chapter 12

interrupted proposal

the past five months, the Autobots and their human friends had a lot happen to them now that Megatron was back, they were as busy as ever. But today was something special and you dear readers are about to find out.  

At the base, everyone was asleep enjoying the peaceful slumber but one Autobot was up and went to Ratchet. It was Optimus, "Ratchet? Can I talk with you for a minute?"

"Of course, Optimus. I'm always here when  you need me," Ratchet said, stopping his work and turning to face him.

"I have been thinking about this proposal for the last couple of months and feel in my spark that I should ask" Optimus said gently looking at his old friend, "But from what Jack and Miko told me I have to ask your permission first to marry your daughter." Optimus took a vent in his optics falling on his old and dear friend, "Ratchet, my old friend I wish to ask your permission to take Moonpheoxi your daughter to be my sparkmate?"

"Optimus you already know my answer you have my blessing to marry my daughter make sure you have a ring, " Ratchet said as he looked at him with a smile. Optimus nods at his helm with a small smile on his derma, when they hear footsteps coming down the hallway. 

"We better go and drop off the kids to school before they are late," Arcee said coming down the hallway with Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Moon behind her.

"Yeah I don't want Miko to get detention again like last time," Bulkhead said transforming along with Bee and Arcee as they drove out of the base. Moonphoenix walks up Optimus and Ratchet giving her sparkmate a kiss, " Morning love and morning sire." 

Ratchet smiled in greeting as he went back to work, "Good morning, love. How did you sleep?" Optimus asked looking into her optics as he took both of her servos in his.

"I slept wonderfully, love.  I'm about to go take Ashley to school. I'll see you soon love." Moonphoenix smiles softly.

Ratchet turned around wide in shock at his daughter, "I thought you already asked Bulkhead to pick Ashley for you?"

"Oops, sorry, Sire, I forgot that I did," Moonphoenix said sheepishly.

"Plus it would be odd if a jet dropped off a young adult at the school." Ratchet stated, turning back to his work as his digits typed away on the keypad.

"Perhaps I could take Ashley to school next time to give Bulkhead a break. I heard he is having a hard time helping out with Miko." Optimus proposed looking over at Moon and gently let go of her servos. 

Moonphoenix smiles as she kisses his cheekplate, "That's a wonderful idea, love. I'm sure she'll like that and I know Bulkhead will too."

"I think you two should go on patrol to see if you can scout for Energon. We are running low." Ratchet stated, not taking his optics off his work.

"Do you want to come with me, Moon? It will be a while till the others come back." Optimus said hoping he might have a chance to propose to her somewhere special. 

MoonPhoenix gave him a soft smile softly, "Sure, as long I get to spend time with you, my love." She said Optimus chuckled to himself, transforming into his alt form and started to drive out of the base.

Transforms into her jet mode MoonPhoenix flies out of the base following Optimus "love where are we going.

"We will be heading to these coordinates that Ratchet sent me where there may be Energon." Optimus said, driving down the highway with Moon high in the sky above him, "Sending the coordinates to you now." At these the coordinates pop up on Moon's screen inside her jet form.

MoonPhoenix smiles as she reads the coordinates " alright love let's get going then "she said flying high above her dear sparkmate.

(On the Nemesis) 

Megatron was in the main control room with Soundwave trying to figure out where his sister was till Sentinel came in with Starscream in a rush through the door, "Lord Megatron," Sentinel said, kneeling down on one knee and lowering his helm. 

"What news have you two brought me this time!" Megatron growled turning around to face him. 

"Our scanner picked up two Autobot signals in a nearby forest where one of our Energon mines are," Sentinel stated, still bowing to his Lord.

"Then I suggest you two deal with them! Now! If you two fail me again...your sparks will be mine!" Megatron growled angrily, Sentinel quickly stood up and left as Starscream gulps and bows to Megatron, "Y...Yes, my lord." He stutters running after Sentinel out of the room till he slips on the floor that was wet and slides down the hallway till he hits Knockout, who elbowed him in the balls, doing a goofy scream Knockout gets up and glares at him. 

Sentinel just watched in shock as he slowly passed by them, "I'll just meet you at the groundbridge." Sentinel said running out of the hallway from Knockout and Starscream all the way to the room where the groundbridge was kept.

"Get off me now knockout "Starscream shouted as he pushed Knockout off and got up and walked away from him.


Starscream quickly walked toward the groundbridge control room and walked up to Sentinel "Don't say a word. Let's go" Starscream activates the ground bridge as it opens, both of them walking through. 

