chapter 17

the wedding

In the woods in a cabin, Moonpheonix was in a room with Arcee, stardust, Miko, and Ashley, she was nervous after three weeks from that incident Arcee was Zipping up her dress while Miko and Stardust were helping with her hair while Ashley doing her makeup.

With Optmus and the boys

bulkhead looks at optimus "are you feeling nervous Optimus

Optimus had to admit to himself that he was a little nervous at the fact of marrying moonpheonix

"Yes bulkhead, I am as nervous

as I can be right now but I will not let it interfere with me and moonpheonix's marriage." He said with compassion and he put on a brave face.

Bulkhead slaps Optimus on the back with a chuckle"good cause you're one lucky mech to marrying her Optimus you two deserve this after what you two been through " he said as Jack fixes his tie"bulkhead is right when she's around you're more relax and calm "

The prime that Bulkhead and jack were right, himself and moonpheonix deserve this after all the years of war and what they have been through. "You two are right, thank you for telling this, my friends." He said as he gave a kind smile to them as he let jack finish off with the Prime's tie.

"Anytime prime and wheel jack want to say something and we don't know where Ironhide is, "bulkhead said

Optimus was confused as to why Ironhide made a sudden disappearance. "Bulkhead, where is Ironhide?" He asked, only for the bulkhead to just give him a shrug of his shoulders.

"Maybe went on a patrol to make sure no deceptions won't interfere after what happens with the girls," raf said with bee nodding

Optimus nodded at their answers but he couldn't help but question one thing. "Why did he leave all on his own without backup?" He asked in thought with slight concern on his face.

Everyone shrugs their shoulders as they walk out of the cabin and went to the alter meanwhile Ironhide and the mysterious mech were walking up the trail seeing everyone getting ready "now this is gonna be a wedding to remember you're nervous "

The mystery mech nodded his helm. "If this wedding is this special to optimus and my sister, then we must hurry". The mech said with a steady tone.

Ironhide nodded his head"we need to wait for the moon to walk down the aisle with Ratchet once they about to do their vows I'll show up and tell them I was getting someone that's when you can show yourself "

The mech nodded his helm in understanding but he had to ask a question to the weapons specialist. "Should I require a holo form?" He asks with a head tilt.

Giving him a nod Ironhide transforms and activates his holo form

The mystery mech needed to scan a form but to his luck, he scanned a mode just in case he may come into contact with any humans. The mystery mech then transforms and activates his holo form.

"I swear you and optimus could be twins," Ironhide said to him 

Meanwhile with the girls 

Moonpheonix was getting very nervous she was looking at herself in the mirror "you look so beautiful Moonpheonix you don't need to nervous

A knock was heard on the door as Ashley came in, "Moon? Are you ok?"

Moonpheonix looks at arcee and Ashley"im alright just nervous what if something goes wrong "arcee sighs " nothing is gonna ruin this happy moment for you Moon you and optimus deserve this more then anything I'll go get ratchet "she said walking out leaving Ashely and Moonpheonix alone

"Hey, MP? It's going to be ok. You'll do amazing! Optimus will always love till the end of his spark. If should feel...loved and excited. Not...nervus and worry about what may happen. Just...enjoy this moment." Ashley said seating down next to Moonpheoxi as she moved some of her hair out of her face and faced MP, "I know I'm probably not with helping out much to the team but...Sighs "You can do this, MP. Optimus will always wait for you and will never give you up."

Moonpheonix was speechless at what Ashely just said she tries not to cry with tears of joy but chuckles softly "Ashely thank you I really needed to hear that for so long my spark aches for optimus even when I was dark Phoenix but now I can see everything is gonna be alright "

"I'm glad," Ashley said as a smile came to her lips. "Moonpheonxi? Are you ready?" Ratchet said as he enters the room, offering his hand out to her. "You can do this, MP." Ashley whispered into Moon's hear, "He's waiting for you."

With a gentle smile and a nod Moonpheonix takes her sire's hand "let's not keep him waiting then shall we Sire and Ashley " she said softly to them

Ironhide sneaks the mysterious mech in the cabin "we'll wait here till it time

The mysterious man nodded his head and waited as Ironhide entered the wedding room.

