A Brute Is After My Jewels


Just wanted to say that I've decided to put Minato and Kushina to Mikoto's class when she starts going to the academy as it fits much more with all the events, like how Mikoto and Kushina are friends and how the ino-shika-cho trio are one year older than Minato. Other than that I wanted to say that this academy arc will be around 10 chaps long just so I can flesh out Arata and his relationship with other people. Any advice on how I should write his social interactions will be greatly appreciated.

Also what do you guys think of my fighting scenes, is there anything I can do to improve on or do better?

Just to remind you guys, I upload at around 7:00PM GMT daily as that seems to be the time where the most people read my story. I don't have any chapters stocked up so sometimes I may not upload. If that happens, I'll send out a notice.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter :)

[2709 words]


Chapter 17

A Brute Is After My Jewels

The rest of the matches were as expected, most were just children's fights with no techniques and the only entertaining fight was when both Hiashi and Hiazashi fought against one another with Hiashi coming out on top. Shikaku just zoned out and went back to sleep after forfeiting every match he had. I was sure that he could compete on the same level as the twins but he obviously had no energy for that. Choza and Inoichi fought and had some taijutsu technique, however, it was clearly still amateurish.

All in all, it was a boring exam in which I dominated while the female category had Tsume going savage on all the girls causing all of them to forfeit against her, making her win by default. Seeing that her violent urges weren't satisfied she decided to face me in spar.

''You there!'' Tsume shouted while looking at me, confused at the sudden shouting. I just looked around trying to find who she was calling out. Finding no one, I just looked at her and pointed at myself, trying to see if she was talking to me.

''Yes you pretty boy!'' She responded crassly while dragging me to the training field where the teacher was supervising.

''Oya, are you asking me out tsume-san, I didn't think you were so direct, but, alas I find no attraction in fierce women'' I tease with a shit-eating grin.

''Hah!, who would want to ask you out, pretty boy!'' she shouted in irritation.

''Then why are you dragging me away all of a sudden? The only reason would be to ask me out'' I asked continuing my teasing.

''I'm dragging you away so I can challenge you, you idiot!'' She countered.

''Hai hai, no need to be embarrassed, you can be honest with your feelings, no one is going to make fun of you'' I said while smiling provocatively.

''Shut it pretty boy and just follow me!'' she said as she bonked my head.

''Okay, okay, I was just joking, no need to be so violent, you brute!'' I shouted in pain, rubbing a bump on my head.

''Haaah!'' she responded, looking at me furiously, asking me to continue my words.

''Nothing, miss'' I responded meekly to which she scoffed and continued dragging me away.

''Teacher, I'm challenging the pretty boy over there'' she said pointing at me as I waited beside her.

''Then go get ready'' He said, causing her to drag me once again to the center of the field while I gave up on any resistance and relaxed my body.

''The last match today will be between Arata Uchiha and Tsume Inuzuka, now get ready and make the seal of conciliation'' He said as we followed his instructions, making the seal of conciliation after bowing to one another.

''Begin!'' He announced to which Tsume immediately went on all fours and pounced on me.

Dodging her, she immediately turned around and sent a low kick to my feet. Seeing that I jumped to dodge her kick, she sent a kick to my chin while doing a backflip. Seeing that I had no option to dodge, I blocked her kick and grasped her foot and threw her away, sending her wildly tumbling on the ground.

''Oya, Oya, I think you can do better than that Tsume-san'' I smile much to her vexation.

Seeing me so laidback, she charges in a much more violent manner. She jumped to the air and sent an axe kick to my head to which I dodge easily, once she landed on the ground she sent a flurry of unpredictable punches, all of which I dodged again, but, I catch a dangerous gleam in her eyes causing me to increase my guard just in case.

That was one of best decisions I've made in my life as she immediately after sent a powerful kick to my crotch causing me to jump backwards to dodge. I could see even the teacher and all the male students flinch and then sigh in relief at my dodge, sending a pitying glances at my match and thumbs up at my dodge.

''YOU FIEND! You nearly ended my family line with that kick!'' I shouted in anger, any trace of my smile gone.

''Hah! Anythings fair in a fight'' She laughed as she once again ran at me.

