chapter 22

one shall fall

Optimus kept his optics trained on Megatron and Sentinel while Maxtronus stood right behind them.

"Um, Optimus sir? What's going on? Why are Megatron and Sentinel here?" Stardust asked.

Optimus answers her question but he did not look away from Megatron and Sentinel. "They are here to give us the coordinates to Unicron's spark chamber," he said.

Ironhide growls at Sentinel and Megatron, aiming his canons out at them, "I can't believe you betrayed us, Sentinel! All because Moonphoenix has chosen Optimus, instead of you! Is that why you had her go on that suicide mission and went with her?!" He shouted.

Not giving them a chance for the young ones to hear Ironhide swearing, Moonphoenix send the humans to their rooms and Nightstriker and Stardust to their rooms, "It's just till they leave sweeties I don't want them near you guys especially you Nightstriker Ashley and Stardust." She said gently to them.

Stardust glared at the warlord with pure hatred "He killed... My friends..." She whispered to herself before turning away.

Watching them go to their rooms Moonphoenix turned and went to Optimus' side holding onto his servo, "Everyone is in their rooms, away from these two, love." She told them as the others are still there.

Optimus nods to her, looking over at Ratchet, "Ratchet, retrieve the coordinates from our guests." He said to him with a neutral look. The old medic nods and leads Megatron over to the groundbridge controls. Maxtronus remains in front of the groundbridge as he now keeps his optics on Sentinal, waiting for him to make a move to cause harm towards his family.

"Oh, before I forget Megatron." Moonpheonix said as she went up and hits him in the faceplate "How dare you, tell Nightstriker that her optics are mutation! They are not a mutation!" She said glaring at him with the luna seeker mix with Ratchet glare that'll even make the Autobots cringes and Scare.

Megatron turned his helm to look back at Moonpheonix again. "You would be wise as to not strike me again, you know that what I have said is the truth." He chuckles darkly.

Moonphoenix was about to slap him but got a better idea"Oh so does that mean mine are mutation too Megatron after all she and I share the same optics color?" Moonpheonix said trying not to smirk.

NightStriker walked to the berth rooms and made sure the kids were safe before walking out, an angry glare set on her faceplates. "You are so very lucky we need you, otherwise as soon as you stepped through that ground bridge, I would have blasted your spark out," she growled loudly, her mouth and optic guard both back on.A light silver flame sparked to life from her servos as she clenched it tightly.

Hearing Nightstriker coming in and growl Moonphoenix turns to ask her to go back with the children, till her optics widen in shock. There in Nightstriker servos was a silver flame-like hers. She went to her gently takes her servos in hers, "Nightstriker your servos you have the same flames as I have."

The flame goes out as soon as her servo is touched, "Hm? Flames?" She sounded confused, her helm tilted to the side slightly as well.

Shaking her helm Moonphoenix holds up her servo letting a silver flame appear on it, "It looks just like this when you got angry at Megatron over there." She points at Megatron with her digit that wasn't on fire, "Now hold out your servo, concentrate, think of the flame appearing on your servo, think of something like one of your best memories or what you feel inside." She said.

"Are you sure this is the time for such things...? Even if I can do the fire thing, is now the time? We have little time to worry about this now with the lives on the line. Everyone is at stake right now," Night seemed to smile softly, trying her best to be mature and on target for the situation.

"True maybe when this is over I'll teach you what I know," Moonpheonix stated, giving her a smirk as she turns and tosses a silver fireball on Sentinel aft which hit its target perfectly. Bulkhead and the others try not to laugh.

Maxtronus chuckles behind his mouth guard as Sentinel tries to put out the fire on his aft. "Can't say that you did deserve that." He said once he calmed down from his small laughing fit. 

Optimus smiled in amusement. "That is true, Maxtronus." Night chuckled as she walked over to stand next to the other bots.

Sentinel managed to put out the flames. He was enraged and tried to go for Moonpheonix but was immediately stopped when a strong hand grabbed at his shoulder pad. He turned his helm to look at the who dared to do so but his optics widened in fear when he saw Maxtronus with a look that said [don't even think about it]. Sentinel gets the hint as he backs off.

