chapter 20

Darkness rising

It has been three months since the wedding, Ratchet was working at the computers in base, while Jack, Miko, Raf, and Ashley were in the human area chatting among themselves. Moonpheonix was chatting with her brother Maxtronus while Ironhigh and Stardust were having a family conversation.  Maxtronus was about to tell Moonpheonix something until everyone felt the ground beneath them began to shake.

NightStriker there newest member of the team ran out into the main room, tripping over her pedes as she made it over. "What in the pits was that?! This is Nevada! What is it with this earthquake?! Gah?!" She falls over onto her aft as she gets over to where everyone is.

Moonpheonix went over to NightStriker and helped her up, "Everyone! Hold onto something, now!" She shouted, keeping Nightstriker and Ashley safe as another earthquake started up once more.

Maxtronus managed to grab onto a rail from the kids hangout area and got down to brace himself. "What in Alpha Trion's beard!?". He said while trying to hold onto the rail. Ratchet cover the kids with his arms, the earthquake finally calming down a bit as Optimus hurriedly ran into the main room with Bulkhead, Arcee and Bumblebee following behind him.

"What just happened? Ratchet, do you have any ideas?" Nightstriker looked over at the medic as she finally was able to balance on her own two pedes.

Rachet uncovers the kids, he walks over to the computers, typing furiously to find out the answer for that sudden earthquake. "It appears as earth's core is causing this," He looked at the image of the core, the mapping and waves as it moved. He had a closer look as his optics went wide in shock. "By The Allspark..." he said in shock.

"Nightstriker and Asha, are you alright ?" Moonpheonix ask them, Ashely nod her head nervously that she was ok, Nightstrike gave her a nod that she was alright too. She then looks over at the others and walks up to Ratchet with a dread look on her faceplate, "Please don't tell me it's him isn't it Sire?"

Ratchet didn't answer as he matched the earth's quake and sound frequency and the waves on the screen gave out a sound that made all the autobots turn slightly pale except for optimus, moonpheonix, and Maxtronus, it was a cybertronian sparkbeat.

"Woah woah woah, wait, that's a sparkbeat... does that mean Earth is some sort of cyberbot?! Wait, sorry, cybertronian, still learning, sorry.." she smiled guiltily behind her face mask.

"Not just only that, sweetie. It's the spark beat of the destroyer of worlds...Unicron " Moonpheonix said looking from the screen to Nightstriker.

"Who in the name of pit is Unicron, asking for mine and the humans sake, cause I'm pretty sure we are all confused," Nightstriker looks over at the kids.

"Isn't it a Unicorn?" Miko asked as everyone turned to her confused except for Ashley, Jack, Raf, Mrs. Darby and Agent Fowler, "You know...magical horse with a corn, dances around with all sparkly?"

"Unicron! Not a Unicorn." Ratchet said, sighing as everyone turned to their leads.

Maxtronus and Optimus looked at each other both fearing that this day would never come. Optimus was the first one to answer Nightstriker's question, "Unicron is an ancient evil that has been heard of for many centuries." He said as Maxtronus nodded in agreement. "He is what the humans would say to a God, God of chaos and the lord of the undead to be more precise." He said as he saw the worry in everyone's face/faceplates.

Monopheonix nodded and added "He's also the brother of Primus our creator. It took him, the 13th Primes, and Luna seekers to help our creator to defeat him."

"If it took that many bots to defeat him once, what chance do we have to get him to go back to sleep...?" Nightstriker asked.

Maxtronus and Optimus looked away from Nightstriker's optics. "That we are afraid, was not foretold in the prophecy."

 Nightstriker looked down at the Decepticon badge still emblazoned on her frame, "Well.. I'll be in my berth room if anyone needs me," she turned and walked back down the hallway.

Optimus, Moonpheonix, and Maxtronus can tell that all of this information about Unicron is taking a toll on Nightstriker's processor. "Moonpheonix, can you please ease her about this predicament?" Maxtronus asked, gesturing towards the leaving femme.

