Setting Up a Setup

A/N: In this chapter, I'm gonna try to use Japanese honorifics, so it's like swapping

"instructor" for sensei. If you guys like it, I'll continue using it.

(Kairo's POV)

There was silence.

Neither of us was prepared to talk, nor willing to initiate the conversation.

Eventually, Zephyr-sensei spoke.

"Why did you have to do it?"

I did not respond.

"Why did you have to bomb Marineford, instead, why couldn't you leave quietly as Dragon did?"

"Zephyr-sensei, we both know that's not possible. I had stalkers watching my every move when Dragon established the Revolutionary Army. The moment I kill any of them, with so many skilled Haki users on Marineford, they'd be able to notice life forces going out in an instant."

Zephyr stayed silent, the Den Den Mushi showed a sad expression on his face.

Undoubtedly, some recruits must've died in the explosion.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry for killing the recruits. I intended to make a commotion to distract everyone, and casualties are unavoidable."

I was not sorry. If I had to do it again, I would 10/10 times. I gained 3 Devil Fruits, a Devil Fruits Encyclopedia, and some Meito swords.

Those are massive gains, and I would not skip out on them, even if I had a chance to re-do everything.

"Anyways, there must've been a purpose for you to call me, Sensei?"

Zephyr took a deep breath and said, "Yeah. We're willing to negotiate with your organization. We'll give you resources like Devil Fruits, and you'll be our exclusive informant, how about that?"

My eyebrow rose in amusement, "If the public finds out about this, wouldn't the consequences for the Marines be severe? I can imagine the title on a newspaper, 'Kairo the Disaster works with the Marines!'. Many people lost their relatives in the bombing, and this would make them lose even more faith in the Marines."

"The World Government will cover it up."

Ah, that explains it.

"Well, where would you like to meet?"

"We'll meet and negotiate on Dexter Island, located in the New World."

'Dexter Island? That's a deserted island... I see... this is a setup. They don't want civilian casualties. The question is, do I go or not?'

Yes, I'll go.

I'll set up their setup.

I'll call Dragon.

"Alright, we'll meet there in 2 weeks."



"Hey Dragon, would you like to come with me? The Marines are setting me up under the guise of a negotiation."

Dragon did not respond for a while, then he said, "I'll hold the reinforcements back."

That's better than nothing. I didn't even expect him to agree because after all, he's busy with overthrowing kingdoms.

Now... I want to test how strong I am against an Admiral.


(Time skip - 2 weeks later)

I arrived on Dexter Island.

Before landing, I used my Observation Haki to locate my enemies.

'1, 2, 3, 4. 4 Vice Admirals, and what I presume to be an Admiral.'

I docked my ship on a nearby island, then I used my devil fruit to levitate myself and fly towards my destination.

3 cannon fodders looked scared.

They knew that they're gonna die in the fight, but they volunteered?

Was it for a chance at revenge?

I didn't think much of it and approached them.

They opened a briefcase and showed me 4 Devil Fruits, none of which I recognized, and 2 Meito swords.

I did the thing everybody expected me to do.

I levitated the briefcases and sent them flying towards my ship on the nearby island.

At that moment the 4 Vice Admirals appeared around me in a square formation, but I crushed all of them into meat pastes under x100 gravity.

'I can only do that to people who can't resist my abilities. It wouldn't be as effective against someone like Kaido, who has a nigh-invulnerable body. It also takes a sh*t ton of stamina if I use it for too long.'

I heard a laugh.

I was dazed for a moment, the Admiral is laughing at his subordinates' deaths?

'That goddamn bastard.'

The Admiral walked out from the forest, and said, "HAHAHA! YOU CRUSHED THOSE WEAKLINGS LIKE BUGS! I LIKE YOU, KAIRO THE DISASTER!"

'He's a f*cking nutjob.'


'Who the f*ck would tell their opponent that they don't have a devil fruit?'

He must've seen the skeptical look on my face, which is why he jumped off the island and landed in the sea, but not before swimming right back.

'He really doesn't have a devil fruit.'

First, I need to learn his fighting style and find a counter to whatever it is.

I was in the middle of my thoughts when he charged at me.

