Chapter 100

"Ele..." The yellow Pokémon tiredly slumped down after exhausting nearly all of its Lightning Reserves.

"Well done, Elektra!" Aizen happily smiled and crouched next to it, gently caressing its head. She had almost perfected the move he was teaching her. "Here!" He offered her a small cup that was filled with Dazzling Honey, which was loved by the Electivire-line.

"Ele!" Sure enough, the yellow Pokémon happily grabbed it and tore off the seal before sipping it eagerly.

"Once you have perfected Discharge, we will start working on Thunderbolt."

"Elekid!" She confidently nodded her head but kept her eyes on her favourite treat.

"There's no rush." He chuckled and shook his head. "Take your time and then recover your Reserves before continuing with the training."

"Ele.." The yellow Pokémon nodded to him.

Aizen smiled and caressed its head again before getting up and looking in the direction of Nidoran, who had just performed a Take-Down on Gengar, of course, failing in it since it passed right through the Ghost Pokémon's body.

He wanted Nidoran to get the feel of the move before he would make it perform against a suitable target. Since the move had recoil damage, there was no need to make Nidoran suffer so early. It had already perfected Horn Attack, and after Take-Down, Aizen planned on helping the little one learn Horn Drill before it evolves.

"Here!" Aizen threw a Pecha Berry at Gengar. "Once Nidoran performs a really good Take-Down, give it to him."

"Gengar..." The Ghost Pokémon acknowledged his command and then eerily smiled at Nidoran, who was suddenly more pumped up to master Take-Down.

It needed to master Take-Down. Only then would it achieve minimal self-harm when performing this move in a crucial battle.

Aizen left the three Pokémon in the clearing where they were practising their moves and walked up to the stream, where Lapras was playing around with Magikarp.

Now, helping a Magikarp evolve was a very tricky task. These Pokémon were mostly useless in battles, and in the wild, it usually took them several years to finally evolve. And most stayed Magikarp forever. It was the reason why there were innumerable Magikarp in the world, but comparatively, very few Gyarados.

The reason behind it was simple. Magikarp needed some sort of catalyst to make it yearn for power, and a lot of self-confidence as well.

And that was why he was making his Magikarp play against Lapras.

Aizen had to spend nearly an hour to make Magikarp understand what he wanted it to do. Luckily, it was a Shiny and was much smarter than other Magikarp.

Right now, the Golden Magikarp was repeatedly trying to Tackle Lapras in the water, but the siren Pokémon would always send it away with a Water Gun.

The simple-minded fish just kept at it, despite the exhaustion creeping in, and it was something that immensely pleased its Trainer.

"Good job, you two! Keep going!" He called out, and then sat next to the stream, taking off his shoes and folding his pants up before dipping his feet in the flowing water.

The cold touch of the water was really comforting and he took a deep breath before exhaling it from his mouth.


A voice called out from behind him, and he found two little Bulbasaur running towards him along with Pichu and Eevee.

"Done playing?" He knowingly smiled as he found the two Grass Pokémon quite tired.

"Vee!" Rinko nodded to him and then jumped on his shoulder.

The two Bulbasaur arrived by his side and then nuzzled their heads against him before laying down to rest.

Pichu too unceremoniously climbed on top of his head and curiously watched Lapras and Magikarp playing with each other.

Aizen looked at the blue sky and smiled when a refreshing breeze drifted past him, blowing his hair, and whispering sleep in his ear.

It was a peaceful summer day, and after training for several hours since breakfast, he too was a little tired now.

Deciding to get some rest, he picked up Rinko and placed it on his chest as he layed back down on the soft grass.

"If you get bored, you can go and play with Elekid." He smiled at the yellow mouse and said.


But it seemed like it too planned on getting some sleep.

Aizen could not help but smile when Pichu lay next to Rinko on his chest and closed its eyes. Leaf had really pushed it hard in the last few days, and today, it was finally free to play and laze around.

