chapter 15

all girls camping and finding a wedding

Ashley was walking down the hallways of the Base, being as quiet as possible as she made her way to Moonpheonix and Optimus berthroom and knocked on the door with her hand, "MP? A...Are you...awake?"

Moonphoenix slowly wakes from her recharge and gently removes Optimus' servo from her waist and gets up quietly as she went to the door and opens it "I'm a *yawns* awake, Asha. What's up?" She asks her charge.

Ashley looked left and right down the hallways to make sure no one was there and looked back up at Moon, "Miko told me you were going to actually take us camping tonight? I told her that you had plans today to pick out your wedding dress. But I wanted to ask you to see if it was true."

"It's true Asha I wanted to take you, Miko, Stardust, and Arcee camping after we pick out my dress," MoonPhoenix said with a smile, looking down at her, "Once Bulkhead wakes up and takes you and Miko home to get ready."

Optimus groans and stirs from his recharge from all the talking he is hearing. He sits up and faces his sparkmate with a tired smile on his flaceplate. "What are you and *yawns* Asha talking about this "camping trip" I heard so much about?" He asks curiously while still trying to wake himself up.

Turning around to see him awake, Moonphoenix gives him a smile "Morning, Ori. We were talking about today's plans for shopping for a wedding dress and taking Asha, Miko, and Arcee, out for camping tonight." She said to him.

Optimus slowly nodded as he waited for his tiredness to wear off.

"I'm so sorry for waking you up, Optimus." Ashley apologies shyly looking down instead of looking up at Moon and Optimus.

Optimus just shakes his head and smiles down at the apologetic human girl. "It is alright Ashley, I do not mind, as you humans would say, 'wake up call' ". He said with the same smile.

Ashley looked over at Optimus with a smile on her lip, "Thanks, Optimus." She turned her attention back to Moon, "So what time will we meet you at the mall?"

Giving a long and hard thought Moonphoenix smiles as she looks down at her charge, "Does 2 pm sound good?" She asked.

"Sure!" Ashley excitedly said, "I'll go and get Miko so we can meet you there and I was thinking..." She shyly looks up at Moon, "Do you...think...Stardust to join us...too?"

Giving her a nod Moonphoenix leans on Optimus "I bet she will, seeming she wants to know more about the earth and the humans. You may ask her to come." she said. 

Ashley smiled giving both Optimus and Moonpheonix a wave while thanking them as she went off to go and ask Stardust to come camping and shopping with them.


Meanwhile, with Ironhide, he was contacting someone in his room, "Blasted machine work! Ironhide to the sec in command, come in? I have news you want to hear."

A mysterious voice rang out from the comm signal, "What is this great news you speak of, Ironhide?" The voice asks curiously.

Ironhide gives a smirk on his derma "My niece and I found Optimus and the others here on a planet called earth. You wouldn't believe who else is here with them. It is none other than Moonphoenix! she's online!" He said trying not to get excited and not be loud.

The mystery mech gave out a gasp, "You must be joking Ironhide? My sister is there on Earth....with you, Optimus, and the rest of the Autobot rebellion?" The mech asks in surprise and hope.

"Yes, it's true! She's here! But, her memories are still coming back slowly. I say more but maybe if you show up as a surprise guest to what humans call a wedding to surprise them," Ironhide said with a sigh, "Just be prepared on what they're going to tell you about how they got her back and how she's still online."

The mystery mech grinned on the other end of the comms and replied, "I will be prepared, old friend. I am currently here on Mars investigating an energon mine here. Once I'm done here, I will use my cyberfire ability to launch me straight to Earth." The mystery mech said with a confident tone.

"I shall be on earth before the wedding begins real soon. Keep me notified of its progress until I reach the planet." The mystery mech said with a hidden smile.

Ironhide nodded, "You can count on it, Sir. Just make sure you have a human holoform before coming to the wedding."

The mystery mech grins behind the comms, "I can assure you, old friend, I will scan one and make sure it's an appropriate holoform for the wedding. Then surprise my long lost sister once I reach earth." The mech said with another hidden grin.

Ironhide said his farewell and turned off his comlink with Optimus Moonphoenix and Ashley all three of them were coming to the main room with Moonphoenix holding Ashley talking about the camping and the wedding.