Moonphoenix shakes her helm but sighs softly looking at all of them then at Optimus "Love we need to tell the children we're about to go. I got a bad feeling that...something bad will happen." she said quietly that only Optimus could hear her.

Optimus nods in agreement. "The children must know of our embarking towards Unicron's spark chamber." He said as he looked at Maxtronus. "Maxtronus, you will keep watch on our allies once we leave". 

Maxtronus nods, "I understand Optimus."

Moonphoenix hugs Maxtronus tightly whispering to call him by the nickname she always calls him when they were still Celestria Orion and Max Trion, "Be safe. And take the core of the children especially Stardust and Asha."

Maxtronus nods at his sister's request.  "Just like old times," he said with a smile behind his mouthguard.

She nodded when everyone came into the main room.

Megatron saw the human children come into the main room, his optics slightly widen when he saw jack and rag. Knowing what Megatron might do, Maxtronus put his left foot down in front of the three kids to block the tyrant view.  Stardust came to the main room and stood beside Ironhide.

Ironhide got his canons out, "Don't even think about it, punk! Stay away from the kids!" He said glaring while keeping his niece away from them.

Maxtronus puts his servos in front of Ironhide. "Easy Ironhide, just keep your optics on them and the kids, stay behind me." He said to him and the children. Max kept his optics trained on the to cons with a glare.

Nightstriker walks over and picks up the kids gently, moving them away from Megatron.

Ratchet got everyone's attention. "The coordinates are set Optimus. If you all are ready to leave, now is the time." He said as he waited for them to ready themselves.

"Am I allowed to go on this mission with you all?" Night asked, setting the kids on her shoulder again.

Moonphoenix shakes her helm, "You're gonna stay here. I can't bear to see you get hurt, sweetie. Not by Unicron. Especially by those two jackafts over there." Points to Megatron and Sentinel, "Unicron may be powerful but...I have faith that we will defeat him and return here to you all." She said when she noticed that there was something amiss, "Where's Ashley?"

Optimus and Maxtronus looked around for the little human girl.

"I didn't see her. I thought she snuck out here. While we were in our rooms." Miko said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Where could she have gone off to?" Arcee asked as they looked around the main room.

Bulkhead shrugs his shoulder plates we'll look for her, you two go ahead but Megatron and sentinel of anything happens to them I'll break you both "he said with Ironhide cracking his knuckles.

MoonPhoenix sighs softly as they get ready to go. She couldn't help the fact that she's getting a bad feeling "ready to go my love ?" She asks looking at Optimus trying to hide her fear.

Optimus nodded but he was worried as to why she is scared all of a sudden. Maxtronus could see it too. "Autobots, prepare for departure," he said. Maxtronus looked at Ironhide with a stern look. "Ironhide, I'm going to need you to bring 2 of your best weapons with you, I have a terrible feeling coming from my matrix," he said to him with a slight glare.

"Can we hurry up already? We don't want the earth to get destroyed, now do we?" Sentinel said impatiently.

Megatron growled under his vent and turned to Optimus, "Sentinel is right. For once. We have to hurry! The longer we wait the more Unicron awakens."

Moonphoenix glares at them as they went through the groundbridge  but stop whisper something to Optimus to talk to jack 

Jack was watching them  about to go "Optimus will everything gonna be ok after this ?" He asks him

Optimus looks down as he does not know how to answer the human teen's question. "That Jackson, I do not know," he said hesitantly but honestly.

Jack and the rest of the humans walked off to another room. "Jack" Optimus called out as he was behind the teen.

Jack turns around to look at Optimus "What is it Optimus?" he said walking up to him.

Optimus gives Jack a key. But Jack looks up and asks what it's for. "It's...the key to the groundbridge power supply," He said to the young teen. Maxtronus was close enough to hear the conversation. "I truly hope Jack can restore our matrix's, for our team's sake" He thought with regret. Optimus knew that Jack had matured so he chose him to guard the key.

