chapter 13

MoonPhoenix and Ashley's first mission together

It has been a week since Optimus' proposal to Moon. And today they both decided to tell everyone at base.

MoonPhoenix was in the medbay helping her sire with equipment Optimus and the others went to pick up the kids from so it was just her and her sire, "Hey Sire? I need to talk with you about something." Moon said after putting the last tool away.

Ratchet looked from the screens he was working on and turned to face his daughter with a small smile on his derma, "What would you like to talk about?" He asked walking towards her and looked into her faceplate with concern in his optics.

Taking a deep vent in, she holds up her left servo showing him the ring smiles softly, "Optimus proposed to me last week, Sire."

Ratchet chuckled with a huge smile on his derma and with excitement in his optics, "So he finally asked you and I'm glad. Congratulations, my dear." He kisses her on the forehelm looking happier than you could ever imagine him to be.

"Wait, you knew he was going to propose?" MoonPhoenix looks at Ratchet who nodded his helm as she chuckles softly, "It feels like I'm dreaming still, Sire. I wonder what the others would react?"

Ratchet was just about to answer her when they heard engines of vehicles coming from the entrance as Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee came driving in with their charges with them. The three humans kids hopped off of their Guardians as they transformed into bot mode.

Miko ran up to MoonPhoenix with excitement in her eyes, Ratchet quickly turned back to his work on the computers, his digits typing away on the keypad, "Guess what, MP?! We are going to have a dance at our school this weekend! And we are allowed to bring anyone to the party!"

"Hey, Miko, hi everyone! What is this dance party you're talking about?" MoonPhoenix asks greeted them, looks around for Optimus and Ashley, "Where's Optimus and Ashley I thought they were with you guys?"

Miko quickly put both hands over her mouth and then silently moved away from Moonphoenix to the human area. Jack and Raf didn't say a word as they both headed to the human area to do their homework from school today. Moonphoenix looked over at the three bots, "Do you three know where Optimus and Ashley is?"

"They probably took the long way here," Arcee stated, walking away from the group down the hallways.

"I wonder what they're up to? And Arcee stays here, please? When Optimus and Ashley come back me and him have something to tell you all." MoonPhoenix said as she went back to work Bumblebee and Bulkhead were playing cybertronian wrecker ball.

Arcee sighed and turned around, walked back into the room and went over to the human area to see what the kids were doing. Just then another sound of a vehicle came from the entrance as Optimus Prime drove in, opening the door for Ashley who jumped out as he transformed into bot mode.

"Thanks, Optimus for picking me up after school," Ashley said looking up at Optimus with a secret in her eyes. Optimus looked down at Ashley with a small smile on his derma as he walked over to Moon and gently kissed her cheekplate.

"Hello, sweet spark. How was your day?" He asked, their optics met looking into one another.

Smiles softly while returning the kiss MoonPhoenix looks at Optimus "It was good. Sire and I got the medbay ready just in case and I already told him. Shall we tell the others to love?"

"Tell us what?" Ashley asked, walking over to them with curiosity in her voice. Everyone stopped what they were doing (except for Ratchet) and looked over at Optimus and Moonpheonix.

Optimus looked from Moon to everyone else who was waiting to see what he would say, "Last week I propose Moonpheonix."

Miko jumped off the couch joy and excitement in her eyes, "Whoa! Yes! You finally ask her to marry you!" She said doing a victory dance.

Jack looks at her and Optimus with a big grin while Rafael shouted for joy but stops, "Wait, guys, we didn't let them finish." He said. Bulkhead looks at Rafael and at Optimus and MoonPhoenix "what did she say?"

MoonPhoenix chuckles as she holds up her servo showing them her ring that Optimus made her "I said yes"

Ashley looked up at Moonpheonix and gently placed her hand on her pede, "Congratulations, MP! I'm so happy for you both!" She said full of joy at the two love birds.

"Thank you, Ashley," Moonphoenix said, looking at them then down at Ashley as she looked at everyone else in the room, "And thank you all! Optimus and I wanted to have a simply elegant wedding and the date is May 25th."

Everyone started to shout for joy and congratulations when they heard a call as Ratchet spoke, "Agent fowler?"

"PRIME!!!!" Fowler all but shouted, "We need back up fast! M.E.C.H is trying to steal the DNGS again!"

"What's a DNGS?" Ashley asked, a little confused.

