chapter 11

scraplets v.s Flashbacks part 2

Ok guys here's part two

The Scraplets were all over the place as they started scanning the Autobots, "I think that's our cue to get out of here!" Miko shouted as everyone ran out of the room back to the main room in the base.

Moonphoenix runs after scooping the children up shielding them. Bulkhead lets out a scream as he shoots at the scraplets, Bumblebee closes the doors and wields the doors.  

"That won't hold them for long!" Ratchet said quickly going over to the groundbridge and checking to make sure he fixed everything.

"I say let's bug out of here let them keep the place!" Bulkhead stated as Bumblebee beeped and buzzed in agreement.

Ratchet looked at them with a deadly look on his faceplate, "If we do that then Arcee and Optimus will be stuck out in the Arctic and go with the Allspark if we do not get them here!" Ashely looked from the bots to Moon and down at Jack Miko and Raf in worry.

Moonphoenix puts Ashley down, " Ashley get the children to room and lock yourself in there sire open the groundbridge I will take Sentinel with me to have them follow, they can't stand the cold and the arctic" 

"If the very cold will put them back into stasis mode. Then we still have a chance to get rid of these things." Bulkhead said.

Ratchet tries to activate the groundbridge but it wasn't powering up to turn on, "I can't get it online. The fuel line must have a leak. One of us will have to go and fix it."

"But if one of you goes and fixes it you will be lunch to those Scraplets," Miko explained crossing her arms over her chest.

Ashley stepped forward bravely and looked up at Ratchet and Moon, "Tell us how to fix." Jack, Miko, and Raf stepped in behind her. 

"You three can't even fix a bot with holes!" Ratchet shouted looking down at Ashley and the kids.

"Dud! The scraplets can't eat us, we aren't made of metal." Miko stated, looking up at Ratchet with a series face.

"Miko's right, Ratchet. We are the only ones that can do this." Ashley said with courage in her eyes. Ratchet sighs, not sure what to do and looks at Moon for an answer.

MoonPhoenix looks at them, "Do it! You four bulkhead Bumblebee keep them protected, sire get ready to open the ground bridge and Sentinel," looks at the now free prisoner " You'll gonna help lure them into the portal." 

Sentinel's optics opened wide, still lying on the berth he was strapped on, realizing what was about to happen, "No...No, no, no, NO!!!! You can't be doing this Moon. Please Don't do this to me!"

Bulkhead rolled his optics at Sentinel and got ready in position with Bumblebee in case the scraplets came in the main room. Jack, Raf, Miko, and Ashley ran down the hallway towards the boiler room and started fixing the fuel hose. Once they were inside hundred of scraplets in the room as they searched for the link in the fuel line, "There it is!" Miko said pointing to some hole with Energon leaking from it as the four humans got to work on it.

Back in the main room Ratchet was once again checking to make sure he didn't miss anything, "The Scraplets will be here any minute. What is taking the children so long?" 

"Have patience, Sire, they will get it done." Moonphoenix said as she unrestrained Sentinel ignoring his pleading, "If you want to live through this you better help otherwise you would be lunch to them got it." Sentinel nodded his helm looking very nervous at Moon.

Bulkhead sees bumps in the door, "They're coming hurry up." 

(With the humans) 

Raf manages with Ashley and Miko helps seal the holes giving Jack the thumbs up. Jack nodded his head and ran out of the room and shouted down at the main room, "RATCHET THE FUEL LINE REPAIRED!" Miko, Raf, and Ashely followed Jack back to the main room. A huge army of Scraplet followed them and broke through the main room. 

"NO! NO! GET THEM OFF! GET THEM OFF!" Sentinel said falling to the ground as the scraplets attacked him and Moon, Ratchet and the others as they tried to fight them off. Miko found a broken pipe and started to kill off the scraplets from Bulkhead while Raf did the same with Bumblebee. Jack took a fire extinguisher spraying them off of Ratchet, killing them. Ashley did her best to get the bugs off of Moon and Sentinel going back and forth between them.

"Fire it up already!" Miko shouted, hitting more Scraplets off of Bulkhead's pedes.

Ratchet weakly moved to the groundbridge control his servo on the leaver, "Ground...bridge...Acti...vated."  He said pulling the lever down while falling to the ground. The scraplets start eating them painfully and quickly as the Groundbridge is activated.

Moonphoenix runs into the portal while pulling Sentinel with her after kicking the scraplets off him and accidentally hits him In his balls, "Come on you monsters! All you can eat is moving this way, come on." She shouted as they went through. The scraplets stop what they're doing and follow Moonphoenix and Sentinel into the groundbridge into the artic seeing Optimus and Arcee.  

"Get down now!" MoonPhoenix yells, dropping to the snow after pushing Sentinel to the ground. The Scraplets were just about to eat Moon and Sentinel till they saw Optimus and Acree and charged at them. But by the time they reached them they were frozen and offline. Optimus and Arcee slowly made their way to Moon and Sentinel. But Sentinel pushed Moon off of him as he transformed and drove away, Acree transformed her servos into blasters, but a servo was laid on her shoulderplate as she looked up to her leader who shook his helm no to her, transforming her blasters back into servos, Arcee and Optimus gently pick up Moon, standing her to her pedes.

"Moon are you alright? What happened?" Arcee asked while Optimus looked at her in concern.

"The vessel that Optimus, Bee, and Bulkhead brought back was a scraplet trap," Moon said as she healed herself, "I would invite you in, but the place is a mess." she lightly jokes. Optimus derma turned into a smile at his beloved sparkmate as they walked into the groundbridge, where Ashley greeted them along with Ratchet as well as the others.

"Thank the Allspark you made it." Ratchet said, sighing in relief. Arcee and Optimus looked around seeing that most of the place had been eaten by scraplets besides the medic bay.

"What happened to Sentinel, Moon? Did he get eaten by the Scraplets?" Ashley asked, feeling a bit sorry for Sentinel.

MoonPhoenix shakes her head, "No, that jerk escaped after we went through,  Ashley. He's gone. Is everyone alright?" She asks as she picks her up.

Bulkhead gives them the thumbs up"I'm glad that's over with."

"Ratchet already helped Bumblebee and Bulkhead. They are going to need a lot of rest so they can heal. And Jack Miko and Raf are fine. I'm just glad it's over." Ashley said as both she and Moon heard Miko screaming.

Jack and Raf pick up pipes, "What is it? Scraplet?" Jack asked getting ready with his pipe along with Raf's.

"Spider! Is it on me?! Is it on my back?! Get it off of me!" Miko screamed and ran out of the medic bay all way the way down the hallway.

"Did she scream like a little girl?" Bulkhead asked as everyone started laughing except for Optimus and Ratchet.