Meanwhile with Optimus

Optimus was now waiting at the podium with a smile on his lips. "How I waited for this moment" he said to himself as he put his hands behind his back.

Raf looks at Optimus smiles" optimus can you tell me how you and moon met?"he ask waiting for the bride and the bridesmaids.

Optimus nodded his head and looked into rags eyes. "Before the war began, I was originally a clerk on cybertron in the Iacon Hall Of Records. I was working on a peice of data when Alpha trion introduced me to celestria or as she is now known as, moonpheonix. Me and her have been friends for a long time until we told of each other's feelings and we became what you humans would call a "couple". When megatron began his quest for domination of cybertron, me and her have fought side-by-side ever since. The restypu already know." He said to the young boy.

"So even though she's Megatron sister, she still pick you?" Raf said

The prime nodded his head again. "She knows that I will always protect her, no matter the cost". He said as he put his hand on his chest and clenched it.

"Optimus don't think about that day think about the now you're gonna be with the femme you love " bulkhead said with a smile

Optimus calmed down and shook his head to get rid of that memory but he still cant help but wonder if "HE" was still alive.

With Moon and the others

Ratchet was taking Moonpheonix by the arm leading her outside with the other girls following behind her. Ashley staying real close to her and Ratchet, while Miko, Stardust and Arcee were following from behind as well as holding there bouquet of flowers.

"Sire are you crying " Moonpheonix ask when she notices some tears on his faceplate "sire no matter what I'll always be your little celi " she said as music starts to play

"I...know, Celi. I know." Ratchet said tearfully but quitly as he wiped some of his tears from his eyes as he walked down the aisle of chairs to where Optimus was waiting for her with Bee, Bulkhead, Jack and Rafael standing on the right side near the Prime.

Smiles softly at her sire she looks at quietly gasps there standing by the alter was the mech she love her eyes never left his as she got to him giving him a comfort and sweet smile

Optimus could only stare at his soon-to-be-wife as he gave her a proud smile. "Tou look beautiful my love, shall we?" He ask kindly as he extend his hand to her.

"Let's my love " she said as Moonpheonix takes his hand gently as she got to where he's at "and you look so handsome by the way "

Optimus made sure that everyone is here and when he looks around, he saw ironhide. The weapon's specialist's in question appears to have a smirk on his face and it confuses the prime for a bit but he let it slide and focused his attention at his sparkmate

Ironhinde looks at the mysterious mech"show time " Moonpheonix shakes her head at ironhide but looks at Optimus holding onto his hand Agent Fowler clears his throat"dearly beloved we are gather here to witness these two of unite their hearts if any has objection speak now or forever hold their peace" he said before he can continue Ironhide came in"sorry for being late I was getting someone "he said as he steps away

That's when the mysterious man walked into the room with a smirk on his lips. "Really moon, you dare have a wedding without having  your only sibling attend, I am truly hurt" the man said as he placed a hand on his chest in mocked pain. Moonpheonix was in tears as she turned around and saw her long lost brother.

"M..maxtrounos?" Moonpheonix ask  Sees him nodded she runs to him "Big Brother it's really is you."

He nodded his head as he opened his arms for his sister. "Come moonpheonix, come give your big brother "Maxtronus" a hug, will you?" He said with a small chuckle. All the autobots and humans alike were shocked but no one was more shocked then optimus prime himself.

Runs into her brothers embrace Moonpheonix softly cries"we thought you were offline, brother" "Prime you know this guy and why did moon call him brother?" Agent Fowler ask

Before optimus got the chance to speak, Maxtronus beat him to the punch. "Because I was the one that rescued her from megatron's clutches when she was controlled by him as a decepticon by the name of "dark Phoenix". The other prime said as he held his sister close as she continued to cry on joy.

"Easy sister, I am here now and I will never leave your side again" he said as he rubbed her back to comfort her.

"I...didn't know you had a brother." Ashley said quietly looking over at Matronus shyly.

