One Shotting My Mans

Hope you enjoy the chapter :)

[2301 words]


Chapter 7

One Shotting My Mans

There I stood in a public training field waiting for the arrival of my opponent. To think I would be fighting Fugaku, it was quite a surprise, but, in the end it was inevitable. I was holding my bokuto in my hands as a small crowd appeared in the training ground. They were most likely just interested as to why the clan head and elders were there waiting.

As I was waiting, I could see a smiling Mikoto waving at me, to which I amiably waved back causing a grin to appear on her face. I was doing my best to find ways to waste time but the fact that he was taking so long was getting on my nerves.

Then finally he decided to show up, but the expression on his face made me instantly decide to beat him as fast as possible. He was looking at me with scorn, his head slightly tilted high up making it as if he was looking down on me. I was wondering why he was so arrogant when he was shown to be quite decent in the anime, it was a mystery. Still my pride didn't merit anyone looking down on me so much when even grandfather respected me in spars by attacking with as much power as he could without getting me killed. My prideful nature was probably something I picked up from my Uchiha genes but I didn't reject it nor did I revel in my pride making myself arrogant.

Deciding to go all out to teach him a lesson, I greeted him with my smile staying ever so present on my face.

''Good afternoon, Fugaku-san I hope we have a good spar'' I calmly greeted

''Hm'' he responded with the usual Uchiha response. I could see his father looking at him in irritation at his impudence to not even greet Ryuuji and the other elders.

''Sigh, well let's just get this over with and go back to our jobs'' Ryuuji said as he sighed.

''Today, Arata Uchiha, grandchild of Masahiro Uchiha shall face off against Fugaku Uchiha, son of Tanaka Uchiha for the position of being my successor, if anyone else wants to the opportunity to spar against the winner they may do so after this match'' Ryuuji announced, summarising the purpose of the spar.

''The rules of the battle is only no killing and no permanent injuries, anything else will be allowed'' He said

''Now contestants prepare yourselves''

Getting into a iai-goshi stance, I open my sharingan, gaining a few gasps from the surroundings as it was at two tomoe, which led to Fugaku scoffing and opening his own sharingan that was at a single tomoe. I condensed balls of unstable chakra to get myself ready to execute Kiritsuke. I tensed my whole body readying myself for battle.


The second he said that, I could see Fugaku beginning to perform a fire ball jutsu through my sharingan. Seeing him so defenseless, I immediately took the opportunity and let go of the chakra balls to perform body flicker. Utilising the speed I suddenly gained, I appeared in front of Fugaku gaining a shocked look from him. I drew my bokuto performing an upwards slash at him sending him flying due to the momentum I redirected into him with my slash. I could hear the crunch of a few broken bones and the pained scream of a child making me feel a bit guilty at the damage I did to him. There was a resounding silence within the training as all the bystanders stood there dumbfounded. It did stroke my ego a bit as all the spars I had was with my grandfather who always defeated me mercilessly.

''Fugaku is no longer in any condition to battle, the winner is Arata Uchiha'' The resounding silence at the split second ending to the match continued. I could see a few formerly confident children scurry away from the crowds as the crowd slowly began to regain their bearings.

''I assume no one has a problem with Arata becoming my successor'' Ryuuji questioned, only to be met with silence, once again. Seeing no one had a problem, Ryuuji nodded to Tanaka to which he went and picked up an injured fugaku and took him to the medic.

I'm still surprised by how different the elders are compared to the anime, I thought he would be like ''how dare you injure my son, I shall now teach you a lesson you welp!'' and all that, but he instead sent me a rather thankful look and a nod, which baffled me. Not bothering to understand Uchiha logic, I just returned to my grandfather's side where he stood there stoically with a happy look in his eyes.

''It's good you remembered to go all out from the beginning or else I would have beaten you all over again to embed that fact into you'' He said threateningly.

''Hai,hai'' I said dismissively.

''Ryuuji anything else you need to tell us before we go?'' My grandfather asks

''From now on, start bringing him to any meetings in Naka shrine. He'll need to see how meetings are done and he'll have to further solidify his position'' Ryuuji ordered, to which Masa-jii responded with a nod.

''Lets go, Arata''

There was no sign of our usual banter throughout the journey, I kept quiet as I contemplated the question they gave me for the test. I've pushed aside the problem long enough, now that my position has been confirmed I need to start forming plans to prevent the extinction of my clan.

