chapter 19

a new alliance

No Ones POV:

A few solarcycles after Moon and Optimus's honeymoon, a strange cybertronian approached them when they were on an Energon scouting mission. Their frame was familiar, its colors shone brightly in the sunny forest.

"A sympathizer for your cause, sent these for you Autobots." she spoke, a soft smile on her derma.

"Who sent this energon? They are already processed into cubes, clearly shaped by a Decepticon." Optimus's voice echoed out in the relatively quiet forest.

"They are from a Decepticon, one Moon knows of, she's met the femme." The bot spoke again before transforming and driving off quickly, leaving the newly weds to be very confused, and concerned as they looked at the cubes.

Sighing in disbelief, the two start scanning the energon, once deeming it safe they ask for a groundbridge to their immediate location.

Moments later, the large swirling green vortex warped into existence before them. The two stepped through the bridge, dragging the crates of Energon behind them. The bots looked at the two in major confusion. Noticing the decepticon made Energon Cubes behind them.

"Moon, where did you and Optimus get those cubes." Ratchet's weather and rusty voice spoke out in the quiet base.

Moon stepped forward as she started to speak, "This stranger appeared before us again Sire. Saying that a femme decepticon gave these to us to use. We already scanned them for signs of deceptions. There was nothing. They are clean."

"Call the other autobots back to base Ratchet, I believe we all should have a talk." Optimus spoke to his old friend.

Ratchet nodded, quickly sending out a comm signal for the others to return to base. Miko, Raph, and Bulkhead soon arrived with Stardust right behind them. Ironhide walked into the main area with Maxtronous from the birthrooms. And the bridge opened up as Wheeljack and Bumblebee drove through, as well as Arcee with Jack. Ashely soon stepped into the main room as well, stepping out the bedroom she sometimes shared with Miko.

"Woah! Where did you guys get all of the Energon!?" Miko exclaimed loudly as she jumped out of Bulkheads alt mode excitedly. Raph soon exited afterwards, running up the stairs of the human area, Jack and Ashely at his heels as they tried to get closer to optic level with the bots.

"A decepticon gave us a present. We don't know who. But, we are going to go find out. If we are lucky, they may be trying to defect from the Decepticons. Ratchet, search for any Decepticon activity around the world. Maybe we can find them." Optimus turned to speak to Ratchet after addressing the other bots.

Ratchet nodded and went to work trying to find the Cons, Raph walked over with his computer and started helping out.

"We will all be going together through groundbridge. We don't know what we will find. We need to be prepared for whatever we could be facing on the other side. Will you all help us?"

The bots started talking with each other, they all spoke uneasily before they all agreed to go with.

After a few hours of searching, Ratchet and Raph finally got a lock on the Decepticons location. Most likely an Energon mine. 

The group looked at each other, "Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus Prime's voice boomed loudly in the cavernous base as the groundbridge popped into existence. The sound of metal grinding against metal soon reached everybots audials as everybot transformed, the charges rushed down the stairs and to their bots and got into their alts.

The family rushed through the bridge and into a forest surrounding a large cavern opening. An ominous aura surrounded them.

A familiar voice rang out through the sharp wind that drove spikes of cold wind into their frames.

"Let me ask you again NightStriker, where is the Energon?" Megatron's gravely voice sounded through the silence.

"I don't know sire.." a feminine voice responded quietly, her voice nearly getting lost to the wind.

"You lie! You worthless scrapheap of a daughter! You gave it to the autobots!" He yelled out as a loud noise erupted as metal collided with metal, and soon metal with earth.

"Agh..! S-sire! I..." the voice paused momentarily before speaking again. "You are not my sire... you never were, and you never will be. I HATE YOU!" she growled out loudly as the bots quietly moved forward.

As they got within distance to see them, they saw a fuming warlord hovering over a femme with a red and black frame, blue energon was leaking from her faceplates heavily.