(Back with Optimus and MoonPhoenix) 

MoonPhoenix lands in the woods opening she transforms as she looks around in awe, "Wow, this place is a beautiful love."

Optimus quick drove and transformed next to Moonpheonix, looking around the forest they were in, "Indeed it is." Optimus quickly took out the scanner as both of them started to scout the area. 

MoonPhoenix walks next to him having one of her blades out as they walk around she saw a Waterfall and went to it, "By the Allspark this is amazing! Love? look at this Waterfall." Turns to look at Optimus, her love with a smile on her derma. 

A rare smile formed on Optimus derma, his optics on the waterfall, "It is amazing...just like you, my Moon." Turning his optics on her with a spark of joy in them.

Moonphoenix's cheekplates blushes a light blue, looking into his optics, "love I'm. Not that amazing." She said, looking at the Waterfall again.

Optimus walked over to her, taking her servos in his as their optics met, "You are to me. And I need to ask you something." He said and was just about to go down on one knee when they heard a familiar voice, Sentinel.

"This must be my lucky day to find you two here," Sentinel said, aiming his blasters at Prime on top of a hill that looked over the two Autobots.

MoonPhoenix was about to ask Optimus what he meant till she heard a voice looks up and rolls her optics as she got her blades out,  "oh great those two again what do you want this time" she asks them 

"Quite simple really you MoonPhoenix your brother wants you back," Starscream said as he smirks but sounded like a girl after that incident.

Optimus's face cover slid over his derma, transforming one servo into a blaster and the other into a blade as he aimed his blaster at Sentinel. 

A blast almost hits Optimus as he dodges it with his blade with Sentinel running down at him with Starscream following behind him. Sentinel quickly transforms his blaster into his servos as he pulls out his ax and swings it at Prime. Optimus's blade hits the ax and pulls it back, using his blaster and shoots at Sentinel who quickly moved out of the way before the blast hit him.

Blocking Starscream claws with her blades, Moonphoenix kicks him away from her, jumping away from him.

"Oh, for the love of...hold still, Moonphoenix!" Starscream shouted and was just about to attack till he stops, a portal opens and pedes came up, hits him in the balls making him scream like a girl.

"Sorry, but no," Moonphoenix explained, holding her blades in her servos ready to defend or attack if necessary. Starscream aims his missal and fires it at her, Moon quickly dodges the missal but the blast of it sends her a little way, making her fall to the ground, Starscream runs over to her his servos into blasters and aims them right at her sparkchamber.

"I have you now!" Starscream shouted happily but noticed Moon wasn't moving and Energon leaking under her, his optics widened in panic, "Moon? No! What have I done!" He said kneeling next to her and was just about to examine her when he felt a servo hit his faceplate and another hitting his side, making Starscream struggle back, Moon quickly got up healing herself and picking up her blades with a playful smile on her derma.

"It takes more than a missal to take me down, Screamer!" She shouted, charging at him with her blades at the ready.

Optimus got hit in the shoulderplate by Sentinel's ax falling to his knees, his weapons transformed back into servos, pain screaming to his wound, clenching his denta, Sentinel pulled his ax out, sending more pain as he sent Prime a kick to his chassis, making him fall on his back. Optimus pushed the pain away as he stood to his pedes, transforming his servo back into blades and strikes at Sentinel's chassis, but it missed and hit Sentinel's side.

Sentinel cried out in pain dropping his ax as his servos went to his side trying to stop the Energon from coming out of the wound, Optimus transformed his blades back into his servo as he looked down at Sentinel with mercy, "Sentinel, old friend. Why must you do this?"

Sentinel looked up, not noticing the mercy the Prime was giving him as he gave him a deadly glare, "Because Moon chooses you, the high councilor chooses you to be a Prime and Primus himself chooses you."

"I will confess that I was not expecting to be a Prime or being the leader of the Autobots. But this I do can't let the past stop you from who you are. Moon chose me because I loved her just as she loved me. You can't change what happened in the past, but you can change everything right now. Join me and the Autobots once more so we can end this war once and for all." Optimus gently said walking over to him and offering out his servo to him. Sentinel looked from Optimus to the servo he was offering to him.

"I will never forgive you for taking Moon from me," Sentinel said through gritting his denta.

Managed to send Starscream flying into the wall of the hill, his helm went through the wall. Moonphoenix turns and went to Optimus and Sentinel, seeing Optimus injured she heal him seeing the injury she froze, takes a look to see how serious the injure was near his spark chamber, her mind went back to that day, she quickly shakes it off, "Optimus are you alright, love?" Meanwhile, Starscream was trying to get his helm out from the hill. 