First is Obito, I would rather keep the events of his supposed death the same. No matter what, Madara and zetsu will be looking for a successor within the Uchiha's, I don't want to reveal myself by preventing their plans of using Obito. I won't interfere with his story, those two are simply just too strong and if I do interfere, they would just look for another successor which would make another variable within the clan, something I don't want. It may be cruel but I care for myself and my family's safety much more than anyone else's. From what I can remember, Kishimoto never gave a reason why Madara wanted the Uchiha exterminated, meaning it was just a secondary concern to his goal, something he took advantage of because there was an opportunity to do so. Meaning my intervention won't conflict with his plans.

As I said, my goal in this world is just to survive while living comfortably, I couldn't give two shits about peace or saving everyone, Naruto and his talk-no-jutsu can do that for me, his prophecy should be still up even if there is a chance that no sasuke appears. However, the next concern is the villagers, the only reason that the Uchiha were exterminated was due to the villagers agitating us into a coup d'etat. I'm going to have to form a lot of plans to fix our problem with the villagers, since it is still in a volatile state, one wrong move could just cause our reputation to plummet.

Moving on to the main problem, Danzo the crazy dude. In the anime, his hunger for power after the first world war was still relatively decent as he actually had good intentions for the village at the beginning, however, his inferiority complex towards Hiruzen created his thirst for the position of hokage. However, he was too weak to even reach a level where he could compete with Hiruzen and he didn't have enough talent to reach kage level power. In his crazed madness for power, he sees something. He goes lookie here, extractable eyes just for me and to justify his misdeeds he uses the excuse of them being a volatile element for the village. After that the story speaks for itself, he needed more eyes and the nine tails came at a good moment for him, he took advantage of it and voila he had a whole clan's worth of sharingan reserves, and somehow the 'The Professor' hadn't noticed movements.

Bullcrap, of course he knew, which immediately crosses Hiruzen out as a possible ally, he's more likely to be on Danzo's side than anything unless I give him irrefutable evidence and even then I don't think he has enough guts to kill his friend. The only way to get rid of the threat of Danzo is killing him, meaning I need a large amount of evidence that I need to prove my case, the only evidence I can use against danzo is when he attacks us for our eyes, meaning we will capture his root members and make them talk. Meaning I need to befriend someone with a large amount of skill in fuinjutsu to break their seals. Another opportunity would be when he is spreading rumours about the nine tails incident and capturing the instigators and giving them to the Yamanaka.

''That's a mighty concentrated look for someone as lazy as you Arata, are you thinking about the question they gave you?'' My grandfather asked.

''Yes, it's a problem I'll have to face on a much larger scale than Ryuuji-sama and by then it'll be too late to improve our relationship with the villagers and it'll be a matter of time before someone exploits this instability'' I say in contemplation. Suddenly a large warm hand pats my head affectionately.

'' You're much too young to be thinking about such stuff alone, us old geezers are still alive and kicking. We'll do our best to come up with a solution together'' He said, his silly grin somehow filling me with reassurance.

''I see, I'll take you up on that you old geezer'' I say cheekily.

'' You damn brat!'' He shouts, slapping my back.

''But in all seriousness, what do we do? This matter is just going to keep increasing in volatility we need to snuff out such elements fast''

''I think you've been forgetting something important here'' he responds

''Oh, what am I forgetting then'' I ask, interested in more options.

'' The other clans in the village, especially the hyuga. The reason why the hokage is so careful around us is because of both our power and the fact we are currently an example of what can happen to a clan. The hokage will be in a even worse position in the future if this continues as he constantly has the other clans eyes on his every action against the Uchiha, he'll be using everything possible to get rid of us if we step on his toes, however, the same goes for him if we get rid of all the variable elements it'll be the hokage who'll be in our future position instead'' He says. His suggestion is certainly good and is probably what Ryuuji is planning to take advantage of but there is one problem that most likely ruined this plan for them in the anime.

''But what if the person who wants us gone is not the hokage but someone else?'' I ask

''What do you mean?'' his face instantly changed into a serious one.

''You've written out other elements that are more than willing to use the hokage to their liking to help themselves, take the other villages for example. All it takes is one high ranking spy to ruin your course of action and take advantage of the situation to incite conflict within the village'' I respond, hinting at Danzo's intervention.

''I see, that certainly is true and it is something we have forgotten to take account of in our plans. I'll mention this in our next meeting'' He gave a grateful nod, to which I returned with a happy smile.

''Now enough of that gloomy stuff, let me tell you a story of my past to stave off our boredom'' he said jovially as we walked back home together.
