave me when he turns me into Moonpheonix. We're still trying to figure it out though, Ori. But, for now, we shall need our recharge, love?" Moon smiled, Optimus nodded his helm, still holding her servo as they both walked towards their berthroom.

"Bulkhead take Sentinel to the back room and lock it and be on your guard. Ratchet? Are you coming?" Optimus stopped and turned around with Moon to face his old friend.

"I don't know. I still have so much to do." Ratchet said, sighing as he turned to his work and then back at Prime.

"Sire, please sleep? Then we can both work on it in the morning tomorrow. Like we always do back home." Moonpheonix said trying to fight off a yawn, 

"Got it Optimus but in the morning I need to pick Miko and Ashley up, Good night you two," Bulkhead said and starts walking to the locked door and guards it. 

Ratchet sighs and shakes his helm, "Alright. But I still need to work on who stole those weapons. Agent Fowler is still waiting for an answer," Walks down the hallway to his berthroom. Optimus and Moonpheonix continue to walk down the hallway towards their berthroom and turn in for the night.

A couple of days went by and the child with their guardians were out and about. Getting to know one another better. With Raf and Bumblebee, they were playing video games in Bumblebee's vehicle mode.  Arcee and Jack were taking a drive. "Arcee, this is awesome," Jack said as Arcee sped a little faster, the wind blowing in Jack's face.

Bulkhead and Miko were at the hill that has bumps and gravel, "um Miko are you sure this is a good idea "

"Bulkhead relaxes. This is going to be wickedly cool! Come on! Let's do this!" Miko shouted excitedly as Bulkhead went down the hill with a Screaming Miko who was loving every moment of it. 

Moonpheonix was in the sky with Ashley flying about as they passed by some clouds, "Ok, Asha, where do you want to go?" 

Ashley looked down shivering a bit in fear at how high they were, quickly looking away from the window as her eyes fell to the controls, "Oh, ahh...can we go to the nearest forest and go for a walk? I'm still a little scared of being this high up."  

"Alright, hang on Ashley," Moonpheonix said as she lands in the open opens her lid up so Ashley can get out.  Ashley slowly got out of the jet looking around, feeling the wind blowing in her hair, closing her eyes as her Imagination filled her mind, taking in the beauty of nature.

Transforms back into her bot mode Moonpheonix takes a deep vent, "You know...this place is pretty peaceful.  What do you think of this being our camping ground? Or do you and Miko want to go to where I go?"

"As long as it's not near some cities I'll go." Ashley opened her eyes and looks up at Moon with a smile on her lips. Suddenly a little brown animal with white spots came slowly out from behind a tree looking around curiously.

"It's not near any city, that's for sure." Moonpheonix stops as she sees the baby deer in awe she gently whispered "It's beautiful. I never have seen wildlife up close before." Gently and quietly she kneels down to the ground to see the fawn better. 

 "A baby deer," Ashley whispered to Moon slowly taking her backpack off and pulling a drawing book with some pencil crayons without making a sound as she started to draw the little fawn. The little fawn quickly looks up and spots Moon and Ashley and out of curiosity slowly approaches them. 

"Whatever you do. Don't move and it might come closer." Ashley said quietly that only Moon could hear as the fawn came a little closer towards them. Moon nods her helm quietly as they both watch it come a little more closer to them.

The fawn was so close that if Moonpheonix wanted to, she could gently pet the little creature. Then another deer, bigger than the fawn walked over to the baby as it gently licked the fawn's face. 

"Aww, so cute!" Ashley whispers to herself. The Doe and her fawn looked once more at Moonpheonix and Ashley, walking away from them and back into the woods.

"T..that was so cute. But why didn't they fear us, Asha?" Moon asked, looking at Ashley then back at the woods thinking over the experience that just happened.

"Because it knows we don't want to hurt them. They can tell if we are dangerous. Plus nature is my best friend. They know I won't hurt them. Just like you wouldn't hurt a human." Ashley said, finishing up her drawing and showing it to Moon, "What do you think?" The picture was of a little fawn with its mother deer together eating grass with trees in the background with some shade and colors of flowers as well.