Optimus took her servo in his as their optics met, a smile on his derma, "I'm alright, love. But I suggest you go see Sentinel's side." Walking over to Sentinel who was now on the ground holding his servos to his wound hoping it would stop, his optics fading in and out as he looked up at Optimus and Moon.

"What do you want now, Prime!" Sentinel spat, anger in his voice as he tries to get up but fails.

"Only to help you." Optimus explained looking over to his sparkmate, "I know you don't want to help him, after all the things he has done to you." Touching her cheekplate gently with his digits, "He needs your help to attain to his wound." Optimus asked gently and kindly to her as they looked back at Sentinel.

With a sigh, looking back at Optimus,  Moonphoenix gave him a gentle smile, "For you, love. I will heal him," she said as she walks to him and kneels down giving him a gentle glare at Sentinel, "Try something and you'll get hit where mech doesn't like to get hit," she threatens him, using her silver flames to heal his side, once the wound was healed she gets up and quickly went to Optimus. 

Sentinel quickly got up his servo to his commlink as he asked for a groundbridge back to the ship. Starscream was all in vain still stuck in the hill. Sentinel sighed and shook his helm taking his ax from the ground where it fell and hit above Starscream, making a crack in the hill that went down to where Screamers helm was stuck as he pulled out his helm from the ground.

The groundbridge appears before Sentinel, after shaking off the dirt and mud from his helm Starscream looks at them and growls under his breath, " You will pay dearly for this Moon as will Prime! We will be back for her! " He shouted at them before walking off towards the portal.

Staying by Optimus' side while glaring at them, Moonphoenix turns her helm away, "Not gonna happen screamers..."

"IT'S STARSCREAM! NOT SCREAMERS YOU GLITCH!" Starscream shouted as he went through with Sentinel following behind, closing behind them.

Optimus turned his optics to Moon and was just about to speak when his commlink ringed as he picked it up, "Optimus I'm picking up some emery readings near you and Moon. Send you the location now." Ratchet said through the commlink.

Optimus took out the Energon tracker device and motioned Moon to follow him as they both reached enterers to Energon cave. Sighing himself, Optimus contacts Ratchet telling him that they found an Energon min and they require back up.  

(Three hours later) 

 After team Prime got the last of the Energon from the cave they all went back to Base.

(At the base ) 

After the Energon were put in storage Moonphoenix excused herself and went up on top of the base sitting down and watching the sunset.  Optimus was in the elevator holding a ring with a beautiful blue crystal, the one he found back in the arctic. He was for the first time in ever nerves, he hasn't been nervous since he asked Moon to be his sparkmate. He took a deep vent in, the doors opened as he walked out and saw his beautiful lover sitting near the edge watching the sun setting in the distance.

Optimus quickly hid the ring in his compartment, walked over, and sat down next to Moon in silence.

"It's so beautiful isn't it, my love? "Moonphoenix asked, looks up at Optimus, "How are you feeling?"

Optimus turned his optics on her, a gentle glow of love in his optics, a smile crawling up his derma, "It is beautiful, just like you." He kisses her on the helm, carefully takes her servo into his, "I'm doing well, I'm...just nervous." 

Moon tilted her helm slightly, "Why are you nervous, Ori? " She asks him, placing her servo on his faceplate, "You can tell me, love."

Optimus looked at her, gently taking her servo from his faceplate, standing up with her and looking at her in the optics, "There is something I need to ask you?"

Blushes softly at him Moonphoenix looks up into his blue and loving optics, " Yes, Ori?" She asks him with a gentle look in her optics. 

Optimus took a vent in as he knelt down on one knee, still holding her servo as he pulled out the ring he made for and showed it to her, their optics never leave each other, "Moonpheonix, will you..." He paused still looking into her optics, "marry me?" His optics were filled with love for her as he patiently waits for her answer. 

Looking at him then the ring, Moonphoenix covers her derma with one of her servos, nodded her helm with a smile in her optics as she kneels down and hugs him excitedly, "Yes, of course, I will, my love. You will always be the one I love no matter what." Optimus hugged her in return, keeping her close as he released her with a huge smile on his derma, "And I will always love you, my dear Moon." He said taking her left servo and putting the ring on her middle digit.

Looking at the ring on her digit, then back at Optimus, Moonphoenix wraps her servos around him, "I love you, Orio, and always will." With that Optimus lifted her face up to meet his, leaning close to her as their dermas connected with a kiss, the last of the sunlight fell on the two lovers.