
Chapter 1 Venus : INTRODUCTION

The alarm is busy buzzing in stephanie talot's room, a natural girl of about nineteen who slept unconsciously on her bed snoring loudly because she was enjoying her sleep, the alarm continued to buzz, but it didn't wake her up because she was sleeping without control.

The alarm buzzed so loudly that her mother mrs.talot who was sleeping on the couch downstairs woke up, she hurried to stephanie's room which was upstairs and turned off the alarm, she looked at stephanie weakly and tapped her

"wake up stephanie, wake up "

She said as she tapped her, stephanie was still enjoying her sleep as her body didn't responded to the tapping, her mom signed and gave her a heavy knock on her head

"ow! "

Stephanie shouted as she opened her eyes and sat upright on top of her bed and yawned with disgust, she saw her mother staring at her angrily

"steph, go and take your bath now " mrs.talot commanded

Stephanie continued to look at her mother unconsciously and fell on her bed and continued sleeping, her mother was now very furious and gave her a thunderous slap which landed directly on her cheek making it red and swollen

"ow!, that hurts "

Stephanie said as she held her cheek tightly and climbed down from her bed and went straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take her bath.

After stephanie had finish brushing her teeth and taking her bath, she went back to her room and dressed up for school.

After dressing up, she sat down on her bed and decided to use her phone for a while before the school bus would arrive, stephanie grabbed her phone and logged into an application called opera-mini, before the application opened, she saw an advertisement which recommended a game called VENUS, she stared at her smartphone for a while and then skipped the advertisement

"Stephanie, time for your breakfast "

Mrs.talot shouted from the kitchen

"okay mom, I'm coming "

Stephanie shouted from her room and placed her phone in her bag, she ran downstairs and met her brother, Duncan talot, the younger brother of Stephanie who was fifteen years old already eating his breakfast which was served bread and tea

"Good morning sis "

Duncan said putting a slice of bread in his mouth

"Good morning "

She said heading to the dinning table, as soon as stephanie sat down, her mother came to serve her, her own portion of the food

"Mom, not bread and tea again, at least, I could have managed bread and jam or egg "

Stephanie grumbled

"you have to manage the food, there are no jam neither any egg"

Her mom commented

"you know what, I can't eat, I…. don't…. have appetite "

She said as she stood up from the dining chair and went to the parlor to watch any latest news on the TV before the school bus would arrive.

Getting to the parlor, stephanie sat gently on a sofa in the room. She turned the TV on and switched it to the (ABC) America Broadcasting Channel, stephanie gasped as soon as she found out that the channel was advertising the same game which was advertised on her smartphone called VENUS.

Stephanie immediately increased the volume of the television to listen more clearly to the description of the game

"I wonder what's so special about this game that it's being advertised all over the internet "

Stephanie thought, but she was interrupted when she heard the blaring of the school's bus

"Duncan be fast "

She shouted to duncan who was still eating

"okay, I'm coming "

Duncan said as he gulped a full glass of water into his mouth, after few seconds, Duncan came with his school bag which was hanged at his back

"bye mom "

Stephanie said as she and her brother stepped out of the house

"Bye my children, be safe "

Mrs.talot said as she waved to them goodbye.

In the school bus, stephanie and duncan looks for any vacant seat, Duncan saw a seat and sat on it while stephanie was still searching for a seat

"Stephanie, over here, there is a vacant seat "

Her friend Isabella called her from the back seat

"oh!, yeah "

Stephanie murmured as she walked toward the seat and sat on it, she looked at all the students in the bus

"OMG, why are all the students on their phone, I thought no operating of phone was the number one policy on the bus"

Stephanie whispered to Isabella, she waited for some seconds for Isabella to reply her but to no avail, stephanie was now furious and looked at isabella but to her surprise she was still on her phone, stephanie gasped in disbelief and rolled her eyeballs at the same time tapped her

"What? "

Isabella shouted and looked at her

"oh!, stephanie it's you, sorry this game is just so addictive"

Isabella apologized

"and by the way, what's the name of this game, blah, blah, blah "

Stephanie asked


Isabella commented

"what "

Stephanie shouted which attracted all the students to turn towards her, because of this stephanie bent her head on her lap to hide her face, after a while all the students turned away from her, stephanie raised her head and continued her conversation with isabella

"like I mean, why is everyone into this game, even the internet advertise it, is this game a big deal "

Stephanie continued

"haven't you heard "

"heard what "

"if you win all the levels of this game you will be rewarded with two million dollars "

Isabella whispered

"what?, for just a video game "

Stephanie shouted

"yeah, and i should tell you, download the app on your smartphone or iPad, I'm telling you it going to be fun "

Isabella advised

"getting two million dollars for free just to win a video-game, this is strange "

Stephanie thought

"isabella, don't you think that this game is illegal or spiritual "

Stephanie asked

"no I don't think so, the cops, FBI, in fact, everybody plays this game, so it can't be illegal or spiritual "

Isabella answered

"okay, I will download it on my smartphone "

Stephanie commented as she began to operate her phone.

After some minutes, the bus arrived at the school and all the students rushed out of the bus heading to their classes.

After school was over stephanie and duncan boarded a taxi to get them home. Getting home they entered the house and sat on a cozy chair to relax

"welcome my darlings "

Mrs.talot said as she hugged them both

"how was school today "

She added

"it was fine "

Stephanie replied

"yeah, mom school was fine "

Duncan added

"okay "

Mrs.talot said as she headed to her room

"and you two should take a shower before you eat "

She added as she completely left the parlor.

After some seconds, stephanie stood up and went to the bathroom to take her bath, after about thirty minutes, Duncan also went to the bathroom to take a quick shower because he was dying of hunger.

Some minutes later after stephanie had finished eating in the dining, she went to her room, took her smartphone and jumped on the bed. She accessed the game, VENUS, she opened it and found out that the game was an online game, she went farther to sign up on the game and it was asking her about some log in info like e-mail, real name, username, nickname, home address, account number, password and others, she answered all the questions and gained full and free access to the game.