"You don't have to ask me, brother." Moonpheonix said as she left the main room, walking down the hallway towards Nightstriker's berth room.

With the others Jack looks scared with Raf and Ashley. Miko was looking a bit worried but not scared knowing that Team could stop this. Optimus was thinking of what Megatron will do and if he will get involved with Unicron.

"So...what will happen once he awakens?" Ashley asked with a bit of fear in her voice.

Arcee looks down at Asha, her arms crossed over her chassis, "The end of the world as we know it will destroy Earth once he fully wakes up."

Maxtronus nodded. "Arcee is right"

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get him out of our core and destroy him!" Miko shouted with excitement in her voice. Agent Fowler seems to agree with Miko as June just sighs and rolls her eyes.

"It's not that simple, Miko. We need to find a way to his core and we don't have that kind of power to destroy him without harming the earth." Bulkhead explained to her as he turned to face everyone, "Let's hope the cons aren't up to something."

Maxtronus turned his helm to Optimus. "Megatron and Sentinal will try to join unicron, if they do.....'' Optimus nodded as he turned his helm to Ratchet . "Ratchet,  I have been foolish as to not end this war sooner. Megatron must be destroyed." He said in all seriousness. Maxtronus clenched his fist. "And Sentinel is not going to be too far behind him". He said darkly.

Meanwhile with Moonpheonix and Nightstriker

Moonpheonix gently knocks on her door "Nightstriker sweetie are you ok  can I come in?" She ask

"Hm? Yeah, of course Moonpheonix." Nightstriker responds as she stands up and walks over to the door, opening it.

As soon the door open Moonpheonix walks in giving her a concern look sitting on the berth "you wanna talk about it sweetie I can tell something is bothering you ?" She said patting the berth for her to sit

"I'm not trusted, I mean, I do understand, but that doesn't change the fact that it hurts, who wouldn't be honest," she said as she walked over and sat down on the berth, her optic guard dimming slightly.

Wrapping a servo around her Moonpheonix sighs softly"well I trust you Night you're just found out about where you came from learning something new . But I am seeing them slowly trusting you  "she said rubbing her back comforting her

"If you say so Moonpheonix..." Night slowly nods her helm as she looks down.

"Tell you what how about we go see sire and remove this symbol" points at the Decepticon symbol "and putting a autobot symbol on i can tell you're more of an autobot then a decepticon sweetie "Moonpheonix said giving her a soft  warming smile "if you want I can teach you about our world your world as well "

"What about Optimus? He said I'd have to wait to get my symbol changed, but, I would love to learn more about Cybertron.." She smiles slightly.

"I know sweetie but I will talk with him about it don't worry and what do you want to know...ahhhh!" Moonpheonix screams as her helm started to hurt falling off the berth.

"Moonpheonix!" Nightstriker catches her, then carefully picks her up and runs out to the med bay, "Ratchet! something's wrong with Moonpheonix!"

Ratchet heard the sudden cry, as did everyone else as they all saw Nightstriker with Moonpheonix holding her helm. Maxtronus acted quickly to help support his sister.

"Bring her over to my medical berth, quickly!" He yelled as they did so.

Ashley quickly stop what she was doing with the kids and ran at full speed to her guardian in concern, "Sir? Maxtronus? Will she be alright?" She asked climbing up onto the medical berth where Moonpheonix was laid down.

Trying to vent through the pain as a flashback started it was  the worst one that Moonpheonix  she passes  out from the pain 

Arcee sees Nightstriker walking up to her, "What happen, Nightstriker? Its ok, vent" she told her calmly

Maxtronus picks up Moonpheonix and sets her down on the berth.  Night looked over at Arcee, "the two of us were talking, she offered to teach me more about cybertron, I replied to that idea being cool and whatnot, and, well, she just screamed out in pain and collapsed in front of me."

Night looked over at Arcee, "the two of us were talking, she offered to teach me more about cybertron, I replied to that idea being cool and whatnot, and, well, she just screamed out in pain and collapsed in front of me."