The mystery mech ended the call and stands at full height being the same height as Optimus prime himself, "Soon sis, just wait for me." The mystery mech thought to himself with a joyful smile and a lone tear rolling down his cheekplating.


Miko and Ashley were waiting by the mall in Jasper for their Autobot friends to join as Miko was starting to get bord, "So when do you think Arcee, Stardust, and Moonphoenix will come here?"

"MP said 2 pm. I told Arcee to tell Stardust to meet us here at that time." Ashley said looking around for any of the femme bots in their vehicle form.

"But it's been ten minutes after 2 pm and no one has shown up yet!" Miko complained.

"Just be patient, Miko. I'm sure they will come soon." Ashley said hopefully.

As soon as she said that, a blue car and a blue motorcycle with a bit of pink on it drove up to the parking lot and parked. The woman on the bike, has blue hair with bits of pink in it and has electric blue eyes. After she takes her helmet off .while the car doors open and two more femmes come out one has light purple silver-ish hair in too two ponytails, with bright blue electric eyes. The other one had long silver hair with purple highlights, her eyes were unique, one bright blue while the other a bright purple, she has tan skin and a wonderful smile as that of a star, "Hey, Asha and Miko. "she said with a smile.

"So what exactly are we going to do?" Stardust asked, closing the door of her vehicle mode, looking at her surroundings as she followed Moonphoenix and Arcee to where two of their human friends were near the mall entrances. 

Miko looked at the three women, her eyes wide in surprise, "Acree? Moonphoenix? Stardust? You three look... amazing!" Miko shouted as Ashley hid behind her, not sure who these women were.

Arcee smiles at them, "Thank you, Miko. Hello, Ashley" Arcee gave a wave to Asha who hid behind Miko. 

Seeing this Moonphoenix walks up to Ashley, giving her a comforting smile, "Asha, don't be afraid. It's just me. That's Arcee and Stardust " She said motion her hand to the other two girls behind her.

Ashley slowly comes out from hiding behind Miko and looks over at Stardust and Arcee, "To answer your question...Stardust. We're here to help MP pick out...her wedding dress." She said quietly.

"Where should we go first exactly?" Arcee asked.

"Let the girls pick which bridal shop we'll go to," Moonphoenix said.

"I know just the place!" Miko shouted as she grabbed both Moon and Ashley's arms, pulling them into the mall with Arcee and Stardust following behind him.

While they were searching for the store, Stardust tugged Arcee's clothing slightly to gain her attention. "Um, what is this so-called wedding?" Stardust asked.

Arcee turned her head and faced her, "It's a human version of being sparkmates, Star. But you should ask Ashley and Miko more about it. I'm sure they'll tell you more about it." Arcee said as she looked around in thought. 

With a sigh, Moonphoenix turns and looks at Stardust, "What Arcee tells you is true, Star. But it's like they have a tradition with this being one with the one you love." She said, giving her a gentle smile.

The young femme ohh'd in amazement, "So you and Optimus are sparkmates?!? Congratulations, ma'am!" Stardust chirped with a smile.

"Please, Star. Just call me Celestria will do since we're in public. We need to have human names and thank you," Celestria said after she ruffles silver hair chuckling, "Now were to Asha and Miko? " She asked, turning to look at them.

"We're going to the Enchanted Bridal shop! It's the best in Jasper's mall, to find the perfect wedding dress!" Miko explains excitedly while Ashley looks over at Stardust.

"Ahh, Star?" Asha asked, looking nervously at Stardust.

"Really I can't wait to see this shop let's go!" Moonpheonix said but stop, hearing Ashley she turns her head to look at her, "Are you ok, Ashley?"

"Oh...ahh I'm fine. I just wanted to ask Stardust what she...thinks of the earth so far." Ashley nervously said as the group of girls finally made it to the shop.

"Here we are," Miko said standing in front of the entrance, "Let's go inside! Come on!" Motions the group to follow her as she leads her to some wedding dresses.

Looking at the store in awe Moonphoenix, Arcee, and Stardust couldn't believe their optics, "Wow there are so many dresses in there." Celestria said after she snaps out of her trance.

