Chapter 123

"Aerodactyl is unable to battle, Swampert wins the fifth round!"

Cyrus voice fell, and the audience was sitll shocked at the collision they had just witnessed.

After fighting for nearly ten minutes, where against all odds, Aerodactyl and Aizen tried their best, even seemingly had an upper hand in the battle at one point, it all came down to the last move that the Flying Pokémon had the strength left for.

The Giga Impact collided with Liquidation, and when the shockwaves subsided, only one one was left standing.

Swampert menacingly glared at the fallen Pokémon and then reared up on its hind legs and let out a battle cry.

It seemed mad at itself that it had taken it so long to deal with the annoying Ancient Pokémon.

"Let's go, Rinko."

"Yip!" The Shiny Eevee happily jumped inside the battlefield, and then severely looked at the opponent.

"Sixth round is between Swampert and Eevee. Let's begin!"

"Sappy Seed." Aizen did not waste any time and went straight for the most effective attack.

To the dismay of Anthony, Eevee used a Grass-Type move, where a giant stalk erupted from the ground under Swampert, hitting it, and as soon as it came in contact with it, a painful groan escaped its mouth.

The lemon-haired boy was confused why Swampert seemed to be in pain, but understood everything when he noticed smalls luminous greens seeds erupt from the stalk and spread everywhere in the battlefield.

"Good job. Use Glitzy Glow now."

The Psychic attack caught the Water-Ground Pokémon off guard, but it did not lose its focus and landed on its feet, glaring at the small Eevee.

"Earthquake!" Anthony called out, and soon the ground started shaking like crazy.

Rinko utilised its Agility to minimise the damage, and as much as it wanted to bounce up in the air, it stayed on the ground as the other option would have left it open for an attack. By the time the quakes subsided, its insides were rattled and it felt a little dizzy as well.


Eevee did not know what was happening but heard Aizen's call and reacted accordingly, just in time as it was hit hard by Liquidation, which sent it tumbling down on the edge of the battlefield.

"Use Wish." The Orayen Prince called out, understanding that Rinko would not be able to handle another attack.

As soon as Eevee used its Wish, half of its strength returned and it longer seemed to be in pain, and then it started charging towards the Swampert.

On its own accord, the little fox utilised Agility and Double-Team, and then attacked Swampert with a Glitzy Glow to create an opening.

"Last Resort!"

Swampert was caught off-guard by the sudden boost in Rinko's speed after its body blinked, and before it could react, the small Pokémon had already collided into it, rattling its brain and the insides.

The last few glowing seeds fell on it, and it seemed even more enraged at what was happening to it.

First it was an annoying Ancient Pokémon, and now a little Eevee who was making it sweat.

"Double-Team." The Orayen Prince called right right before Swampert started thrashing around.

"Last Resort."

"Focus Punch." Anthony smiled, and everyone else was surprised that the seemingly crazed Swampert managed to use Focus Puch.

As soon as Rinko crashed into it, it also got struck by a move that ended its fight.

Both the Pokémon fell onto the field, and both did not look ready to get up now.

"Swampert and Eevee are both unable to battle. Sixth round is a draw." Cyrus called out as soon as both the Trainers recalled their Pokemon.

Since Anthony had won the round before this one, it was Aizen's turn to choose his next Pokémon.

And the Orayen Prince was frowning as losing Rinko was not in his plans.

"Let's go, Scyther."

The Green Mantis stepped into the battlefield, looking very serious.

All the battles that it had watched, made it realise that it was sitll not strong enough, and right now, it was ready to prove its might and test its limits.

However, the Pokémon Anthony chose next sent chills up its spine.

A loud roar reverberated in the facility when a Tyranitar entered the battlefield, and together with it came a sandstorm.

"Tyranitar vs Scyther. Let's begin with the seventh round of the match!"

Scyther did not even understand what happened next.

Suddenly, a sharp rock erupted form the ground, and it failed to evade it in time.

It had never been in so much pain before and felt like its left arm was broken.

Aizen winced at seeing his Pokémon in pain, and was a little relieved when he saw it flying in the air.

