chapter 18: I am the betrayal you never wanted pt3

[narimo,yoichi and hatano look at yadara surprised]

Yadara: wait.. I can explain.

[narimo walks over to yadara and slaps him]

Narimo: how could you control your girlfriend like that!.

Narimo: what if she didn't want to kill that man and you forced her to do it.

[yadara looks at narimo surprised]

Yoichi: hey.

[yoichi puts his hand on narimos shoulder]

Yoichi: yadara she does have a point.. If you have a power that's living then you can't control them. It's like an actual person you have to respect what they want.

Yadara: I know.. But he killed her.

Yoichi: That's not an excuse, what if she wanted to make peace with him and you came in and controlled her to kill him.

[yadara looks at yoichi surprised]

Yadara: what would you do if someone killed hatano.. You would do anything you could to have your revenge right?.

[hatano and yoichi look at yadara surprised]

Yoichi: [sigh] You're right but I wouldn't have another person to do it for me. I would do it myself.

Sakai: hey yoichi.

[yoichi turns around and looks at sakai]

Yoichi: yeah?.

Sakai: have you ever explained how powers work to either of them before?.

Yoichi: no not really.. Ive just trained them on how to use them.

[sakai smiles]

Sakai: Well, I think you need to explain to them how powers work.. Because what if they do something wrong and it kills them.

[yoichi realises what sakai is talking about]

Yoichi: That does make sense since they really don't know much about the strands of power.

Narimo: Does this mean we get to know where our powers come from?.

Yoichi: yes it does.. But first we have to get home.

[after sometime yoichi,hatano,yadara and narimo arrive at home]

Yoichi: Ok, we need to figure out how to explain this.

Hatano: Do you want me to explain it to them.. Since I've worked in that department before?.

Yoichi: You can if you want.

Hatano: Ok, sure.

[hatano walks to the living room where yadara and narimo are at]

Hatano: Hey yoichi told me to explain to you two what the strands of power are since I worked with alot of people who had powers.

Yadara: ok.

Narimo: It'll be good to understand how our powers are made.

[hatano smiles]

Hatano: ok.. Well I'll start with yadaras strand of power first since it's more complicated.

Yadara: since it's more complicated does that mean it's the strongest.

Hatano: well.. Not really but you can train to make your power stronger.

[yadara looks at hatano disappointed]

Yadara: oh ok.

Hatano: anyways.. Yadara your strand of power is an executioner's strand.

[yadara looks at hatano surprised]

Yadara: it's a what?.

Hatano: it's an executioner's strand which means your power is meant to kill whatever it's target is.. Which means you need to be careful with your power because if you do one wrong move your power will lock on to something or someone and it wont stop till it's dead.

Narimo: So that explains why yadara went crazy when that man showed him that picture.

Hatano: Yes exactly.

Hatano: And it's why yadara.. you need to be careful with your power.

Yadara: What about my power with sakai?.. What strand is that?.

Hatano: oh.. Your strand with sakai is a saviours strand it's complicated to explain.

Yadara: How does it work because I know yoichi said something about it could kill me.

Hatano: [sigh].. A saviours stand is a strand of power that when your power grows enough strength you can wish for someone to become your power.. Which yours was sakai.

Yadara: So how would that kill me then?.

Hatano: if you control the saviours strand it can become corrupted and take full control of itself again and rip itself out of your body.

Yadara: So how has it not killed me yet?.

[hatano uses her power to see sakai]

Hatano: oh.. You have a bond with your saviour strand.

[yadara looks at hatano surprised]

Yadara: what does that mean?.

Hatano: it means your saviour strand wont get corrupted because the person you wished to be your power already had a bond with you.

Yadara: So I wont die?.

Hatano: yes you'll be fine.. the only way the saviours strand will get corrupted is if its someone you don't have a bond with which you had a bond with sakai way before you wished her to be your power so you'll be fine you don't have to worry about it.

Yadara: [sigh] that's good news then.

[hatano looks over at narimo]

Hatano: ok narimo.. Your strand of power is an oppressors strand which means your power takes energy to stop things.. kind of like a shield.

[narimo looks at hatano surprised]

Narimo: So basically my black hole power is a shield?.

Hatano: Well it's an offensive and defensive power which means you can use your strand of power for attacks and it'll be able to protect you as well.

Narimo: Ok, that makes a lot more sense.

[hatano smiles]

Hatano: Do you two want to know a secret?.

[yadara and narimo look at hatano surprised]

Yadara and narimo: yes of course!

Hatano: ok.. But you can't tell yoichi i told you two this.

Yadara and narimo: ok.. We won't tell him.

Hatano: [sigh].. Ok im your older sister.

Yadara and narimo: what?.

Hatano: Yes, I'm your older sister.

Yadara: But how?.. If you were our sister then why did mom and dad never tell us anything?.

Hatano: because they saw me get into an accident and I guess they assumed I was dead.

Narimo: So they had us to cope with your "death".

Hatano: Yes, pretty much.

Yadara: So we're a coping method?.

[hatano looks at yadara surprised]

Hatano: what no.. they loved you the same way they loved me

Yadara: lies!.. You don't know how much crap I went through.. How much pain I went through and yet everyday I tried to become better so one day i could leave that place.

[narimo looks at yadara surprised]

Narimo: what are you talking about?.

Yadara: everyday mom would tell me i'm useless and im nothing and dad would tell me i would end up dead if i didn't do the thing he said.

Narimo: Then why did you look up to dad?.

Yadara: i said that because dad said if he wasnt my role model that he would beat me till i was dead.

[hatano and narimo look at yadara surprised]

Hatano: well you don't have to worry about that anymore dads dead and mom has life in prison.

[yoichi overhears hatanos conversation with yadara and narimo]

Yoichi: hatano.. I thought we were keeping that a secret?.

Hatano: I know.. it's just that they would have found out at some time.. So I decided to tell them now.

[yadara and narimo look at yoichi surprised]

Yadara: So you were just going to keep our sister a secret?.

Yoichi: We were going to tell you two, we just didn't know if it was the right time or not.

Narimo: well it would have been good to know the first time we met her and not months later.

Hatano: Ok everyone chill out.. I know we were keeping it a secret but yoichi was thinking about adopting you two.

[yadara and narimo look at yoichi surprised]

Yadara and narimo: you were what?.

Yoichi: she's right, I was going to adopt you two.. I think of you two as my kids but I was also going to marry hatano so we figured that it would make things weird.

Hatano: yeah so me and yoichi decided that we weren't going to adopt you two and me and him were going to get married.. But we would still act like parent figures for you two.

[yadara and narimo look at hatano and yoichi surprised]

Yadara: But why?.

Yoichi: why what?.

Yadara: If you were going to adopt us wouldn't that make hatano your daughter too?

Yoichi: no.. because I would be adopting you two and its also why we decided not to adopt you two and act like parent figures.. because it would be weird if i was married to my daughter wouldn't it?.

Yadara: Well I mean yeah but why marry her.

[yadara points to hatano]

[hatano looks at yadara surprised]

Hatano: And what do you mean by that?.

Yadara: Well I was thinking why would he want to marry someone who is "dead".

Narimo: Look who's talking.. Your girlfriend is literally dead.

Yadara: shut up about that.

Narimo: what?.. I'm just stating facts.

Yadara: ok whatever.

[yadara,yoichi,hatano and narimo begin to laugh]

chapter 18.5 march 11th