Fighting a Lich

'Hey, Zarame…' Aliester called on the system. Sweat dropped as his eyes were focused on the enemies.

'Didn't you say that this quest is in tutorial mode, right?'


'How is it possible that we are up against a freaking lich?!' he inwardly screamed at the system.

[…] Zarame did not reply.

'That thing… that lich is technically an enemy that newbies must not fight!' he gripped the claymore as if his life depended on it.

In role playing games that he played, liches are considered as mid-level boss, if not the last boss. Noobs should not mess with this monster unless they want to commit suicide.

Options for newbies in games are supposed to be fight or flight. But running away right now is not an option.

Aliester flinched as the growls from the quadrupeds grow louder. The undead canines moved forward as if stalking their preys. If they run, those things would be able to hunt them all down.

'Zarame, this is far from a tutorial… Not only we have to deal with the lich but those cannibus are also a big problem.'

Zarame finally responded. [Notice: it is beyond this system's power. The enemies are not determined by me. Another source is sending them.]

'F*ck!' He cussed as he readied the claymore if any of those things attack.

The lich held his hand out as if signaling the cannibus to get ready.

Aliester's hand trembled. 'How in the world are we going to fight with those? I think we might not survive this time.'

From the corner of his eyes, he saw that the knights were also preparing for the onslaught.

'My mana is getting depleted, so it is unlikely that I would be able to use the bullets for some time. If only I knew that we would be dealing with these, I would have saved up my mana.'

But it was too late for Aliester to regret.

Aliester noted that there were roughly twenty red dots on the map. It seemed that the lich summoned around one or two packs of the cannibus.

'I hope that he wouldn't be able to summon more undead.' Aliester thought while trying to keep track of the enemies' numbers.

'we managed to wipe out all of the walkers, so hopefully we can get through this.' he further mused. 'I have thirteen knights with me. I do hope we can all deal with those things and won't have any casualties.'

Then the lich unexpectedly spoke while pointing at him. "Son of the Duke of Alcove."

Aliester flinched. Its voice was unearthly and it was creeping him out.

"If you do not want to die, you better surrender and come with us." the lich said.

"And if I don't…" Aliester said while training his eyes on the lich.

Aliester could feel a small surge of mana from behind him. It seemed that his companions were setting their traps and counterattacks. He needed to buy more time.

"I would like it that you would come back with me. My mistress asked me to take you back alive." The lich said.

"only me?" With his brows furrowed, Aliester asked. "What about my companions?"

"My mistress only needs you. So, your companions' lives are not guaranteed." The lich answered.

Upon hearing that, Aliester's grip on the sword tightened. "In that case, my answer is no!"

The lich's eyes glowed blood red. "It will benefit my mistress more if you are alive. But it can't be helped if you die during the struggle…"

"Such as shame." The lich waved and the cannibus started their assault. "I can just turn you into one of my subordinates."

"you can go to hell!" he slashed at the cannibus that jumped towards his left.

As the quadrupeds began their assault, the other knights sprung into action. Then, it was pure chaos.

The archers who had survived managed to unleash a barrage of arrows in taking down a number of cannibus.

While the other knights were able to fend off the remaining quadrupeds.

Euclide shouted as he swung his blade and severed a cannibus's head. "Young master, please escape. We will deal with these dogs."

Aliester helped one of the knights who had been pinned down.

"I am that thing's target. Even if I flee, he will still go after me." He kicked the cannibus and sliced it into half. "We'll just make sure to take that thing down and survive this all together."

"If that's the case…" Terrano grinned. "We will deal with these dogs."

The earth shook when Terrano stomped on the ground. Then several earth spears projected from the ground and pierced five of the nearby cannibus.

"I will try and deal with that lich instead." Aliester said as he readied himself for his attack.

'Zarame, any idea how to kill that thing?' he asked the system as he advanced towards the lich.

[Notice: A lich could not be killed since it is already dead. But if you want to destroy it, you will have to make sure that the phylactery is broken.]

'Phylactery…' Aliester looked at the lich who had unleased an ice lance towards him. Aliester deflected it and continued coming after the undead. "isn't that an item that will give it immortality?"

[Answer: yes]

'Where could it be?' he asked while avoiding a cannibus by side stepping. Then when it jumped towards him, he hastily compressed his mana and shot its head with the bullet.

'Damn, that was close.' he muttered. It took some time to make that bullet with his depleted mana supply.

[Information: Usually the phylactery is kept near its crypt… but since this one is travelling, the chances of its phylactery with him is huge.]

Aliester tried to locate where the item is. But he could only see its flowing robes which were hiding its skeletal body.

[information: The phylactery could be its staff or a necklace or some sort of amulet or jewel that it should be wearing.]

'Thanks Zarame! But I don't think that lich is wearing any type of item like those.'

The lich held out its hand and a pentagram formed, several icicle lances were fired towards him. But Aliester sliced them out of his way.

'It is no longer summoning undead.' Aliester mused as he caught a glimpse on the map. Only a handful of red dots remained. 'Either he used up all of its spell or there are no more corpse within the vicinity.'

"You are pretty good, future Duke of Alcove." The lich complimented him after Aliester had managed to close in their distance.

"However, your swordsmanship will not be enough to kill me." The lich taunted while creating several magic circles.

[Information: an item akin to a phylactery is hidden inside its robes. It also serves as the source of its spells.] Zarame gave him a hint.

"That meant that his phylactery is with him." He muttered as he trained his eyes on the lich's chest. When the robe fluttered, he caught sight of something shining for a moment.

"That area is my first guess. But I could be wrong." Aliester concentrated and compressed his mana. Then, he shot it towards the lich's chest.

But before the mana bullet could hit its mark, the lich erected a barrier to deter it.

"You are going to kill me with a mana bullet?" The lich condescendingly laughed at Aliester. "Such childish attack will not take me down."

Despite the undead caster's taunting, Aliester smirked. "Who says, I will be the one to take you down with a bullet?"

Aliester could feel the surge of mana from behind. He then ducked and several earthen spears were launched towards the lich.