"Agility. X-Scissor!"

The Green Mantis braved itself and rushed at its enemy, and to its dismay, Tyranitar took the attack head-on and did not even try to defend it.

As soon as X-Scissor landed on the Dark-Rock Pokémon, it returned the favour with a Payback.

Scyther formed a perfect arc as it was thrown away and dropped on the ground in a miserable state. Not wasting any time, Aizen immediately recalled it inside the Pokeball, retiring it from the battle.

"Scyther has been forfeited. Tyranitar wins the Seventh Round."

Now, the Orayen Prince only had Gengar standing by his side, and Arcanine and Onix were in the Pokeballs on his belt.

The Ghost Pokemon was not in perfect state, and even if it was, the battle against Tyranitar would have not been easy for it.

As for sending Arcanine to battle Tyranitar? It was no akin to committing suicide.

Onix could be used, but now was not the right time. He needed to wear down Tyranitar before sending Onix.

"Wartortle!" Aizen heard the call and turned to look at his Indigo Tortoise, who was up on its feet, and a smile formed on his lips.

"Are you sure?"

"Wartortle!" The Pokémon affirmatively nodded its head before it walked inside the Arena and stared into the eyes of the Tyranitar.

Aizen laughed inside because he could sense how terrified his Pokémon was but was still brave enough to face such a Powerhouse.

"Rain Dance."

Wartortle complied with the command and soon clouds started gathering in the sky open the facility.

However, the rain was sucked away by the sandstorm that surrounded Tyranitar, whose ability was Sand Stream.

"Don't worry about it. Waterfall!"

Tyranitar let out an enraged voice when a Pillar of Water shot up from the ground under it, and was even more enraged when Wartortle used Aqua Jet and then used Skull Bash on it.

Aizen noticed something very interesting about how Wartortle used its signature set of moves.

"Hydro Pump!" He immediately called out.

Wartorlte was still in the air when it heard the call and imemdiately shot out a strong Hydro Pump. The force of the attack pushed it away too, and it was then that its eyes widened in fear.

Tyranitar's glowing tail narrowly missed its head.

"Use Rapid Spin!"

Wartortle knew exactly why Aizen called out this move as they had practiced it, and soon it retracted in its shell to rapidly spin, and then suddenly used Aqua Jet to retreat in a random direction, away from Tyranitar.

"Wartortle, let's go again, but this time, shrouded yourself in even more water, and try to spin along with it."


The Indigo Tortoise was pumped up after seeing its attack hitting the mark and how pissed Tyranitar looked.

Its heart tensed up a little when it saw Tyranitar stomp the ground and generate quakes that cracked the surface, but listening to Aizen's command, he used another Waterfall and performed its signature move again.

"Thunder Punch!" Anthony called out the move, but everyone was surprised at what happened next.

Wartotle, somehow, managed to reach it even faster then before, and this time, as it crashed into Tyranitar, a wave of water followed it and crashed right into the Rock Pokémon.

"Wave Crash!" Misty knew exactly what this move was, and soon a bright smile crept on her face. "You are awesome, Wartortle!"

"Protect!" Aizen cut off Misty's shout, and Wartortle managed to use the move in time and also retracted in its shell.

The next second, a powerful Thunder Punch connected with it, and it was shot out like a bullet, crashing into the barrier that the Alakazam and Espeon had created around the battlefield.

Even after using Protect and retreating in its shell, the Power behind the attack and the electric energy, jolted it, and it panted heavily as it came out.

"Stone Edge." Anthony called out the move, not letting Wartortle rest, and poor Indigo Tortoise suffered even more damage as it was thrown up in the air. "Prepare for Meteor Beam!"

"Wartortle! Wave Crash!"

Aizen called out the move again, and even though it landed squarely on the Rock Pokémon, delivering it even more Damage, meteors soon came raining from the sky and landed on the Indigo-tortoise.

When the dust and debris settled, the Tortoise came out of its shell, unconscious and in a sorry state.

Tyranitar proudly roared to the sky, and despite taking a lot of damage in the last round, it still looked ready to feast on another prey.