Maxtronus, optimus,and Ratchet already knew what was wrong with Moonpheonix. "She having a memory relapse" they said at the same time.

Night looks at the three, slightly concerned that said that in sink, but also worried for Moonpheonix's wellbeing.

Ashely walked close to her Guardian's faceplate, sitting down not taking her eyes off of her as she gently touched MP's cheekplate, saying smooth and confidential words to her so she may calm down. Tears were in Asha's eyes fearing and feeling helpless to help her guardian.

Ratchet examines Moonpheonix's brain waves.

Night walks over to Moonpheonix and gently places a servo on said femmes servo.

"How bad is it you don't think she's finally remembered that day  do you ?" Bulkhead said 

Arcee looks at Nighstriker, "You did the right thing of bringing her to Ratchet, Night." Night nods slightly.

Arcee got a very good look at Nightsteiker she begins to see some resemblance of moon and Optimus.

Night looked down at Moonpheonix, wanting to help her, but knowing how.

Monopheonix slowly but surely groans as her optics flicker for a bit

Ashely is happy to see she is awake and hugs Moon's faceplate gently, "MP, thank goodness your, alright." Give her guardian a kiss on her helm as she cuddled against her cheekplate, "Please don't...scare me like that...I thought we would lose you again."

Optimus, rachet, and Maxtronus sigh in relief. Night smiles again behind the mouth guard, "How are you feeling Moonpheonix?"

Moonpheonix slowly gets up holding Ashley she looks at everyone "I'm ok it was the worst flashback but somehow I felt and hear voices calling for me and I felt being heal and it wasn't from my powers ?" She said looking at them, "Thank you Nightstriker for getting me here sorry for scaring you all

Night nods, helping Moonpheonix sit up

Moonpheonix smiles "thank you and I think it's time to give you the autobot symbol since you proved yourself am Iright my love " She looks at Optimus.

"Are you sure that's a good idea..?" Nightstriker asked.

"I'm sure Nightstriker you earn it, "Moonpheonix said, giving her a smile.

Nightstriker nods slightly, looking at Moonpheonix as her optic guard slipped out of place, revealing her one purple optic and one cerulean blue optic, "Alright, thank you, Moonpheonix."

Optimus leaned down and gave Moonpheonix a smile. "You seem alright Moonpheonix, but (frowns a little) did you have another memory?" He asked in concern.

Was about to say you're welcome and  was about to say yes till  Monopheonix  lets  out a gasps as she looks at her optics "N...night your optics they're the same color as mine."

Optimus and Maxtronus saw her optics too,"By the Allspark" Maxtronus said with shock evident in his voice.

Night tilts her head, confused slightly, "What's so special about that? Megatron always said it was a freakish mutation that should always be hidden..." she trailed off.

placing her servo on her faceplate Moonpheonix  gently remove the guard "no they're not mutation they're beautiful Nightstriker they shouldn't be hidden "

Several scars adorned her faceplates underneath the guard, "Um, can I please have the guard back Moonpheonix...?"

Maxtronus placed a servo on Nightstriker's shoulder plate and she jumped from the sudden contact. Nightstriker looked up at the Prime in confusion.

Moonpheonix nodded as she hands it back "you don't have to hide them sweetie "

Maxtronus nodded. "She is right, you no longer need to hide your inner demons because you have us now" he said with a smile.

Nightstriker's derma perked up lightly into a small smile, "Thank you, but um... I think I would like to keep the guard for a while, it will take me awhile to adjust..."

Maxtronus nodded in understanding but his lips perked into that of a mischievous grin as Moonpheonix knew where this was going.

Moonpheonix rolls her optics at Maxtronus." Take as much time you need sweetie and max what are you planning?" She ask

Nightstriker slowly began to back up, feeling some sort of prank was about to begin.

Maxtronus optic ridgelines went up twice and then looked down at Nightstriker. "If it will make you feel more confident, we can all have mouth plates" he said as his mouth guard slid on making some of the bots laugh or shake their helms.