"Dynamic nuclear generation system, AKA, DNGS. It's a prototype energy source. Now if that M.E.C.H gets it, I'm afraid we will have another 'World War III' if we don't stop them!" Agent Fowler explained, "I'm sending you the last coordinates they were last seen. See if you can figure out where they are hiding. I will do all I can to help find them as well." And with that Fowler was off as everyone turned their attention back to Moon and Optimus.

"Ratchet set coordinates that Agent Fowler has sent you. Autobots be prepared for we will be leaving shortly." Optimus said as everyone started to get ready to leave.

Ashley walked over to Moon a look of hope in fear but courage in her eyes, "Moon?" She whispered looking left and right to make sure no one was listening, "I want to help you by going on the mission. Can I...come?" She asked nervously with fear in her voice.

Looking down at Ashley, MoonPhoenix held out her servo to her nodded her helm, "Just stay with me alright? And don't let them see you." She said after scooping her up. Ashley nods in understanding as Moon placed her in her chest compartment.

"Optimus, what's the plan?" Bulkhead asks, getting pumped up for some action.

"We will start by scouting the area they were last seen to see if their hideout is close by," Optimus said as Ratchet activates the groundbridge, the portal brightening up with its colors, "Autobots, transform and roll out!" With that Optimus and his team all transformed into vehicle mode driving/flying into the groundbridge. Miko was just about to make a run for it when Ratchet stopped her.

"You are not going anywhere, Miko!" Ratchet all but shouted. Miko crossed her arms over her chest with an annoying look on her face.

"Come on, Ratchet! We haven't seen action for a while. Plus I want to fight too! The bots are fighting humans and since I'm a human I can fight them too!" Miko explained with anger in her voice as the groundbridge closed.

"Not on my watch." Ratchet stated. Picking up Miko in his servo and placing her down in the human area. Once he put her down he handed her a broom and a dustpan with a smirk on his derma, "You can fight off the dirt on the ground in the base. Now get to work chomp, chomp." And with that Ratchet went back to the computers while keeping a closer optics on Miko who was swiping the floor.

(With Moon, Ashley and the rest of the bots)

Once everyone came out of the groundbridge in their vehicle modes they all stop with Optimus at the front of them, "Let's split up to cover more ground. Bumblebee and Arcee you will take the west, Bulkhead to the east, I will go north and Moon you can go South." And with that everyone left in the direction, they were ordered to go.

Moon was flying to the south with Ashley secretly inside as they continued to look around the area, "Moon? Once we find MECH, do we just call Optimus and the rest of the team, or do we go in to make sure they are there? And if we do, do that...what should I use as a weapon?" Ashley asked, feeling scared now that she was on the mission.

"We'll call The others and there's a blaster on the left side of the seat use it only for emergency only, " MoonPhoenix said as they fly through till she saw a helicopter and gets flying to a train trying with the word M.E.C.H on them " looks like we found them, Asha. Activating cloaking mode." Using the cloaking device making her and Ashley invisible MoonPhoenix contacted the others "MoonPhoenix to Optimus and the Autobots I found M.E.C.H they're trying to rob another train again, sending you my coordinates now."

"We will arrive shortly. Try to take them out without harming them. I will inform Agent Fowler." Optimus said through the comm. MECH's men started to jump on the train from their helicopter as they started to break into the train.

"I wonder what's inside that they want it so badly?" Ashley asked looking out of the window to see the men opening up the roof of the train to show blue glowing crystals, "Isn't that Energon?"

"It is, but I don't think M.E.C.H knows it's Energon," Moon spoke to her charger as the men started to take the Energon and load it into boxes. The train stopped and the helicopter landed onto the train, the man taking the Energon into the helicopter, some green cars dove over to the train as the men loaded more Energon into the vehicles, "If they find out what the Energon can do. They will be able to break the code of how we Cybertronians operate inside and out."

"They are basically almost done loading and Optimus and the team isn't here yet," Ashley said a little uneasy while looking out the window.

"Then we'll delay M.E.C.H. I have an idea," she said landing in a secure location opens the hatch "Ashley hops out I'm gonna use my holoform" Activating her holoform MoonPhoenix looks at Ashley giving her a ready look.

"What are you planning to do?" Ashley asked with a little uneasy about her guardian going alone to fight MECH. As they both look at the train that was almost empty of Energon.

