Void Without You

On her way back from Victoria's house, Joan decided to stop by her and Steve's place to pick some more clothes and other things that she needed. When she got there, Steve wasn't back from work yet, she called him, and he told her that he was stuck in traffic. 

Joan was in her bedroom packing some of her clothes in a bag when her phone rang; Victoria was the one calling her. 

"Hello Vikky, what's up?" Joan said as she answered the call.

"Are you home yet?" Victoria asked her.

"Yeah, not really; I decided to stop by at my place and get some change of clothes before going back to my mom's," Joan said.

"Weren't you supposed to call me after you got home?" Victoria asked her in a reprimanding tone.

"Sorry mummy, I should have called you," Joan said mockingly, and they both started laughing. "Has Deji left already?" Joan asked her.

"Yes, he left some few minutes ago."