Getting irritated at all her low blows, I went on the offensive and sent a leg sweep causing her to fall on the ground. Grasping the opportunity in front of me, I caught her hand and put her in hold with her arm behind her back. Seeing that she had no way out of the hold, Tsume began to wildly bite my hand, something I gave no reaction to as I waited for the teacher to announce the end of the match.

''The match has been decided, Arata Uchiha has defeated Tsume Inuzuka'' seeing my success, I let go of the violent girl, who immediately started growling at me in defiance.

''Don't get cocky, pretty boy. Just you wait next month, I'll beat you into a pulp'' She snarled at me while walking away grumpily.

Seeing her going away, my three friends come to me and pat me on the back.

''You did well to survive the brute'' They said while all of them sent a pitying glance at my crotch.

''That girl is trying to end my family line, what am I supposed to do she's never going to give up!'' I shouted in horror at the fate of my family jewels.

''You must sacrifice yourself for the greater good'' They said wisely, all nodding to one another.

''You're just trying to protect yourselves and you call yourselves my friends'' I grumble while walking away with a horde of heart eyed girls following me like hens, much to my friends annoyance.

''Listen up, I'm going to announce the overall results'' The teacher shouted to get our attention.

''1st- Arata Uchiha''

''2nd- Hiashi Hyuga''

''Tied for the 3rd is Hizashi Hyuga and Tsume Inuzuka''

''4th- Inoichi Yamanaka''

''5th- Choza Akamichi''

''6th- Shikaku Nara''

''7th- Sojiro Sarutobi''

Then he continued calling out names and once he finished he looked at Shikaku with a tired gaze.

''I've been looking after you Naras for years but you people never cease to be lazy'' he said in a tired voice.

''It's what we pride ourselves in'' Shikaku responded in a proud tone.

''Are you sure you can say that again in the next parent-teacher meeting?'' Miyamoto said.

''Teacher, please wait, I'll make sure to try my best next time, just please don't tell them'' Shikaku immediately changed his attitude and started begging the teacher.

''Haah, Just make sure you do your best'' He said in a sigh at the comical sight and moved on to announce the next set of information.

''Now, the girls will move on to their kunoichi classes with Miss Yamato, while the boys will come with me for their history lessons. As for the rewards, first place will receive permission to take out any equipment from our storage for one month, while second and third place may ask any teacher to supervise their training for one day'' He said sending gasps from all the civilian students as getting so many resources for free was like a dream for them, who barely afford a set of Kunai.

'' Lets go, stop wasting time!'' He shouted, ushering us back into the building.

Following the teacher, all the students continued their conversation while my Uchiha curse continued to spread among the female students like wildfire as they continued to look at me like animals in heat while panting heavily. Being the source of such lust from underage girls was extremely unsettling, I could literally hear the sirens going off in my head as an imaginary person shouted 'FBI OPEN UP!!!'.

The rest of the day was boring enough for me to start playing a game of shogi with Shikaku during most of the lessons. We hid the board under the table, and kept our eyes on the teacher while playing. Multitasking to such a degree was easy for a genius like Shikaku who continued to pummel me in each game but proved to be difficult for me, so I just took it as training. Throughout the break, I tried to find an opportunity to speak to the twins but I could never find the right time. Even for an obnoxious guy like me, I could clearly see that the twins were irritated enough with their loss against me, so I left them alone to calm down, hoping I could make small talk with them tomorrow.

Once the day finally ended, I said goodbye to the trio and left the building. On the way back home, I found Fugaku and his ever-so grumpy face. Seeing him I decided to greet him and talk to him since it's been a long time.

''Oi! Fugaku!'' I shouted trying to get his attention, hearing me he turned around only to see me with my usual teasing smile. He instantly scowled at my presence and started fast walking to get away from me. Seeing him running away, I run up to him and started pestering him like usual.

''You wound me Fugaku, to think my best friend would run away from me'' I said in mock-hurt, dramatically waving my hands around.

''Who's your best friend?'' he countered in irritation, pushing away my hands.

''Why you, of course, who else would be my best friend if not for you'' I responded with a cheeky smile.

''What do you want, Arata?'' he said in annoyance, giving up any resistance in running away, already used to my antics.

