The morning following the dinner with her new father, Ruby meets with Duke Stoneborne for breakfast.
"Good morning, Father," Ruby greets.
"Good morning, Ruby. Did you find the room to your liking?" Duke Stoneborne asks as he begins eating.
"Yes, Father. The room was fine," Ruby simply replies as she copies her father.
"You will have a busy day today. I have made arrangements for the best instructor in the city to come and teach you after breakfast. If you find him to be inadequate, you are free to dispose of him, and I will get you a different one."
"Yes, Father."
-This is perfect- Duke Stoneborne thinks to himself. -She doesn't speak much. She only says what is needed and doesn't bring up any unnecessary topics. If only children were as quiet as her.-
"Your Grace," Raynold greets as he enters the dining room. "Professor Brian has arrived at the mansion. Shall I let him in?"
"Bring him to the library in the left wing. Ruby will meet with him after she finishes eating."
"Yes, Your Grace."
Raynold quietly leaves the room, leaving the two alone once again.
"Judging from yesterday, you learn quickly, so I have high hopes that you will be able to catch up to your studies for your age within the next month. We will have a meeting with the king in order to register you as my daughter."
"Yes, Father. I will be sure to meet your expectations."
"Good. I don't expect you to fail, anyways."
"Good morning, Professor Brian," Ruby greets as she enters the library.
The professor turns around to greet Ruby, but once he catches her in his eyes, he becomes too shocked to say anything.
"Professor Brian, I believe that the lady of the house has greeted you. It is rude to not respond back in a timely manner," Raynold coldly says as he stands behind Ruby.
"I-I apologize, my Lady. I was just taken aback by your beauty. You look very mature for a child," Professor Brian responds as he recollects himself.
"Professor Brian, it would be wise to not fawn over the Young Lady. She is only ten, so do keep that in mind."
"Ah! Yes, my apologies, Sir Raynold. Lady Ruby, good morning to you as well. Please do accept my apologies for the late greeting."
"It is fine, Professor Brian," Ruby blankly answers.
"Miss Ruby," Raynold calls as he kneels down to her level. "Your class will go on for two hours. After that, I will come to get you for your tea break, then you will return for another two hours of class before lunch."
"I understand, Raynold."
"Good, make sure you learn a lot, Miss Ruby. Your father will be very happy to hear that you were able to learn new things."
"Yes, Raynold."
Awkwardly laughing, Raynold says his goodbyes and leaves the room.
"Lady Ruby, please take a seat so that we may begin our lesson."
"Yes, Professor Brian."
"Miss Ruby, I have come to retrieve you for your tea break," Raynold announces after he enters the library.
Ruby stands from her chair and walks over to Raynold. As they are about to leave, Professor Brian calls out to Raynold.
"Sir Raynold, may I speak with you for a minute."
"What's wrong? Did something happen during Miss Ruby's lesson?"
"No! Not at all. In fact, she was able to retain everything that I taught and answer my questions."
"Then what is the problem?"
"Normally, I enjoy when my students ask me questions, but for the Young Lady, it seems as if she didn't know anything. She would ask what even the simplest of words meant saying that she has never heard of them before. Some of the words are those that even children her age would have already known. Not to be rude, but I was wondering if there may be a delay with Lady Ruby's vocabulary."
"There is nothing wrong with the Young Lady. I cannot tell you the details, but know that she is just fine. She simply needs to catch up to those her age."
"Y-yes, of course, Sir Raynold. Is the Duke busy at the moment?"
"He is always busy; however, if it is regarding the Young Lady's education, he might make time to meet with you."
"Thank you, Sir Raynold. I shall head to his office immediately."
"Did you learn a lot during class?" Raynold asks as he slides Ruby's chair closer to the table.
"Yes, Raynold. Professor Brian taught me the alphabet and started a list of words that I must learn and use today."
"Isn't that nice, Miss Ruby! Did you enjoy it?"
"It was pleasant. Professor Brian was very patient with me as I kept asking several questions."