Ashely smiles, holding a giggle in, as Miko and Raf start to laugh. Jack just shake his head at them but gave a smile 

Night smiled slightly, "The mouth guard was a habit for me, so, I just feel more comfortable with one."

Moonpheonix laughs softly "sire can you give night the autobot symbol?"

Rachet nodded as he changed his swerve into a laser welder. "Certainly" he said with a small smile as he walked next to Nightstriker and proceeded to mark her with the autobot insignia.

Night winced slightly, her optics dimming slightly.

Seeing her wincing moonpheonix gently takes her servo "focus on me night it's alright"

Maxtronus kept his servo on her and comforted her. "Just relax Nightstriker, this will be over soon" he said gently. Ratchet proceeded to make sure that it is cooled down and is shaped correctly. "There we go, now take a look at the Nightstriker." He said as her optics opened and looked to her left shoulder and her derma started to go into a huge smile at what she saw.

Maxtronus smiled as he one armed hug the young femme. "Welcome to team PRIME nightstriker" he said as all the autobots began to cheer.

Nightstriker smiles brightly as she looks down at the symbol, a few tears of happiness dripping down from her optics.

Arcee smiles at her she then looks at maxtronus "Ratchet max Optimus a word please "

Moonpheonix wipes her tears away, "And Nightstriker here we're not only a team but we're family and family stick together no matter what"

Rachet nodded but optimus and Maxtronus looked at each other with quizzical looks but did as she asked non the less

Arcee takes them to the hallway making sure no one is listening "have you guys can see the resemblance of  Moonpheonix and Optimus in Nightstriker?"

Optimus spoke first as he nodded. "I did notice the resemblance" he said with confusion. Maxtronus placed a servo on Optimus shoulder pad. "I know Optimus but we both saw her, she practically looks like you and Moonpheonix combined" he said in confirmation.

Arcee nodded "especially  moon's optics they're the same color if we could do a Cna we might find out but we should wait till moon recovers and when unicron is gone "

Both primes nodded in agreement and Ratchet did as well. "Come, we must see how our friends are doing after what they have just learned. Unicron will most likely will try to hunt down optimus and myself." Maxtronus said as he spoke the last of his words with a bitter tone.

The Nightstriker was standing over the kids, talking to them.

Moonpheonix watches them from the medbay seeing them interact with nightstriker it was warming her spark to see her getting along with everyone she then looks at the hallway

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I used to play all the time when I was, well, human. I got pretty good, I wasn't a half bad builder either." Nightstriker

Raf eyes widen with excitement jumping off from the chair and runs to her "You were awesome, maybe you can teach .."before he can finish the alarm went off  Moonpheonix got up and runs out "

Night jumped, startled by the sudden alarm as she stumbled slightly before gaining balance again. "Yeah, I can help teach you later, I think something's going on though, here climb on, I'll carry you guys over there," She held out her servo for the kids to climb onto.

Raf, Jack, and Miko run to her servo and climb on. She walked to where everyone else was gathered, making sure the kids were held safely within her servos. "Whats going on?" Night tilted her helm slightly as she made her way in.

"It seems Megatron and Sentinel are at the Volcano near Japan Night and I'm afraid that something bad is gonna happen" Moonpheonix said as she turns to look at them.

Optimus and Maxtronus made their way towards the main room.

Optimus was walking next to Maxtronus as he turned his helm to him. "Max, you and I both know that megatron and sentinel will be waiting for us, the prophecy...." Maxtronus interrupted optimus. "I know optimus, but we have no choice but to destroy Megatron and Sentinel," He said with a sigh.

Hearing what Optimus and Maxtronus said Moonpheonix turns and looks at them with a worry look "you're not thinking of going?" Seeing the look on both of their faces she sighs "I lost you two once I can't lose you again you two "she said  to them

The Prime's could see fear in Moonpheonix's optics but they steeled themselves. "Moon, we must destroy them if this planet and its inhabitants hope to survive". Optimus said. "and they will do what the prophecy has foretold them to do, that is if they believe it." Maxtronus said

"Then promise me you two that you'll come back." Moonpheonix said as she hugs Optimus tightly.