"If I lure them away from the Energon it'll give Ori and the others a chance to get here Asha, "MoonPhoenix said as she looks at Ashley with a reassure smiles gets up from her hiding spot"keep that blaster with you Asha and if anything happens to get to Optimus tell him where my body is ok "sees her nodded giving her a hug "that's my girl. Wish me luck." she walks out and then starts to run her face looking all panic and fear, "Help! somebody, help me!"

Some of M.E.C.H's men stopped working and walked over to Moonphoenix with their guns in their hands, "Madam, what are you doing way out here?" One of the men asked her their guns at the ready. Ashley watches with dread in her heart, worried for her guardian as she holds the blaster close to her chest.

"My daughter Motari, she's badly hurt. We were hiking and she fell over please help," MoonPhoenix said, trying to look like she's in tears under her sunglasses.

Team Prime stops to see Moonphoenix in the distance, "Optimus, why is MoonPhoenix in her holoform?" Bulkhead asked.

"It would seem she is distracting them so we can make it on time before they leave," Optimus stated as the bots approached and noticed Ashley and walked over to her hiding spot.

"Ashley! What are you doing here!" Arcee whispered with anger in her voice. Ashley looked up feeling even more guilty for even coming on the mission now.

"Moonphoenix...said I...c...could come out...on the m...mission," Ashley said her voice cracking. When the bots turn their attention to MP who was knocked out and fell to the ground. As one of the soldiers picked her up and started to take her to the helicopter. Three more men started to come to the hiding place where the bots and Ashley were hiding.

"What are they going to do? They have, MP!" Ashley worriedly upset as the soldier started to come closer towards them.

"Arcee remain here and protect Moonphoenix's body and Ashley at all cost. Bulkhead Bumblebee with me." Optimus commanded, both Bee and Bulkhead obeyed, the three of them came out of hiding. The men immediately started firing at them as Optimus and the others started fighting back.

Ashley looked up and noticed the helicopter was just about to take off into the sky, 'Optimus and the others are too busy with M.E.C.H that they won't make it in time to stop the helicopter in time.' She thought, looking at Arcee who was trying to get some of the men away from her and Moonphoenix's real body. With Arcee being busy, Ashley runs full speed to the helicopter and jumps inside just as it lifts off. But as soon as she was inside of it MECH's men immediately tired her up and placed her next to Moon who was still knocked out and cooled. 'I think I should have thought this through more.' Ashley thought as a man stepped forward, he was the only one who didn't have a mask on like the other men do, and he also has a huge scar on his face.

Bulkhead fights some of the troops off looking up to see Ashley "Optimus they got Ashley and MoonPhoenix!"

Silas looks at Ashley and at the unconscious MoonPhoenix, "Well what do we have here? A couple of girls looking for something?" Smirking as he looks at her, MoonPhoenix notices the sunglasses, "Wake her up as a soldier and remove the glasses."

When a soldier about to take off her sunglasses MoonPhoenix awakes and kicks him away breaking her restraints seeing her charge there she grabs her getting to the door till the soldiers grab her, "Ashley, warns Optimus about what's in the crate!" Pushes you out of the helicopter opening a portal she sees her went through and lands on the ground seeing her beloved sparkmate and fiance, "OPTIMUS!"

Optimus heard his beloved sparkmate cry out to him and quickly looked up to see her still in the helicopter, transforming his blasters into servos, he ran at full speed underneath the helicopter, "Celistria, jump! I'll catch you! Jump!" He cried getting ready to catch Moonphoenix.

Fighting off the last soldier off her MoonPhoenix was about to jump till she screams in pain Silas has his knife in her side smirking he leans into her whispers" so you're one of them you'll be a perfect test subject to our cause "twisting the knife into her making her scream till she elbows him in the face as she falls out of the helicopter pulling out the knife before landing into Optimus servos and as she slowly falls unconscious.


Moonphoenix was laying on a berth in Medic Bay at the base in her real body form and on her chassis laid a sleeping girl with blond hair over all of her face.

"Optimus, you should really take Ashley back to her home." Ratchet whispered to the Prime. They were both outsides of sickbay. It has been over three days and Ashley refused to leave Moon's side and even convince her host parents that she could stay with her friend still she was all better.

Optimus sighed sadly, and then looked back to where his sparkmate and the sleeping girl. It was 9 pm right now, the rest of Team Prime left to drop off their chargers and recharge for the night. The only ones that were awake are him and Ratchet, "Ratchet, she told us both she wouldn't leave her side till she wakes up."