Seeing her picture a soft smile crept onto Moonpheonix's derma and looked down at Ashley, "It looks amazing, Asha. You're really a great Artist." 

Ashley smiled but sighs, "Thanks, Moon. But it's not that great. I kind of wish now that I made the fawn a little more realistic like the mother deer. And I should have added more shading to the trees and leaves. But I guess I did an ok job." She stated, put her drawing book and pencil crayons back into her light blue backpack.

Moonpheonix watches her put her stuff away, place her digits under Ashley's head making her look up at her, "The baby deer in your drawing looks realistic to me, Asha, and it looks like a masterpiece." 

Ashley finishes putting her stuff in her backpack, putting it back on her back and turns to Moon with a smile on her lips, "Thanks, Moon. I'm glad you think so." Ashley looked down at her watch on her wrist and sighed, "It's 12 pm we better head back to Base and pick up some lunch. Do you guys eat or drink anything?" 

"We only eat and drink Energon. But I'm willing to give human food a try, especially in my holoform." Moonpheonix said as she transforms into her jet mode, "Hop in." Ashley took a deep breath, climbing in the jet sitting in the back seat.

Setting back up into the sky, Moonpheonix flew steadily so Ashley won't feel sick or scared as she got close to the base she suddenly started to have a flashback of being in the medic bay on Cybertron. She jerks herself out of thought, out of the flashback getting scared, she lands quickly on the roof and lets Ashley out before transforming into robot mode. 

"Moon? Are you ok? You look a little scared. Is there something wrong?" Ashley asked in concern touching her pedes and looked up at Moonpheonix with worry on her face.

"I..I'm ok, Asha, just another helmache and flashback. But I'll be ok. Shall we?" She forced a smile on her derma, trying to hide the worry from the bond as Moonpheonix and Ashley went into the elevator. 

As they descended down the elevator Ashley kept looking worryingly at Moon. Knowing there was differently something bugging her. "Maybe I should tell Optimus to make sure, Moon, is alright.' Ashley thought as the elevator door opened to the main room as they both walked to where the other humans and bots are.

Raf looks up from his laptop and smiles, "Hey, Moonpheonix and Ashley!" 

Moonpheonix smiles at them gently, "Hello, Raf, and everyone!"

Miko quickly hopped off the couch, running towards Ashley and giving her a tight hug, "Hey Ashley and Moon! Where have you two been?"

"Ashley and I were in the woods when something happened, there we saw a baby deer and its mother it was br.." Stops as she shakes her helm, she sees it again,  she turns and looks at her sire then back at the others, "Asha, will tell you the rest." walks towards Ratchet she looks around, "Sire? Have you seen Optimus? He should know about this too."

"M...Miko...can you...let go...of me, please?" Ashley asked, trying to get Miko off of her. 

Miko quickly let go and giggled with a smile on her face, "Sorry about that."

"Just try not to hug so tightly," Ashley said looking around the room.

Jack watches them with concern, "Um, guys? Have you noticed Moon's been acting kinda weird?"

Ashley walked over to Jack, "She was flying a little uneasy on the way back to Base. I think something is bothering her. I just wish I knew what." Sighing she sits on the couch, thinking away to help Moonpheonix.

Ratchet turns from his work and looks at his daughter, "Optimus went out on patrol. He's out of range to contact. You will have to wait until he gets back." Seeing Moon sighs sadly, "But in the meantime, you now help me figure who stole those military weapons. But I can see if I can try to contact him." Ratchet said and tried to contact Prime.

Moonpheonix nodded her helm as she went with Ratchet, "Sure, Sire. Now let's see what you come up with." Giving him a smile as she looks at the photos till she sees some letters on the vehicles she puts them all together, "Um, Sire? Look at this these pictures of these vehicles has some words on them but most of it is cover if we do this" Place them together, " M.E.C.H was being shown, "Looks like we found the culprits."  

Raf looks at Ashley and the others, "Maybe she had a flashback of something, maybe even worse."

"That might be true but she's looking ok to me," Bulkhead said as he watches them.

