chapter 23

when all is lost and all is found

Helllo everybot and humans this chapter is the last chapter of this book I would love to thank primestudio Maxtronus_prime_1990 , Nightstriker, harith for helping me with this story I couldn't done this without them I don't own transformers they belong to Hasabro the oc goes to their rightful owners

Maxtronus shot at one antibody then looked back at his sister. "No Moonpheonix, I swore to Optimus that while he is gone, I must protect you at all costs, besides, your sparkmate is a powerful prime after all," He remarked and changed his right servo into an Energon ax to slice one incoming antibody in half.

Megatron and Optimus quickly went forth as they entered into Unicron's spark chamber, "You better get this done, Prime! Because...." Megatron didn't finish his sentence as Unicron took control over him.

Bulkhead let out a yell as he smashes some antibodies, "When this is over I'm gonna need a decontamination bath."

Arcee shoots one behind Maxtronus, "Got your back, Maxtronus." She said, shoots at some antibodies

Meanwhile, with Moonpheonix she was fighting with Nightstriker and Stardust, "don't let them touch you."

Optimus was gazing at Unicron's core when he hears Megatron's voice, but his voice took on that of Unicron's voice, making the Prime turn around and face the warlord.

Nightstriker nods her helm minimally, her optics flitting about under the guard as she watched events unfold around her as she tore a sword free from a sheath on her back and started chopping down any antibodies that were around her.

An antibody was about to attack Nightstiker till it was sliced in half by Moonphoenix her optics change from purple and blue to golden color "STAY AWAY FROM HER !" she shouted she turns to look at Nightstriker "keep it up, sweetie."

Maxtronus put his ax away and changing it back into his servo again. "Hurry Optimus, we can't hold out for much longer," He said and shot down an antibody heading for Moonpheonix.

NightStriker nodded as she cut another one down, turning quickly to do the same to another.

Meanwhile, with Optimus and Megatron, the tyrant was under the control of Unicron now. "Foolish disciple of primus, I have transcended physical being, soon this planet will be nothing but dust." Megatron/Unicron said but Optimus turns back around to face the chaos bringers spark.

"Not while Energon still flows through my veins, the matrix of leadership will light our darkest hour!" Optimus said as he prepares to unleash the power of the matrix into the giant the very core of Unicron himself. "Primus give me strength " he shouted

"NOOOOO!" Megatron/Unicron howled in rage as they pointed their fusion cannon at the Prime, ready to fire.

Optimus moves his arms out of the way, his chest opened up to reveal the matrix of leadership, now blaster the wisdom and power of the Primes into Unicron's spark.

Maxtronus and the others watch as the antibodies fall to the floor, dead. "They must have done it, Unicron is finally in stasis, meaning....OPTIMUS!" Maxtronus quickly ran down the tunnel that led towards Unicron's spark.

When the rest of the Autobots, made it to the place of Unicorns spark chamber, there in front of them stood Megatron talking to Optimus but next to him was a femme seeker of Dark red and Black with red optics.

Optimus saw the rest of Team Prime with a quizzical gaze as he looked at Megatron, "Who are they?" He asks for he truly didn't know who they are.

Maxtronus's optics widen in shock at what he just heard, "Megatron, what have you done!?" Maxtronus was angry now after his gaze was set on the tyrant and the unknown femme seeker.

Megatron looked from Max and then back to the femme seeker next to him, "Take Orion back to the ship." He whispered to the femme as he quickly looked back at Optimus, "They are our enemies! Quickly run! I'll cover you!" With that, he started shooting at Team Prime while the femme seeker took Orion into a groundbridge.

Moonphoenix runs after them "ORION NO!" She shouted tries to get to Optimus dodging the blasts While the others fire back at them.

"NO" Maxtronus knew what Megatron was going to do to Orion. "Megatron, give him back to us, you are only using him!" Maxtronus aimed his ion pistol at him.

But it was too late as both the femme seeker and Orion went through into the groundbridge as Megatron followed, "You shall never see your beloved Prime ever again!" With that Megatron went through the groundbridge as the bridge disappears.