Jack takes the key giving him a nod as MoonPhoenix and they were about to leave. She felt four servos grabbing her and she turned to look at Stardust and Nightstriker, "girls? What is it?" She asked, seeing both worries look on their faceplate.

"I want to come with you," Stardust said as she looks at Moonphoenix with determination.

"You can't it's too dangerous I promise you two we will be back, alright. Keep the children safe and look after each other till I get back ok, girls?" Moonpheonix said giving a gentle comfort smile.

"But-" Stardust sighed and looked away. "Alright. You promise to come back with everyone safe?"

Putting her two digits under her chin Moonphoenix smiles softly at them, "We will no matter what." She said she then hears Optimus calling her to come run but after she gives them hugs especially her sire Ratchet, "See you soon sire.

Stardust walked up to Bumblebee and tapped on his shoulder to get his attention.

As Moonpheonix, Maxtronus, Megatron, Sentinel, and Optimus went through the groundbridge bee felt a tap turns to look at Stardust letting out a beep

"Be careful out there Bee, I don't want to lose you too," Stardust said as she remembers losing her friends and her brother.

Giving her a nod and some noise saying he'll be back as he went with the others

Maxtronus exits the groundbridge to only stand on a wide vein-like bridge, Megatron and sentinel in front of him.

"Brother...I'm scared. What if something bad gonna happen " Moonpheonix said staying close to Optimus and Maxtronus.

Maxtronus was not sure how to answer his sister as he could only feel all the dark energon around him. "I truly do not know sister". He said to her with an apologetic look. Optimus walked up to Megatron's side. "Where is Unicron's spark?" Megatron looked back at him with a natural look. "Straight ahead, follow me," he said as he took point with Sentinel right behind him.

As the Autobots and the two Decepticons tread forward, Maxtronus began to have a feeling that he was being watched. He looked around the place to see nothing, only until he looked up. His optics went wide and shrunk to pinpricks as he was staring directly into Unicron's very one giant optic. "By the Primes," he said out of shock.

Hearing him say something Moonphoenix gasps as she sees what he saw  her servos glows blue flames getting ready to fight" by the Allspark."

Optimus saw unicorns optics as he started to hear screaming from the giant tunnel to his left. Megatron stopped walking as he looked back at the Autobots. "He is preparing to expel us," he said to them slowly.

Maxtronus saw what was coming. "Are those, Unicron's anti-body?!" He said in a slight alarm as he prepared his ion pistols. "Since we are in Unicron's body, it only stands to reason that they must be his anti-body," he said as he changed one of his servos into his blaster.

"Here they come!" Moonpheonix said as she shoots at creatures "don't just stand you sentinel get shooting unless you want to be dinner for those things"

Sentinel rolled his optics as he brought out his blaster and started blasting the creators away. Megatron was also fighting when he fell to the ground holding himself up as he growled, "Make up your mind, Human! Do you want to come out or not?!?"

Seeing him on the ground MoonPhoenix rushes over to him after burning the rock creature as she gets close, she hears Megatron said, human. Making her optics widen as she knows who the human "Megatron handed Asha !" She shouted.

Megatron was just about to say something when he growled in pain as he held his chassis, "I will gladly give her to you. If you can convince her to GET OUT OF MY SPARK CHAMBER!"

"Then open your spark chamber SO I CAN GET HER OUT!" Moonpheonix said her voice was out of anger and worry.

"Tell that to the human! She managed to mess up my Circuit! She is basically controlling me!" Megatron shouted as his blaster fired right past her as it hit one of the creators that were just about to bite her, "Your welcome...sister."

With that Megatron was finally able to open up his spark chamber as the human girl fell out and landed in his servo, "Don't you dare touch my insides AGAIN!"

Ashely looked up at Megatron, her eyes looked up at him, "Thank you...for letting me come." Megatron growled under his vent but Moonphoenix could have sworn she heard him say a gentle 'you're welcome' as he hands the human girl back to Moonphoenix.