"Whoa, these are called dresses? It's so elegant." Stardust said before she turned to Ashley. "Your planet is so amazing! I want to learn more!" Stardust cheerfully said.

Moonphoenix smiles softly at this as she watches her and Ashley. 

"I'm glad you're enjoying here, Star. There's more to look forward to this planet." Arcee said while they walked into the shop to only see more dresses, some for the bride and some for bridesmaids, "Primus! This place is big! Let's find a dress so we can go camping. Stardust and Arcee don't forget you're coming on the camping trip as well." Moonphoenix said with a playful smile.

"This is going to be the best camping trip ever!" Miko excitedly announced. 

Ashley looked around the store giving a rare smile to Stardust and the others as she continued to look around the shop, "Celestria? What do you think of this wedding dress?"

Walking up to what Ashley pointed at Celestria let out a gasp, the dress is a beautiful ivory color with a white lace surrounding the dress with beautiful flowers imprinted on the lace turns and looks at her, "Ashley this dress is perfect! It's so beautiful! I wonder if I could try it on?" She asked Ashley a gentle smile. 

Arcee chuckles at Miko, "Calm down, Miko. I know you're excited and freaking out, so am I." She tells her while trying to keep her from bouncing up and down.

"Is it a very beautiful dress, Celestria," Stardust said looking at the dress.

"I think if you ask the person at the counter, you can try it out in the changing room." Ashley said, feeling a bit braver to speak up.

"I'll do that, Ashley. Thanks." Celestria smiles at her then looks over at Stardust with a smile on her lips, "Yes it's a beautiful dress, Star and it's the first one that caught my attention." She said with chuckles and went to the front counter, "Hello, I was wondering if I can try it on, please? " She said to the lady.

"Alright miss, come right this way." The lady said as she took MP to the dressing room.

"I guess while we're waiting for Celestria. We can explore around the store some more, come on!" Miko said motions for Arcee, Stardust, and Ashley to follow her.

"I guess we can explore for a little bit." Ashley said, looking around the store at some of the dresses and clothes they had there.

Coming out of the dressing room in the dress Moonphoenix tilts her head as she looks in the mirror "Hey guys, where are you?"

"They wandered around the other store while you were in the dressing room." Stardust said who stayed behind. "That dress is perfect for you."

Celestria blushes as she looks in the mirror and then back at Stardust, "Thanks! I can't believe I found a dress that not only fits me, but is very beautiful, simple, and elegant." She said while looking at herself in the mirror, "But it's missing something

"What is it?" Stardust asked as she tilted her head.

"I don't know...can you find Ashley and the other, Stardust? I'll be right here." Celestria said as she started to look at the shoes.

Stardust nodded and left the store to look for the others.

"This dress looks amazing! I wish I could get it." Miko said holding a forest green dress with some pink on it. 

"I think we should head back to see if MP is done," Ashley states and looks at Arcee who nods in agreement.

Arcee was holding up a navy blue dress that had some pink on it, "Alright, Ashley let's go see 'the bride to be' in her wedding dress that she picked."

Ashley, Miko, and Arcee all started to head back to the changing room when Miko spoke up, "Hey! Where's Star? I thought she was walking with us too?"

"I sent her to look for you three," Celestria said standing in front of them in the wedding dress she picked out. Arcee and Miko mouth drop looking at her. While Ashley gave her yet another rare smile.

"Oh hey, guys!" Stardust said running towards them.

Arcee turns her head to stardust after coming out of her shock, "Hi, Star!"

"Celestria asked me to look for you guys. I thought you left the store." Stardust said as she scratched the back of her head.

"We were in the store the whole time. But I thought for sure you were with us too." Miko stated, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"Well, now that we found Celestria a wedding dress we can go and get some lunch and maybe get ready for our camping trip?" Ashley asked nervously as everyone looked at her.

Seeing her getting nervous Celestria walks to her putting an arm around her, "That's a wonderful idea Asha and go pick the dresses you want girls I'll buy them for you we can pay for them after I get out of this dress "she said with a smile

"Yes!" Miko shouted while jumping up with her fist in the air, "I know just the dress! I'll go get it." And with that Miko quickly runs away from the group to go and get the dress she was looking at earlier. 

"I think someone should go with her just in case." Ashley explained quietly to the others.