Maxtronus watched the groundbridge close, his optics were wide in shock as she fell to her knees. Maxtronus was looking down at the floor for a few seconds then quickly raised his helm to let out a scream of anguish.

Moonphoenix falls on her knees letting out her anger and sadness. While Maxtronus MoonPhoenix and the Autobots were in mourning, Sentinel grabs Stardust and Nightstriker and runs with them.

Maxtronus heard some screaming behind him and looked back to see Sentinel with Nightstriker and stardust. "SENTINEL, PUT THEM DOWN NOW" Maxtronus got up and gave chase. He was not about to lose more of his family. Stardust kicked Sentinel making him dropped Nightstriker.

Growls, as he gives chase Ironhide, runs to grab his niece"Oh no fragging no you don't traitor let my niece go!

Nightstriker quickly transformed quickly into the Predacon form she found only recently, before flying up and quickly chasing after Sentinel.

Maxtronus let out a war cry, jumped into the air, and transforms into his alt-mode to continue to give chase.

Nightstriker let out a loud, dragon roar that echoed around them all as she attempted to tackle Sentinel to the ground.

Moonpheonix got in front of Sentinel stopping him, her optics weren't those beautiful purple and blue optics they were bright yellow and had slit "ENOUGH!" Night squeaked in surprise as she stops and hovers in midair.

Maxtronus watched Nightstriker try to tackle Sentinel but MP stopped them. "Nightstriker, what's wrong" Maxtronus stopped driving until he was under her.

Nightstiker transforms quickly, pointing over towards Moonpheonix, "T-that's why.." she muttered.

All the other Autobots stops and gasps grabs Sentinel by the chaises rips Stardust from his grip gently "go to your uncle now "Moonpheonix said as she tosses him into the wall growls at him

Stardust ran over to Maxtronus who quickly wrapped his arms around her. "I got you stardust, I got you" he soothes into her audio receptors.

"Are, you glitch, I will destroy all of you" Sentinel screams in rage. Maxtronus and the others can see that Moonpheonix was slowly igniting herself in her Phoenix flame. "We need to go, NOW" Maxtronus ordered everyone to run and get cover.

Sentinel went from angry to terrified. "What are you doing!?" He had his back strut against the wall. Nightstriker ran to cover, transforming halfway to have her Predacon wings to help cover the others.

Moonphoenix looks at Sentinel with anger and hatred her memories were coming back to her and that one memory of that day "You took everything from me Sentinel and now!" Flame glows brighter "You're gonna finally paid for what you did to me my family my friends!"she shouted at him as she raises her servo up and was about to destroy him

Maxtronus ran to his enraged sister and stood in front of her, "Moonpheonix, look at me, you need to calm down, you're going to incinerate everything and everyone here if you give in to your rage." He yelled at her, hoping to get through to her mind. He blocked her view of sentinel to make her look at him instead.

Seeing her brother in her view Moonpheonix stops herself from hurting him her optics went back being the mix colors "m..Maxtronus" She stutters before the flames that were surrounding her vanishes as she falls she whispers softly, "Orion my beloved Optimus." Before darkness consumes her.

"Moonpheonix!" Maxtronus ran to her and caught her just in time before she hits the ground. Maxtronus looked back and saw that Sentinel had escaped but not before leaving a puddle of oil on the floor, he must've oiled himself. He will worry about the rogue former Autobot later, he comes in Ratchet, "Ratchet, we need a ground bridge, Moonpheonix is down." Maxtronus waits for a reply and he did by seeing the familiar green vortex that's right next to him. "Autobots, return to base" He ordered as he picked up Moonpheonix in a bridal style.

"But what about Optimus?" Arcee asked. Maxtronus looked at her with a look.

Moonphoenix runs after them "ORION NO!" She shouted tries to get to Optimus dodging the blasts While the others fire back at them.

"NO" Maxtronus knew what Megatron was going to do to Orion. "Megatron, give him back to us, you are only using him!" Maxtronus aimed his ion pistol at him.

But it was too late as both the femme seeker and Orion went through into the groundbridge as Megatron followed, "You shall never see your beloved Prime ever again!" With that Megatron went through the groundbridge as the bridge disappears.

