chapter 17: I am the betrayal you never wanted pt2

[hino begins to laugh]

Hino: oh it feels great to have the boss shut up for once.

[satake looks at hino surprised]

Satake: w..why did you do that?.

[hino smiles]

Hino: because the man wouldn't shut up about his philosophy bull crap.

Satake: it was what he believed in.

Hino: You think I want to hear him talking all day about this and that.

Satake: he was giving advice.

Hino: no.. he was filling everyone here with lies so they would do his work for him.

[hino begins to laugh]

Hino: oh.. Don't tell me I was the only one here that could tell the man was lying.

Satake: you're crazy!.

Hino: oh am i?.

[hino smiles and licks his knife]

Hino: oh well.. Since the boss is dead I'm taking over.

Satake: you can't do that..

[hino throws his knife and barely misses satakes head]

Hino: oh will you shut up!.

Hino: You think I care about the rules when I don't.

Satake: Well I have no choice.. Security!.

[the security guards run into the room and aim their guns at hino]

[hino begins to laugh]

Hino: oh.. I'm so scared.

Hino: it's going to take a lot more than that to faze me .

Security guard 1: if you dont stand down we will shoot you!.

Hino: do it!

[the security guards opens fire on hino and hino uses his time stop power]

Hino: oh well.. Let's have some fun.

[hino runs at the security guards cutting each one in half]

Hino: Well that was a lot easier than expected.

[hino stops using his time stop power and the security guards drop to the ground]

[hino smiles]

Satake: how.. You shouldn't have that power.

Hino: oh.. It's called bribing the scientists to make new powers for me.

[satake realizes that he can cut off the link of resurrection between him and hino]

Satake: you forgot one thing.

[hino smiles]

Hino: And what could that be?

Satake: I can cut off your link of resurrection.

Hino: well then do it!.

Satake: ok.

[satake tries to use his power but hino cuts off his head]

Hino: You forgot one thing too.. That link only works if both people are alive.

[hino remembers that itami and division 1 are still looking for the boss's son]

Hino: Well I guess we can call that mission off.

[hino calls itami]

Itami: hello?.

Hino: the boss's dead call off the mission.

Itami: what happened?.

Hino: I killed the boss.. The poor man wouldn't shut up.

[itami begins to get angered]

Itami: me and division 1 will be there soon.

Hino: dont worry im already there.

[itami looks behind him and sees hino smiling]

Itami: wha..

[hino stabs itami in the back and itami falls to his knees]

Hino: Now maybe you'll learn your lesson.

Itami: wh..

Hino: quit trying to talk.. You're making a mess everywhere.

[hino kicks itami in the face finally killing him]

[hino looks around him and sees all of division 1 in shock]

Hino: do all of you want to die the same way your friend did?.

[all of division 1 commits suicide]

Hino: wow.. I didn't think they were that loyal to the boss.

[yadara and narimo hear a loud noise so they check the news]

News reporter: a man has single handedly killed over 6000 people.

[yadara and narimo look at each other in shock]

Yadara: who is capable of killing 6000 people by themself?.

Narimo: I'm not sure.. But it is really concerning.

Yadara: should we tell yoichi about it?.

Narimo: Yes, we need to tell him about this, maybe he can do something about it.

Yadara: ok

[yadara goes to yoichi's room]

Yadara: hey yoichi.. Can you open the door? It's important.

[yoichi opens the door]

Yoichi: Sure what is it?.

Yadara: there's a man on the news that's already killed 6000 people.

Yoichi: where?.

Yadara: it's pretty close to where we live.. I think he's coming this way.

Yoichi: ok.. Let me go and get hatano and we'll go check it out.

Yadara: ok.

[yadara goes to the living room]

Yadara: yoichi said he's going to talk to hatano about it and we'll go check it out.

Narimo: ok.

[yoichi and hatano both rush to the living room]

Yoichi: That man on the news.. That's hino

Yadara: what?.. I killed him though.

Yoichi: I thought the same thing when I fought him.

Hatano: I believe they have someone in their group that can resurrect people.. Because if both of you killed him then how is he still alive?.

Yoichi: Well, we need to go and stop hino before he does anything else.

[sakai wraps her arms around yadara]

Sakai: Do you need my help, my love?.

Yadara: [sigh] I'm not sure yet.

Sakai: ok.

[yoichi opens the front door]

Yoichi: ok lets go before this maniac causes anymore trouble.

Yadara and narimo: ok.

[yadara,narimo,yoichi and hatano run to the area hino is at]

Hino: oh what a beautiful day it is.

Yoichi: stop!.

[hino turns around and smiles at yoichi]

Hino: oh it's you.. I thought you would have been dead by now.

Yoichi: It's gonna take alot more than what you're doing to kill me.

Hino: oh really?.

[hino tries to stab yoichi but sakai blocks it]

Hino: what?.

[sakai smiles at hino]

Sakai: I'm sorry but I can't let you do that.

[hino smiles]

Hino: [sigh] I guess I'll have to show you who I am then.

Sakai: I already know who you are, you killed me and my parents.

[hino remembers who sakai is]

Hino: how..

Sakai: It's too late for questions.. Think of this as the revenge I wanted to give you.

[sakai smiles and lifts her hand in the air]

Hino: what are you doing?.

[hino screams in agony while each one of his limbs are being tore off one by one]

Sakai: This is the pain I felt while seeing my parents dismembered.

[sakai lifts her other hand in the air]

[hino screams in more pain as his organs fall out]

Sakai: And this is the pain I felt as you killed me.

Hino: i..I'm s..sorry.

[sakai grins]

Sakai: It's too late to be sorry.

[sakai moves her finger and tears hino in half]

[sakai turns around and smiles]

Sakai: I'm sorry my love, I shouldn't have done that in front of you.

[yadara,narimo,hatano and yoichi look at sakai surprised]

Yoichi: But how?

Sakai: how what?

Yoichi: How are you that strong?.

Sakai: What do you mean?

Yoichi: You just tore a man in half just by moving your finger.

[sakai smiles at yoichi]

Sakai: I'm not the one that controls my power, yadara is.

[yoichi,narimo and hatano look at yadara surprised]

chapter 18 march 10th