You Wish

Not wanting to argue with her mother-in-law, because she knew there was no winning with her, Joan decided to change into another nightgown and then carried her pillow to go to Steve's bedroom. 

"When I said you should change the nightgown you had on, I didn't mean for you to change into something worse," Steve's mom said to Joan with a tired expression on her face as she looked at Joan from head to toe. "What is this you are putting on?"

Out of confusion, Joan bent her head to look at the nightgown that flowed down to her ankle. "What is wrong with it?" This was one of her best nightgowns, and she loved it.

"What do you mean by what is wrong with it? How are the both of you going to give me a grandchild if you wear something like this to bed ehn? This nightgown looks like what my grandmother would put on." Joan started laughing because the expression on the woman's face as she spoke was funny.