chapter 14

the arrival of the weapon specialist and his niece

Hi my darling readers I and my partner in crime primestudio are back with a new chapter also I and primestudio would like to thank Hairth_Tuzki and maxtronus prime for helping us with this chapter as well having their oc in this story

It was in the afternoon today, two weeks have passed since their picnic and the battle with M.E.C.H. The Autobots got a single that detected two stasis pods.

Ratchet quickly runs to the main room to the computers as he starts tracking down the energy source in order to find escape pods that crash-landed.

Optimus MoonPhoenix and the other Autobots run to the main room to see what was going on "Sire? What happened? Is it the Decepticons?" Moonphoenix asks looking at him.

Ratchet turns to Moon a bit confused on his face, "My scanner is picking up two escape pods that just crashed landed here on earth. But I'm not sure if it's one of our or the cons." Ratchet said  to them .

"It is best we go and investigate before the Decepticon goes there first." Optimus said and turned to his team, "Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead, Transform and roll out."

After hearing Optimus they transform and drive through the ground bridge leaving Moonphoenix and Ratchet behind" Be safe you four" Moonphoenix whispers.

(Meanwhile at the crash site )

A big tough mech was walking out of the pod  looking around his surroundings  this mech is the Autobots weapons specialist Ironhide, he runs to the  old opening it up taking out the femme that was in it "Are you ok, sweetspark?"

The young femme groaned as she holds on to Ironhide's servo for support while holding her helm with her other servo. 

"Yeah. I'm...I'm alright uncle." The young femme said, looking around. "What planet did we land on?"

Ironhide sighs with relief that she's alright, "I don't know, Star." He scans the area, "Hmm...according to my scanners we're on a planet called earth, we need to find prime and the others " he said.

"Optimus is here on this planet?" The femme asked her uncle. She suddenly flinched when took a step forward, the femme notice a cut on her leg, some Energon leaking out.

"Ah scrap, I injured myself when my pod crashed." She whispered and tried to stand up.

Ironhide curses softly under his vent, picks her up and carries her to a rock and sits her down to look at the wound and wincing, "It's not deep but we'll keep an optics on it..." Hears engines coming this way he looks up and optics widen, "By the Allspark."

A vehicle of blue with silver flames drove over to Ironhide and the young femme as it transformed into a femme warrior and walks over towards them, "Are you two alright?" She asked in concern as she knelt down on one knee and started to examine the wounds on the young femme that was in Ironhide's arms.

"We're fine but my niece Stardust is hurt from the pod crashing," Ironhide said letting her look at it, "I hope doc is with you guys and where is Optimus?"

The femme looked at Ironhide then down at the young femme, transforming her servo into a welder and started to patch up the wound on the femme in Ironhide's arms, "Optimus and his Team will come for you both soon. But for now, rest." Looks at them as she puts servo to her commlink, "This is a friend speaking, two Autobots crash-landed on earth sending the coordinates now." After the mysterious femme said this she transformed into a jet and left the two bots.

(Back at Base)

"This is a friend speaking, two Autobots have crash-landed here on earth. Sending the coordinates to you now." Ratchet and everyone listens to the message as some coordinates popped up on the screen.

"Who was that?" Miko asked, "And how do we know this is not some kind of trap the cons set up for us?"

"It must be the mystery femme that has been saving and helping us, Miko we need to go see them. They might need medical attention," Moonphoenix said looking at the coordinates.

"I'll send the coordinates to Optimus and the others. But I think I'll send you there straight away. In case one of them is hurt badly." Ratchet said as he activates the groundbridge as it glows on to life.  Ashley quickly runs out of know where up to Moon with curiosity and worry on her face.

"Where are you going, MP?" She asked.

Moonphoenix looks down at her and smiles, "Asha I'm going to see two new Autobots and make sure they're unharmed.  Where were you? I didn't see you all morning.

Ashley looked up at Moon nervously in her voice, "Oh ahh...I was just walking around base and went up top...for some...fresh air, that's all." She said smiling up at MP and gave her a wave of her hand, "See you soon, MP. Stay safe."

Nodding her helm with a smile on her derma, Moonphoenix went through the groundbridge and as soon as she got through she gasped seeing someone that she never thought she'll ever see again, "I...Ironhide is that you?"

Ironhide looks at Moonphoenix with disbelief "Moonphoenix? Y... You're... I thought you were offlined." Ironhide said the young femme stare at Moonphoenix with a questioning look.

"It's good to see you too, Ironhide. I'll explain everything later, are you or your niece hurt?" Moonphoenix asks looking concerns at him and the femme.