"I know but...if she keeps this up she is going to get sick." Ratchet said this time with worry in his voice for the human his daughter grows so close to during these last five months together as her guardian.

Letting out a moan MoonPhoenix opens her optics and slowly tries to sit up seeing her worry sparkmate and sire, "O...Orion s..sire?"

Ratchet sees her, quickly running over and pushes her back to the berth and puts a digit to his derma, "Shhh! Quite, you're going to wake her up if you sit up." He whispers and points to where Ashley was sleeping on the Moon over where her spark is, a smile crawling on the sleeping girl who was feeling the spark beat of Moonphoenix.

With a Sighs of relief, MoonPhoenix gently strokes Ashley's hair, "Thank Primus she's alright." Smiles softly at her then looks at Optimus and Ratchet" we need to get those crates that M.E.C.H stole back that contain Energon Ori and Sire. What's worse, the leader of the mech is a lunatic." she said as she tried to find the wound that Silas gave her.

"Ashley informs us during the battle and we were able to retrieve them all along with the weapon that Agent Fowler told us about again and is safely secure," Optimus said walking over to her, standing by the berth where she lay, and gently kiss her on her derma, releasing the kiss a small smile on his derma.

"You have been out for three days, the wound Silas gave you was only to your holoform not to your real body which was easy to fix up and Ashley hasn't left where she was at all during the time you were out. She hasn't even eaten or drank anything since you were out." Ratchet explained looking down at the sleeping girl, "And I worry she will get soon if she keeps this up."

"I'll make sure she gets something to eat and drink sire "*looks at him then looks at Ashley gently wakes her "Ashley wakes up sweetie time to get some food and drink in you," Moonphoenix said gently and softly to her.

Ashley slowly opened up her eyes, looking up at Moon a weak smile on her lips, "MP, your awake!" She said slowly standing up and tried to wrap her arms around her, "I'm so happy you're alright." Crying tears of joy. Optimus and ratchet just watch as the guardian and charger embracing one another.

Scooping Ashley up in her servos and holding her close to her faceplate MoonPhoenix smiles softly as she sits up, "I told you everything is gonna be alright, Asha. Now let's get you something to eat Optimus and Ratchet told me you haven't eaten for three days." she said looking at Ashley with a concerned look.

Ashley looked up at Moon, "I'm fine. But I am hungry and thirsty." As she said this her tummy started to growl as Asha blushed in embarrassment.

"Perhaps you two should go out for a bit for some fresh air." Ratchet said while unhooking Moon from a machine, "Just remember to take it easy, Moon. You're still healing."

"I will sire but first Ashley needs to eat lucky there's some in the fridge here in the human room or would she likes it if we take her out to refuel," MoonPhoenix said looking at Ashley then at her sparkmate and sire slowly getting up

Ashley's eyes looked up at Moon a secret hidden in her eyes, she looked to Optimus as if they were both somehow communicating with one another without using words, after a minute or so pass Ashley looked back at Moonpheonix, "Actually I know the perfect place to get something to eat."

Moonpheonix puts Ashley down to the ground. The human girl ran over to Optimus who transformed into his vehicle mode as Ashley hoped inside of him and looked back at Moon, "Optimus is sending you coordinates to the place we will get some food. We will see you there." She said as Optimus drove out of the base.

With a chuckle MoonPhoenix transforms into her vehicle mode and flies to the location she lands and her holoform jumps out in new clean clothes, she walks to the entrance waiting for Optimus and Ashley to come.

It has almost been half an hour since Moonpheonix arrivals at the restaurant, Optimus and Ashley were nowhere in sight. Moon was just about to go and look for them when she heard her beloved speak through their bond, "Were fine, love. I sorry to keep you waiting but Ashley wanted to make something special for us." Moon was now curious as to what Ashley was planning for them.

"It's ok honey I'm glad you two are fine And what is our charge planning love, "MoonPhoenix ask through their bond waiting out by the entrance till she sees Optimus drives up with Ashley in his Alta mode

Optimus pulls over to where Moonpheonix was standing in her holoform when a young man with black hair and bright blue Electric eyes came out of the truck followed by Ashley coming out behind him. The man was wearing a dark blue sweater with red flames on it, and he had some dark blue jeans as the man walked up to Moonpheonix a smile on his lips, "Hello, Celestrial." Moon's eyes were wide in surprise as Ashley ran over by her side.