I couldn't react.

He appeared in front of me in an instant, and before I could react, punched me straight into the forest.


I coughed up blood, but I managed to create an earth wall to stop myself from falling off the island.

My instincts screamed at me to dodge.

I dashed to the side as fast as I could, and at that moment, the earth wall was utterly pulverized.

'He definitely knows the Advanced Haki because he's an Admiral. Likely, he knows Emission and Internal Destruction judging from how that earth wall was destroyed.'

But, there's a flaw in him.

'It doesn't look like his Observation Haki can keep up with his Armament Haki.'

I cleared my thoughts and used my Observation Haki to the max.

'That bastard's power is much higher than what it felt like when I used Observation Haki before landing on the island. Is it going all out at the start?'

He dashed towards me, but this time, I could faintly see a blur.

I once again dashed out of the way, and this time, I caught his movements.

It was a very telegraphed punch that destroyed the surroundings.

'He's a brute force fighter. Perfect for my [Redirection]'

I used x10 Gravity on him for two reasons; 1. It wouldn't take as much stamina as x100 Gravity, and 2, I would be able to react and use [Redirection].

'I can keep x10 Gravity up for 8 hours at most, but considering that I'll have to use other attacks, I can probably keep it up for 3-5 hours depending on the severity of the attacks.'

[Shinra Tensei]!

I tried to push him off the island for a chance at escape. I won't be able to win a head-on fight.

He was pushed a few meters back, but he resisted the rest and stood his ground.

'That bastard. [Shinra Tensei] and [Bansho Ten'in] are useless on him'

I decided to not waste any more strength to use skills that would destroy the surroundings and instead, I used skills that would give me buffs.

I lightened my gravity, making me faster than usual.

'I'll try to use [Redirection] on him this time.'

He charged at me again, and this time, I used [Redirection].

My arms hurt.

Trying to use [Redirection] wasn't a good idea.

He's too strong.

The energy in his punch ravaged and cracked my bones.


[Redirection] won't work on him.

I pulled out the Great Grade dagger and held a shaky stance to prepare to attack him.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to damage him with the dagger if I used it normally, so that's why I'm trying something new.

He charged at me once again, and this time, I enhanced the gravity on my arm, and I met his fist with the dagger.

I was able to stand my ground with it, and he looked impressed.


'Strong my ass, I barely blocked that strike!'

I used a weakened version of [Tengai Shinsei] and pulled small meteorites down on him.

Predictably, he dashed into the air and shattered the meteorites with his punches.

When he landed, I already prepared a much stronger version [Chibaku Tensei].


(Raiser's POV)

My instincts screamed at me to get as far away from the black orb as possible.

But, I ignored it like I always had.

I always liked challenges that make me risk my life.


Instead of running away, I readily embraced it.

Then, I felt a strong force pulling me to the black orb.

It wasn't just me.

It was pulling everything, no exceptions.

The ground crumbled underneath the attracting force, the trees bent, and waves of water rose as if to greet the black orb.

Then, they were all pulled to it with me.

My vision and movement were restricted by the dirt that was pulled up with me, and even more, was coming up.

It was hard to break out of the attack.

I couldn't move at all.



(Kairo's POV)

I got chills and shuddered at his shout.

'He wants me? For what?'

He made it sound very sexual.

I cleared my thoughts and prepared to fly back to my ship, and GTFO of here.

Then, I saw cracks on the large satellite that I've created.

A/N: Narutopedia used the word 'satellite' to describe the thing created with Chibaku Tensei, so I'm using it too.

'Ah, sh*t, he's breaking out.'

I knew that I wouldn't be able to outrun him, so I did the most reckless thing I could.

I gathered up almost all of my remaining strength and used x1000 gravity on the satellite, then I used the rest of my powers to fly back to my ship.

As I was flying I heard a rumbling noise.

I looked back and saw the satellite crash into the remnants of the island, creating massive shockwaves, and lava splashed around.

I could faintly hear laughter, and I wondered, 'What did his parents feed him as a kid?'.

I landed on my ship and took off as fast as I could, wanting to get away from this place.


The news of Admiral Raiser fighting Kairo the Disaster spread out across the world.