"That's wonderful to hear, Miss Ruby." Raynold pours Ruby a cup of tea when he notices her staring at the flowers in the garden. "It's a nice day outside. Don't you think so, Miss Ruby?"
"It's very warm, but it's not too bad," Ruby answers as she sips her tea.
"Would you like to take a walk after you finish your tea?"
"Will that be okay?" Ruby asks.
-This is the first question Miss Ruby has ever asked me! She's able to ask more than just what certain words mean!-
"Of course, you still have time before your class starts again. You should get acquainted with the estate as you will be living here from now on."
"What did you say?"
"I was just suggesting that for the rest of the day, Lady Ruby is shown around the estate and become acquainted with the people around her. She can observe what they do and learn how the world works while at the same time learning new words. Lady Ruby is very behind in her vocabulary, so I find this to be the best way to expose her to new words."
Duke Stoneborne crosses his arms and glares at Professor Brian causing him to freeze up.
"If even the smallest scratch appears on my daughter's skin, I will have your head. Do you understand?"
"Y-y-yes, Yo-your Grace!"
"Good. Now, get out."
"Welcome back, Lady Ruby. Did you have a pleasant tea break?" Professor Brian greets as Ruby and Raynold return to the library.
"Yes, Professor Brian. It was so nice outside that I decided to take a short stroll through the garden after I finished."
Raynold sets a hand on Ruby's shoulder. "I will be back to retrieve you for lunch, Miss Ruby."
"Ah! Wait, Sir Raynold. Before you go, may I ask for your assistance?"
"What for?"
"I have gotten the duke's permission to bring Lady Ruby outside and have her tour the estate as part of her lessons."
"What will she be doing that needs me to be around?"
"She-she's just going to observe and interact with the workers on the estate so that she can learn new words while she also learns how to interact with others and how the world works."
"That still doesn't explain why you must need me, Professor Brian."
Twiddling his thumbs, Professor Brian slouches. "Duke Nicholas said that if the Young Lady has a scratch on her after her lessons, then he will have my head."
"So you need me to come with you to make sure she doesn't get hurt?"
"Yes," Professor Brian mumbles.
Before Raynold could reply, Ruby tugs on his shirt.
"Will you come with us?"
-Miss Ruby asked me to come with her! Is she starting to trust me?-
Raynold sighs. "Yes, I will go with you, Miss Ruby, if that is what you wish for."
"Then, shall we head out?" Professor Brian asks as he heads over to the back door of the library.
For the next two hours of class, Ruby, Raynold, and Professor Brian tour the estate meeting with the maids, the chef and cooks, and the gardeners. The last part of the tour is for meeting with the Order of the Eternal Stone. They are the knights that serve under Duke Nicholas.
"Miss Ruby, please be careful as the knights are still training on the grounds," Raynold advises as he offers Ruby his hand.
"I'll be careful."
Just as Ruby says that, one of the knights notice Raynold enter the grounds and calls out.
"Yo! Ray! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed... to be... serving... the duke?" The knight quickly stops running after he notices Ruby next to Raynold. "I didn't know you were a dad? Congratulations, Ray!"
Raynold punches the knight in the chest. "Idiot! This isn't my child. I'm not even married. This is Ruby Stoneborne. The duke's daughter."
"You're joking. That cold man hates children. He would never have one of his own. He doesn't even like women enough to sleep with them. There would be no chance that he could have-"
Raynold lets go of Ruby's hand and slams the knight to the ground. "You are being rude to the lady of the house. Apologize."
The knight catches his breath while coughing. He looks at the unfazed child in front of him then back at Raynold. "You aren't joking. Are you?"
"Why would I make such a dangerous joke such as the duke having a child? I like my life, so I'd rather not die so early."
Kneeling down, the knight hangs his head. "Please accept my apology, my Lady. I was unaware that you were the child of the Duke. My name is Norman. I was of common birth, so I do not have a last name."