Slowly calming down Moonpheonix looks up at him"you may have saved me once brother but Megatron had a device implanted in me turning me back into dark Phoenix but if he hadn't I wouldn't be able to reunited with Optimus and the others sire manage to get the device out "she told him then looks at Ashley" make that two remember megateon is my brother and maxtrounos is my other brother..."agent Fowler clears his throat"shall get the wedding going

Optimus and Maxtronus nodded as they went to there respective spots for the wedding.

Agent Fowler clears his throat "alright now optimus would like to say your vows to Moonpheonix?"

Optimus nodded as he looked into moonpheonix's eyes. "moon, from this day forth, I promise to be your faithful, honest, and compassionate husband, I vow to hold your hand in my hand, to hold your head in my hands, and to hold tour heart in mine. I love you with all my spark and my only wish is to spend the rest of my days with you and to know everything in life with you by my side. This I vow to you moonpheonix" he said with a proud smile as Maxtronus and the others almost shed a tear from the prime's words.

Tears were falling down her face Moonpheonix wipes her eyes while Agent Fowler tries not to cry "o...ok Moonpheonix you're next " he said

She nodded as she takes  a deep breath "Optimus, for eons you captured my spark by being exactly who you are, the sweetest, most loving person I have ever know. from the moment we met, I felt something like nothing i. Have ever before with my heart and soul I MoonPhoenix take you Optimus prime as my husband and soulmate for as long as I live. Together we are better then we could ever hope to be today you will always be the best part of my spark  " she finished

Optimus was in tears but he didn't make a sound as he smiled and let his tears fall.

Agent Fowler balling his eyes out"oh man that was beautiful "wipes his tears " alright ahem do you optimus take Moonpheonix to be your wife to love to hold and cherishes till death do you part

Optimus looked at agent Fowler with a small grin. "I do," he said as he faced his attention back at his spark mate.

Agent Fowler smiles then looks at Moonpheonix "do you Moonpheonix takes optimus to be your husband to hold and cherish till death do you part" 

"I do with my very spark," Moonpheonix said looking into optimus eyes with a gentle smile Ironhide wipes his tears away so no one will see Agent Fowler "now it's time for the rings," he said as RAF holds up the rings to Optimus and Moonpheonix they both take the rings Moonpheonix slips optimus ring on"with this ring, I will bell be wed "

Optimus took one ring and slide it on moonpheonix's middle finger.

Alright by the power vested in me I pounce you, man and wife, you may kiss the bride "agent Fowler said

Optimus leaned in and kissed her on the lips with love and passion. How he waited all this time to do this with her and now he was complete.

Moonpheonix wraps her arms around his neck kissing him back with love and passion "I love you Ori " she whispered

Optimus retreated from the kiss and gave her a smile. "I love you to the moon, with all that Maxtronus walked up to the two and proceeded to hug them both.

"This is the best day to ever happen to me, I waited so long for you two to be together and at last, my vision has finally come true!" He said ad he hugged them harder to the point of them losing oxygen.

"B..bro c..cant breath," Moonpheonix said as she pokes his side hard

Maxtronus eyes shot open as he let them go and apologized profusely. "Sorry you two, I just can't remember my own strength," he said sheepishly.

Ashley gave a huge smile as she watched her two guardians together at last, "Congratulations Moon, Optimus. I'm so happy for you."

Moonpheonix smiles at Ashley"thank you, Ashley,y, shall we got to the reception and have some fun and food and high-grade energon but Ashley can we talk to you alone all three of us unless max wants to party "she said softly

Maxtronus knew that sometimes (primes don't party) but he was going to change that. "I will gladly have some fun if it means that I get to have it with you, sis." He said with a grin.

"Or with Arcee bro, she's here as well " chuckles

Maxtronus was shocked that his crush was here on earth as well. He began to form an even bigger grin as he looked at his sister. "Tell everyone to come outside, I want to show them my new look for this planet." He said with a hint of excitement.

"You never change big brother " chuckles" the party is outside gonene "giving him a smile as he runs off she looks at Ashley, "Asha sweetie are you ok?"

Ashley, looked up a bit confused at Moonpheonix and Optimus, "What do you mean?"

"Ashley, I want you to know that optimus and I decided to not only be your guardians but we want to know if you want to stay with us at the base

"You...want me to stay with you both?" Ashley asked a little surprised.