Maxtronus watched the groundbridge close, his optics were wide in shock as she fell to her knees. Maxtronus was looking down at the floor for a few seconds then quickly raised his helm to let out a scream of anguish.

Moonphoenix falls on her knees letting out her anger and sadness. While Maxtronus MoonPhoenix and the Autobots were in mourning, Sentinel grabs Stardust and Nightstriker and runs with them.

Maxtronus heard some screaming behind him and looked back to see Sentinel with Nightstriker and stardust. "SENTINEL, PUT THEM DOWN NOW" Maxtronus got up and gave chase. He was not about to lose more of his family. Stardust kicked Sentinel making him dropped Nightstriker.

Growls, as he gives chase Ironhide, runs to grab his niece"Oh no fragging no you don't traitor let my niece go!

Nightstriker quickly transformed quickly into the Predacon form she found only recently, before flying up and quickly chasing after Sentinel.

Maxtronus let out a war cry, jumped into the air, and transforms into his alt-mode to continue to give chase.

Nightstriker let out a loud, dragon roar that echoed around them all as she attempted to tackle Sentinel to the ground.

Moonpheonix got in front of Sentinel stopping him, her optics weren't those beautiful purple and blue optics they were bright yellow and had slit "ENOUGH!" Night squeaked in surprise as she stops and hovers in midair.

Maxtronus watched Nightstriker try to tackle Sentinel but MP stopped them. "Nightstriker, what's wrong" Maxtronus stopped driving until he was under her.

Nightstiker transforms quickly, pointing over towards Moonpheonix, "T-that's why.." she muttered.

All the other Autobots stops and gasps grabs Sentinel by the chaises rips Stardust from his grip gently "go to your uncle now "Moonpheonix said as she tosses him into the wall growls at him

Stardust ran over to Maxtronus who quickly wrapped his arms around her.

"I got you stardust, I got you" he soothes into her audio receptors.

"Ahh you glitch, I will destroy all of you" Sentinel screams in rage. Maxtronus and the others can see that Moonpheonix was slowly igniting herself in her Phoenix flame. "We need to go, NOW" Maxtronus ordered everyone to run and get cover.

Sentinel went from angry to terrified. "What are you doing!?" He had his back strut against the wall. Nightstriker ran to cover, transforming halfway to have her Predacon wings to help cover the others.

Moonphoenix looks at Sentinel with anger and hatred her memories were coming back to her and that one memory of that day "You took everything from me Sentinel and now!" Flame glows brighter "You're gonna finally paid for what you did to me my family my friends!"

Maxtronus ran to his enraged sister and stood in front of her, "Moonpheonix, look at me, you need to calm down, you're going to incinerate everything and everyone here if you give in to your rage." He yelled at her, hoping to get through to her mind. He blocked her view of sentinel to make her look at him instead.

Seeing her brother in her view Moonpheonix stops herself from hurting him her optics went back being the mix colors "m..Maxtronus" She stutters before the flames that were surrounding her vanishes as she falls she whispers softly, "Orion my beloved Optimus." Before darkness consumes her.

"Moonpheonix!" Maxtronus ran to her and caught her just in time before she hits the ground. Maxtronus looked back and saw that Sentinel had escaped but not before leaving a puddle of oil on the floor, he must've oiled himself. He will worry about the rogue former Autobot later, he comes in Ratchet, "Ratchet, we need a ground bridge, Moonpheonix is down." Maxtronus waits for a reply and he did by seeing the familiar green vortex that's right next to him. "Autobots, return to base" He ordered as he picked up Moonpheonix in a bridal style.

"But what about Optimus?" Arcee asked. Maxtronus looked at her with a look.

"I truly don't know, but until we get Moonpheonix to base, we will worry about that later." Maxtronus said turned around and walked into the groundbridge, the others soon following. Before Maxtronus entered the groundbridge, he had one thought in his processor. "Hold on Moonpheonix, we will get Optimus back, even if I have to give up my spark to save him."

