

Surprise chapter for all of you guys, though it is shorter than usual.

Also, if you guys didn't know, a Gunbai can execute wind jutsus due to the special material they are made out of. So Arata doesn't know wind Justus, its all his Gunbai.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter :)

[1808 words]


Chapter 18


''Took you long enough'' Fugaku said once he saw me approaching the Uchiha field.

''Sorry, I had to go grab a gunbai from the storage cell'' I said apologetically while pointing to a white gunbai with black outlines with a chain tied to a belt I was wearing.

''Hah, let's just get started, I don't want to waste anymore time'' He sighed as he got into stance while opening his sharingan which had evolved to three tomoes.

''Oya, to think your sharingan has evolved. It looks like I'm not the only genius in the Uchihas'' I tease while also getting into stance and opening my own sharingan.

''Hah...Of course you have one as well, and I thought I had finally beat you in something'' I could hear Fugaku grumble as a flash of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

''Oya, did I disappoint you Fugaku?'' I continue to tease him, while scanning his equipment trying to find what his arsenal consisted of.

''No, it was stupid of me to think I could beat you so easily'' He said as he shook his head at me, he then picked up a large branch on the ground and presented it to me.

''We'll begin once this branch touches the ground'' Fugaku said while I just nodded at him, seeing that I had finished my assessment of him.

Seeing my nod, Fugaku threw the branch high into the air, while I entered into my own battle stance. I could see Fugaku ready a jutsu, one I didn't recognize due to my less than satisfactory knowledge of fire style jutsus. Seeing no other option I injected chakra into the gunbai and prepared my own jutsu. Once the branch landed we attacked with no hesitation.

'''''Phoenix sage fire/Fanned wind'''''



{3rd POV}


Multiple fireballs collided with a large wave of wind causing a mini explosion that pushed both combatants back. They both immediately ran around the explosion and started attacking one another, one with his gunbai and the other with his blunt kunai.

''Hoh, to think you had learned a jutsu behind my back Fugaku'' Arata said inquisitively as they continued their exchange.

''Even I have my secrets'' Fugaku replied with a slight smirk.

''Those secrets aren't going to help you!'' Arata shouted as he dodged a punch from Fugaku. Arata then used body flicker to instantly circle around Fugaku and trap him in the gunbai's chain.

''What are you going to do now Fugaku, your secrets can't help you now'' Arata says as Fuagku uselessly struggled within the confines of the chain. Seeing that struggle was useless, he formed a seal that roused Arata's wariness.

''Are you sure about that?'' Fugaku responds with a cocky smile as he executes a replacement jutsu. What appeared in front of Arata was a block of wood with multiple explosion tags stuck to it.

''YOU BAST-'' Arata shouts only to be engulfed by the large explosion.

Seeing the explosion, Fugaku exhales a sigh of relief behind a tree, relieved that his plan worked. Seeing no sign of Arata, he relaxed himself as he continues scanning his surroundings trying to find Arata while checking his equipment.

''To think I would have to resort to underhanded tactics'' Fugaku says while huffing a sigh of frustration as he clenched his fist in irritation.

''Let's hope that the plan worked'' A voice whispers to Fugaku.

''Yes, I hope it worked or nothing else will work against him'' Fugaku responds with a nod only to realise an extra voice had appeared beside him. His head instantly swivels around only to be greeted with an unharmed Arata who wore a cocky smirk that made his blood boil.

''To think the great Fugaku would prepare a log of explosions all for little old me'' He continued with a condescending smile. Having enough of his antics, Fugaku executes a jutsu to use as cover for his escape.

''Fireball Jutsu!'' Fugaku shouts and he expels a large fireball from his mouth.

Seeing the approaching ball of fire, Arata uses his Gunbai as a shield. Upon contact the large fireball was absorbed, only to be exchanged with a shining Gunbai.

''Uchiha Return'' Arata whispers to himself as a large wave of wind sends Fugaku flying.

Seeing him defenceless, Arata executes a body flicker to appear in front of Fugaku who was wildly tumbling on the ground.

Seeing Arata appear in front of him, Fugaku puts up his arms in defence. However, his weak defence was easily broken as Arata slammed him with his gunbai's edge sending him rolling erratically.

Not wanting to give up so easily, Fugaku regained his balance and takes out a storage scroll from his jacket. Injecting his chakra into it, multiple fuma shuriken appear in the air spinning rapidly.

''Shuriken shadow clone jutsu'' Fugaku says, causing the numerous fuma shuriken to replicate themselves, leaving Arata shocked at Fugaku's Jutsu prowess.