Arcee chuckles "I'll go get, Miko. Be right back with her." She said as she walked away with Stardust following behind her.

 "Oh, Ashley I found this dress and I thought you might like it." Celestria said as she holds up a beautiful aqua dress to her.

Ashley looked at the dress, her eyes wide in all of the dress MP was showing her, "'s so beautiful." Takes a closer look at the dress, "The design on it is very lovely and amazing."

"When I first saw it I thought of you and how you would look beautiful in it." Celestria said to Ashley as she handed it to her, "Now let me get out of this dress and then we can start finding Stardust a dress, Then we can go eat some lunch afterward, sounds good?" She asked with a gentle smile as she saw Stardust, Arcee, and Miko coming back.

Stardust ran towards Ashley and Celestria, staring at Ashley's dress with sparkles in her eyes. "That's a very beautiful dress Ashley." Stardust chirped.

Celestria smiles softly at her as she places a hand on her shoulder, "Why don't you find a dress, Star? So we can go and eat, then we can go back to base and ready to go on our camping trip."

"Um... I don't know what to choose. I'm still new to this." Stardust said while looking around.

Looking around the dresses Celestria saw a dark blue dress that had some light blue coming up from the bottom. She takes it off the rack and shows it to her with a smile on her lips, "How about this, Star?" She asked her.

"I guess this will do." Stardust smiled looking at the dress. After Celestria pays for the dresses and shoes and they had lunch in the food court, the girls having a great time. After lunch, they went back to base and hid the dresses in Miko and Ashley's room. 

Everyone was gathered up with camping equipment while Ashley and Miko packed their backpacks ready to start their trip. Moonphoenix stretches as she was in her real body she went to the control panel and punch in the coordinates and turns on the groundbridge, "Ladies, our campsite on Starlight island awaits." She said with excitement and giggles softly.

"We're going on an island?!? Sweet! this is the best thing...ever!" Miko said jumping happily having her backpack on.

"We are going to an island? Are you's safe?" Ashely asks with a little fear in her voice.

Stardust tilted her head. "Is there something wrong with the island?" Stardust asked at Ashley.

"It's not an island but a campsite. I'm the only one that knows the location," Moonphoenix said after picking Ashley up and place her on her shoulder and walks through with the others

"Whoa...this place is...amazing!" Miko all but shouted as she dashed up the path they were on, looking at the beauty that surrounds them.

Ashley's eyes lit up as the colors and beauty of the forest they were in as she looked around a butterfly approach her landing on her lap, she started to study its beauty and colors, "MP, look at this Northern Blue butterfly, it's so small, yet...amazing."

Arcee couldn't believe her optics as she looks around, " It's so beautiful here, so peaceful." She said with awe.

Moonphoenix was looking at the blue butterfly, "It's very beautiful, Asha. They nest here so they can be safe." Moonphoenix explained to her with a gentle smile as she leads them to the campsite she already set up for them before they went to get their dresses, "Everyone welcomes to Starlight Island."

"Wow! This place is amazing!" Stardust said admiring the campsite that Moonphoenix set up.

Miko started to look around the camp with the others. Five tents set up with a campfire in the middle of it all set and ready for someone to light it up, with great big logs to sit around the fire. 

"Man, did you set this campsite up, Moon?" Miko asked as she looked inside of one of the tents, "I call this one!" She said quietly going inside to set up all of her stuff.

Gently putting Ashley down, Moonphoenix chuckles slightly at Miko's Atticus, "Optimus help me set it up. It was cute and funny at the same time as we both try to get the tents up." she stated.

Arcee chuckles at that thinking the mighty leader of the Autobots is having trouble with pitching the tent,"I had to hand it to you, Moon. You really did pick the best place and no Decepticons to worry about." She said as she went to her tent.

Stardust looks at the tent. "This is where humans recharge during camping?" Stardust asked curiously as she put her stuff in her tent.

"Yeah they do and they sleep in what they call sleeping bags. Is that right, Ashley?" Moonphoenix asks looking at Ashley.

Ashley nods her head as she took off her backpack and pulled out a sleeping bag to show Stardust and Arcee, "This is what we will be sleeping in tonight to keep us warm." She quietly said with some shyness in her voice.

