Chapter 101

Aizen and the girls finally reached the destination by noon-time. Though they had planned on leaving for Neon City in the morning, something unexpected happened that resulted in a change of plans.

They came across a group of Trainers, who happened to be near the stream in the morning. And after a polite greeting, they learned that a special event was about to start near the Fuschia City, on the other side of the Kanto Safari Zone.

The Orayen Prince left the decision to the girls, who unanimously decided to attend this festival called the Annual Fuschia Races, which had first taken place a hundred years ago when the Nomadic Tribes of Fuschia were at war, and instead of fighting, they decided to compete against each other through different races.

At this festival, there were daily races in different portfolios such as the famous Tauros Race, Ponyta and Rapidash Race, Rhyhorn Race, Dodrio Race, Rattata race, and even a Parasect race.

The site of these races was the Laramie Estate, which was a Private Pokémon Reserve and Ranch, belonging to one of the wealthiest families in Kanto, the Laramie Family.

"Welcome to the Laramie Estate!" A guard at the checkpoint brightly said to them. "Are you here to compete in the Annual Fuschia Races?" He inquired.

"These two are here to compete." Aizen smiled at the aged man and pointed at Leaf and Misty. "The rest of us are here to cheer for them and enjoy the festival."

The guard nodded to him and then guided them to where they should head to register for the competition.

"Wow!" Leaf called out in surprise when she saw lush green grassland, and herds of Rhyhorn, Tauros, and Dodrio all over the place. And then there was a group of Growlithe who were keeping a check on all these Pokémon so that they would not enter the farmlands.

"Laramie Family is one of the biggest food suppliers in the Kanto Region, which is why they are so wealthy," Misty informed her hazel-eyed friend, who despite growing up in Kanto, had never heard of Laramie Family before today.

They reached a cottage that had a signboard on it, 'Fuschia Annual Races', and they entered the place.

Inside, they found a lot of Trainers lounging around, whilst a screen displayed the token numbers of the Trainers who could approach the reception to register themselves in the competition.

Leaf and Misty both picked up a token from the machine that was right at the entrance, and then they found a place in the corner to sit down and wait for their turn.

"Are you sure you don't want to compete?" Misty asked for the tenth time. "You could use Archie..."

Though there was no special portfolio for Arcanine Races in the competition, the biggest event of the Annual Fuschia Races was on the last day, which was a Free-for-all Race. Trainers participating in that race could use an Arcanine to compete.

"I am fine." Aizen shook his head. "We will cheer for the two of you." He said and then playfully smiled. "And look, you will have some tough competition in the race." He signalled to the entrance of the cottage, where two boys and a Pikachu had just entered.

"Oh, no..." Misty felt all her energy drain out of her when she saw that it was Ash.

Leaf briefly narrowed her eyes at her classmate before turning her head away and focusing on caressing her Bulbasaur's head, who was resting in her lap.

"Aizen, Leaf, Misty!" The boy from Pallet Town called out their names as soon as he spotted them. "It's good to see you guys again!"

"Pika pi!" The yellow mouse cheerfully greeted them.

"It's good to see you too, Ash, Pikachu," Aizen said with a smile and then chuckled when he caught Brock proclaiming his unyielding love for another pretty girl he had just come across. "So, did you manage to win the Soul Badge?"

"Yes!" The boy from Pallet Town proudly smiled. "Koga was a tough opponent, and the first time I challenged him, he caught me off-guard. However, I and Pikachu managed to win the rematch!"

"Congratulations!" He nodded his head.

"Thanks!" Ash sheepishly smiled, scratching the back of his head. "Are you participating in the races?!" He then excitedly asked. "I am taking part and I will beat you!" And declared.

Aizen laughed at his words, but Misty and Leaf were dangerously looking at the boy.

"I am not taking part in the competitions." He shook his head. "But Leaf and Misty are going to compete."

"Oh." Ash seemed a little disappointed at hearing that Aizen was not participating, and this did not sit well with both Leaf and Misty, as it seemed like the dumb boy was looking down on them. "So, Misty, Leaf, which race are you going to take part in?"

"Tauros." Leaf replied without looking at him.

"Rapidash," Misty answered, looking at the screen that displayed the current token number at the reception.

"You finally found a Bulbasaur?!" Ash excitedly said as he caught sight of the little Bulbasaur in Leaf's lap.

Leaf was infuriated at how loud he was and worriedly looked at Bulbasaur, fearing that Ash had startled it.

She grateful smiled at Aizen when she found out that Bulbasaur was sound asleep, understanding that he must have blocked her Bulbasaur's hearing as he did with Rinko.

"Can you please not shout. She's resting right now." She coldly said, which took Ash off-guard.

"Sorry." He apologised. "How about we have a match when it wakes up? My Bulbasaur against yours?"

Before Leaf could refuse him, a voice called out from behind Ash.

"Trainers are not allowed to hold Pokémon battles during the festival, Ash. It takes away the spirit of this festival. If you want to compete against someone, do it in the races." Brock told him and then greeted everyone.

"Also, my Bulbasaur is still young. I am not putting her in a battle against an older Pokémon." Leaf said to Ash, who sighed in disappointment. "Okay, then. We will have our match in the Tauros Race! I caught one in the Safari Zone." He informed them. "Also, we can compete again in the Free-For-All Race. Let's see who wins both the races!"

"Sure." Leaf simply said and then did not bother looking at Ash again. She engaged Anira in a random conversation. The Orayen Princess understood her intentions and played along, helping her from having to interact with Ash.

"Are you participating in the race too?" Misty curiously asked Brock when she found him holding two tokens.

"Yes!" The dark-skinned boy nodded his head. "I will be taking part in the Dodrio Race and the Free-For-All."

"Good luck! But I won't let you win in the Free-For-All!" Misty confidently said. "My Rapidash and I are winning it for sure!"

"We will see about that." Leaf smiled at her words challengingly.

"Do you guys know what the prize is for this year's Free-For-All?" Brock curiously asked.

"No..." Misty was about to shake her head when Aizen cut her off.

"Yes." He nodded his head. "This year's winner will get to choose between two young Pokémon. And one of them is a Pokémon that both of you would be very interested in." He playfully smiled at Misty and Leaf.

"Which one?" Both of them excitedly asked.

"A Lotad," Aizen revealed to them and brightly smiled when he saw their visible excitement.

"I want it!" Both Misty and Leaf said in unison and then confidently smiled at each other.

Misty had already lost a Swablu at the hands of Leaf, she did not want to lose a Lotad now. And Leaf wanted to add the very interesting Grass and Water Type Pokémon to her Indigo Conference Team.

"What's a Lotad?" Ash confusedly asked after his Pokédex showed no info about it.

"Lotad are not native to Kanto and Johto," Brock informed him and then took out his Pokédex to show Ash its info.

"Wow, a Water and Grass Type Pokemon!" He excitedly said as he looked at the info of a Pokémon he had not seen before in his life. "And what's the other Pokémon, Aizen?"

"Seedot." He said, and the boy for Pallet Town checked its info on Brock's Pokédex.

"Grass and Dark Type final evolution. Wow, it's a cool Pokémon too!"

Misty and Leaf were not too interested in a Seedot.

The girl from Pallet Town wanted it as well, but not as much as the Lotad. She needed a Pokémon like Ludicolo on her Team for the Indigo Conference.

"I am up!" Misty announced and stood up to walk towards the Reception, where her Token number appeared on the screen.

Leaf was called too, and both the girl determinedly registered themselves in the Annual Fuschia Races.

Unbeknownst to them, a rivalry had already taken root between the two of them.