Relaxing Vacation..?

Changed timeline:

1. Roger is alive

2. Dragon and the MC is in their 20s (after time skips)

3. Oden just joined Roger Pirates in the last chapter, so they'll be finding One Piece soon.

4. Roger will disband his crew, just like in canon, then meet Rogue and have Ace.

5. I'll fix it so that MC and Dragon will be present at Roger's execution


(Kairo's POV)

To finish things up, I visited Fuji and the Orphanage.

I went to Kiosen Island, left a note for Fuji, and changed a specific part of the island to x25 gravity.

Next, I visited the Orphanage and changed the gravity to x2.

A/N: Thank you for whoever said that.

It seems like the awakening of my devil fruit gave a lot of benefits, including the ability to set and change the gravity of locations.

Now... I'll visit East Blue.

I've always wanted to visit Foosha Village.

I hope I won't encounter any troubles on the way.


I borrowed a small but durable ship from Dragon, lightened its' gravity, and set off to East Blue.

I didn't want to go through the Calm Belt, so I flew over the Reverse Mountain, protecting myself and the ship from the storms.

Speaking of protection, I've invented something new, a gravity field.

It's automatic, but at my current mastery, it can only reflect attacks that aren't too strong, like any of the Emperor's or an Admiral's.

A/N: I call this; Budget Limitless

But haha, what are the chances that I'll encounter an Admiral in East Blue?

As I flew over the Reverse Mountain, I saw ships being destroyed by the currents and storms.

'Yikes... thank god I ate the Zushi Zushi no Mi...'

I winced while looking at the ships being destroyed, and I felt a little bit of sympathy for them.

'I feel really bad for them, suffering like this. Should I just end their suffering?'

'Nah, not my business'

I ignored them and went on, descending near Loguetown.

I landed on Loguetown and headed for the Arms Shop.

I went inside, and looked around, hoping to find the Sandai Kitetsu that Zoro had.

To my disappointment, it wasn't there, so I left.

Nothing was interesting in Loguetown for now, so I left for Dawn Island.


I encountered some troubles on my journey.

Some sea-kings thought it was a good idea to challenge yours truly, Kairo.

Of course, I tore them, making them fertilizers for the smaller fishes.

Next, I encountered some corrupt Marines.

They were of low rank, and my cannon fodder senses reacted to all of them, so their ship 'mysteriously' sank after trying to extort me.

Afterward, I finally arrived at Dawn Island.

Then, I realized something.

I have no clue where Foosha Village is.

I decided to do the only thing I could in this situation; call Dragon.



"Calm down, Kairo. Tell me what happened in detail."

I took a deep breath and said, "I don't know where Foosha Village is."

"... Why would you want to visit Foosha Village?"

"Isn't that your hometown?"

"*sigh* Alright, I'll direct you. Where are you right now?"

"I'm at the gates of the Goa Kingdom."

"You're already there? Alright, go as far as you can without leaving the island in a straight line, then turn left. You should see a small mountain there; that's right behind Foosha Village."

I followed his instructions, and I found the mountain.

'This is where Dadan is?'

I shrugged my shoulders and I flew over it, then landed at Foosha Village.

'I'll spend my vacation here, it seems like a nice place.'

I was lost in my thoughts, and I forgot something important; something that I shouldn't have forgotten at all.

This was Dragon's hometown, and by extension, it's Garp's hometown as well.

I didn't realize this as I walked around the village, trying to find somewhere to stay.

The villagers were very welcoming as they didn't recognize me, even pointing me to a small inn when I asked for directions.

I arrived at the inn, booked a room, and went upstairs.

As I unlocked the door to enter my room, a door was opened, and out of there came Monkey D. Garp.

We looked at each other for a moment, and he recognized me as Dragon's best friend and the terrorist behind Marineford's bombing.

The atmosphere was quickly getting tense, I activated Armament Haki and so did he.

We prepared for a fight, but then he remembered where he was.

He was in an inn that was located in his hometown.

If he fought me here, the people who knew him all his life could die.

And for me, this was Dragon's hometown.

I couldn't destroy my best friend's birthplace.