The femme stood up angrily, shifting forms as she transformed into a large, dragon like figure. Similar to a predacon. Surprise was visible in her optics, making it evident she didn't know she could do that. Shaking the surprise away she lunged towards Megatron, long sharp teeth bared as a loud and fearsome roar was released from her throat, her neck armor glowing a light blue, before she blew out glowing hot blue flames out at the warlord.

The flames did little to no damage to the tyrant as he stepped forward heavily and clasped his servo around her throat, disrupting the femmes concentration as she was suddenly being choked to death. Her optics dimmed as her form reverted back to her bipedal form.

"You are a waste of cybertronian life, I should have never taken you in." Megatron spoke as his servo transformed into a blade and he ran her through, barely missing her dim spark, yet still causing a scream of agony to rush free from her voice box.

"Autobots attack!" Optimus seethed out of anger as he transformed and rushed forward, feeling an odd sense of protectiveness over the wounded femme.

Optimus's large form barreled into Megatron, knocking the similar height mech to the ground, causing the two to start wrestling on the ground for dominance over the situation.

The other autobots rushed out as well, Moon hurried over to the femme on the ground, Ratchet at her pedes as they slowly moved NightStriker into a sitting position. Trying to keep her online.

Optimus soon after overpowered Megatron, causing the Decepticons to fall back, retreating back to the Nemesis.

The group headed back through the groundbridge, carrying more Energon and the near offline femme Decepticon.

Ratchet and Moon rushed into the medical bay, gently setting the femme onto the medical berth as the other bots went to go store the Energon cubes they managed to get their servos on.

The two medics began work on healing and repairing NightStriker, throughout the process, she passed out due to energon loss. Strangely enough, throughout the process, her optic guard changed from a ruby red, to a beautiful cerulean blue.

After many hours of silence and waiting, they were done. Moments after when the two were cleaning up, the con was slowly coming online. Maxtronous quickly stood up and walked over, his arm cannons online and ready to fire. Bulkhead, Wheeljack, and Arcee stood right beside him.

"Where am I..? Moonpheonix? Oh thank Primus I'm no longer with that scrapheap..." Nightstriker spoke softly as she sat up. Shaking her helm as she scanned the room with hidden optics. She shrunk backwards as she noticed there were weapons drawn, targeting her. "Please, I mean no harm to you Autobots. I realize the mistake I made when I joined the Decepticons a few months ago..."

"A few months? How long have you been wandering the universe?" Wheeljack asked her, looking confused, yet not lowering his guard.

"I am human. Well, I was. Before Megatron furthered my transformation into a Cybertronian. He told me I was offlined as a sparkling, and then reborn as a human. And my transformation to my true form only started when I turned 16. I am 17 in human years. He found me about eight months ago. When I was still human, well. Partially. All my blood had turned to Energon. Which gave me an Energon signature. He said he recognized it as family, said that he was my sire, or father. On cybertron. I trusted him. More than I should have. Weeks later his scientist Shockwave, sped up my transformation into a cybertronian. As soon as he did, they gave me the name NightStriker. But... there was always another name floating around my processor. Motari. I didn't understand it, but I felt that it was what I was truly meant to be. I felt I didn't belong. I decided a few weeks ago to change factions. As long as you'll have me..." the femme bowed her head, her optics dimming slightly, expecting to be offlined or thrown in jail.  

Optimus stepped forward and placed a servo on the femme's shoulder armor, "You may join us, but you won't be trusted by anyone for a long while. You will have to keep your Decepticon badge until we trust you enough. And you will stay in the base till we decide it's safe for you to go on a mission."

"Thank you, sir... I understand your decision, and it is logical... where shall I stay while I am here..?" she asked as she looked up at the great prime.

"Hm, we have a few spare rooms in the back, come on, follow me." Moonpheonix smiled softly as she offered her servo to the femme, which she accepted after a moments hesitance.

Moon led the young femme back to the rooms, and let her settle in before moving to talk to her, "How do you know of the name Motari?"