Ratchet walked over to the computer Moon was working on, looking at the picture that said the words M.E.C.H. "We will have to inform Agent Fowler about our finds then we don't have to worry about it anymore." Ratchet stated as he sent the information to the Agent. 

Ashley started at Moon, still worrying about her guardian. Then she hears a sound of an engine of a truck as the sound came closer, a red and blue semi-truck drove into the base and transformed into the leader of the Autobots, "Moonpheonix, I came as soon as I could. Is there something wrong?"

Ratchet looked at the Prime in shock, his optics wide, "How did you know, Moonpheonix want you?"

Optimus looked at Ratchet and Moonpheonix with confusion on his faceplate, "I heard Moonpheonix through our bond that something was bugging her about some flashbacks that happened to her in the past."

"It was weird love when I saw the mother deer and her baby something triggered it." Moon said rubbing her helm gently,  "My flashback was in the medic bay back on Cybertron with a red alert...wait! Maybe it's another memory of how Optimus brought Bumblebee when he was little sparkling. Ohh he was sooo cute!" Hearing beeping noise from Bumblebee, who was waving his servos at them saying, 'Noooo don't say anything about my sparkling hood, Moon!"

Optimus smiled, remembering the memory of Bumblebee as a sparkling, his optics fell on Moon, "Was there anything else bothering you from these Flashbacks?"

Letting out a sigh Moonpheonix looks down for a sec till she lifts her optics at him, "For some reason, I saw red alert in the flashback love he was saying something but I couldn't make it out."

"But why would you be in Medic bay back on Cybertron? I would have remembered if you were there unless..." Ratchet started thinking it over, "It was after you were ambushed and captured by the Decepticons." 

"If this theory is true that Ratchet said, then there may be a way to find out who did this to you," Optimus said, taking Moon's servo in his, looking into her blue and purple optics.

Moonpheonix gently shakes her helm, "Sire, it was before the ambush.  I wasn't feeling well... that's all I could remember during the flashback." Moon slowly looks back at Optimus, "How, love?" 

Optimus pulled Moonpheonix up against his chassis, "I am not certain what this flashback is. But we will do our best to figure out what it is."  

Suddenly an alarm went off on the monitors, Ratchet walked over typing on the keypad as some coordinates popped up on the screen, "My scanners are picking something up in  Antarctica."

Optimus let go of Moon, giving her a rare smile and walks over to Ratchet, "Then it's best we should go and investigate. Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and I will do a scouting mission to Antarctica. The rest of you remain here. I shall return shortly."

Raf quickly ran over to Optimus, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee, "Can I come? I always wanted to see snow!"

"I'm afraid not. The coldness is down severely slowly even for us Autobots." Optimus said looking down at Raf.

Raf looked down a little disappointed and sighs, "'s, ok."  

"But...I can bring a snowball back for you if you like?" Optimus said seeing Raf's lift his head up with excitement in his eyes.

"Really? Thanks, Optimus!" Raf said as Optimus nodded his helm, giving Raf a small smile.

Ratchet walked over to the groundbridge control and activated the coordinates, "Groundbridge activated."  

"Come back safe you three," Moonpheonix said walking over to Ratchet's side.  Bulkhead and Bumblebee walk through the groundbridge with Optimus following behind them. 

"Hey! Where are they going?" Miko asked, running toward the groundbridge just as it shut off, "Oh man!"

Moonpheonix looks down at Miko and walks over to her, "They went to the arctic, Miko, somewhere you don't want to go unless you want to be turned into a human popsicle?" she said, picking Miko up and takes her back to the human area, then went back to Arcee and Ratchet, till she suddenly felt it a massive helmache stumbles a little and turning to Ashley, "Hey, Asha, why don't you show them your drawing of the mama deer and her baby?" 

Ashley looks at Moon in concern and unsure if she shows it to the kids, sighing to herself she went over to her backpack, pulling out her drawing book, flipping to the drawing as she showed it to the kids."Wow, Asha! That picture of the fawn and Mommy deer looks so amazing. I wish I could draw like that." Miko explained excitement in her voice.