''Fugaku you bastard, to think you were hiding so much from me'' Arata said in awe as being able form so many shadow clones meant his chakra pool was at the level of a high chunin. An amazing feat for someone of his age. However, his next action left Arata baffled.

''Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson'' Fugaku shouted as the army of shuriken lit up in flames and rushed at Arata rapidly leaving only afterimages behind in their destructive wake.

''YOU DAMN PYROMANIAC!'' Arata shouted as he body flickered around trying his best not to die to the barrage of shurikens.


The shurikens collision with the floor made small explosions raising dirt everywhere, displaying the immense power each shuriken had.

Fugaku fell to the ground clutching his side as he tried to catch his breath, trying to compensate for his empty chara pool. After a few minutes, the dust finally let up causing Fugaku to look around only to find his opponent leisurely sitting on a branch swinging his legs around in the air with only a few scorch marks on his black yukata.

''Arata...I don't know how you do it...But somehow your every action infuriates me to a great extent'' Fugaku with veins popping on his head, trying to catch his breath as he looked at his opponent who was acting like he was taking a walk in the park.

''Oh my, don't flatter me so much'' Arata said while grinning cheekily at Fugaku. Seeing his defeat, Fugaku just plopped back to the ground. He just continued to look up at the sky in contemplation for a few minutes until he finally decided to speak the real reason why he had asked Arata to come here.

''Arata...Why do we kill?'' Fugaku asked, his eyes shaking in doubt.

Seeing the confident visage of his friend crumble, Arata immediately understood what had occurred. Arata just jumped down from the tree and plopped down right next to him. He just stayed there as silence permeated between them somehow providing the confused boy the much needed reassurance.

''So you had your first lesson…'' Arata finally said grimly, breaking the silence in the area. Hearing Arata's question, he just nodded slowly.

''Fugaku...I don't know if I can give you the answer you're looking for but I'll give the one I came to when I had my lesson…'' Arata said as he looked at the sky with the same resolute eyes he had that day.

''I kill to protect what's mine''

Those words were all that were needed for the confused boy as his eyes slowly began to regain their clarancy as he continued to digest Arata's resolve. Within time, he understood that if he continued to hesitate between the lines of morality, he would eventually lose what he finds precious, a situation that he wanted to avoid at all costs.

''I see...I too wish to protect what's mine'' Fugaku responded, his doubtful eyes long gone replaced with firm determination, a determination to protect what's his.

Fugaku turned his head and looked at Arata, a person who annoyed him at every moment yet someone who he could not push away. He was one of the people that he wanted to protect as well, even at the cost of his life if needed.

''Thank you...Arata'' Fugaku whispered words of gratitude, words not meant for only today's assistance, but for everything he's done for him.

''No need to thank me...After all, friends don't need to thank each other'' Arata said with a silly grin on his face, one almost identical to his grandfather's.

''I see...A friend''

Seeing that large grin, Fugaku felt a warm feeling swell up within him as he stared at the smiling boy in front of him. One that he could identify as a friend. Something about that word gave him a giddy feeling as he finally let loose in front of his friend and gave his own silly smile, leaving Arata surprised.

''Much to my chagrin, it looks like I'm stuck with being friends with you'' Fugaku replied, his smile engulfing his face. Seeing the ever so serious Fugaku be so happy made Arata continue on with his banter.

''After so many years of rejection you finally accepted me as a friend, Fu-ga-ch-an'' Arata responded with a sly look as he slowly uttered a name that left Fugaku speechless in embarrassment.

''F-F-Fuga-chan?''Fugaku immediately rose from his position as he looked at Arata in horror at the nickname.

''Of course, since we're friends we need nicknames for each other. You have to call me Ara-chan from on as well,'' Arata said teasingly while patting the terrified boy's back.

''I refuse to spout such buffoonery'' He said without hesitation, swatting away Arata's hand in disgust.

''Come on, say it'' Arata continued to coax as he closed in on Fugaku.

''Never!'' Fugaku said, backing away from him in haste.

''Say it!'' Arata said, running after the retreating Fugakun with a creepy smile.

''I REFUSE!'' Fugaku shouted as he ran away from his hunter.

''FUGA-CHAN! I'll convince you one way or another!'' Arata shouted as he ran after the horrified boy with an eerie smile, leaving bystanders bewildered at the comical scene in front of them.

''BEGONE YOU MONSTER!'' Fugaku shouted, his face covered in dread at his approaching friend.

''You can't run from me! ACCEPT YOUR DESTINY FUGA-CHAN!'' Arata continued with a maniacal smile as he pounced on the innocent boy.