Arcee transformed and activated her holoform as she gently touches the sleeping bag with her hand caution, a smile on her lips as she feels the fabric "It's...soft and warm." She said to the others. Moonphoenix transformed and also activated her holoform as she watches them by her tent with a smile. Here for the first time, Arcee is finally being able to let go of revenge and the war and just enjoy herself. Moon prayed to Primus for this special moment and thanks him for bringing her back with everyone.

"It is!" Stardust said as she touched the sleeping bag in her holoform. "Human stuff is so interesting. Can you show me more?" Stardust asked Ashley and Miko.

Miko quickly took Stardust's hand and drags her into her tent as she starts to pull out her iPod, pillow, blanket, her stuff frog, and some other stuff as she showed her what they are and what they can do.

Ashley looks over at her guardian as she put her sleeping bag back in her pack, "MP?"

"Yes, Ashley? What can I do for you, kiddo?" Moonphoenix asked, looking up after making the fire in the fireplace.

Ashley rolled her eyes at Moon as she walks over next to her, feeling the warmth from the fire, "Did you and Optimus pack us some supper?

Because we should start cooking dinner if we want to eat before dark."

MoonPhoenix nodded her head as she gets up yeah we pack hot dogs, some salad, chips, hot dog buns, and that stuff that you humans call 'S'mores' in the silver cooler. The drinks are in the blue cooler and for us cybertronian the energon cubs are in the purple cooler. someone should probably make some sticks for roast the hotdogs, while Arcee gets the drinks and I'll get the hotdogs ready and yes we brought the condiments." She told Ashley.

"Ok. Thanks, MP. Do you want me to make some hotdog sticks so we can start cooking?" Ashley asked.

"Sure I'm gonna get the stuff ready. Since Arcee is getting the Energon out." Moon stated as she went to get the condiments.

Ashley smiled and gave Moon a nod as she took her pocket knife from her bag and went into the woods.

"And that's why Slash Monkeys are the best band ever!" Miko said as she pulled Stardust out of the tent they were in, "Hey? Where's the others?"

"We're over by the fire you two!" Arcee said as she finished setting the drinks up while Moonphoenix got everything ready.

"Sweet!" Miko shouted excitedly as she dragged Stardust over to where to Arcee and MP were setting up stuff on the picnic table, "What's for dinner?"

"We're having hotdogs, chips for dinner, for dessert s'mores and drinks soda for the kids and Energon for us cybertronian. " Arcee said.

"It looks delicious!" Stardust said looking at the foods.

Sees Ashley coming to them after she got the sticks ready, Moonphoenix looks at everyone "Alright, everyone! Grab a stick because it's time roast some hotdogs." She told them, but thinks about what Optimus and the others may be up to back at home.

Ashley smiled as she handed everyone a hotdog sticks while Moonpheonix passed out the hotdogs as everyone started to cook there hotdogs.

"Is this your guy's first time having hotdogs?" Ashley asked looking over at MP, Arcee, and Stardust. Miko looked from Ashley to the other in curiosity.

"I just got here on Earth yesterday, so yeah hehe." Stardust said as she looks at the hotdog.

"Same with Arcee and I. We haven't try human food yet, but this is gonna be our first time doing so," Moonphoenix said while putting the hot dog on the stick and puts over the fire. 

"This is so...peaceful. No cons after you, no one knows where this place and for the others, I bet they're enjoying some mech time before tomorrow." Arcee said as she roasted her hotdog.


"Ironhide, I have arrived on earth, what is your location?" The mysterious mech said as he got out of his escape pod.

Ironhide was standing in the clearing of the forest, his servo to his comm link, "In the forest just lock on my signal, old friend." He said looking up.

The Mech locked onto the weapon's specialist's signal and proceeded to run down that way, "I am coming, Ironhide. You should see me coming right" The mystery mech said as he came out of the brunch and trees.

Ironhide smirks as he sees his dear old friend, "About time you got here I was beginning to worry you wouldn't make it."

The mech walked from the shadows to let Ironhide have a good look at his old friend's condition, "Well you know me, Ironhide. I like to make an entrance." The mech said with a smirk on his derma.