Maxtronus was out of the vortex with Moonpheonix in his arms. Ratchet ran over to him and saw her in Maxtronus's arms, "Get her to the medical bay, now" Ratchet ordered, the prime didn't need to be told twice and did what he was told. Soon the others came through the groundbridge and ran her noticed Optimus was missing.

"Where's Optimus?" Raf asked, with Jack and Miko behind him along with agent Fowler. Maxtronus didn't want to answer, right now he is concerned for his sister who now lying still on the berth.

Arcee looked at Ratchet with a sad look, "He was with Megatron" She said.

Bulkhead was next. "And when we called out to him, he didn't respond to his own name."

Ironhide walks up next to Bulkhead, "What the fragging pits was that back there with Moonpheonix! First Optimus went with Megatron and Moonpheonix started to glow and optics charging colors to what looks like what a predicon optics looks like.

Maxtronus suddenly stood up and looked at Ironside with a neutral look. "I have a theory, I think Moonpheonix is part predacon in a way, her Phoenix flames were alright more violent than usual and her behavior is alight more aggressive each time we race off against Megatron or Sentinal." He hypothesized to him and the others.

Ratchet then had his own theory, "If Optimus released the matrix into Unicron's spark, not only did he lose the wisdom of the primes.....he lost his own memories."

Everyone gasps at what he said if what Maxtronus said is true then it is gonna be hard to get him back. Everyone was in deep thought till Moonpheonix slowly wakes from her stasis.

"Hey, has anyone seen Ashley? We can't seem to find her anywhere." Miko said, interrupting everyone's thoughts about Optimus.

"We think she might have followed you guys through the groundbridge." Raf said, "Did you guys see her there with you?"

"S..she....she." Before the MP could say anything she broke down in tears crying the memory of her human friend and charger falling.

Maxtronus saw his sister cry from the loss of Ashley. He sat next to her berth and hugged her gently. "Shh, it's alright sis, you will be alright." He gently says to his sister runs her back strut in trying to calm her.

Miko looks at them with confusion on her face while Jack and Raf figure out what happened Ashley."Can...Someone explain what happened and what we missed?" Miko asked, looking at any of the bots for answering.

Maxtronus hated to be the honest one of team prime, " no longer with us, Miko. She's gone." Maxtronus felt his sister clutched at his chassis harder and continued crying her spark out.

"W...what?" Miko cried looking painfully at the Prime of hope as Jack and Raf also looked down with pain and sadness in their eyes. All was silent, except for the soft cries of Moonphoenix crying into her brother's arms. Bulkhead and the others lower their helms in sadness while Jack hugs Miko and Raf.

(Meanwhile on the Nemesis)

Megatron walked into that main command room of the nemesis with Orion Pax right behind him. The other Decepticons were in the bridge waiting for their master to return.

The Dark red and black femme came into the room and stood next to her master, "May I tell Orion the truth of what happened to our planet while he was in stasis?" She whispered to Megatron.

Megatron looked back while continuing towards the main room. "Yes, I want him to become one of us, if he recalls anything before he becomes a prime, then we must destroy him," He said darkly.

Orion didn't hear what the two were saying, he was trying to go into his memories and find out what happened to Celestria but the femme who grabbed his servo...She looked just like his sparkmate. "Who was she?" He mumbles to himself as he continues to follow Megatron and Nightingflame.

The femme seeker or Nightingflame as she was called, fell behind Megatron so she was walking next to Orion as they continued walking down the hallway, "Orion, right? I think we never really introduced ourselves. I am Nightingflame." She explained, "I am here to help you and answer any questions you may have steering in your helm about...the war and such."

Orion nodded. 'Maybe this femme can give me the answers I seek' He thought. "Yes, I will be most grateful if you can answer my questions, I must know what happened to Cybertron?" He finally gets to have his questions answered but something in the back of his processor Is telling him not to trust in her. Then on last thought cane to his processor. 'What happened to my best friend Max Primal and my sparkmate Celestria?'

Nightingflame was just about to answer Orion's question, but Megatron cut her off as he spoke, "Cybertron has been Max Primal."