There was a faint recording of that fight taken by a News Coo who was flying nearby.

Everybody watched that fight.

The civilians, marines, and bounty hunters got chills watching that recording.

They undoubtedly saw the massive meteor that destroyed Dexter Island.

The World Government painted Kairo as the loser for running away from an Admiral, and the civilians believed it.

Kairo's bounty rose from $1, 800, 000, 000, to a whopping $2, 950, 000, 000!

That's almost $3 billion berries!

The primal greed awakened in all bounty hunters, but they suppressed it by re-watching the fight.


(Third person POV)

On a remote island, you can see the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates flying and hear the sound of laughter.

"Hey, Oyaji! Look at this newspaper!"

"Hm?", the 'Oyaji' took the newspaper from the boy's hand, and read it.


The man read the newspaper with a somber look in his eyes as he thought about one of his greatest shame; abandoning a newborn baby.


In a dark and spacious room, you can hear the sounds of someone devouring food.

"Mama, a newspaper has been delivered."

A newspaper was handed to the giant by a young man who walked away after doing his job.

"MAMAMAMAMA! Captain's brat? I'll do a favor to Captain and spare him if I meet him!"

The giant laughed before swallowing a big ass cake in one bite.


(Somewhere in Wano)


The giant laughed and drank a large barrel of wine, "QUEEN, GO RECRUIT THAT BRAT! I'LL MAKE AN EXCEPTION FOR CAPTAIN'S BRAT!"

"Yes, Kaido-sama."


(Somewhere in the New World)

"Captain...that's Xebec's son."

"I know. What about it?"

"Roger... it's XEBEC's SON. It took YOU and GARP working together to defeat him. Don't you consider the boy a threat?"

"Rayleigh...why would a consider the boy a threat? He's Xebec's son, so what? Children don't inherit the crimes of their parents."

"I understand."

"Wahahaha! Let's forget about that and party!"


(Kairo's POV)


It still hurts.

The wounds I received from the fight with Raiser are taking a very long time to heal.

"Goddamn... I think I wounded him a lot with Internal Destruction... it's just that he's a monster."

I need something to damage his body... like infusing my attacks with Conqueror's Haki.

*Sigh*..."I need to awaken Conqueror's Haki first..."

I definitely have the qualities of a King.

I'm the leader of the biggest Information Organization in the Underworld, and I'm considered the strongest person involved in the Underworld.

Most importantly, I'm Rocks D. Xebec's son, the man who wanted to conquer the world and the man who held together with a crew with 3 Yonkos.

A/N: I read the One Piece wiki on Conqueror's Haki, and for Ace's description, it was said that he was the son of Gol. D Roger, so I'm trying to apply it to Kairo for this one.

I just need an emotional outburst to awaken it now.

I hope I'll awaken it in my next fight against that bastard...

But first, I need to train my body to be able to use [Redirection] on him.

My body is much weaker compared to everyone else's.

Whitebeard, Big Mom, Kaido, and now Raiser.

They all have strong bodies.

I'll become a workout maniac.

I'll train my body under 10, then 100, and then 1000 gravity.

But let's start small and go with x10 gravity.

I don't want any accidents.

I also need to empower my organization...

Ah.... so many things to do, yet so little time...

I'll start with my organization because it's the easiest thing to do.

A/N: Some people was confused as to why Kairo was so weak against Raiser, and here's an explanation.

Raiser is very strong, even among Admirals, but as you can see, but he's also the worst possible match up for Kairo.

1. Raiser has a much stronger body than Kairo, which is why he's able to tank his attack. His mental endurance is also a factor in that, as he was able to ignore attacks imbued with Internal Destruction.

2. Kairo doesn't have any attacks that could put Raiser down for good, except for Tengai Shinsei. When Madara used Tengai Shinsei in the anime, it was shown that he had to regenerate, presumably because his body was destroyed. Kairo (sadly) cannot regenerate like an Edo Tensei corpse, which is why he used Chibaku Tensei to hold Raiser down.

TL,DR: If Kairo was faced against any other Admirals than Raiser, or if he had time to prepare, he would win that match up 100%.