''I just thought my lonely friend would like some company'' I responded.

''Thankfully, I have no need for such company, now good day to you and goodbye'' he said and started walking away in a hurry. Not wanting my opportunity for some quality teasing to go away, I clasped his shoulder and smiled ominously at him.

''Na ah ah, you aren't getting away this time'' I said in a tone similar to when one scolds a child. Seeing my smile, his body goes limp in defeat and just walks beside me.

''Haaah, fine you can follow me, just don't be a nuisance'' he said while sighing in defeat.

''I knew it, my best friend would never leave me'' I joked while putting my arm around his neck

''Hai, hai'' he responded in a tired tone and waved at me dismissively while pushing away my arm.

''But in all seriousness, how have you been Fugaku, it's been a long time since we've talked'' I ask, trying to make some small talk. Seeing me trying to seriously talk to him, he responded in kind.

''I've been doing fine, the academy is boring as ever…oh didn't you start the academy today, how has it been for you?'' He asked.

''Meh, I made some friends but it was quite boring, I've learned everything already that they're teaching'' I responded in a bored tone.

'' I agree'' Fugaku said while nodding.

''Well, it's not like I'm staying there for long, I'm going to graduate early due to my position'' I said.

''The same goes for me, ever since my father's health has declined, he has been accelerating my studies to take up his position'' He said in a worried tone.

''Is Tanka-sama alright, he seemed to be fine the last time I saw him'' I asked.

''His injuries from the last war has done a number on his body and its been affecting his health lately'' He said in a sad tone while looking down in dejection.

''I'm sorry'' I said as I patted his dejected back in reassurance.

''It's not your fault so don't worry'' He said in a weak smile unusual for the stoic boy, showing how much his father's health has been affecting him.

''Anyway, have you heard about the recent movements in the other nations?'' He asked.

''No, what happened?'' I asked as Ryuuji normally didn't relay information about the other villages.

''The first Mizukage died to his injuries from the war and Kirigakure has been in turmoil ever since his death, they've been trying to reinstate another Mizukage but the Kumo and Iwa have been pushing the truce and have been taking away some land from them'' He said causing me to contemplate his words.

Normally such extreme actions would cause a battle but Kirikagure have no choice but to ignore their actions since they haven't stabilised their own village. Such actions are certain to be an annoyance to their daimyo. It's putting a strain on the truce, but, from the history I remember from the anime, the next war is still around a decade away so this will just end in just some skirmishes. Since I haven't caused any large effects on the world yet, it'll most likely end in a similar manner.

''What about our village, have they made any moves?'' I asked in curiosity.

''From what I heard from father, the hokage said he wants to honour the first and second hokage's endeavours to build the truce, but I have a feeling he was being sarcastic while saying that'' he answered.

Of course he was being sarcastic, there's no way that fogey Hiruzen won't take up the opportunity to gain some land especially when Kirigakure is so close to us. Hell, if he didn't take some land, he'd be chewed out by the fire daimyo. Of course, he won't care about some fat man yelling at him, but having the source of your funds angry at you won't be very good. He just said those words to keep up his kind facade. Although, I have no fault with the man himself as he does seem to be a nice person, but, when he's being hokage his way of managing the village with his kind facade was irritating, at least, the second hokage kept his personality upfront, so there was no need for trickery.

''Other than that, I've been wanting to ask you if you would have a spar with me, I can't seem to find anyone who can challenge me so you're the only one who can help me much to my annoyance'' He asked while grumbling.

''Oya, Oya, to think my best friend would ask me a favour'' I tease while wiggling my brows at him jokingly.

''Is it a yes or no?'' He asked, tired of my teasing.

''How could I say no to my best friend'' I responded with a smile in a dramatic voice.

''Just meet me at the usual training ground tomorrow'' he said in a dismissive voie.

''You don't mind if I use a gubai right, I haven't found a suitable opponent to fight with it, and since you know how to use ninjutsu, you would be perfect'' I ask.

''Yes, that would be beneficial to me as well, as I haven't fought any Gunbai users'' he responded in agreement.

''Then it's a date! See you later Ojou-sama!'' I shouted while running away from an enraged Fugaku at the title I've labeled him

''You bastard!''