Chapter 1 End of summer

Naomi's POV

I didn't realize how quickly the days of summer had wasted away, while I was cooked up in my room.

In my own little world where everyone treated me normally. It was nothing but seer and utter bliss. But unfortunately, that bliss was coming to an end soon.

The new school term was fast approaching and there was nothing I could do to stop or even delay it. I'm honestly dreading the new school year since I don't have any friends and all.

Oh well, going one more year without friends isn't too bad, then it off to college where I can start my life over and do all the crazy fun things I never got to do.

"Naomi! It's time to go!" I hear my uncle yell my name.

"Time to go where?" I yell back. I don't remember having any appointments this week.

"You and Riley need to shop for shool next week, didn't you remember?"


I totally forgot about shopping for school. Damn it I need to calm down.

Deep breaths Naomi. Deep breaths.

"Give me five minutes." I shout as I quickly change my close wash my face and brush my teeth.

My hair is a mess so I'll just pull it back into a bun.

Okay I'm ready, I grabbed my phone and head downstairs.

"You could at least put some effort into your appearance." Riley scoffs as she pushes past me."I call shotgun." She mumbles.

"I'm dropping you two off at the mall today, remember." He asks knocking my head as if it was empty.

"We both know I'm looking forward to school." I say sarcastically.

He chuckled in response and handed me fruit salad before pushing me out the door.

"I didn't know we were getting new neighborhoods." My uncle says as we notice a Asian woman moving boxes from a car into the house across from ours.

"Me neither." I comment as I jump in the backseat. I crack open the plate and dig into the salad.

"I wonder if she has any kids, you two could make friends." My uncle suggests and I start choking on my food.

"Calm down Naomi, it wouldn't kill you to try and make a friend." He says sarcastically.

He starts talking as we drive off, I look back and I catch a glimpse of a tall guy helping the woman. Must be her husband.

"You do know that they where supposed to move in like a month ago right?" Riley asks us.

I actually didn't, I've spent all my summer coked up in my room reading fantasy novels. For the days I wasn't reading I was at the doctor getting a checkup or running errands.

"I didn't know, I wondered why they were delayed." Dad says and he drove.

Those where the last words spoken for the rest of the drive. When we got to the mall he told us he already deposited the money into our accounts, so we should just get what we needed than call a taxi when we were ready.

He didn't believe in walking around too much cash, he says that that's how you become a target for robbers.

And I think he's right, because no one's gonna snatch your card when it's one phone call to the bank and your account is frozen.

As soon as we set foot into the mall Riley ditched me as expected, I bet she has her friends waiting for her somewhere.

Unlike me whose a loner, I don't mind being a loner though.

The quicker I finish shopping the quicker I can get back to Xavier. Its almost time for him to go save the love of life but to do so he has fo face his fears.

I've read that book about a million time but I never get tired of it and I never will.

Books are better than people and that's why I love them.

I get my nessesities first then I decided to buy a new bag. I don't need it but I don't plan on buying much new clothes.

Just a couple pairs a jeans, a few new hoodies some cute flats and some tops.

After I finished my shopping I decided to get an impossible whopper. A lot of people don't like it but I actually do, it taste just like a regular whopper and it's healthy. What's not to like?

When I got home I went straight to my room not bothering to unpack anything I just jumped on my bed and grabbed the book.

Xavier here I come!


I didn't realize I had dozed off while reading until I woke up.

I picked the book up off the floor before closing it then I placed it on my bed. I wonder what time it was.

I looked out my side window only to see darkness. And when I looked out the front one I could see straight into the house next door.

The guy from earlier was unpacking boxes, for some strange reason I kept watching him even though he was just unpacking boxes. Weird right.

He was in a suit of grey oversized sweatpants and matching hoodie. He moved around the room slowly and carefully as he unpacked his stuff.

The woman from earlier soon came into the room. So they are husband and wife then?

She sat on the bed and I assumed she was talking to him about something. I started to feel like I was spying on them so I closed my blinds.

I hope they didn't notice me.

I headed for the shower when a delicious scent wafted through the air. I bet my uncle was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

As the cold water hit my skin some bad memories flashed through my mind. I know I was having these memories because school was starting up again.

One my year, that's what I'm focusing on this school year. The fact that I only have to endure one more year before I'm free.

A knock sounded on the door pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You've been in there way too long, I need to pee." Riley shouts from the other side of the door.

"I'm almost done." I say loud enough for her to hear as I quickly wash myself.