We were in a stand-off, neither of us willing to back down.

It kept going like this, the atmosphere was growing tenser, until 'that' happened.

A woman walked up the stairs, holding a little girl who had green hair.

The tense atmosphere was destroyed in an instant, Garp and I acted like we didn't know each other.

I went into my room, and Garp went outside.

I called Dragon, and told him what happened.

"My dad is there? Did he try to fight you?"

"He did, but we realized where we were, and the settings of our battle, so we both backed off."

"Well, at least now I know that dad won't be the one to stop the rebellion in the New World."

"I'm on a vacation but I still supplied information to you, do I get anything in return?"

"We're best friends, right? So let's not do this to each other."

'That bastard... using the bro-card when it's convenient.

Anyways, I hung up on him and I decided to take a break after 'traveling' for so 'long'.


(1 week later)

As I was walking around Foosha Village, I saw Garp drinking in a bar, and decided to go in there.



"Do you still hold a grudge for what I did to Marineford?"

Garp looked furious, and he got up, then motioned for me to follow him.

"We'll talk somewhere else."

We walked into the forest, he was silent for a few moments and then he said, "DAMN RIGHT I DO!"

He aimed a punch towards me, to which I ducked and got out of the way.

The punch annihilated the trees in its path, and it stopped right before hitting the mountain.


Garp was furious, and I don't blame him for it.

"Garp-san, if I stayed in the Marines, it would only delay Dragon's rise as the most 'notorious criminal'. I would've been dragged, beaten, and interrogated due to my connection as Dragon's best friend, while YOU, the Hero of the Marines, will be safe and sound. No one would touch you due to your status, but I'm just a 'lowly' Vice Admiral, at risk of being killed by my stalkers at the orders of an Admiral, or even the Fleet Admiral!"

We were angry at each other, and I prepared to fight him.

'Screw Dragon's hometown.'

As I prepared to launch an attack at him, so did he.

If our attack clashed right now, it would destroy Foosha Village and the mountain.

Garp knew this, so he was preparing for me to attack first.

I wasn't gonna let the opportunity go, and prepared to attack him with a [Shinra Tensei].

I was about to launch the attack, and that's when Dragon arrived.


I dispersed the energy in my hand, and so did Garp.

Dragon is here as a mediator between me and Garp. I guess he's hoping for us to not destroy Foosha Village and kill innocents in our fight.

"There's no point in fighting here! If we fought here, it would destroy the Foosha Village, maybe even the Goa Kingdom!"

Dragon tried to persuade us because he didn't want to see innocents die because of me and Garp.

Garp looked furious, but he eventually calmed down, and asked me calmly, "Do you regret your actions, Rocks D. Kairo?"

I got chills at that. He's much less scary serious than calm. He even called me by Father's last name.

"I wouldn't have done it if I had another choice."

Again, I would've done it over and over. I got precious resources due to that.

Garp had a skeptical look on his face and stormed away.

Dragon and I were left standing in the forest, and he motioned me to talk a walk with him.

We walked in silence and eventually, Dragon set up a camp for us both.

He pulled out two bottles of alcohol and handed one to me.

We drank in celebration for the night; him because no innocents died, and me because I finally arrived at Luffy's birthplace.

'Speaking of Luffy, I wonder who Dragon's wife is?'

Dragon didn't seem like the guy to be interested in girls, so I didn't pester him about that.

Eventually, we finished drinking and we went to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Dragon has already left; no doubt to manage his Revolutionary businesses.

I got up, stretched, and decided to build a house in the forest.

I manipulated gravity to form a house, then I carved up a tree to make a sign.

'Disastrous House'

"Haha! The name is great! 'Kairo the Disaster', and his base is the 'Disastrous House!'"

I went to the village to get furniture, and I placed them in the house.

'I feel proud of building a house on my own.'

Bullsh*t. All I did was manipulate gravity to form a house.

Anyways, I went into the house and laid down on my bed.

'Hmm... it wouldn't be bad to have a secret base here.'

I made up my mind and decided to make a secret base here.

But now is the time for my vacation, the time for relaxation.

Nothing could go wrong.