Protect Kenkyo

 Kim Jae banged his head back to attack the nose of the uncle who was still locking his hands at this time.

 The bandit immediately let go of Kim Jae's hand. He held his bleeding nose.

 "Fuck you, Stranger!" he shouted, frustrated.

 However, before the man could reach Kim Jae, Kim Jae first brushed his foot right into the man's shin, making the man fall on the ground as well.

 Kim Jae quickly grabbed the hair and banged the man's head on the asphalt. The man was motionless, unconscious.

 Another man approached Kim Jae.

 Kim Jae jumped into the air and slammed his elbow right on the head of the man who was about to attack him earlier. The man's body fell to the ground as well. Kim Jae's elbow is still above the man's head.

 With Kim Jae's strong hands, making the impact look very painful.