Wake Up

  Two days after Joan's aunts had come to cause trouble in Joan's parents' house, Joan and her mother were sitting in their living room discussing how they were going to handle her father's sisters should they show up again. 

"Mummy, I don't think you have to worry yourself about those two, they are just toothless bulldogs," Joan said to her mother.

"We can't just fold our arms and not do something, I know those women and what they are capable of. And I'm very sure that they are both busy plotting and planning on how to come back to make more trouble," Joan's mother spoke with so much hatred in her voice.

"What baffles me is the measure of hatred those two have for us," Joan said.

"Hm, you don't know them. Your father's sisters hate me, and they've never hesitated to show me just how much they do. Right from the time that your father introduced me to them as the woman that he wanted to marry, they've constantly been fighting me!"