Yin Release

This one took some time as I was quite tired but I hope you enjoy :)

[3214 words]


Chapter 8

Yin Release

{3 Months Later}

The past three months have gone by quite smoothly, I only needed to go to Naka Shrine once since a meeting happens there every 3 months. The meeting was relatively simple, just discussing matters that a spy shouldnt be hearing. Other than that, I've been training extensively on my chakra transformations and learned some lightning jutsus with the addition of body replacement jutsu. The lightning jutsus were simple but useful, one of the jutsus were lightning clone jutsu.

This jutsu was relatively simple after mastering the leaf technique, as all you had to do was infuse some of your lightning chakra into the shadow clone you are forming in a ratio that can stay in shape. As for the other jutsu I learned, it was called lightning spiderweb, however, the version I was taught of it was a modified version that my grandfather created. The jutsu should normally require your hand to be constantly touching the ground to activate it, but, my grandfather seeing it as the perfect crowd control technique for a swordsman, he made it so you could use it from any body part as long as it's touching a surface. The only offensive jutsu I learned was learning to coat my sword in lightning, it was something that required constant focus to achieve as one wrong move and you would be electrocuting yourself, the advanced version of this was apparently something I was going to learn for the last set of katas I had left to learn.

Other than training, I have been going around and playing with Mikoto quite a lot, which brought me to my second point. Due to me hanging around Ryuuji's house a lot, we have had tea together on multiple occasions and during that, I would give my fair few suggestions to him and he would see to it to tell me about the disadvantages my suggestions had, It was kind of like a mentoring session. From my discussions with him, I was able to determine the best way to get the village's favour would be the most honest and that would be actually helping out with what villagers need help with, so essentially do all the D-rank missions and address them with a better attitude. If the villagers don't get a better impression of us by then, I'll probably just use shadow clone jutsu when I learn it and do all the D-ranks so at least I get a good reputation as a successor which would eventually reflect well on the clan themselves when I become the head.

That's mostly what has happened, although I have been able to get a new friend in the form of Fugaku. It was quite the unique beginning to a friendship, but something to remember.



I was walking down the street to the local dango shop, to treat myself after training myself to death. As I was walking to the front of the teahouse, I encountered Fugaku eating dango on a bench with an expression of pure bliss. We both saw each other at the same time causing the both of us to just stare at one another in shock for a whole minute. Finally having enough of the awkward atmosphere, I initiate the conversation, while Fugaku goes back to his apathetic face.

''Oya, I didn't think Fugaku-san would have similar tastes as me'' I tease with my usual serene smile stretched across my face.

''I see Arata-san enjoys dango as well'' he continues unperturbed at my teasing, but I could see a slight blush from embarrassment on his face.

''Of course, dango is a gift from the heavens, I would be foolish not to indulge in such food''

When I said those words, we just stared at each other as we both felt a sense of comradery with one another. At that instant we both thought.

'Maybe he's not so bad afterall'

''Arata-san, I have been meaning to apologize to you for my shameful display during our spar. Uchiha's should show respect and humility while also displaying our pride, qualities I clearly did not convey. I hope we can begin anew'' He said apologetically

''Don't worry about it, though I do wonder what brought this up?'' I ask in confusion as Uchihas aren't ones to apologize.

''My father disciplined me after our fight on how a Uchiha should convey themselves, it was very...informative'' He said while shivering. Damn his father must have beaten him to a pulp if he's that traumatized, maybe he even used the famed belt of beatings on him as well.

''Hahaha'' I burst out in laughter at his horrified expression.

''Don't laugh, you don't know how horrifying he was'' he said in indignation.

''I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at all the new expressions that i've seen on you, it's rare to see such an expressive Uchiha'' I remark.

''Hm'' He grunts as he turns his head with an embarrassed expression.

''Oya, to think you would be a Tsundere, Fugaku'' I teased

''I'm not a Tsundere!'' He shouted, any semblance of his stoic facade disappearing. Seeing him so different from what I expected, left me pleasantly surprised. It looks like I was the one who was judging too early.

''It looks like I have to apologize for judging you too early, Fugaku-san. You are clearly not what I expected you to be'' I say, changing the topic.

''There is no need for such thing as I clearly did not display myself correctly during our first meeting, just don't... just don't call me a tsundere!''He shouted, trying to get rid of the effects of my teasing

''Hai hai, if everythings good why don't we become friends, I'll even stop calling you a tsundere'' I suggest.

''I guess, a friend would be nice'' He said indecisively.

''Well then it's decided, we're now friends so no more sans, just call me Arata and I'll call you Fugaku'' I reply dragging him along with my pace.

''Hm'' He just huffed. Taking it as his agreement, I continued on with the conversation until I had to go.