Raf smiles as he sees the drawing, "Wow this is an amazing drawing, they let you draw them?" He asks. 

"They saw that we weren't a threat to them even in my robot form, they didn't run off," Moon said, looking through the computer while trying to clear her helm.

Ashley Put her drawing away into her backpack, running down the stairs towards Moon with worry in her face, "Are you sure you're ok, Moon?" 

"I'll be alright Ashley," Moon said, picks her up, " Don't worry. I just had another flashback. But this one was funny, Wheeljack was trying to get my opinion on the new bomb he made, but I wasn't feeling well and I threw upon him. I swear to primus he screams like a little girl." Chuckles at that memory.

Ashley looks at Moon a little bit puzzled, "Who's Wheeljack?"

"A Wrecker like Bulkhead, Ashley. and the one that likes to annoy Sire," Moonpheonix said to her.

Ashley nods her head in understanding and looked up once more into Moonpheonix's optics, "Are you sure your alright." This time Ashley was being dead serious at Moon. Everyone stopped what they were doing as all eyes and optics were on her.

(In Antarctica) 

Bumblebee was making beeping noise "I know be it's colder but we need to stay alert huh" bulkhead said till he sees a pod (comlink) "yo Optimus, Bee, and I found a vessel here and we got here before the cons  

"Excellent work, Bulkhead. We will meet you there soon." Optimus said turning off his Commlink when something in the ice caught his optics. He slowly bent down on one knee and with care reached his digits into the crack of the ice pulling out a bright blue crystal. Optimus smiled as an idea came to him, putting the crystal into his compartment, and started to head to where Bulkhead and Bumblebee were.

Bumblebee was shaking making beeping noise saying can we go home it's freezing here as he helps bulkhead pick up the vessel. Optimus finally made it to where Bee and Bulkhead were and started to examine the vessel.

Bulkhead looks up at Optimus, "We should bring this back before the cons come." 

"Agreed." Optimus said as he contacted Base, "Ratchet we need a groundbridge." 

"Hold on I'm sending you one now." Ratchet said through the Commlink, a groundbridge appears in front as Optimus let Bumblebee and Bulkhead go first into the groundbridge while he looked out for intruders.

(Back At Base)

Moon looks at her seeing how serious Ashley was and sighs, "I haven't been ok for a couple of hours, Asha. I feel like my helm would split when these flashbacks keep coming unexpectedly."

Bumblebee and Bulkhead came through the groundbridge with a vessel and then Optimus came through. "Yo doc look what we found," Bulkhead asked.

Ratchet turned his optics away from Moon and Ashley and walked over Optimus to take a closer look at what they found.

"It's ok, Moon. I'm sure there must be a good reason why you're getting these flashbacks..." Ashley said, touching her hand on to Moon's forehelm closing her eyes, "I just know it."


"Where do you want this, doc? Cause this is heavy and cold," Bulkhead said as he and Bumblebee were trying to hold it up.

Ratchet sighed and pointed down the hallway, "Put it down there in the room near, Sentinel." Bulkhead and Bumblebee did as they were told and walked down the hallway towards the room. 

Moonpheonix gently smiles as she sighs closing her optics, "Let's hope so, Asha. I really want these flashbacks over and done with." She said, opening her optics then looking up, smiling at Optimus, "Welcome back, Ori. How was your guy's trip to Antarctica?"

Optimus stopped and turned to face Moon and Ashley with one servo behind his back, "It was good." Ashley looked at Optimus from where she was on Moon's shoulderplate wondering what he was hiding.

"I'm glad you Bumblebee and Bulkhead are ok, love," Moonpheonix said as she went to him and kisses him. Optimus leaned into the kiss, the thing that he was hiding fell behind him hitting the ground with a splash. Miko was the first to hear it, running down the stairs towards Optimus, Moon, and Ashley and notice a big human size pile of snow behind Optimus.

"Whoa...snow!" Miko said as she hopped into it and started to make snowballs.

Raf runs down with her and gasps with excitement as picks up some snow "Thank you, Optimus, this is awesome" 

Jack was behind them, eyes widened, "Whoa, this is so cool." 