"I'm fine, but my niece isn't. She got hurt when her pod crashed." Ironhide said looking at his niece.

"It's not that deep uncle." the young femme said as she tries to stand up but Ironhide stopped her.

"Don't be stubborn Stardust," Ironhide said sternly

MoonPhoenix went to her, seeing the wound wincing, "Don't worry I'll fix up in a jiffy." She said as her hands started to glow silver flame placed it on her leg, healing it completely.

Stardust watches in wonder at Moonphoenix as she's healing her wound, while Ironhide smiled at Moonphoenix.

"Thank you Moonphoenix," Ironhide said.

Moonphoenix smiles softly at him "Anything for an old friend. Optimus and the others will be thrilled to see you're alive along with your niece." 

"That's so cool!" Stardust said cheerily, looking at her leg trying to look for the wound, "It's completely gone!"

Ironhide chuckled at his niece's reaction. Stardust stood up and went over to Moonphoenix.

"Thank you for healing my wound... Uh..?"

"Moonphoenix, my name is Moonphoenix, sweetie," She said softly, "You're Stardust, correct?"

"Yes ma'am, Stardust is my name. It's nice to meet you." Stardust said.

Before she can say anything  MoonPhoenix hears engines roaring into their direction. She turns to see her beloved sparkmate, the fiance Optimus Prime with bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee, a smile placed on her derma.

Optimus and his team transformed into bot mode, walking over to where Moon, Ironhide, and Stardust were. Optimus looked down and gave Ironhide and Stardust a rare smile, "It is good to see you once again, Ironhide. Who is this young femme with you?"

Placing his servo on Optimus' shoulder, Ironhide also gives him a rare smile back, "It's good to see you too, Prime. This femme is my niece, Stardust." Looking at Optimus then at his niece, "Stardust meets the leader and friend of mine, Optimus prime leader of the Autobots. " he finishes.

Stardust stepped forward and saluted Optimus in respect, "It's an honor sir."

Moonphoenix walks over to Optimus standing by his side as they look down at them.

Optimus gave a rare smile down at Stardust and lowered himself to her level, "It's nice to make your acquaintance as well, Stardust."

Stardust smiled at her leader before she looked at the other Autobots. Stardust's faceplate lit up when she saw Bumblebee, "Bumblebee! You're here!" Stardust chirped as she ran towards the scout.

Bumblebee lets out an excited beep as he scoops her up and spins her around watching his niece go and hugs Bumblebee, Ironhide was happy to see her smile again, "We should be going back to base, Ori. I told Ironhide we'll explain how I'm still online back at base." Moonphoenix said looking at Stardust and Bumblebee then at Optimus.

"Agreed." Optimus said as he put a servo to his commlink, "Ratchet, activates the..." But before he could finish cons started to shoot down at them with Starscream leading them as they fired down at the Autobots.

"Stardust duck for cover now we'll handle, Screamers," Moonphoenix said, turning to look at Stardust then back at Starscream sending blue flames at him, "Come down here and fight coward!" she shouted.

Starscream was flying fast and high to maneuver through the air.

"You honestly think that I will come down there?  Hahaha fools!" Starscream said,  firing more missiles down at the Autobots.

Stardust readied her blades, jumping out and sliced the missiles in half causing it to explode in mid-air. Stardust landed and quickly dodge when the cons were shooting at her.

"Woah!" she said, hiding behind the boulder.

Starscream and some vehicons make another round of missiles coming towards Stardust's boulder.

"Oh, that's bad," Stardust said. The missiles hit directly to the boulder where Stardust was. Luckily, Stardust was able to teleport away without everyone knowing.

Running up to Optimus ready to do their move MoonPhoenix jumps on to a boulder and then jumps at Optimus, "Optimus throw me. Now!" She shouted, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee started shooting up at the cons. Bulkhead looked around to see Stardust but when he couldn't see, he shouted "I don't see anywhere Stardust."

Optimus catches her and then  throws Moonphoenix in the air transforming his servos into blasters shooting the cons down one by one.

Starscream was starting to panic at his loss of drones, "Decepticons retreat!" He said in a worried tone and flew off towards the sky.

Moonphoenix ready her blaster, aiming and shoots Starscream in the aft where he started to fall but ended up safely falling into a groundbridge.  Moon looked down realizing gravity was to take over as she started to fall, "Optimus!"

Optimus turns his attention to Moonphoenix and ran towards her to catch her

"I'm coming!" He ran at full sprint, jumped in mid-air high enough, and caught her bridal style, landing in a kneeling position.  He looks at his sparkmate in worry, "Are you ok, Sweetspark?"