From that day onwards, we would somehow always meet at the same dango store and I would pester him with conversations which only elicited grunts from him. Due to that, I have finally mastered the art of grunts. I can understand the meaning of any grunt that comes from Fugaku so we can converse quite well, but it does gain a few odd looks from bystanders.

(Back to real time)

Today I was going to move onto genjutsu training, so currently I was standing in the dojo waiting for my grandfather to arrive.

''Oh, Arata you're here early, looks like you're excited for today's lesson'' He said as he entered the room and readied himself for the lesson.

''Like I have told you before, today we are going to begin your genjutsu training, however, before that I will test whether you have enough knowledge to begin forming them, I hope you studied enough'' He begins as he starts asking me question mainly centered around a human's nervous system, specifically the cerebral nervous system. It took quite a long time but eventually he was content with the amount of knowledge I had. Seeing as I had passed his test, he continued on with his lesson.

''Genjutsu falls under a broad category of yin release, meaning that to perform a genjutsu you must mix your chakra with only your yin chakra and execute the jutsu''

''However, this is where the difficult part comes in. To perform a genjutsu you must manipulate one's cerebral nervous system with the yin chakra, simply cutting off the connection is the most simplistic use and the easiest to notice for the opponent. Skilled users will manipulate our forebrain and hippocampus by invading our brain and injecting the chakra in specific areas in the nervous system. This is the reason why there are so few genjutsu users, even for the Uchiha with our sharingan that allows us to execute genjutsu easily through sight, any other forms of genjutsu for us other than the simplistic ones is difficult to execute. The amount of studying and hard work required just to master advanced genjutsus does not merit the meager result you get. Furthermore, you require extreme amounts of chakra control and a sizable amount of yin chakra within your body to become skilled at genjutsu'' He instructed.

''The requirements to become a high level genjutsu user is extremely high, however, if you master genjutsu you will be feared by most. The potential behind genjutsu is endless, you could use any stimulus that a person can react to as a means to activate your genjutsu, all five of your senses will become deadweight in front of a truly skilled user. The ''specialised'' users in the village would be considered amateurs compared to the prosperous period of the kurama clan. They were small in number, however, the potential each user had with their kekkei genkai and their skill in genjutsu still sends shivers down my spine. The tactics they would employ would trick whole units into traps where they would meet their demise without even noticing'' He reminisced.

''However, people like you shit on every genjutsu user, the amount of yin chakra you have is disgusting. It is to the point where you could easily crush any requirements to most genjutsu and just flood their nervous system and imagine any illusion you want. However, if you ever use such crude methods, just remember the beating I am going to give you.'' He threatened to which I nod vervantly at.

''The potential your genjutsu has is ridiculous, once you properly learn the nervous system and learn how to efficiently apply yin chakra to execute a genjutsu, you will be able to do many things one such thing would be able to use sound as a medium to perform your genjutsu, all you have to do is snap your fingers and you will be able to manipulate their senses to appear closer than you seem or appear to be attacking with your left hand rather than your right hand. These are all small illusions, however, such small illusions would be fatal in battle. Large scale illusions should be easier for you than for other people however you most likely won't be able to perform them without your sharingan in combat. There is one thing you must remember, never use genjutsu on a jinchuriki unless the tailed beast itself is under one, it will just be a waste of your chakra''

''I've had enough of praising you, let's move on to how to do it. First let me show you how to use your sharingan's genjutsu'' He said as he looked at me with his three tomoe sharingan. I felt my body stiffen and lost any control over my body.

''Our sharingan allows us to cause instantaneous — but temporary — loss of consciousness or paralysis in the target, forceful extraction of information, relaying of memories, erasing of memories, removing genjutsus placed on the target by others, and controlling a target's actions. The sharingan allows us to bypass the need to inject our chakra into the enemy as our sharingan does it for us through eye contact, which is why we are so known as genjutsu specialists despite us not having much experience in other genjutsus''

''Try it yourself, all you need to do is think of one of the effects I told you about and inject yin chakra in your eyes'' He instructed.

Listening to his advice, I looked into his eyes and opened my sharingan while inputting as much yin chakra as possible. However,once the yin chakra reached my eyes, my vision suddenly turned pitch black, it felt like my eyes were being engulfed in a sea of pitch black ink. Panicking I quickly stop my yin chakra flow and close my sharingan causing my vision to turn back to normal. Relief set into my body as I sat on the floor covered in sweat due the exertion of yin chakra. When I looked up all I could see was my awe-struck grandfather staring at me wide-eyed. He started shaking me in excitement asking how I did it.

''Arata!Arata! How did you do that?, what was that black substance on your eyes?'' His eyes were shining in excitement as he inspected my eyes.

''I just put all my yin chakra into my eyes'' I responded quickly to stop his inspection. Once he heard my words, he immediately stopped and just stood there thinking with his hand stroking his beard.

''I see, I see'' he mumbled incoherent words as he continued his stroking.