Letting out a chuckle softly Moonpheonix kisses his cheekplate, "That's very kind of your love, for bring this for the kids. Ashley? Wanna play in the snow?" 

(An yeah in the episode he didn't bring back the snowball but in this he because Primestudio and I want too)

Bulkhead shivering as Ratchet was hooking him and Bumblebee up to an antifreeze machine, "Man doc, why are we even doing this? I feel fine." 

"That may be the case. But I still need to make sure your systems didn't antifreeze during the time you were out there in the cold. Now sit down or else!" Ratchet said, pushing Bulkhead back down on the berth with Bumblebee.

Ashley looked from Moon to Optimus and slowly nodded her head yes as Moon put her down gently near the pile of snow. Miko smiled at the snowballs she made and took one, aiming it at Jack and throwing it as it hit his head with her hands over her mouth while giggling.     


Turns and looks at Miko giggling. Jack picks up some snowballs and hits Miko back laughing "Getcha back." With Raf and Ashley they were making a snowman chuckling happily. 

Moonpheonix and the other bots were watching with amused looks on their face.

Miko smirked and grabbed three more snowballs and started throwing them at Jack. One missed and hit Raf on his back the second hit Jack in the face while the last snowball hit Ashley at the back of her head. Ashley turned around, looking at Miko and Jack with a smirk on her face, quickly making some snowballs and throwing them at Jack and Miko. Miko dodged it while Jack got hit in the shoulder. Throwing her last snow she throws it at Miko once more. But instead of hitting Miko it went and hit Moonpheonix's pedes. 

"I'm sorry, Moon. I did mean to throw it at you." Ashley said, making one more snowball and throwing it at Miko hitting her right in the face. 

"Hey!" Miko shouted while Ashley, Jack and Raf all laughed. 

"It's ok Ashley you know that looks like fun," Moonpheonix said as she walks to the center and transforms the activities her holoform, "Can I join?" 

Jack and Raf jaw drop here was a human version of Moonpheonix she looks at them, "What?"

Miko looked wide in shock at Moon but quickly smiled as she made another snowball and tried to throw it at Moon. Ashley's eyes widened running over to Moon and jumped as the snowball hit her instead of Moon and fell to the ground.

"Hey! Why did you do that!" Miko said, crossing her arms, looking at Ashley.

Ashley slowly gets back up and looks over at Miko, "I'm...not sure. I was..." Shaking her head out of the thought as she made more snowballs as all the kids and Moon started throwing snowballs at each other. 

Optimus smiled down at the child and was happy to see his sparkmate having some fun, his optics were on Ratchet, walking over to him, "Have you figured out what our findings are?" 

"Not yet. I need to wait till it unfreezes so I can see what is inside of it." Ratchet stated, his digits typing away on the keypad. 

"I believe I will head back to the Arctic to see if we can find more information about it." Optimus turned his helm, his optics now on Arcee, "Acree and I will head back to the Arctic to find more information about our findings. We shall return soon." 

Ratchet went over to the groundbridge controls, activating the bridge. Acree said goodbye to Jack and told him she will be back as she and Optimus went through the groundbridge.

"Be safe, my love, and Arcee as well." Moonpheonix said through her and Optimus's bond as she continued to play in the snow with the children. Till suddenly as soon as the groundbridge was off sparks flew and there was an explosion.  Moon and the children stopped playing and looked at the groundbridge. 

Ratchet growled something about earth technology not always working right as he went to the groundbridge where the explosion was and started to search for what the problem was, "It looks like I will have to replace these."

Ratchet said to himself, pulling out some computer chips that each looked like something bit into it for a snack, Ratchet sigh taking out the one that had holes bit into them and grabbed some new one, putting them in place of the old ones, "I still don't understand how this could happen?" Ratchet started looking closer to see if there was anything else that needed repairs on the bridge.  Ashley stopped throwing snowballs and watched Ratchet with interest as a snowball hit her on the cheek.  

"Take that!" Miko shouted and grabbed more to make snowballs, throwing them at Moon, Raf, Jack, and Ashley. Ashley quickly got out of the way and out of the snow and walked over to where Ratchet was watching him. 

