Cazador 2

Aliester had not felt that type of rage before. When his father died, he did feel a lot of frustration but not anger.

However, when Mephisto, whom he had only spent a fortnight, had met its demise, he was somehow overwhelmed with fury. He felt as though he wanted to take down everything.

Fragments of memories from the original Aliester had flashed before his eyes and for some reasons that made him snap.

The strong bond, which was more like father and son rather than the young lord and his knight, was something that had been treasured by lord Aliester.

And with the old knight's death, certain emotions exploded.

'This is odd.' Aliester thought as he could feel the rush of Adrenaline combined with his anger.

Aliester was able to assault the cazador with a barraged of mana bullets. Occasionally, electrical charges accompanied his attack.

The currents weren't huge but at the very least, he was subconsciously able to use a portion of his lightning.

Unfortunately, since he was somehow blinded by rage, he could not aim properly at the cazador's weak spot. He also failed to notice that he was able make use of his affinity.

[Notice: Master, you are wasting your MP. You need to calm down!] Zarame had tried to draw his attention.

But Aliester could not stop as the cazador stomped its way towards him. The second floor shook with each and every step.

[Warning! Master! You have to calm down! Your MP is getting depleted.]

Aliester ignored and simply continued his assault when another voice overlapped with Zarame's.

It was the familiar voice of Aegis Hausen.

{You idiot! Are you trying to get yourself beaten up? I told you to calm down!}

Usually his father's reprimand would come with a knuckle sandwich combo. Aris would get a bump on his head.

For some odd reasons, he felt a bit of pain, like an electrical shot, zapping towards his temples.

Aliester blinked and somehow woke up from his fit. Just in time, he was able to avoid the Warhammer coming his way. With a roll, he evaded the attack and landed a few paces away.

Aliester paled while huffing and puffing. His heart rate sped up as he looked at the spot where he had been standing earlier. The weapon had made a huge hole.

"That was close." He muttered as he got up and distanced himself from the cazador.

He recalled the words of Aegis from when he was younger.

{It is good that you have calmed down. You usually got defeated when you spar with Aria. You let her provoke you. You allowed your emotions to get in the way.} Aegis would pat the young boy's head.

{Though your anger could give you a boost, it has a downside. When you get blinded by anger, you won't be able to use the extra adrenaline properly.} such were his father's words.

Remembering those, Aliester forced himself to regain his composure.

The cazador lifted its Warhammer and began stalking towards the young man.

Aliester used the opportunity to run and snatch the fallen knight's claymore and scabbard.

'This is a bit heavy… ' he murmured.

He glanced at the mangled body while apologizing. 'Sorry, I could not take you with me. At least, lend me your strength through this sword.'

He ran and used his momentum to avoid the Warhammer.

When the Warhammer hit the floor, Aliester used the chance to swiftly slash the overgrown undead's arms. The undead faltered for a bit but it did not let go of its weapon.

Before it could attack, Aliester fell back and ran towards the other end of the hallway. As if the attack on its arm was nothing, the cazador was chasing the young man.

Unfortunately, Aliester reached a dead end. He turned and faced the cazador.

"I hope this works." He muttered under his breath while watching the approaching undead.

The undead had trudged its way until it finally reached a marked area.

When the undead stepped on the circle prepared by the knights earlier, Aliester hastily cut the rope near him.

As the rope was cut, the trap got activated and the marked area gave in.

Aliester held on the beams so that he wouldn't fall in the gaping floor.

[Notice: the cazador is still moving. You need to get out.] Zarame informed.

'I know.' Aliester sighed exhaustedly.

[Notice: you have to hurry. The mana bomb which had been set earlier will explode in a few seconds.].

"Thanks for reminding me!" he gritted out as he run towards the window where Terrano had tied a rope.

He sheathed Mephisto's claymore and slung it on the rope. He then swung towards the other side where the others were waiting.

As he was about to reach the middle part of the rope, the mana bombs exploded which caused the dilapidated mansion to burst in flames.

Since the other end of the rope was cut off, Aliester's journey to the other side did not go smoothly. He was thrown on the ground.

He had to thank Terrano for the earth wall. Although there was an explosion from the mana bomb, he was somehow left unscathed. The earth wall prevented the blast and the fire from reaching him.

[Notice: cazador was caught up in the blast. It was eliminated. A group of undead were also incinerated in the explosion.] Zarame reported.

Aliester was quite relieved at the news.

When he was about to stand, several undead came towards him.

Although most of them got caught up in the blast inside the mansion, there were still others which had been left outside.

Since the effect of the adrenaline wore off, the young lord could not easily defend himself. Just when an undead was about to reach him, an arrow pierced its head and it fell on the ground.

The other knights joined the fray. They got rid of the remaining zombies while protecting Aliester.

"You master! Are you all right?" Terrano came and swiped the head of the last undead.

Aliester simply nodded while looking at the claymore sadly.

The other knights did not ask questions. They bowed their heads in honor of their fallen comrade.

"I know that this is hard for you." Ertz said while healing some of his wounds and scratches. "Please don't blame yourself."

One of the older knights had patted his back. "Young master, you have to know. As knights, it was our honor to die during one's duty and a greater honor to die for the young master we have chosen to serve."

"I am sure that Mephisto was happy that he could protect you." Ertz said.

Aliester gripped the claymore tightly while preventing himself from crying out.

"I know that." His voice was a bit hoarse. "but seeing people around me die while protecting me is a bitter pill to swallow."

'I have already lost my father in the other realm. Now, I have lost another father figure in this side. On top of it all, a lot of lives were already sacrifice. What the hell is this?' Aliester wanted to shout.

He had several fragments from his predecessor's memories. Several people had died already so that he could survive.

Aliester wanted to wallow in misery and mourn for those whom they lost but a warning appeared.

[Warning! Enemy at three o clock! Stay alert!]

As Zarame gave that information, Aliester could hear growling sounds.

The remaining knights were on high alert as several figures emerged from the woods.

"Cannibus." Euclide muttered while staying on guard.

[Information: cannibus are quadrupedal undead, usually of canine family like dogs or even wolves. They hunt in packs and they are faster than the walkers.]

But the cannibus were not the only problem they had to face. A hooded figure came into view.

Aliester had first noticed that the figure's eyes were shining like rubies. When the figure had unveiled itself, the young man was astonished to see that the figure was a skeleton.

"Damnit! A lich!"