Find Your Family

Joan sprang to her feet, her nostrils flaring in anger for the rude words her aunt just said to her mother.

"What is the meaning of that statement?" Joan demanded from her aunt.

Joan's older aunt gave her a cursory glance and then hissed, "please as I was saying before the cockroach interrupted me."

Joan wanted to say something but her mom interrupted her from doing so. "Yinka please sit down," her mother calmly said.

"Mummy....." Joan protested.

"Yinka, sit down," her mother spoke with more authority this time. And Joan sat down grumbling. She didn't understand why her mother was choosing to act peacefully with her aunts when it was obvious that they didn't want peace. They just insulted her mother, and she was unwilling to do something about it.

Joan's older aunt continued talking, "as I was saying, my brother isn't going to be buried like a peasant, we are going to give him a befitting burial, one that suits his class and status."