Grudge Battle (Final)

(Third person POV)

Both men were tired of fighting.

Even Raiser, who is a fighting maniac, was tired of fighting for 12 days straight.

They did not expect the fight to last this long.

'I have enough energy for 1 final strike, and it looks like Raiser is tired as well.'

"RAISER! How about we finish this up with 1 last attack? This is taking too long, and any longer, we both will collapse and there won't be a clear victor."

"WAHAHAHAHA! Good idea, let's finish this up!"

Raiser still managed to have a wide smile on his face, but this time, there were hints of tiredness on it.

Meanwhile, Kairo prepared to annihilate Raiser with his final attack.

'[Tengai Shinsei] won't arrive in time before he kills me, and even if it does, it'll kill us both. If I use [Chibaku Tensei] and he breaks out like last time, I'm f*cked.'

Kairo was at a loss on what to do, but he eventually decided to use the first move he started with; [Shinra Tensei].

'Gotta pay homage to my man, Pain'

Energy gathered around Kairo's palm and Raiser's fist, and the next attack will decide the fate of the loser.






The two attacks launched by Kairo and Raiser clashed together, and their surroundings were utterly annihilated because of the shockwaves from the clash.

There were no clear winners for this clash because the attacks kept going back and forth between the two sides.

Eventually, [Impact Fist] went started gradually advancing, slowly pushing back [Shinra Tensei]

'I can't die here! I have things to do! I haven't even realized my full potential yet!'

'Am I really gonna die to this bastard? NO WAY! I SWORE THAT I WOULD KILL HIM THIS TIME!'

Kairo's life quite literally flashed before his eyes, and in that moment of peril, Kairo did it.

Rocks D. Kairo awakened his devil fruit and Conqueror's Haki.

The burst of Conqueror's Haki that he released momentarily stunned Raiser, who had a surprised look on his face.

Now, the clash was even between them.

But, there was a deciding factor in this fight; Kairo's awakened devil fruit.

After awakening his devil fruit, he was able to create a [Chibaku Tensei] and moved it behind Raiser.

Raiser saw it, and he was at a loss on what to do.

He had two choices; Get torn apart by [Shinra Tensei], or get crushed by [Chibaku Tensei]!

He knew that he would die now, so it wouldn't hurt going all out.



Raiser released all his powers and tried his best to annihilate both of Kairo's attacks, but he failed.

A dagger that was flying in the air with Kairo's power dropped and slashed his neck.

Raiser's head was falling off, and he had a surprised look on his face.

Kairo used his power to annihilate the remnant of Raiser's attack, and with that, the seas behind Raiser split, and an unfortunate island in the way was destroyed.

Kairo walked closer to Raiser's head, picked it up, and started laughing.


He kept on laughing and saying, "I DID IT!"

Kairo collapsed on his knees, but he kept on laughing.

He truly looked like a madman now.

Kairo was elated at that moment, and he unknowingly released a burst of Conqueror's Haki.

The Conqueror's Haki went rampant and destroyed what was left of the island, Kairo tried to force it back, but it failed. It felt as if he was fighting against 4 different wills at once.

The Conqueror burst eventually died down, and Kairo used the remnant of his power to get back to his ship, and launched it as far away from the island as possible, fearing for possible Marines reinforcements.

Kairo eventually landed on the Revolutionary's Island out of sheer luck, and the Revolutionaries were shocked seeing him in that state because after all, not many could injure him as seriously as this.

Kairo's body was quite literally riddled with holes and he collapsed.

The Revolutionaries rushed to pick him up and rushed him to a medical ward in the base.

Rocks D. Kairo was unconscious for 3 weeks, and when he woke up, the world changed.


(Kairo's POV)

I woke up after sleeping for a long time.

As I regained my consciousness, I tried my best to move my body, but it failed.

It seems like sleeping for too long has numbed my senses.

I once again tried to get up, but this time, a doctor walked into the room.

As he saw me trying to move my body, he called for Dragon and immediately told me to stop moving, or I'm going to open up my wounds.

I stopped moving and listened to his order.

Dragon came into the room and asked me, "How are you doing, Kairo?"

"My body is numb."

"Ah... a side effect of the 'medicines' that we used"

I sighed and asked the question on my mind, "Has anything changed in the time that I was sleeping?"

"A lot has.", Dragon answered cryptically.

Dragon called for newspapers and after a few minutes, there were stacks of them on my bed.

I flipped through each of them and found something interesting.