Orion optics were wide in disbelief. His best friend caused the destruction of Cybertron!? "Surely you jest, Megatronus. Max would never do such a thing." Orion said, trying to defend his best friend, he knew that Max was a good bot, not a tyrant.

"And as for you lovely mate Orion she was taken as a prisoner by the Autobots and put into stasis. It Really hurt Megatron that his only sister is in those bots clutches ," Knockout said walking in with them.

Now Orion heard everything. "How can this be?" Orion was so confused as to why would Max betray him and would make Celestria his prisoner of war.

"That's what everyone thought till Max started to show his true colors. All he wanted was to make Cybertron into a new world ruled by him and in order for him to do this he started up a rally calling themselves 'Autobots' soon he created an Army and attacked me and my sister." Megatron gently said, stopping where he was, and looked at Orion with pain in his optics, "It truly hurts me to have to tell all of this to you, Orion. I did everything in my power to try and save Cybertron. But war after war....soon there wasn't much left to save our planet." His voice was full of hurt and sadness in his voice as he looked at his dear friend Orion Pax.

Orion was truly shocked at what Megatron had told him. His face went from surprise to anger.

"Megatronus, I will do what I can to put an end to my (old) friend, once and for all," Orion said darkly. He will avenge Cybertron and free his beloved sparkmate from the Autobots clutches.

Megatron smiled while Nightingflame looked at the two knowing that everything will go perfectly. Soundwave opens the groundbridge and Sentinel walks in shaking and scares, he sends a message to Megatron about Sentinel.

(Return back at the Autobots base)

Everyone was in recharge and the children were back at home Moonphoenix was on top of the roof of the base looking at the moon, and the stars "Primus if you can hear me please answer my prayer I need answers to who I am, what I am and I pray that Optimus is safe and is alright. We're facing our darkest hours, please if you can hear me send a message to Orion! Help him come back to us... to me." She said as she falls to her knees, tears came down her faceplate she kept seeing today flashing through her optics the waking of Unicron, losing Ashley, Optimus use the matrix lost his memories and nearly lost control of her own powers.

Nightstriker had heard the pede steps echo softly through the base, and had followed them up to the rooftop where Moonpheonix sat. Hearing her words, the femme walked towards the elder Cybertronian, placing a servo on the other's shoulder plates, "I don't know much of your world, but, even I know this...Primus may not answer your call. But, there is something I do know. This group is a family. You all love and care for each other deeply, you would never leave anybot behind. We will find Optimus, not just because we have to, but we all need to. Without him, a piece of this family is missing. We will find him Moonpheonix, I will help all I can to find your sparkmate. And I am sure the others will as well. Do not worry, he will come home, he will be safe. Right now, you need to get some recharge. That way we can approach this with clear helms in the morning, alright?" Nightstriker had removed her mouth and optic guard at some point while she was talking, a soft smile on her derma, offering Moonpheonix a hug as well.

Gently and softly Moonphoenix pulls her into a hug holding her close as she silently cries "Y...You're right sweetie. Optimus will return home to us ." She said, letting her go from the hug as she wiped away her optics as she looks at Nightstriker. she nearly gasps at her she's like a mixed version of herself and Optimus but she gently places her servo on her and gently heals her "You know... you kinda remind me. When I was young, little one."

"Heh... well, I wouldn't really know. I don't know who my parents were. My real ones that is. Not the humans who birthed me when I was reborn, as far as I know, I was offlined while my carrier was sparked or something, but that doesn't matter. Its in the past. But what matters now is finding Optimus and getting you some recharge, and finding a way to help you relax a tad so you can actually help," Nightstriker chuckles as she carefully holds Moonpheonix's servos in her own.

MoonPhoenix lets out a laugh as she gets up "I would say the same thing to you little Missy and whoever or where your real parental units, just know they love you very much sweetie." Moonpheonix said as they both went down the elevator as they walk to the elevator she couldn't stop thinking about what Nightstriker said Moonphoenix turns her helm to looks at the moon one last time, whispering the last line of a song, "When all is lost and all is found." She sang quietly.

Will Team Prime ever get Optimus Prime back from Megatron and his decipticons?

You will have to find out in the next book. (: