Training and Developments

(Kairo's POV)

I did what any sensible person would, I scammed Dragon.

"Dragon, can I trade the 2 devil fruits that I have for the other two in the box?"

"Hm? Sure. Do you know what type they are? Do you know what fruit they are?"

"Hmm... I don't know their specific usage, but I believe that they are Paramecias."

"Alright, let's make the trade then."

I rushed back to my ship and took the 2 devil fruits, Towel-Towel and Plastic-Plastic.

At least Dirt-Dirt would be useful for an underground base.

I handed the Devil Fruits to Dragon, and he handed me the 3 Devil Fruits.

Now, I have the Zushi-Zushi no Mi and 2 other unknown devil fruits in my hand.

'I'm gonna be a smart guy and not eat any of them until I find out their specific usage.'


I decided to capitalize on Dragon's request of giving the Revolutionary Army information and create MY organization.

It would be an information broker/gathering organization.

As long as there's payment, it'd be fine.

I wouldn't be the front-line fighter in conflicts, but I'd still gain a piece of the cake.

The perfect type of organization for me, who prioritize gains and safety above all.

But first, I need subordinates with absolute loyalty.

I need to find a way to brainwash people.

I need to establish a base hidden out of sight, and a base for view in public as well.

Most importantly, I need to gather workers (read; slaves).

If I don't have to pay them, I won't.

Unless of course, they are providing for a family.

I'm a nice guy.

Now, I need a name for the organization.

'Think, Kairo, think! What's a good name for an information-gathering organization?'

I quickly ran out of ideas, and I didn't want to name my organization something like; "Omniscient Star".

I went with the simplest name that I could, Jōhō.

A/N: That's information in Japanese btw. I chose the first name that i could think of.

Now, I need to choose.

Do I eat the Zushi-Zushi no Mi?

Do I take the chance and eat the other two?

I forgot to ask Dragon what type they were.

I grabbed an untraceable Den Den Mushi and called Dragon.


"Hey, Dragon, I need to ask you something."


"Do you know the types of the devil fruits that you gave me?"

"Ah, the one in the middle is a Paramecia, while the ones on the sides are Zoan, but I'm unsure if it's a normal Zoan or something rarer."

"Alright, thanks a lot!"

I ended the call with Dragon, and now, I have confirmed that the two devil fruits are Zoans.

I'll be safe and eat the Zushi-Zushi no Mi. After all, Gravity is a fundamental part of the Universe, isn't it?

I picked the Zushi-Zushi no Mi out and took a bite out of it.

'F*ck. It tastes like piss and sh*t perfectly mixed together with a 50:50 ratio. There's a bitter after-taste as well.'

Don't ask how I know how piss and sh*t tastes.

Anyways, after swallowing the devil fruit, I waited a bit for it to take effect.

I felt it.

I felt the change in my body.

I grabbed a bucket of seawater and dipped my hand into it.

'Ah sh*t... I feel so weak now... it's like my power has been drained.'

I quickly pulled my hand out of the bucket and dried it off with a towel.

'I wonder if I can train my resistance to Seastone?'

'Nah, not a good idea. I'm alone on the ship, and if I collapse, there will be no one to help me.'

I decided to test out my newfound abilities.

I did the most basic thing I could and tried to levitate the bucket filled with water.

I was only able to keep it in the air for a few seconds before it fell.

'Well, I respect Fujitora even more now. He was able to levitate houses and debris all at once, and actually, keep them in the air.'

I tried to practice my ability once again, this time lifting a broom on deck.

I was able to keep it in the air, even if it was only for 40 seconds.

I decided to stop practicing my powers for now, and I looked around to see if I can find an island.

I saw an island in the corners of my eye, and I steered the ship towards it.

I activated my Observation Haki to scan the island for any living things, and found some wild animals.

'It seems like there's no one on this island... I guess I can practice my powers here.'

I docked my ship on the shores of the island, and now... it's time... for everyone to feel pain.


I shouted the name of the famous attack used by Pain, and....

nothing happened.

No, it wasn't nothing.

There was a light breeze where I pointed my hand.

The breeze was barely strong enough to move a branch of an extremely thin tree.

... I see...

I was that weak with the Zushi-Zushi no Mi.

'How the hell did Fujitora pull of a [Tengai Shinsei]??'

A/N: Tengai Shinsei is the name of the move that Madara used to pull the big meteorite down according to the Narutopedia.

I was growing even more impressed with Fujitora, respecting him even more for managing to pull off the feats that he showed in canon.

I decided to train my devil fruit abilities before establishing my organization.

I grabbed my Den Den Mushi and called Dragon, "Heya Dragon, I'm gonna train with my new devil fruit for about uh... 3 years?"

"Alright, I'll keep you up to date with the movements of the Revolutionary Army. Please notify us of any developments that you find interesting."

What a nice guy. He didn't complain even though I was gonna train for 3 years.

Oh? Is that a News Coo on my ship's mast?

I called the News Coo over, giving it a coin for it to hand me a newspaper.

I read the newspaper that it provided and saw an interesting headline.


'The Bombing of Marineford has been a horrifying and traumatizing experience for many who lives on Marineford. Hundreds (if not thousands) of soldiers lost their lives in one of the most horrifying terrorist acts, committed by Rocks D. Kairo.'

'Rocks D. Kairo is the son of Rocks D. Xebec, who was defeated by the Hero of the Marines, Garp! Kairo was raised in an orphanage at Marineford, he enrolled in the Recruits Camp when he turned 15. After spending some time in the Recruits Camp, he was accepted as the student of Zephyr, a former Admiral of the Marines.'

'There, he befriended the revolutionary Dragon, and they became the best of friends. He and Dragon then established the Revolutionary Army together, with him passing information on the Marines to Dragon!'

'Now, is he a criminal on the run, wanted for killing thousands!'

'Subscribe to the W.E.N.P for more!'

'Written by Morgans'

Then, a wanted poster slipped out of the newspaper.

It had a picture of me, Kairo, when I was promoted as a Vice Admiral, and it said,



$1, 580, 000, 000

'Damn, that's a big bounty!'

Is the bounty because of my relations to Father, or is it due to my actions?

It's probably a combination of both.

Well, there's going to be bounty hunters coming after me, that's for sure.

This might prove to be a hassle in establishing my own organization, but it would only be a minor setback.

I can even make use of it to promote my notoriety.

Now, it's time to start training my devil fruits.

(Week 1)

I trained my levitating as many rocks for as long as I could. The results were; I was able to levitate 80 rocks at once for 48 seconds.

(Week 2)

I gradually got used to my powers, and I started moving objects around.

(Week 6)

After getting proficient in levitating and moving objects, I started manipulation my mass.

(Week 8)

I succeeded in manipulating my mass, now I'm starting on manipulating objects' mass.

(Week 12)

I started working on the forces of repulsion and attraction.

(Week 20)

I finally succeeded in repelling and attracting objects, now I'm trying it on wild animals.

(Week 25)

I started working on repelling and attracting things with greater force, even at one point attempting to mimic Pain.

(Week 37)


I devastated an island with a wide-spread [Shinra Tensei], thank God my ship wasn't damaged in my moment of stupidity.

(Week 45)



*COUGH COUGH* I coughed from the dust gathered up from the attack... but I was extremely happy.


I used the force of attraction to its highest limits and pulled a meteorite down, devastating another island.

And before I knew it, a year has passed.

(Week 52)


I replicated [Chibaku Tensei], but this time, I knew better than to leave my ship nearby.

I made the right choice because the damn black hole pulled water up!

This is a weapon of mass destruction...

"I'll dedicate 1 more year to training my devil fruit, then I'll train my body, Haki, and martial arts. I've gotten rusty after a year of not fighting anybody, so I decided to visit a Marine base far away from the H.Q."



The Marine base was utterly annihilated.

I used [Shinra Tensei], and I didn't expect much from it because I thought that someone would be able to counter it with their attack.

I was wrong.

I even sent them a letter ahead of time, warning me of my arrival.

5 Vice Admirals were waiting for me.

I used [Shinra Tensei] and blew all of them away.

"huh? What the hell was that? Are they that weak?"

They're either weak, or I'm really strong.

I'm betting on the latter.

My [Shina Tensei] didn't stop after blowing them away, it continued until it reached the Marine base.

Even then, it still didn't stop. It kept going and eventually, the Marine base was reduced to dust.

There wasn't even any debris from my attack, the [Shinra Tensei] reduced their base to nothingness.

'If [Shinra Tensei] is this strong, how strong would [Chibaku Tensei], and [Tengai Shinsei] be?'

Woah there, I was getting arrogant.

As a wise man once said, "Arrogance will be your downfall."

I don't want that.

Now that I've seen the power of the Zushi-Zushi no Mi, I wondered how strong it would be after I train it for another year.

(Timeskip - 2 year)

Another two years passed.

Nothing happened, the major players like the Revolutionary Army were still preparing to overthrow a Kingdom, while the Marines kept silent as always.

Oh, and my bounty was increased to $1, 800, 000, 000 after annihilating that Marine base.

There were a few arrogant bounty hunters who thought I would die from a gunshot.

They didn't even know Haki.

If they knew Haki, I might've died if they shot me.

Anyways, I finally got a nickname!

"Kairo the Disaster"

I got as close to mastering the Zushi-Zushi no Mi as I could without Awakening.

I tried to awaken the fruit so many times, but all of it ended up in vain.

It seems like I need to experience a life-and-death battle.

In the second year, I trained my body, Haki, and martial art.

I would say that after 2 years, I'm 60% devil fruit and 40% physical fighter.

Why? I got too used to using my devil fruit.

Which is why, I started using martial arts and Haki more.

I decided to only use my devil fruit as a last resort, or if I can't beat the enemy without using it.

I even learned to imbue debris with Armament Haki, creating budget cannonballs, perfect for an organization.

Speaking of which, I should probably start my organization.



According to the people in the Underworld, it appeared out of nowhere.

One day, it suddenly appeared.

People were skeptical of it due to having such a...bland name.

And they weren't wrong to be suspicious of it because after all, who would trust a new organization with no backers?


I called Dragon on a Den Den Mushi, "Hey, Dragon! I just established an organization called Jōhō! Can you promote it with your connections?"

"Jōhō? That's such...a bland name. Alright, I'll try my best. Do me a favor and get me information on the Marines' movement."

Even the blandest guy thought that the name was bland?

He was probably joking back then by telling me to get information on the Marines, but I took it seriously.

I infiltrated the Marine as best as I could, getting information on their movements, then bolting out of there before anyone could discover me.

Dragon's expression on the Den Den Mushi was speechless as if he didn't actually expect me to get him information, but still, he thanked me for the information and promoted Jōhō with his connections.

(Flashback end)

(Third person POV)

Even with such a bland name, Jōhō always stuck to their motto, "No payment, no information".

One day, a small-time Mafia family tried it out and bought information on one of the pillars of the Underworld.

With the information they gained, now they're THE pillar of the Mafias, naming themselves the Capone family.

Starting from then, people started buying information from Jōhō.

Jōhō has never betrayed a customer.

Of course, some idiots tried to mess with them.

Their organizations were annihilated by the boss, who was rumored to be Kairo the Disaster.

Although due to the actions of the Jōhō organization, another nickname of his was "Kairo the Snitch".

The Marines tried to bribe the organizations of the Underworld to set up Jōhō, but no one was willing to do it.

After all, who would be willing to lose a reliable source of information for a small-time gain?

Eventually, the World Government made contact with the Jōhō.

(Kairo's POV)

The Den Den Mushi that I used for business rang, and this time, the caller was the Marines.


"Long time no talk, Kairo"

"Instructor Zephyr..."

A/N: Someone suggested "Kairo the Disaster", and I like it.