I've Been Busy

Joan pulled her into a hug, "I'm so sorry you have to go through this," Joan said as she gently rubbed Victoria's back.

"Seven years Joan. Seven solid years I have been with him, why would he choose to do this to me after all the promises he made to me? We didn't even fight, so I'm wondering where I went wrong or what I did that was so wrong that he had to hurt me in this manner. Perhaps I did something to him that I'm not aware of?" Victoria asked herself amidst tears.

"Victoria this isn't your fault. It's all on him, you didn't do anything wrong," Joan said.

"Then why did he leave me to go and marry someone else? Why is he getting married to her and not me? Am I not good enough to be his wife?" More tears streamed down Victoria's cheeks, and Joan wished that she had the answer to the questions. She wished she could tell her best girlfriend why Emeka decided to act like the scum that he is.