Moonpheonix nodded her head smiles softly"that is if you want to we won't force you"

Optimus nodded in agreement and before he could answer, he heard an engine coming straight at the entrance of the wedding party patio. Everyone turned their attention to the sound as they all have wide eyes with shock and awe. What they saw was a red and blue flamed semi-truck was coming to a stop in front of them all with a trailer right behind it.

"What's the matter is, did you not think that I would not appear as a "truck?". Maxtronus asked with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"I swear you and optimus had taste for trucks though you both look good with the design," Moonpheonix said "we need to go before Ironhide and the wreckers get drunk from the high grade "

"Roger that moonpheonix," he said as he opened his driver door and let his holo form out. "Who knows how much damage they could cause when drunk," he said as he ran to where they are.

Moonpheonix nodded as they went to the reception seeing everyone is having a good time" at least sire kept them from getting drunk

"This is the best wedding ever!" Miko shouted as she was doing ann abandon again than playing a whole lot of music. Ashley looked around while following Moonpheonix close behind feeling as if she didn't belong here. Sighing to herself she started thinking about the offer MP and Optimus asked her about, 'Should I stay with them? If I do...then there may be a risk that they will find out…"

Maxtronus interrupts thoughts as he placed a hand on her shoulders.

"If you wish as to not get involved, we will honor it but it is your own choice to make if you wish to stay with me and the rest of Autobots". He said with a wise look as he could tell that the human girl was hiding something but he will not try and ask for answers.

Agent Fowler was talking to Optimus and Moonpheonix

Optimus was having a conversation with agent Fowler as he gave out a small scowl. "Maybe so agent Fowler, but you and I both know that Maxtronus can be trusted, he is my best friend since I was just a clerk back on Cybertron," he said with honesty with a small glare at the human.

Feeling the tension Moonpheonix places her hand on her husband's arm "easy my love breath " soothing him giving him A gentle smile then look at agent Fowler"I know you're concerned for your planet but know this maxtronus is a dear friend to us and is family "she told him 

Agent Fowler gives a sighs" I'm sorry primes it just he came out of know where all of a sudden.

Optimus relented his anger and glare as he nodded in understanding. "It is alright agent Fowler but please be sure to make sure that Maxtronus is on the list of Autobots here on earth for your government," he said as he turned his attention to the said prime that is preventing Ironhide and the wreckers from causing any damage.

Ashley looked away from Optimus' geez, and slowly walked away from Maxtronus towards an empty table and sits down. "Alright, everyone!" Miko shouted, paused the music with iPhoneehand as she spoke, "The moment has finally come. We will now do the dance of Bride and Groom!"

Smiles with Raf and Ashley's help push Optimus and Moonpheonix to the dance floor gently "Miko play the music " jack said as both of the runs off Moonpheonix looks at Optimus and then at everyone till the music starts

Optimus and moonpheonix were hesitant at first but they began to start dancing to the music and Primus, can they dance so gracefully.

Moonpheonix leans her head on his chest as they dance to the beautiful music

Optimus closed his eye in contentment as he let her stay there as he swayed side to side with her in his strong arms.

"Now this is a wedding dance that I may want to see again." He said with a small proud smile.

"Agreed my love I wouldn't mind doing this again, Ori," Moonpheonix said with looking up at him smiles softly"I love you "

Optimus brings her into another kiss. "I love you too moon," he said as his lips meet hers.

Moonpheonix closes her eyes placing her hand on his chest as they kiss while they dance Arcee smiles at the table she's been sitting watching them

Maxtronus walked over to arcee and sat next to her as she noticed the primes sudden appearance and began to blush hard. her crush was literally sitting next to her.

"H..hey Maxtronus " Arcee said trying not to be shied"     they look wonderful don't they on the dance floor.

Maxtronus loomed at the shy femme as he smiled. "Yes, they seem to be having their fun on the dance floor." He said as he gave her a smirk. "Do you wish to dance?"

Arcee looks up at him "should we wait till they finish their song

He nodded as he saw something that intrigued his interests l, arcee was blushing but from what reason? He will ask that if her later.

As soon the song ends Optimus and Moonpheonix went off the dance floor.

