
 Kim Jae who didn't have any preparations stumbled and fell to the ground, curled up on the asphalt.

 Blood dripped from Kim Jae's nose and lips which were torn off until it seeped onto the paved ground. Kim Jae's body seemed to have no energy in the morning. Kim Jae's eyes began to blur, everything around him seemed to have a shadow.

 A man who was tallest among them, walked towards Kim Jae who had fallen face down on the ground. He was the one who was beaten badly by Kim Jae, as if he was going to teach Kim Jae a lesson he deserved.

 The man took the wooden block that was near his feet. He pounded the wooden block into his left hand.

 "It took you too long to give it up? You damn foreigner!" shouted the man.



 Kim Jae who didn't have any preparations stumbled and fell to the ground, curled up on the asphalt.