Moonpheonix chuckles softly but then stops as she fazes out of her holoform, transforming and walking up to Ratchet while scooping Ashley up and place her on her shoulderplate, "Sire what's the matter?" 

"It wasn't me that for sure "bulkhead said as he walked to check on their prisoner but trips over half-eaten wires.

"I'm not sure what is causing the groundbridge to malfunction. But we have to get it working again or else Optimus and Arcee won't be able to come back to Base." Ratchet stated and he continues to fix the groundbridge.

"Is there something that gives the fuel? Or is it powered up by electricity?" Ashley asked Ratchet wasn't paying attention, still focusing on fixing part of the groundbridge.

"It's powered up by Energon, Ashley." Moon stated, turning to the other bots,  "Autobots, search the areas of the base. Bumblebee you stay here with Sire." Sees Bee nods his helm at her as she turns to Bulkhead, "I hate to say this but, Bulkhead you go bring Sentinel here. the children will stay close to me or go to their rooms and hide." Look down at Jack and Miko, "I don't want you, children, in danger in seeing him."

"Got it, boss lady." Bulkhead said going to the room where they kept Sentinel prisoner, "Come on, Senty. Time to go to the main room." Grabs Sentinel and drags him to the main room.  Raf was walking through halls holding a wrench. 

Ashley looked down at Jack and Miko, noticing Raf was missing and started to look around the main room, still sitting on Moon's shoulderplate, "Guys? Where's Rafael?"

"I saw him go down the hallway when we started the huge snowball fight," Miko said pointing towards the hallway.

Ashley tapped Moon's autoreceptor, "Moon? Can I go down? I want to go and make sure Raf is alright." 

Moonpheonix looks at her as she gently plucks her from her shoulderplate and gently puts her down, "Take Jack, and Miko with you, ok? Stay safe."  Ashley nods her head and motion for Jack and Miko to follow her as they run down the hallway. Jack follows Ashley and Miko holding a flashlight 

Bulkhead carried Sentinel to the main room, "Where do you guys want me to put him?" 

Ratchet stopped working on the groundbridge for a minute and looked over at Bulkhead, "Put him on the berth with the retrace and strap him in." 

"What is the meaning of this?!" Sentinel shouted, trying with all his might to get out of Bulkhead's servos, "I already told you everything! Why am I back here?!"

Moonpheonix glares at Sentinel, "We're in a dangerous situation and we want to make sure you don't do anything stupid." She said walking over to Ratchet keeping away from Sentinel, "Sire? Is there anything I can do to help?" Bulkhead drops Sentinel hard on the berth and restrains him.

"I need you to go and see if the groundbridge control panel needs any repairs done to it." Ratchet said not taking his optics off of his work he was doing.

"Moon? Is there something wrong? We aren't able to contact the base for a groundbridge." Optimus said to Moon, through their bond.

Nodded to her helm, Moonpheonix went over to the control panel till she heard Optimus voice through the bond. She replied, "The groundbridge is down, love. Sire and I are trying to get it back up. hang on I'll open a portal for you two." she said as she checked the panel and sighed with relief. "Sire, the panels are ok and Optimus is asking why the groundbridge is down. I told him I could open a portal for them. 

(With Raf) 

He was looking around till he saw something coming out trying to stay calm, "W...Who there's?" Hears the noise again Raf turns his flashlight on a certain robot-like cat. Raf looks at it, "h..hello?" The little robot-like cat walked over to Raf, looking up with its adorable purple eyes as it purred.

Ashley noticed Raf down a darker hallway a bit and started to walk over to him with Jack and Miko following behind her, "Raf? Are you ok?"

"I'm ok Ashley looks what I found," Raf said, picking up the little robot-like-cat.

Jack's eyes widen, "Whoa, why didn't the bots tell us they have pets?" He asks. Ashley didn't move eyes wide, slowly back away from the robot-like cat that was now in Raf's arms.

Miko smirked at Ashley and walked over to Raf and started to pet the robot-like cat, "Looks like Ashley doesn't Scrappy here. Too scared to pet it Ashley?" Ashley didn't move, her eyes on Scrappy with fear in them as she ran back to the main room.

