chapter 16: i am the betrayal you never wanted pt1

[hino gets dragged to the boss]

[The boss smiles]

The boss: well hino.. Any luck finding my son?.

Hino: no not yet.

The boss: ha.. Well I guess it's what I get for putting trust in someone who's worthless.

Hino: Just give me a few more days and I'll find him.

The boss: no.. I don't think I'll need your help anymore.

[hino looks at the boss in fear]

Hino: w..What do you mean?.

[the boss punches hino in the face repeatedly]

The boss: you know exactly what I mean.

Hino: [cough] ok..

[hino passes out]

The boss: someone get rid of him.

Ikeda: ok.

[the boss grins at ikeda]

The boss: say you're hinos friend right?.

Ikeda: yes.. Why?.

The boss: oh nothing..

[the boss uses his power and stabs ikeda]

The boss: satake!.. Come and clean this mess up.

Satake: yes.

The boss: also resurrect hino and ikeda back. I'm not finished with them yet.

Satake: yes right away.. Also i got a call from division 1.

The boss: and?.

Satake: they wanted me to ask you for permission to do a cold breach mission.

[the boss smiles]

The boss: yes.. Tell them I give all my permission.

Satake: ok

[satake calls division 1]

Satake: hello.

Itami: Who is this?

Satake: it's satake, the one you asked to see if the boss would give you permission to do the cold breach mission.

Itami: oh yeah satake.. Did he give us permission?.

Satake: yes he said do whatever needs to be done.

Itami: ok that's all i need to hear.

[itami hangs up]

Itami: Ok men.. The boss gives permission for our cold breach mission.

Itami: make sure to wear your gas masks at all times during the mission there will be a lot of smoke and make sure your weapons are ready at all costs, if someone gets in your way mow them down.

[everyone in division 1 put on their gas masks and reloads their guns]

Itami: ok 3.. 2.. 1.. Let's start the cold breach mission!.

[satake runs to the boss with drone footage]

The boss: what is this?.

Satake: its live drone footage of the mission.

The boss: thank you.. I'll enjoy watching this.

[Division 1 begins to set buildings on fire and gun down civilians that get in their way]

Itami: ok let's go before the buildings start to collapse!.

Civilian: you can't do this to us!.

[itami smiles]

Itami: oh really?.

[itami guns down the civilian]

Itami: now that'll shut them up.

Itami: men look up ahead there's a crowd of civilians.. You know what to do.

[itami and division 1 begin beating and gunning down the civilians]

Itami: we should be able to find the boss's son before sunset if not we won't sleep till he's found!.

[itami and division 1 go around gunning down civilians and burning their houses down]

The boss: Now this is a sight I like to see.

Satake: how do you enjoy this?.

[the boss smiles at satake]

The boss: look.. Do you see everyone down there running for their lives?.

Satake: yes.

The boss: look closer.. Do you see every person down there betraying each other for their own safety?.

Satake: yes.. But it's out of fear.

The boss: every person betrays you fear or not.. No one truly loves you or cares about you, everyone's a stranger to each other.

[hino begins to laugh]

Hino: your right boss except you're missing one thing.

[hino cuts off the boss's head]

Hino: I am the one you never guessed would betray you.

part 2 February 28th