"I'm ok, love. Just glad you manage to catch me." Moonphoenix said, leaning into him as her  optics grew wide in worry, "Where's Stardust?"

"I'm fine!" Stardust yelled as she ran towards the group, "Man, Starscream almost got me there. Good thing I still have a lot of energy to use my ability to avoid those missiles." She said, stopping beside Ironhide.

Turning to his side Ironhide hugs his nice tightly, "Thank the Allspark you're ok, Star. I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost you." He said to her then, looking at Optimus and Moonphoenix, "Shall we get going? I want to make sure she's not injured again and you two own us and explain how Moonphoenix is alive."

Optimus gently puts Moonphoenix down and looks at Stardust, "Let's get you two back to Ratchet so he can give you both a thorough scan on any injuries on you both"  He said with a concerned tone.

"Moonphoenix to base we need groundbridge." She said looking at everyone, "We're coming back with two Autobots, Sire."

Ratchet on the receiving end of the comms activates the bridge. "Bring those new Autobots here so I can check them for any damages." He said with a gruff tone.

Everyone through the groundbridge, Moonphoenix went up to her Sire with a big grin on her derma, "Sire you're not gonna believe who we found! " she said with a smile.

Ratchet closed the groundbridge and turned around while saying, "who are the two bo-" Ratchet stopped talking, his optics caught sight of Ironhide and Stardust, "It can't be!" He said in disbelief.

Giving the medic a smirk Ironhide went up to Ratchet, "Hey there, doc. It's been a while hasn't it?" He said, patting Ratchet's shoulderplate. Moonphoenix was about to walk over to Stardust till she hears a scream and sighs, "Not again, Miko. Is it a spider again?" MoonPhoenix shouted.

Miko runs over to them screaming in excitement, "Oh my goodness! We have new bots! This is the best thing ever!"

Stardust started at Miko with confusion. "Who is that?" She asked.

"I am Miko! Is this your first time on earth? How many cons have you killed? Why are you the same size as Arcee? Are you her sister?" Miko questioned looking up at Stardust.

Jack, Rafael, and Ashley run up to them, looking at the new bots Bulkhead walk up to them "These are our human friends who we ar in charge with , this is Miko whose I'm in charge to watch over. Arcee is Jack's, Rafael is Bumblebee's and Ashley is Optimus and Moonphoenix charge." Bulkhead explained looking at Ironhide and Stardust, then back at the four humans, "Kids, this is Ironhide, our weapon specialist and his niece Stardust.

Ironhide got a little annoyed at Miko's questioning and activated his cannons while saying, "You feeling lucky punks?" He said in a slightly intimidating tone.

Rafael and Jack hide behind Optimus while Ashley and Miko hide behind Moonphoenix.

"Easy Ironhide put your cannons away. Like I said to you earlier you want to know how I'm online? Let's get some Energon for both of you. Sire can then check you and Stardust over for any injuries. Then Optimus and I will tell you everything." Moonphoenix stated, turning to face Optimus.

Ironhide just huffs and lowers his cannons and goes off to get some energon, "Humans"  He said in disinterest.

Stardust bends down looking at the humans, "They're so cute" Stardust giggled, Ashley closed her eyes shyly, very frightened as she hides behind Moonpheonix.

Optimus kneels down to Ashley's level, "You have nothing to fear, Ashley. Stardust is a kind femme, once you get to know of her." He said in all honesty.

Stardust stood up and went to Ironhide. "Can I have Energon too Uncle?"

Ironhide looked to his niece and nodded his helm, "Sure! Have your fill." He said with a small smile and continued drinking Energon.

"Ok, um...have a seat. Some of you know this but for others don't freak out, ok?" Moonphoenix while takes a deep vent in, she felt Optimus servo on her shoulderplate giving her a reassuring smile, "I was badly injured during the ambush and I thought I wasn't gonna make till Megatron found and rescue me. In return, he uses a device to wipe out my memories that I had before Optimus became a Prime. I became his second in command know as dark Phoenix.  I was her till Optimus saved me even with the injuries I gave him were severe he brought me back to base. Sire nurse me back to health and remove the device from my helm and Sentinel has betrayed us all." After she finished explaining Moonphoenix tries to shake off the flashback that was starting to show up.

Optimus comes and hugs Moonphoenix to help her forget the memory, "It is all in the past now, my love. That's all that matters." He said lovingly into her audio receptor.