"O...Orion is that you?" Celestria asks, seeing him nod after she places her hand on his cheek she then smiles softly " You look what humans say hot." she said, looking at Orion then at Ashley.

"Do you like Orion's new form?" Ashley said shyly as she spoke to Moon, "Ratchet helped me make a holoform for him so all three of us can go out more. Do you like it?"

"You and dad did a wonderful job! I almost didn't recognize you, Ori." Celestria said a smile on her lips.

Orion chucked as Ashley took both of their hand and started to pull them back into the Optimus vehicle mode, "Come on you two, you haven't really seen the real surprise just yet." She said they all sat in their seats Optimus or Orion was sitting next to Celestrial in the back while Ashley sat at the front in the driver's seat and started to drive way down the road.

Celestria shakes her head her silver hair with royal purple highlights was flowing through the wind "so where is this place that we're going kiddo or you're not gonna tell me "She asks Ashley looking at her

"Optimus knows where it is. He's the one who picks the spot so we can have a picnic with you." Ashley said a smile on her face. Optimus took out a picnic basket that was next to him and showed it to Celestrial.

"I wanted to do something special for you both since you two are my guardians and you got engaged. I just thought we can all go out together. Optimus and I wanted to do it when we got back at base with you three days ago. But when we went on that mission and..." She stops not wanting to go on as she focussed on her driving.

Placing a hand on her shoulder Celestria smiles softly at her" it's not your fault sweetspark it was my decision to let you come with me on that mission but if I hadn't I would have been with mech and so will the Energon Optimus and I are very proud of you Asha you kept calm and use your head and this is very thoughtful of you to do this for us "she said as she leans on Orion's shoulder

Orion leaned his head on top of Celestrial and wrapped his arm around her so the two could cuddle together. Ashley took a glance back at them with a small smile on her face as it disappeared as she pulled the semi-truck over to a nice beautiful forest with a hill cleared for a perfect spot to have a picnic.

Snuggling close to her beloved sparkmate and fiance Celestria felt she's at peace again before the war till she felt the truck stop "Are we here already?" She asks sitting up from her leaning on Orion.

Orion looked out the window and a smile on his derma, "We're here." He said looking back at Moon as Ashley opened up the door for them."Can one of you grab the blanket for me please?" Ashley asked taking the picnic basket and motions for them to follow her to the hill.

"Sure thing Asha " MoonPhoenix said as she turns and got into the back and grabs the blanket and gets out of Optimus alt mode letting out a gasp while looking at the view" it's beautiful and it's a clear night we can see the stars

Optimus got out of his vehicle mode and followed Moonpheonix and Ashley up to the hill as the stars and Moon were now at their brightest and some fireflies started to light up near the hill.Ashley helped Moon to set up the blanket as she put out the food from the basket and lay it on the blanket.

Holding her hand out some fireflies lands on her MoonPhoenix smiles as she observes "they're beautiful and curious little creatures "

Ashley Smiles as she looked at the fireflies on Moon's hand, "They are and they bring light wherever they go." Optimus also looked at the fireflies on Moonpheonix's hand, studying them with curiosity in his eyes.

*smiles softly then giggles as one lands on Optimus nose *"aww that one likes you, Ori" MoonPhoenix said watching the others lands on Ashley sitting down*"this world has so many wonderful things and places

Optimus' eyes fell on the firefly on his nose as it flew away, his eyes now on Moon as he sat close next to her. Ashley looked over at her two guardians that she was growing close to so much, "If you look even closer you might see even more amazing things." She said handing a telescope over to Moon and pointed out a star that's red as Moonpheonix looks through the telescope.

"Cool I see mars it looks like a rare ruby "looking up from the telescope MoonPhoenix smiles at Ashley "this is a wonderful night to see the stars wanna see Asha?" She asks.

Ashley shook her head no, looking up at a particular constellation as a smile formed on her lips, "You may be able to see the stars more closely with the telescope and see all the beauty and wonder through the stars. But if you look closely you can see the stars can make different constellations. Just like that one of the great warrior, Orion." She said, pointing to the Constellation of Orion. Optimus looked up a little puzzled.

"A Constellation named after Orion? " MoonPhoenix asked, looking at Ashley, seeing her nodded. Moon looks at Optimus and a smile on her lips, "Seems they name a constellation after you, love." Optimus looked at Moonphoenix with love in his eyes for her as they all looked up at the constellation.

"It sure is, MP. It sure is." Ashley said looking at the two love birds then back at the night sky.