''I think I know what happened'' He said while weirdly bringing out his chakra metal katana hanging on the dojo's wall and handing it to me.

''Before I tell you, I need to confirm my theory first. Add your yin chakra in the same way you would add your lightning chakra to a sword and swing it'' he told me.

Doing as he said, I injected as much yin chakra as I could into the chakra metal. As I overflowed the sword with my chakra, a substance started flowing from the sword, dripping onto the ground and disappearing, the substance was similar to an ink-like substance with a pitch black colour. I swung my sword in an attempt to see its effects, however, no sound came out from the swing at all, it was completely silent as the ink-like substance faded with the swing before reforming again (think about the aura you get from attacks in street fighter 5). Excited about such a prospect, I tried using my lightning chakra at the same time, it was extremely reckless and caused a lot of damage to my body, however, the results were astonishing. Not only did the lightning become compacted and gain an increase in power, turning into a pitch black colour. It also became completely silent, absolutely no sound came from the lightning (Darui black lightning with my own added touch to it).

My attempt at mixing the two chakras caused me to bleed from every orifice due to the two chakras counteracting each other, but I couldn't care less. The same went for Masa-jii as he ran to me and started shaking me like a ragdoll in excitement as I could see stars glimmering in his eyes.

''Do you understand what this means?, do you?''

''Yes yes, Masa-jii, just stop shaking me'' he ignored my words and continued shaking me

''You just created a new kekkei genkai, your yin chakra is so concentrated that it manifests into that ink. That ink absorbs any sound that is produced from your jutsu, you can become the best assassin in the world with such powers, our noisy iaijutsu can be modified to become so much more'' He fervently told me about the results of my experiment.

''Yes, I understand, just stop shaking me or I might vomit on you'' seeing his shameful display, he stopped and coughed, regaining his elegant demeanour.

''*cough* sorry about that, but you have to understand, the potential that your version of yin release holds for us shinobi is dreamlike. To nullify the sound of your attacks and movements while also increasing its power extensively is like a dream come true, even the aura you gain from it disappears meaning that the only disadvantage to it is the concentration required to combine your chakra together''

''Hah, we will continue with your lesson first before I continue to flood you with information, your sharingans genjutsu was successful, so let's move onto the manual genjutsu'' He said as he sighed.

''To activate a genjutsu you must trick one of the senses of a person by injecting and interrupting their chakra flow to the cerebral system like I have said, so look at your chakra flow and see how I interrupt it''

I observed my chakra flow and I could see Masa-jii disrupting my chakra flow to the hippocampus, causing a change in my emotions, making me feel angry. He eventually stopped once he saw that the genjutsu worked, returning my chakra flow back to its normal flow.

''As you observed that was a simplistic use of genjutsu, there are many other ways to disrupt chakra flow, one such way is sound. Back during the warring states period, there were genjutsu users that were able to manipulate all 5 of our senses, however, such people could be counted on one hand and were mostly either from our clan and the Kurama's. However, there was one Hyuga who was able to use his byakugan to spread his genjutsus range. There is no need for me to say anymore to understand the fear his ability commanded. The minute his ability was discovered every clan used everything in their power to assassinate him. The Hyuga couldn't do anything as the man was killed within a week of the discovery due to combined efforts of all the clans around the Hyugas''

''Now, try using a genjutsu on me, make sure not to make it too obvious by closing multiple chakra paths, just close a few vital chakra paths that are needed for your intended effect''

Listening to his instructions, I slowly wormed my chakra into him and moved my chakra into his spinal nerves in his central nervous system and wormed it close to his brain and closed the chakra paths that moved to areas of his brain that was required for conscious movement, paralyzing my grandfather in the process. Seeing my attempt working, I stopped the usage of my genjutsu and waited for Masa-jii to regain his bearings.

''As I thought, your affinity for yin release is extremely high. Your execution of the genjutsu was sloppy at best, but, due to how concentrated your yin release was, I had a lot of difficulty removing the blockage your yin chakra caused.'' Listening to his words, I understood that if I continued to rely on my aptitude in yin release, I would never get skilled at genjutsu.

''Since we're done with all your lessons today, let's move onto more...important matters'' His excitement to experiment with my yin release was obvious, as he shuffled closer to me and held my arms to close any means of escape.

''Hai,hai just don't try to kill me with your experiments'' I said exasperatedly, already used to eccentricities.

The rest of the day was wasted on Masa-jii's experiments to see the extent that my version of yin release could be stretched to. It was a tiring endeavour, but nonetheless, it allowed me to discover that I had some limitations in yin release that mainly stemmed from my chakra size compared to the huge amount of excess yin chakra I had stored in my body. However, that was all the information we were able to obtain about my limitations. My ability to output yin chakra in a physical manner required much more research, research I would like to do alone or with Masa-jii as I'd rather not become Orchimaru's next host or Danzo's new friend.