
"What are you talking about? And what are you both doing here? How did you even get in, in the first place?" Steve asked his mother in annoyance.

"I have a copy of the keys to your apartment, remember?" She still had that mischievous look on her face.

Steve muttered something under his breath as he kneaded his temple out of frustration. This was the second time his mother was having the spare keys to his apartment, when he hadn't given it to her. Everytime he changed his lock, she somehow always ended up getting a copy of his new keys, and this was beginning to get on his nerves. 

"It's good to see you're well endowed down there!" Lola said with a teasing grin. 


"Lola!" Both Steve and Bisi called in dismay. 

"What? Just stating it as it is, right Joan?" She asked with a wink making Joan look away in embarrassment. 

Even though she was twenty-seven years old, and she knew her mother would probably have guessed by now that she wasn't exactly a virgin, but seeing her naked in her best friend's arm? That was too much information for her mother. It was one thing to have sex, but it was another thing for her mother to be slapped in the face with the evidence of it. Especially a typical Nigerian mother like hers... She wasn't looking forward to the sermon her mother was going to give her on chastity.

Lola nudged Bisi with her elbow, reminding her of the reason they were there, so Bisi quickly cleared her throat and pasted a cheerful smile on her face, "Our dear children, Lola and I, have something important to tell you both." Joan's mom said, flashing them her beautiful smile, the sort that always helped her warm her way into people's hearts.

"Would it be asking for too much, for you both to give us some privacy first? We need to put on our clothes." Joan muttered under her breath and buried her face in her hands out of embarrassment, as she spoke.

If the ground could open up, she would have asked it to, so she could hide herself in it. Her embarrassment had more to do with the fact that her mother had often times hinted that something was going on between her and Brandon, but she had always denied it, and now the first time it happens, her mom was there to catch her right in the act. Well, maybe not exactly in the act since they were done with it, but she had caught her right after it. It was just like catching a meat thief with the oil around their lips even after they had swallowed the meat. How was she going to explain to her mother that it was just a drunken fling?

"Oh come on, we are both your mothers, there is no part of your body that we haven't already seen." Lola said dismissing Joan's request with a wave of her hands.

"Seriously mom?" Steve asked in annoyance.

"Lola, I think we should give them some privacy." Bisi suggested as she took Lola's hand, and started to walk towards the kitchen. 

"Okay fine, we will be in the kitchen, while you both dress up." She said as she grudgingly followed Bisi out of the living room towards the kitchen.

"Do you really think they are going to agree to this?" Bisi asked, as took her stood by the kitchen counter, while Lola filled the electric kettle with water and it turned on.

"I don't see why not seeing as they're already having sex with each other. Here help me rinse out the mugs." Lola said as she handed it to Bisi before going to one of the kitchen cabinets to take out the bottle of decaffeinated nescafe.

"Please don't even remind of that." Bisi said with disapproval.

"Why not?" Lola asked, turning to look at her.

"I know you're open-minded about a lot of things, but I'm not. And I'm definitely not happy about seeing my daughter this way with your son." Bisi said with a frown as she handed back the mugs to her.

"She is an adult. She is twenty-seven years old, and mature enough to be sexually active. If she wasn't doing it with my son, she would have done it with someone else. And right now, it is better for us that it's my son she is having sex with." Lola said as she got busy with making the coffee the way she knew both Joan and Steve liked it.

"She is a Christian. I raised her better than this!" Bisi insisted.

"So what are you going to do? Tie her to a tree and flog her for fornicating?" Lola asked incredulously, and then took in a deep breath to control her temper, "Bisi, I understand you're just being a mother, but it's her life. She is an adult, so let her be."

Bisi kept quiet since she knew Lola was right kind of, "So do you think they're going to agree?" She asked after sometime.

"I have told you not to worry your head. They are going to agree. It's not like they have much of a choice anyway." Lola said with a snort. 

"When you put it that way, you make it sound like they are kids. You just said they are adults, so I'm sure you know they can refuse not to go along with our plans." Bisi pointed out.

"Not if we make it impossible for them to refuse." Lola said with a sly look on her face as she handed one of the mugs to Bisi.