That night everyone was enjoying the camping trip, laughing and telling funny and scary stories as they all had a wonderful time. Then it started to get late, the girls went to their tents and went to recharge/sleep for the night. All that is except for Moonpheonix, who was looking up at the stars in the night sky closing her eyes as she whispered to herself softly, "I miss you, big brother. I wish you could be here with me, for my wedding. Wherever you are out there... I'll wait for you. I know you're still alive, Goodnight M..." She stopped, hearing someone coming out of one of the tents, she turns around and sees her charger standing there, "Aren't you supposed to be in recharge, Asha?" She asks with a gentle smile.

Ashley looked a little embarrassed and sat down next to Moonpheonix holding her stuff tiger, "I can't sleep. I feel like someone is watching us. I'm...scared." She whispered the last part as she looking around there camp as if someone will come out and hurt them.

Moonpheonix pats the seat next to her and as soon as Asha was sitting down beside her, she gently wraps her arm around her, as a mother would to her child, "It's gonna be ok, Asha no one knows of this place, we're safe." She said gently stroking her hair, "If you want I can sing you to sleep." She said looking at her with caring eyes.

Ashley smiled as she leaned her head on to Moon's shoulder as she listened to her singing to her.

"Where the north star meets the sky

There's a Moon full of light and hope

Sleep, my darling, safe and sound

For in this moonlight all is found

In her light, deep and true

Lay the answers and a path for you

Look up now into her lightful night

But not go too far or you'll fall into the night

Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear

And in her song, all magic flows

But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the Moon knows?

Where the north star meets the sky

There's a Pheonix full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost, then all is found"

Ashley's eyes finally closed as she fell asleep onto Moonpheonix's lap.

Looking down and smiles softly seeing her asleep Moonpheonix gently lifts her up and takes her to Ashley's tent after opening it, she places the sleeping teenager in her sleeping bag, zipping it up placing her stuff tiger next to the girl and leans in kisses her forehead like a mother would do for her child,  "Recharge well my little one. May your dreams be filled with joyfulness and light of hope." She whispers as she sneaks out and zips up the tent.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Moonpheonix turns to see who spoke as a femme walked out of the shadows, revealing herself as a spider with the Decepticon symbol right on the femme's chaisse.

Moonpheonix deactivates her holoform and transforms, "I never thought I would see you again, Arachnid!" She said getting her duel blades out.

"Well, I'm surprised you didn't listen to your pet's warning sooner." Arachnid said darkly as she attacks Moon.

Moonpheonxi dodges the attack and strikes Arachnid, slicing her faceplate, "Don't test me, Spider! Leave now or face the consequences!" She said glaring.

Arachnid only smiled as she wiped away the energon from her faceplate, "If you really think you can do something to me..." She said smoothly as she shot her webs at MP, pinning her to the ground, "Then you're wrong!"

Suddenly something from behind Arachnid and tap her, She turned around to see who it was as her optics grew wide, "You!"

"Yes me. Your job was to watch and wait for the right moment to take Dark Pheonix. Not kill her! You blew the mission!" A femme said coldly with no emotion in her voice as the moonlight shined out to show who it was. The femme was a seeker like Starscream but didn't have high heels, she was black with some red on her frame along with her emotionless red optics.

"I did perfectly fine,Nightflames and Nightstriker!" Arachnid shouted turning to the femme seeker and grounder with anger in her optics.

Nightstriker just rolled her optics at her as she put a servo to her commlink, "Soundwave, we need a groundbridge. Mission has been failed."

Arachnid looked from Nightflames to Moonpheonix and was just about to firer a blast at Moon when a groundbridge appeared underneath her as she falls through it.

Nightstriker walked over to MP with no emotion as she stared down at her while holding her blade, "Until next time, Dark Pheonix." With that, she sliced off the webs from Moon and then jumped into the groundbridge with Nightflames as everything became quiet once more.

"By the Allsparks! We're in trouble," Moonpheonix said to herself as she gets up, only to double over in pain, seeing she was injured but quickly healing herself, "Well, that just, Primus! How am I gonna explain all this to Optimus?" She thought.

First Arachnid now another femme seeker and grounder ? What is Megatron planning and who's this mysterious mech? Find out more, on the next chapter of "The Pheonix has Risen!"