'Rocks D. Kairo challenged Admiral Raiser to a battle, no doubt wanting to avenge himself after losing last time.'

'Admiral Raiser gladly accepted his challenge, and they fought on Pairen Island.'

'The fight has all of us on the edge of our seats, because; if Admiral Raiser wins, he'd get rid of a big threat for us, and if Kairo wins, he would kill one of our exalted protectors.'

'Kairo won the fight with an attack that split the seas and destroyed an island in its path.'

'Now, the Marines are scrambling to elect a new Admiral because one has been lost.'

'Rocks D. Kairo has gained a new level of power, and now he will be a threat to the world!'

'Subscribe to the WENP for more!'

'Written by Morgans'

There was a Den Den Mushi recording number attached at the bottom, but it seems like they'd have to pay to watch my fight with Raiser.

It seems that I have a new bounty as well.



$4, 000, 000, 000

That's a 1 billion berries increase. I guess they're seriously considering me as a threat.

After all, Rocks D. Xebec's son, who defeated an Admiral in his twenties, would be a real threat if he got to develop further.

'Speaking of my age, I wonder what it is now? I should be between 24-26, but I guess I lost track of it in my training.'

I ignored the matter of my age for now, and I asked Dragon if anything else changed.

"Thanks to you killing an Admiral, our morale has increased and we took down 2 Kingdoms in 3 weeks."

Wow. Impressive.

I asked him about the matter of Jōhō's business and asked if anything has changed for it.

"It seems like after the recording of yours' and Raiser's battle was released, Jōhō's clients increased by almost two-folds."

I see...that's good. I'm gonna make a lot of money from now on.

"Thank you, Dragon, for taking care of me when I was unconscious."

I sincerely thanked him and this time, he had a smirk on his face.

"Give us a discount when we use Jōhō."

"Goddamit you already use it for free, what more do you want?"


We joked together and laughed, and eventually, I got up to leave and thanked them.



"Hello, Fuji-san?"

"Ahah! I was waiting for you to call me! I need to train under gravity after not doing it for over a month!"

"Ahahaha, I'm really for that. I slept for too long."

"Anyways, I've been promoted to the rank of Commodore after capturing so many pirates!"

"Great! Let's meet on Lisren Island!"

"No, don't do that. The Marines have occupied that island. We'll meet on Kiosen Island."


I got ready to leave for Kiosen Island, but I didn't forget to visit the Orphanage.


"Hello everybody!"

"Kairo's back! Kairo's back!"

The children were excited to see me, and they bragged about what they've learned.

Some of them learned a move of the Rokushiki, and most of the moves learned were either Geppo, Soru, or Rankyaku.

When asked why, they all said, "We want to be like you!"

'Ahhh... I love these children... not in THAT way of course. They'll be extremely useful as a secret army or informants in the future.'

I spent some time with them and eventually left for Kiosen Island.


"Hello, Fuji-san! Long time no see!"

"Yeah, yeah, come on! I wanna train under more gravity!"

I chuckled at that and put him on x18 gravity, but it seemed like he could handle it.

I decided to put him under x21 gravity, and he fell to the ground, just like routine.

I would train with him under x105 gravity, but I'm injured, so I let myself rest and watched him train.

After training for 4 days, he stopped and went back to his assigned base.

I also went to Jōhō's H.Q, and looked at the clients' requests.

Most of them wanted to meet me, and I put those to the side, while I prioritized the ones who wanted information.

I sorted them into their categories and gathered the information that the clients needed.

I gave the clients their requested information, and they traded me goods.

Some of them even put in a devil fruit, but that was only a minority.

The rest put in other resources like weapons, and there were some Meito swords among the weapons, but the quality only seemed to be a Skillful Grade.

I then looked at the newspapers that Dragon gathered for me, and found out that Roger Pirates recently clashed with Whitebeard Pirates.

The news was unfortunately overshadowed by my accomplishment of killing an Admiral, but I realized that there, Kozuki Oden joined the Roger Pirates.

'Oh well, that's not important to me.'

Then, I supplied information on the Marines to Dragon, and completed my routine for the day.

'I'm gonna take a small break from all of this and visit one of the Blue Seas.'

I asked Dragon to take over Jōhō's business for a while and granted him access to the information network that Jōhō have.

In return, Dragon gave me information on the Kingdoms of the Blue Seas, and which one I should visit if I want a break.

I listened to him, and I'll be taking a break in the Blue Seas for now.