A week had passed since they left the Kanto Safari Zone and bid goodbye to Gary and Ritchie, who were headed to Cinnabar Island. Ash and Brock were going to stay in the Fuschia City for a couple of days, as the son of the famous Red Ketchum planned on challenging the Fuschia Gym.

Though Neon City was only three day's journey away from Safari Zone, they decided to stay at this place by this stream to take their time and train their Pokémon.

Everyone was busy Training their Pokémon. Well, everyone except for Anira, who was somewhere out there in the sky with his Togepi, Mega Pideot, Mega Salamance, and Sabrina's Diancie.

Leaf was in a separate clearing, busy training Floette, Charmander, Nidoran, and Ponyta.

Misty was training her Horsea and Goldeen somewhere down the stream.

And Aizen had no idea which Pokémon Sabrina was training. It was most likely Magby, but she had switched some of her Pokémon at the Safari Zone Pokémon Center before they left the place, so, she might have been training some other Pokémon as well.

Lost in his thoughts, he drifted off to the land of dreams together with the Pokémon sleeping with him.

His eyes fluttered open when he felt someone plant soft kisses on his face, and he instantly recognised her scent.

"Anira." He met her gorgeous violet eyes and planted a kiss on the tip of her nose, which made her giggle.

He glanced at the sky and saw that it was darkening, which meant that he had been asleep for nearly three hours now.

Aizen carefully got up, trying not to wake up Pichu, and placed the little mouse on his backpack before standing up and stretching up his arms.

He found all his Pokémon gathered behind him, resting or chatting with each other. And Lapras was still in the water, resting its head on its shell, but keeping Magikarp against it, preventing the simple-minded Pokémon from swimming down the stream and getting lost.

"Did you enjoy the ride?"

"Loved it!" She brightly said and then showed him all the pictures she had taken from the sky of this place.

She had even visited Neon City and captured pictures of it from the sky.

"We can reach it in 9 hours if we take this route." She opened the holographic map on her watch and showed him a shortcut.

It went through a forest where some dangerous Pokémon resided, but their group did not have to worry about them.

"Okay. We will take this route when we leave." He nodded to her and patted her head. "Are Leaf and Misty done with their training?"

"Yup! They were making preparations for supper when I arrived here a few minutes ago."

"And Diana?" He curiously looked around.

"She and Togepi are with Sabrina, watching her Volcarona fight against her Golurk."

"Heh... A Volcarona and a Golurk." Aizen was a little surprised.

"Yup!" Anira nodded her head. "Her Volcarona is really beautiful and powerful too!"

Both these Pokémon were on the list of the Pokémon he wanted to have one day.

"Sabrina really has some great Powerhouses on her team."

"Of course. I doubt she has any average Pokémon on her Team." He chuckled and then recalled all his Pokémon inside their Pokeballs, except for Gengar, who merged with his shadow.

After that, he used his Psychic Powers to lift Leaf's Pichu and Bulbasaur, not breaking their sleep, and then walked towards the campsite.

"Hey!" He smiled at the two girls who were preparing their meal, and they happily waved back at him.

Leaf immediately recalled both Pichu and Bulbasaur back inside their Pokeballs, and then they sat a little away from the fire to talk about their day.

After Sabrina arrived, Leaf and Anira served them their supper and then they chatted about their plans for tomorrow.

"Do you guys need another day or should we leave for the Neon City?"

"I am all set for the Gym Match!" Leaf confidently answered.

"I am in no rush to train Horsea and Goldeen. They have already learned a lot these days. Slowpoke... well, I don't think staying another day would help me with its training." She sighed and the rest of them chuckled at her words.

"I am ready too." Sabrina simply said as she sipped her stew.

"Alright then. We will leave for Neon City in the morning!" Anira excitedly showed them the route she had marked that cut through the forest, and then the young girls started making plans about all the places they wanted to visit in Neon City.

After supper, Aizen left with Sabrina to go and train their Psychic Powers, and when they returned to the campsite, everyone was already fast asleep.