Giving him a nod Moonphoenix holds Ashley close to her letting out a sigh of relief "Asha are you, ok sweetie, you're not feeling ill or weak from the dark energon or injury." She asks scanning her, "Thank you, big brother, for keeping her safe but if she gets energon poison I'm  gonna offline you"

Maxtronus and Optimus were back to back shooting and slicing through the anti-bodies coming at them.

Maxtronus looked at Moonpheonix with Asha in her hands. "KEEP HER SAFE AT ALL COSTS MOONPHEONIX!" He yelled over to her.

"Don't have to tell me twice bro," she said sending fire at the anti-bodies MoonPhoenix about to put Asha in her chaises "hang on tight Ashley, and don't let go ahh" She screams in pain as something struck her shoulder plate she tries to turn but screams more.

Optimus and Maxtronus saw an anti-body on her back trying to eat away at her armor. Optimus looked at Maxtronus. "Go help her, I'll cover you" Maxtronus didn't hesitate as he sprinted towards her. "GET OFF MY SISTER!" He yelled as he went behind Moonpheonix, tore off the anti-body, and proceeded to throw it on the ground. He stepped on the ugly thing and went to his sister's side. "You alright Moonpheonix," He said as Optimus shot down one of the anti-bodies.

" hurts more than..." she stops shaking her helm " I'll be alright but Ashley "looks at her servo" are you ok Asha?" Moonpheonix asks as she stands with her brother's help.

But when she looked in her servos Ashely wasn't there. Moonphoenix quickly started to look around for her charger. Ashley fell out of her servos when MP fell in pain from being attacked. The human girl quickly got up and started running down the path near Unicron's spark chamber, "MP! Get Optimus and the others here quick! Optimus and Megatron need to stop Unicron before it's too late!"

Sentinal continued fighting the anti-bodies while Megatron fought some more and started to race to where Ashely was, "We must end this here, now, Prime! I can't hold open the entrance to him spark chamber much longer!"

Ashley looked at them with pleading in her eyes, "Please, MP! Tell Optimus to come before...." she didn't finish her sentence as she was cut off by an anti-body knocking her over near the edge. Megatron saw it and quickly went to kill it. The creator blew up as he stabbed it with his blade making it blast as Ashley was holding on to the edge for dear life.

MoonPhoenix watches with horror as she runs to rescue Ashley after the explosion  "Hang on Asha, I'm coming! Optimus! Guys! The entrance now!" She shouted as she  got close to catch her while trying to shoot off the anti-bodies  as she reaches out and   try to go and save Ashley but miss her by a servo as she falls down into the darkness "NOOOOOOOO ASHLEY!" Moonpheonix screams watching the human that was hers and Optimus charge but is like a daughter to them Moonpheonix lets out a scream as she was engulfed with blushes and purplish flames releasing it destroying all the antibodies.

Megatron's face fell seeing the human girl fall but quickly went back to the important matter as he turned back to Optimus, "We have no more time! It's now or never!"

MoonPhoenix was on her peds crying her optics out she was about to jump but was caught by Optimus.

"I'm sorry Moonpheonix, but we must hurry and get to Unicron's spark," he said regrettably. Maxtronus was coming towards Optimus and Moonpheonix. "Optimus is right, we will mourn for Ashley later, we must save the earth and defeat Unicron before it is too late," he said with regret as well.

With a tearful nod, all of the primes sentinel and luna seeker runs to the door Moonphoenix stops as she sees more of those antibodies gets her blades out after kissing Optimus " Maxtronus and I'll hold them off be careful and come back to me in one piece my love " she said sending the bluish purplish flames at the antibodies with her blades but sees the Autobots coming blasting their way to them.

Maxtronus gave Optimus a nod. "Go, we'll cover you, Sentinel and Megatron, Autobots! Let's take these creators out!" He orders as he shoots at the anti-bodies. Optimus ran behind them but he glanced at his teammates one last time before continuing.

"You ready, Prime?" Megatron said as he looked at Optimus and then back to the entrance to Unicron's spark chamber.

Optimus nodded. He prepares himself for the upcoming confrontation of Unicron's spark.