Chapter two: Meet the neighbors

Naomi POV

Last night dinner was the same as always, Riley was awkwardly quiet where her dad tried to make conversation. She ignored him as usual and I jumped in to save him the embarrassment by talking to him.

As I laid on the grass I looked up at the clear blue sky admiring its beauty, a sign escaped my lips as I remembered that it was the end of summer. Just a few days form now I'll be a high school senior with a jam packed schedule and enough homework to kill me literally.

While everyone mu age was worry about what they were going to wear to the end of summer party, I'm here thinking about how stressful school will be.

No wonder even the nerds avoid me.

I laugh at my own joke when I hear my uncle calling my name. I decided to answer on the first call.

"I'm out here!" I yell back. After s few seconds he comes and to view as he walks over to me with a smile on his face.

"I bought a cake and I wanted all three of us to go greet the neighbors together." He says with a bright smile on his face.

I instantly frowned at him, he knows I'm not good with people.

"Come on, we're just introducing ourselves so they feel welcomed." He pleads.

"Fine but only of Riley agrees." I shot back knowing shell say no.

A smirk creeped onto his face and I instantly knew something was up, I narrowed my eyes into slit and his smirk turned into a smile before he spoke.

"She already did."

"No way-

"Are you two coming or not!" I hear Riley grunt loudly.

I slowly get up from my sitting and then stand up I dust off my jeans to make sure there is no grass sticking to me.

My uncle smiles at me and I return it and we walk over to Riley who shoves the chiffon cake into my hands.

I swear he's the most unhealthy doctor I've ever seen. And trust me ive seen a lot of doctors in my short life.

We cross the street with him leading the way while Riley grumbles and glares at me. He rings the doorbell a couple times before pushing his hands into his pockets, he had his usual friendly smile in place with his usual relaxed look.

He looks like your typical nice guy that's also good looking, soon the door slowly opens and it was the Asian woman from yesterday.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She says in a friendly tone with a small friendly smile on her face. To say she was beautiful was an understatement, she was absolutely stunning, she had a perfectly straight nose and wide bambi eyes and v shaped face not to mention her perfectly clear skin.

"Hello, I'm Dave and these are my two daughters" Riley scoffs at the word daughter's and I sigh. " we say you moving in yesterday so we came to welcome you to our neighborhood and we hope you like it here." She says with a bright smile.

"Hi I'm Riley. Nice to meet you." Riley's says with a face smile in a sweet voice.

"Hi I'm Naomi and this is for you I hope you enjoy it." I say smiling at her.

"Oh you didn't have to this is so sweet, thank you so much." She say with suprise as she takes carefully takes cake. "Excuse me for a second, Hero come meet the neighbors!" She yells before giving is an apologetic smile.  "You can just call me Suna by the way."

We hear a male voice say something in what I assume to be their native language. I wasn't sure if it was Chinese, Korean or Japanese but I knew it was one of those languages.

A tall figure stalks over to her and as he gets closer I realize that's he looks a bit too young to be her husband, unless she's into younger guys.

"This is my son Hero, introduce yourself and don't be rude."

"Hi I'm Hero, nice to meet you." I was so shocked by his deep voice that I couldn't speak or move. Not to mention how good looking he was.

David clearing his throat brought me back to my senses and the sound of Riley's fake sweet voice.

"Hi I'm Riley, its nice to meet you too. Will you be going to school with us?" She asks while reaching for a handshake.

"Uh yeah I will and you are?" He asks turning his gaze to me.

"Umm hi, I'm Naomi and this is Dave it's nice to meet you." I say with a polite smile.

Dave gives him a curt nod and he returns it.

"Great, I'll see you guys around I still have a lot of unpacking to do." He says and I realize how good his English was and when his mom spoke I noticed she still had an accent.

"Hes right we still have a lot of unpacking to do, thank you again for this lovely cake." She says with a wide smile and bowing slightly.

"I could help you guys out if thats okay?" Riley suggests in a chirpy tone.

"Oh no I wouldn't want to bother you! And you must have plans with your friends."

"Nope, I'm free and I'd love to help." She say giving her a broad smile.

The woman looks at Dave for assurance and that's what she got.

"I'm sure she will do a great job of helping you. And I have to get yo work do I'll see all of you later." He says his goodbyes and leaves us standing there.

"Well come on in then." The woman says to Riley then looks at me in askance and I just stand there awkwardly.

I remember reading somewhere that bowing is sign of respect so I bow slightly and mumble 'have a grate day" before scurrying away.

I didn't look back out of fear of seeing distaste or disappointment on her face. I went straight into the house and into my room. I take a few calming breaths before look across the street.

I saw straight into Hero's room just like last night, he didn't even care. He was sprawled across his bed and I could clearly see large boxes thay needed to be unpacked.

He suddenly got up and I suddenly panicked. I I desperately wanted to move but I was frozen in place buy shock guilt and embarrassment.

He just stood there looking at me with a black expression.

And then he suddenly smiled.

My brain managed to start working again and I hurried over to my window and closed the drapes.

Damn it! Now he thinks I'm creep.

I wish the earth could just open up and swallow me whole never to be seen again.

I bet hes going to tell Riley about this and then she's either going to blackmail me with it or spread it like wild fire as soon as school reopens.

My senior year hasn't started and its already over.