
Steve knew that his sister was trying her best to be supportive, but he wasn't in the mood to talk. If she wanted to talk, she was free to go ahead. It wasn't like whatever he was going to say would count, so there was no point. He was just here to fulfill all righteousness.

Lilian walked ahead of him as they walked into the building. They took the elevator which took them to the fourth floor where their mother's office was. Their mother was a very successful business woman who had her own make-up line, as well as a Spa and beauty parlor, that was probably why she seemed so ageless and coupled with the fact she following the lastest fashion trends.

"Is she in? We want to see her briefly," Lilian asked after exchanging pleasantries with their mother's secretary, and they walked into her office when the secretary gave the go-ahead.

"I've been expecting you both," Their mother said with a welcoming smile once they walked into the office, but the smile faltered when she saw Steve's bloodshot eyes, and dull expression.

"Why?" Lilian asked as Steve sat on one of the chairs, while she remained standing.

"How are you my children if I can't predict your moves? Sit down," She said to Lilian, jerking her head in the direction of the other seat next to Steve, and Lilian immediately sat down.

"How are you holding up?" Their mother asked Steve, who raised his head and glared at her spitefully before looking away from her.

"How is he supposed to hold up when you both have completely taken everything from him?" Lilian asked, trying her best not to snap at their mother.

Their mother looked from Lilian to Steve, and her gaze remained on Steve for some time as though she was contemplating something, before she finally let out a sigh, "Consider it as a sacrifice for your friend. Although I think you both are a perfect match even though you have refused to come to terms with that fact." Their mother said, making Steve who had been listening to them disinterestedly raise his head.

"A sacrifice for my friend?" He asked in a low tone.

"You heard me. Although we are not allowed to mention it to Joan yet, I trust you both to keep it away from her until her parents can give her the news," Their mother said, making both Steve and Lilian exchange a look.

"What news?" Steve asked, feeling apprehensive.

"Her father is dying. The man has limited time to live and he is scared that his family might want to throw out his wife and Joan since he doesn't have a male child. So the only way to prevent that from happening is for her to get married.

"He not only wants to see her get married before he dies, but he also wants us to merge the companies so that his wife's and Joan's interest are protected," she explained, making Steve's heart skip a beat.

"Joan's father is dying? How? What happened? I thought he already recovered from his cancer years ago?" Lilian asked with a worried frown.

"There was a relapse, and it's not looking good this time. The doctor says he has less than six months to live, so he is trying to hurry up with everything. If you think about it, merging both companies isn't a bad idea either since your father's company deals with cosmetics, and theirs is a pharmaceutical. Perhaps if Joan had agreed to work in her father's company things might have been a bit easier," his mother said with a sigh, while Steve who had been listening closely to all she had been saying raised both hands to his face.

"But why me?" Steve asked helplessly.

"If you were in her father's shoes, who would you pick? A random stranger? Would you rather she marries someone he knows nothing about? A possible golddigger?" Their mother asked, making him sigh.

Although he got her point, he wasn't in the mood to be reasonable. This was his life they were talking about. He paused to think about Joan. She was his best friend, and he needed to have her back too.

He still could remember how much Joan had wept when her father had been diagnosed of leukemia over three years ago. They had flown him overseas for treatment, and he could still remember how devastated she had been. Her father had been away for a year, and then they had thrown a big welcome back party for him when he returned. How was Joan going to take this news? The more time they wasted arguing over whether or not they wanted to get married, the less time she had to spend with her father, Steve thought as he took in a deep breath before standing up.

"Where are you going to?" Both their mother and Lillian asked in unison.

"I need some time alone. I need to think. Can I have your car key?" He asked Lilian who looked at him doubtfully, but their mother gave her a nod, and she reluctantly handed him the key. Once he took the key from her, he walked out of the office without sparing either of them another look.

Lilian turned to her mother once he had gone, "Is Joan's father really ill? Or is this another prank?" She asked suspiciously making her mother glare at her.

"Are you stupid? Why would I lie about something like that? You think your father and Joan's father would take such drastic measures if the situation wasn't critical?" She snapped at Lilian.

Lilian sighed as she leaned back on her seat, "Do you think this is a good idea? Can't something else be done? Perhaps Joan can take over the company. They don't love each other," Lilian said with a concerned frown.

"Your brother told you he slept with her?" Their mother asked, and Lilian shrugged.

"Now think about this, they are best friends who know each other better than any one else, and they are sexually attracted to each other, that is the only reason they could have had sex. Don't you think love is something that would come naturally to them once they are married?" She asked rhetorically, before adding, "Trust me when I say those two are a good match. They just don't know it yet, but they will. Sooner or later," their mother said confidently.