Everyone was taking it well, till Ironhide crushed his cube he finished drinking in his servo, "HE DID WHAT?!? THAT NO GOOD PIT SPAWN IS GONNA BE OFFLINE WHEN I GET MY SERVOS ON HIM! He's the one that told us that you were offline. that he saw it with his own optics!?" He shouted in anger, scared the kids.

Optimus stops hugging Moonphoenix and addresses Ironhide. "Ironhide, we will get Sentinel in due time. But for now, we must be ready when the time comes." He says wisely.

Stardust flinched at Ironhide but held his arm, "Calm down, Uncle. Nothing good comes from anger."

Arcee nodded her helm with everyone agreeing while Moonphoenix scoops up Asha and the other kids and walks over to the kid's rooms. Holding them in her servos she gently puts them down.

"MP? Why did you take us over here?" Ashley asked quietly, her hair covering half of her face as she looked up at her guardian.

"Let just say that Ironhide can be very loud and swears a lot. I didn't want you guys to hear more of the Cybertronian curse words.

But he's a really nice mech once you get to know him." Moonphoenix said with a sigh, looking at them with a reassuring smile. Jack sighed in relief with Raf smiles softly back at Moon.

Stardust watched MP walk away with the humans. "By the way, who's the femme that has blue and silver flames?" Stardust asked.

Everyone turns and looks at her optics widen "You two saw the mysterious femme too?" Ratchet asks her and Ironhide.

Stardust nodded "She just helped me. By patching up my wound and then she left."

"Yeah she came to our aid then she went off flying away somewhere," Ironhide said.

"Strange, but odd... how did she know you both were in need? She has been helping us from time to time. But I can't place my digits on it that there is something...familiar about her." Ratchet states while Optimus nods in agreement.

"Indeed, old friend. There is something familiar about this femme. But we will discuss this more later. For now, we should rest, especially our newest members. It's best we all rest in our berthrooms for a bit before we discuss more about the situation."

Walking up to Optimus and her Sire, Moonphoenix nodded her helm in agreement, "We should take Asha and the kids home, love, or should they stay for the night? Cause tomorrow the girls and I are gonna find what humans call a wedding gown." She said to her sparkmate.

Optimus was thinking about an answer and then he replied, "Let the children stay here, as for you and the girls, go ahead and pick out your "wedding dress" my love," Optimus said with a smile.

Chuckling softly Moonphoenix looks  at her Sparkmate, "Ori, it's late and the stores are close till tomorrow." she stated.  

Ironhide looks at them with confusion on his faceplate, "What's going on here, and what is a wedding dress?" He asks, looking at Moon and Optimus.

Stardust went over to Bumblebee, "Hey Bee, I gotta ask...what's that form you guys have when you found us? Even that 'mysterious femme' has it."

Bumblebee made some beeping saying it's our vehicle mode that we use as a disguise from humans.

Bulkhead then spoke up, "We are called robots in disguise for a reason."

The young femme 'ohh'd' and slightly jumping, "I want one too. When can I get one?" she chirped happily.

"Probably later tomorrow, one of the kids can take you to pick out your vehicle mode." Ratchet said walking away from the group and back the computer to work.

"Alrighty then. Anything else we need to know about this planet?" Stardust asked with interest.

Optimus came to Stardust and placed servo on her shoulder, "You have much to learn, young one." He said wisely.

"That'll wait till tomorrow as it's time to turn in. You two could use some recharge,  we all do?" Moonphoenix said as she fought back a yawn.

"But I'm not tired!"Miko explained looking at everyone, "And we need to have a welcome party for the newbies! Can't we stay up for a little longer please?"

Bulkhead scoops Miko up in his servo with a chuckle, "Sorry Miko we can do that tomorrow alright? You can be in charge of organizing the party. But for now go to sleep, since you're staying the night here." He smiles at her. 

Miko huffed crossing her arms over her chest and looked away from Bulkhead who took her to her room.

Ashley walks over to MP but stays a far distance away from the newcomers, "MP? Can you...take me to my room too? Please?" She quietly said, putting her hand onto her pedes as she looked up at her.

Moonphoenix looks down at her and gently picks her up in her servo and smiles softly at her, "Sure thing, Asha." She said while taking Ashley to her room. She gently puts her down at her door, "Asha I know you're nervous around the newcomer. Just know that they won't harm you and anyone else. If they even try to hurt you, they're gonna have a monkey wrench dent on their helm."  Ashley smiles while giving quiet giggling that only Moon could hear as everyone heads in for the night.

Like I said I would love to thank primestudio,Hairth_Tuzki,and Maxtronus prime  for helping with this chapter you guys rock

(an if anyone had wattpad account you can find the story there as well and awesome pics in the story as well)