Cazador 1

The moon hid behind the clouds and the entirety of the place darkened. As the grandfather clock ticked at the swing of the pendulum, the horde had finally reached the estate.

However, they could not easily invade the mansion. A five-meter-high wall had been erected on the main passage points around the building.

Since they could not easily get inside the area and secure the target, their master had approached.

The hooded figure's red eyes had narrowed. It spoke in an inaudible tongue and a pentagram had formed and he commanded something from a distance.

After their impromptu conference, Aliester and the knights got to work.

'It felt kinda odd that I am working with other people like this. As a shut in, this feeling is quite new to me.' He thought while performing his task.

He got used to talking to some of the knights. Although at times he had felt a bit awkward, Aliester was quite happy that he had gotten close to some of them.

After they set up a few more things, they got into position. Aliester and the rest were waiting with baited breath.

"Those things are quiet… unusually quite." Euclide said under his breath while looking at the main entrance. The earthen wall was still intact.

It had already been a few hours and thankfully the undead were not able to tear down the earth barrier. They were lucky that this horde did not have any of the type that could scale through the wall.

"The climbers are very annoying to deal with." Said one of the older knights.

But what made them all apprehensive for some time now, was a shaking on the ground that they could not explain.

"It felt like a mini earthquake." Aliester could recall a few fragmented images of a type of undead which he had seen after they flee from the Capital.

"It shouldn't be an executioner, right?" he muttered as he pictured out the gruesome giantlike undead.

"If we are going to deal with that…" Terrano cursed. "One of those had wiped off almost half of the Verbenian knight order."

"If one of those attacks, it would only a matter of time before our stronghold would be destroyed." Euclide cut in.

There was a huge banging sound as if something is being hit by a hammer.

"Is that a battering ram?" Aliester thought.

Just as expected, the wall broke down. A huge humanoid undead with towering height emerged with a war hammer.

The knights cursed. "It's a cazador!"

Even Aliester paled at the sight.

[Information: A cazador is a type of undead which is a product of the Queen's numerous experiments. It could wield a variety of weaponry and it can show a certain level of intelligence.] Zarame informed.

"We can't fight something like that with only 15 of us." One of the knights said while shaking.

"Calm down. We have to fight that if we want to live and survive." Mephisto said. "Prepare for range attack!"

About three of the knights who specialized in archery brought out their weapons to take the cazador down.

By this time, several of the walkers had entered the broken wall.

"Fire!" Mephisto ordered and the arrows rained down on the enemies.

There were several which got hit on their heads and had fallen down. They did not revive. But the ones who got hit with the arrows in some of their body parts still advanced forward.

Aliester concentrated his mana as instructed by Zarame. His palm lighted up and with his imagination he had formed a bullet.

As one of the undead advanced towards their area, Aliester fired the mana bullet towards its target.

The undead did not get up as its head got pierced by the mana bullet.

"It worked!" Aliester was glad at his feat.

While the bowmen killed off the undead small fries, the executioner roared and stomped forward.

"That thing is quite slow but the arrows are not doing any damage on that." Mephisto said as he unsheathed his sword and severed the head of an undead which had already made its way towards him.

Aliester had tested the mana bullet on the executioner, however it used its weapon to deflect or shield its head from the mana attack.

"Seriously?" Aliester gritted as he fired a few more bullets but it did not halt the executioner's advances.

[Notice: The mana bullet is not strong enough for a cazador. You need a stronger weapon]. Zarame said.

'You do not need to tell me that. I can see that did not work.' He grumbled. "Damn! I am getting tired and that thing would not even budge."

The mana bullet may have worked on the small fries. But with such a huge number, Aliester could not keep up. And with the executioner joining in, things are getting hard for their group.

"Sorry, we could not help you, young master." Euclide said while swinging his sword and cutting an undead vertically in half. "If only we are casters."

Aliester had discovered earlier that only a few people could manipulate mana at will.

Although there were some who could use the elemental attribute that they were born with, it was considered rare for people to freely use their pure mana as a weapon, excluding the casters.

"No need to feel bad, you are doing well getting rid of those things with your only swordsmanship." Aliester said a little embarrassed that he had given someone a compliment.

As a number of undead had entered the gap in the wall and with the cazador coming towards them, the group knew that they need to abandon the first floor.

"Everyone!" Mephisto ordered. "Fall back! Time for Plan B!"

The knights had fallen back to the second floor. Some of them prevented the undead from reaching the stairs while the others had taken their defensive position.

As the executioner reached the midpoint of the mansion, Ertz cut the rope which sent the chandelier hanging above the executioner to fall down.

The executioner swung its warhammer and destroyed the crystals from the chandelier but since the suspended ornament was huge, some parts had fallen on the other walkers and squashed them.

Probably enraged, the executioner roared and swung its weapon, it destroyed some parts of the stairs and a small portion of the second floor.

Aliester and his companions hold on as the building shook.

"If this keeps up, the entire mansion will collapse!" Euclide grunted as he held on the railing.

As some debris fell down, the other archers continued their assault on the cazador while the others fend off any attack from the walker.

Aliester stopped his assault to preserve whatever MP he has left. He needed that for his next plan.

Terrano attached a rope and fired an arrow on a tree.

"Hurry up, you guys!" he called as he slung his sheathed sword on the rope and swung towards the other side.

"Clear!" he called out as he surveyed the area.

Most of the undead had entered the mansion and there are only a handful loitering clumsily outside.

"Young master! We have to go!" Mephisto grabbed Aliester's arm.

But he shrugged him and replied. "I still have to something to do, you all go first."

"But young master!"

"That's an order!" Aliester exclaimed.

Mephisto hesitated to leave and watched his master formed a concentrated mana ball.

As the executioner rampaged and the other walkers tried to climb the second floor, Aliester scattered the mana ball downstairs.

As the rest of the knights had crossed towards the other side, Aliester had made sure that the mana balls were in place.

Mephisto guarded the young lord and killed the walkers that had already reached their area. "Young master, we need to go now! The cazadoris here!"

Mephisto had evaded the Warhammer which smashed the area where he had been standing.

Finally, Aliester had finished setting up. His eyes widened in horror as he saw that the old knight was up against the cazador.

The old knight had a hard time fighting. Although the cazador is slow, Mephisto could not simply parry its warhammer since it was heavy.

Aliester tried to pull the aggro towards him by firing mana bullets towards the cazador.

But unfortunately, the cazador was more focused on its current target. It swung its hammer and hit the knight.

"NO!" Aliester screamed as Mephisto was crushed under the weight of the weapon.