"Miko! Why did you have to scare Ashley away?" Jack asked, a little annoyed she did that.

Miko sighed and looked at Jack, "I was just having a little fun."

Ashley ran all the way back to the main room looking around for Moon and noticed she was with Ratchet who was welding something together, "Moon? you guys have small little robot cat-like pets?"

Moonpheonix looks down at her with a confused look, "No we don't, why?" Raf and the others came in with the Scrappy in his arms.   

"G...Get away from that thing, NOW, you three! " Bulkhead all but shouted as he and Bumblebee pulled out their blasters and aimed it at Scrappy.  Ashley hides behind Moon's pedes peeking out a bit to see what is happening.

Sentinel optics wide in fear trying to out of his restraints, "Keep that thing away from!!! Warn you fleshly! Keep it away from me!" Ratchet stopped his work, looking at Scrappy in fear.

Miko looked at everyone with confusion on her, "You guys are a bunch of babies Scrappy here is too small to even hurt you bots. If anything you might accidentally step on him."

Moonpheonix scoops Ashley up holding her close, "You don't know what your holding, Raf, that thing can devour a cybertronian or city in minutes." She said, taking a step back.  

"Like she said they eat metal and We're made of living metal!" Bulkhead yelled at the kids. 

"But Scrappy is just harmless, he wouldn't hurt anyone," Raf said as he pets it. 

Scrappy started purring once more, it's optics close when Raf was petting it. But after a minute or so it opens its optics scanning till it sees Bumblebee and Bulkhead, opening its mouth wide, showing thousands of sharp teeth and attacking Bumblebee's pedes eating away at it.

Sentinel screamed like a girl in fear trying with all his might to break his restraints, "Nooooo! I don't want to be a meal for those bugs!"

"Bumblebee no !" Bulkhead shouted as he grabbed the scraplet off of Bumblebee only to get attacked instead of letting out a girly scream he sent it on the ground.  

Scrappy was gonna attack again till Raf destroyed it with a broken pipe hitting it once then twice and was about to hit it a third time till Jack stopped him, "Whoa, easy there, killer." 

Holding Ashley close Moonphoenix looks at them, "Please tell me that's the only one."

Ratchet quickly went over to Bumblebee and examined his leg as Raf ran over to him with the broken pipe he used to destroy the scraplet, "Bumblebee!"

"Whoa, I didn't see that coming," Miko said looking at Jack who was looking at the others.

"I'm sorry, Bumblebee," Raf said with sadness in his voice while Bumblebee beeped and buzzed to tell him he was ok, "Is he going to be ok?"

"Only a seton wound, he'll live and I'm afraid we haven't seen the last of those scraplets." Ratchet said getting up and turning towards Moon, "There is never just one scraplet, Moon. And I believe I may know where they came from." Ratchet sigh, motions Moon to follow him along with Bumblebee.

"Well that just prime more of those things," Moonphoenix said as she looked down at Ashley as they walked to where Ratchet was taking them, "Are you ok Asha ?"

(and yes I use that line from beast wars)

Bulkhead and Bumblebee with the children followed Ratchet, while Bulkhead was helping Bumblebee walk.

"I'm good," Ashley said, shivering a bit as Ratchet took them to the room where the pod was that they found from the Arctic was now unthawed and opened up. Ratchet looked in the pod closely transforming his servo into a welder to light up the inside, it was empty.

"It's a scraplet trap." Ratchet started studying the design inside the pod. 

"A..A scraplet trap!? Oh primus, that means there's more of those things." Moonphoenix said as she was getting scared and worried.

"What's the plan ?" Jack asked till he saw some scraplets on the ceiling, " guys?"

Ashley looked up to where Jack was looking, seeing scraplets by the thousand, "Oh, no."

"What are you two looking..." Miko started as her eyes looked up with surprise and shock in them, "We are so scrap."

Duh duh duhhhhhhhhhhh shhhhh noooo the dreaded cliffhanger  here are some cute Bumblebee pictures of him as a sparkling