Maxtronus made sure the floor was clear as he got up and gave out his hand towards arcee like a gentleman would with his lady. "Shall we?" he said with a smirk.

Arcee blushes but smiles as she takes his hand standing up"let's go"

The Prime led her over as another song begins to play.

Arcee started to dance with him chuckling "sorry I'm not a very good dancer

Maxtronus chuckles at her being cute right before him. "I don't mind, as long as we have fun and have a good time, then I can careless," he said as he twirls her around and back to face him.

Arcee chuckles softly as she dances with him "agreed max agreed " chuckles as they dance having a blast till Miko said "alright time for some speech of the couple and then Cake "

Maxtronus and arcee stopped dancing as they had their attention on the newly wedded couple.

"Alright who wants to go first," Jack asks looking around

Optimus stepped forward and gained everyone's attention. "I am truly happy and proud that all of you supported me and my new wife, without all of your help, we would have this day. For that, I thank you Autobots No!, my family". He said with a grateful smile.

Everyone smiles at the newlywed they were touch by what he said till jack said"hey Maxtronus got anything to say about the newlyweds?

Maxtronus looked at jack with a small smile. "I do, for many irons or in this case years, I truly believed that optimus and my sister moonpheonix belonged with each other and here they are as a newly wedded couple. I am proud to be brothers in arms with optimus and proud to be a brother for moonpheonix. On this day forth, I Maxtronus prime shall make sure that no one will try and separate them their love lives, be they Decepticon or Autobot." He said for all to hear.

Moonpheonix wipes away her tears" brother thank you if I didn't step ped in the icon hall of records I wouldn't meet the mech that would one day be my spark mate and now my husband thought it was pretty funny to see optimus and Maxtronus faces when they learn that Ratchet is my adopted sire "tries not to giggles

Optimus and Maxtronus rolled there eyes as they both smile at her. Everyone began to laugh out loud because of that little fact.

Moonpheonix chuckles softly at them

Rachet chuckles at the 2 prime's expense bit he had a memory that pit a smirk on his face. "Hey optimus, remember that day when moonpheonix first met you and how embarrassing it was for her to meet you?" Optimus remembered and began to grin, as did maxtronus and moonpheonix stopped giggling and went pale in fear of what her sire was doing.

"don't even think about it sire same for you too Ori," moonpbeonix said

Maxtronus did what any other brother does to his sister, humiliate them. "Hey moon, when you met optimus, I saw you blushing hard and your optics formed little hearts on them like a lovesick cyber-puppy," he said with a small laugh as optimus and rachet chuckled.

Moonpheonix blushes then playfully glare" says the mech who didn't see the wet floor sign and did the splits at sire's clinic "

Maxtronus shuts up as optimus and rachet now laughed even harder. "Then who was the one that [accidentally] burned down a tree when you sneezed in the forest in Brazil on our energon scouting mission?" He asked with a smirk as moonpheonix looked at the ground with a blush as she puts her pointing fingers together in shyness and embarrassment.

" know I didn't mean to something was making sneeze," she said "ok guys let's hear what the sire of the bride what he had to say, " Jack said trying to calm down

Ashley smiled as she listened to the speeches.

Maxtronus, the humans, and the rest of the Autobots were waiting for moonpheonix and optimus to begin cutting the cake.

Moonpheonix with Optimus takes a knife and cuts the energon cake holding up a slice to Optimus

Optimus takes a bite out of it ad he gave his pice to moonpheonix.

Moonpheonix takes a bite from his slice then energon and human cake were cut and handed out

Maxtronus received his piece from optimus as he now enjoys the energon cake. "Best cake I could ever have eaten," the prime said as he happily chewed his tasty dessert.

"Good cause Ironhide the high-grade energon and sire made the energon cake Bro," she said after she finishes her cake

Maxtronus nodded his helm at the weapons specialist and the medical officer with respect. "Compliments to the chefs as the humans say," he said with a smile.

As the sun finishes setting and Moonpheonix tosses her bouquet of flowers at the femmes which Arcee catches Moonpheonix and Optimus went to the base to use the ground bridge to get to their honeymoon leaving Maxtronus in charges.