Seams and Seals

"Oh my!" the seamstress whispers as she covers her mouth. "I have never seen such pale blue hair before."

The seamstress carefully examines Diamond's hair, making Diamond very uncomfortable. Raja steps forward to stop the seamstress, but Ruby holds her arm out to stop him.

"Miss Tally, I believe you are here to take my younger sister's measurements not admire her hair," Ruby comments as she pulls her sister behind her. "You are frightening her as she's not use to strangers."

The seamstress immediately stops once she realizes that she overstepped her boundaries. "My apologies, Princess Diamond. It was not my intention to scare or frighten you. It's just that, like your sister, you have such eye-catching hair."

Not knowing what to say, Diamond retreats behind Ruby. "Ruby... what is she going to do to me?"

"This is Miss Tally. She is the seamstress who will be taking your measurements for your new dresses," Ruby answers while taking her sister's hand. "You can't stay in that one dress forever because you are the duke's daughter. You have to look the part."

Diamond slowly shifts her gaze to the woman behind Ruby. "You won't hurt me?"

"I wouldn't dare to hurt the younger princess of Stoneborne," Miss Tally responds with a small bow. "Do you mind coming closer so that I can start your measurements?" With a little bit of encouragement from Ruby, Diamond steps forward not letting go of Ruby's hand. "Good, now can you hold your arms out for me like a bird?"

"What's a bird?" Diamond asks, perplexed.

"Like this, Diamond." Ruby stretches her arms out from her sides, so Diamond copies her. Pleased with Diamond's cooperation, Miss Tally brightly smiles as she starts taking Diamond's measurements.


"You found another jeweled child in one of your mines?!" Doctor Pledais shouts as he jumps from off the chair. "That's statistically impossible!"

"You say that, but the child in question is currently getting her measurements taken," Raynold comments, scratching his cheek.

Doctor Pledais falls back into his chair and rubs his forehead. "I'm assuming Your Grace summoned me here in order to do an assessment on her like I did Princess Ruby?"

"That is correct," Duke Stoneborne answers, crossing his arms. "I want you to find out what element Diamond controls and if she has overwhelming mana. It's best to start finding something that can absorb her mana if it's overflowing in the beginning instead of waiting like with Ruby."

"I can always give her a mana bracelet, but I feel like it would be a better idea to find something similar like the crown that Princess Ruby wears," Doctor Pledais suggests while sitting up in the chair.

The duke scans the shelves that house the mineral treasures that his mines have found throughout the years. As he nears the end of the scan, his eyes lock onto a diamond ring that is encased in stone.

"That ring," Duke Stoneborne starts, pointing at the shelf near the door. "It's a diamond ring that was found when my father was the duke. If someone were to chisel the ring out, would it work?"

The doctor stands up and makes his way over to the ring that the duke was pointing at. "Do you mind if I take it out?" he asks. The duke nods, so Doctor Pledais carefully slides the shelf's glass door open and picks up the rock with the ring inside it. "This is so odd..."

"What is it, Doctor?" Raynold asks as he watches the doctor.

"It's not the same, but there is a seal on the ring that's very similar to the one on Princess Ruby's crown."

"Are you saying that it's also an ancient seal?" Duke Stoneborne presses.

Nodding, Doctor Pledais turns to face the duke. "With your permission, I would like to appraise the other treasures you have in your office. If there are other similar items with ancient seals, it might give me a lead on the Princesses' background."

"What do you mean?" the duke continues to question.

"The ruby crown began to react when Ruby was in distress. If Diamond were to be in a similar situation, we can see if the diamond ring will react the same. If it does, then there might be a correlation with your daughters and the items with the ancient seals."

"That's ridiculous!" Raynold exclaims. "We aren't going to put the Young Miss in danger for the sake of your assumption!"

"Raynold," the duke calls, holding his hand up.

"My apologies, Your Grace," Raynold replies before stepping back.

"Doctor Pledais, as absurd as your suggestion is, I will agree to it," Duke Stoneborne states, placing his hands on the desk. "However, the instant that Diamond feels pain, you are to remove the mana bracelet immediately. Do you understand?"

"Of course, Your Grace," the doctor agrees. "I do not wish to inflict too much pain on the Princess."


"Miss Ruby. Miss Diamond. It's Raynold," calls the voice outside Diamond's door.

Raja goes over to the door and checks it. When he notices that Raynold is the one outside, Raja opens the door.

"How is the fitting going?" Raynold asks after approaching the girls.

"Diamond is almost done," Ruby answers, pointing at the screen. "She's getting changed into some of the new dresses that the seamstress brought over. After that, she will be done."

"That's perfect because your father wishes to have you two in his office when Miss Diamond is finished," Raynold mentions.


Raynold quietly peeks at Ruby who sits in the lounge chair waiting for her sister. He eyes the crown that rests on her head as it slightly glistens from the small movements of Ruby's head.

-These girls are not normal kids. They need extra care because there isn't much known about them other than what's in the children's story. If we have the second jeweled child despite it being deemed impossible, then what is there to say that we won't find the other jeweled children? Could the impossible becoming possible be the start of change in the dukedom?-