Night walked in moments after Moon after having let the kids move to be on her shoulder.

Optimus wrapped his arms around Moonpheonix and Maxtronus patted her helm. "We promise" they both said warmly.

"Sweet! It's about time you two take  buckhead down along with the fake Prime." Mike excitedly said sitting on Nightstriker's shoulderplate with Jack and Raf. Ashely looked from the two Primes to Moonpheonix as if she knew something that everyone didn't know, but kept silent as she looked worryingly at the Primes.

Optimus let's go of Moonpheonix and steps back as Maxtronus puts his hand down from her helm. "Now we must go, the longer we stay, the more danger the earth as we know shall be in greater danger" Optimus said.

"The sooner it's over the better." Jack said looking at them

"Just be careful you two. I love you Optimus and brother." Moonpheonix said as she takes a step back

Both primes nodded as the two turned their direction towards the groundbridge. "Rachet, a private groundbridge". Optimus said as Ratchet did what he was told. "Good luck you two" the old medic said as the primes slide on their mouth guards in response.

Maxtronus and optimus looked back at everyone one last time before they transformed and drove through the vortex.

The autobots and the humans watch them drive through Raf and Jack looks at everyone. As Ratchet puts it on screen

Meanwhile at the location  Optimus Maxtronus got out of the groundbridge and transform to see them

"So you two were expecting us hmm," He said as Optimus came through and transformed as well. Megatron and sentinel grinned at the primes as they ready their weapons for the battle to the death. "Indeed we were you two, now we can fulfill the profecy by destroying the last of the primes' ' Megatron said as he let out a war cry and charged at optimus. Sentinel drew out his twin sword and shield as he ran at Maxtronus. "I WILL HAVE MOONPHEONIX BY MY SIDE PRIME!" He roared as he kept charging at Maxtronus. Optimus freed his battle blade while Maxtronus drew out his dual handed energon battle blades. "One shall stand....." Optimus started as he tanned at Megatron. "And one shall fall '' Maxtronus finished as Maxtronus charged at sentinel with a war cry.

Meanwhile at the base, everyone can see the prime's facing off against megatron and sentinel in a epic battle.

Nightstriker watched the footage closely, taking note of how the two great primes fought the Decepticons, "Ratchet, what was the prophecy the Primes were talking about?"

Ratchet turned away from the screen and looked at Nightstriker. "The prophecy foretold that the god of chaos shall reawaken and destroy the universe and with two harold's at his whims, they will destroy all life throughout the universe unless unicron can be put back in stasis, but like optimus had said, that part has not been foretold" he said as he returned his attention back to the screen to see Maxtronus and sentinel clashing swords along with Optimus and Megatron.

Nightstriker nodded slightly as she tilted her up, continuing to watch the fight. Praying that the Primes come out on top.

Moonpheonix watches but didn't want to "Ratchet send me there to the location "she said walking to the groundbridge

"But..." Ratchet didn't finish as he just did what he was told.

Back to the fight, Maxtronus let out a cry of pain as he was shot back by Sentinel's shield cannon. "HAHHAH, LOOK AT YOU PRIME!, YOU COULD HARDLY STAND!." The crazed dark prime said as he looked at the terribly wounded Maxtronus and the autobots back at base saw Maxtronus's appearance too. The flamed prime was kneeling and venting hard as his now broken faceplate showed pain and exhaustion.

"MP, please! Don't go." Ashely begged with worry in her eyes.

"Moonpheonix, would you like me to accompany you?" Nightstriker looked over at Moon, "I can help,"

Moonpheonix turns and looks at her giving her and the others a soft smile"  I'll be safe and be back no night if you come im afraid what those two will do to you i need you to keep the children safe can you do that for me?" She asks as the portal opens.

Night hesitates for a moment before nodding, making sure she had an optic closely watching Miko.

Moonpheonix smiles at her then she looks at Ashley hugging her gently "help night keep and optic on miko  "she said as she hands  her to Ratchet transform and flies through