Chapter 027 | Hokage's Strongest Forbidden Technique Is Unexpectedly So Transparent.

"You're running around as soon as you come back!"

Kaoru Uchiha crossed her arms on her chest and scolded Manoshi, who followed her.

After finishing her task today, she didn't even return home. Instead, she rushed to the village entrance first but unexpectedly didn't see anyone.

"It's not like I don't know Manoshi-kun's teammates, so why didn't you wait for me to come along? "

If she hadn't just met Obito and learned about Manoshi from Obito, she would probably be dying of anxiety.

"Such a no-good brother. "

"I ..."

Manoshi opened his mouth, but he couldn't retort.

After all, he did something wrong, not considering the feelings of the person who had been waiting for him.

Along the way, Kaoru Uchiha vented her emotions. In the moonlight, the young girl and the teenager walked, one in front of the other, one venting, the other listening.

Arriving at the door, Manoshi was totally unprepared. Kaoru Uchiha suddenly turned back and hugged him.

"Promise your sister that you won't go to war again, okay? I'm really worried about you. "

After winning the war, she was looking forward to someone's return, only to find that there was no one waiting for her in the returning crowd.

This kind of feeling wasn't something felt by people on the battlefield.

"There probably won't be another war any time soon. "

Being held tightly in the arms of a young girl, Manoshi spoke soothingly.

"And even if a war does happen again, I won't necessarily need to go to war. "

Apart from wanting to bite a piece of meat from the Land of Fire, the relationship between the other four countries wasn't harmonious.

The Suna Village, which belonged to the Land of Wind, and the Iwa Village, which belonged to the Land of Earth, and the Kumo Village and the Land of Lighting all had a long-standing feud that couldn't be easily resolved.

When Suna took the lead in provoking the war without success, if other countries wanted to mobilize shinobi troops to attack the Land of Fire on a large scale, they had to worry about whether other countries wanted to 'steal their homes.'

Therefore, small-scale conflicts may occur, but large-scale wars are difficult to instigate.

Manoshi, who didn't know the plot, came to this conclusion with his own understanding of the situation.

"By the way, Shisui and his father are back from the front and have been clamoring to go to Kikyo City to find you. "

Kaoru Uchiha couldn't help smiling at the thought of Shisui:

"He really admires you. However, after coming back, he had fought with quite a few people from the clan over you. "

"Those in the clan must be furious that Shisui only turned on Sharingan at the age of 7. To put it mildly, it predates you to some extent. "

"After the clansmen who fought with the Kiri shinobis came back and heard about you, there were many people who supported you. "

Back home, Kaoru Uchiha told Manoshi about the recent events in the clan, one by one.

Manoshi listened silently, but his attention was focused on the busy young girl.

"Manoshi-kun, are you listening?" Kaoru Uchiha, who was helping to rummage through the closet for clothes to change into, found Manoshi sitting dumbfounded and asked, "Are you too tired from the journey?"

"No, I just miss the feeling of being taken care of by Kaoru-san. " Manoshi laughed and scratched his head, "It's easy to develop a habit, and you're going to spoil me again, Kaoru-san. "

"Then, I should spoil you rotten!" Kaoru Uchiha, who packed everything up, came forward and gently pinched Manoshi's face, "So you won't dare to run off to the battlefield alone in the future. "

"Bedding is done; Manoshi-kun hasn't had a good rest for a while, right? I won't talk much tonight. Good night. "

Kaoru Uchiha walked to the door and turned off the lights.

Lying in bed, Manoshi contemplated the current state of the Uchiha clan.

The Uchihas, who had experienced war and shared life and death with their companions, might have a stronger desire to protect their teammates than anyone else.

So much so that the Uchiha clan had split into two factions.

The actual combat faction who came back from the battlefield and felt empathy for Manoshi.

And Headed by a group of elders, the 'war-fearing' faction that believed that the strength of the Uchiha clan should be preserved.

There was also the patriarch Fugaku Uchiha whose stance was unknown.

Therefore, for those who want Manoshi, it was simple to suppress the disharmonious voices within the family.

After all, common sense dictates that since the strong soldiers are pro-Konoha, the Uchiha clan would naturally 'not' plan a coup.

This was also a point that Manoshi couldn't understand. 'It can't be that this part of the clan had all gone to the battlefield, right?'

But when he thought of how Danzō Shimura had targeted him, Manoshi figured it might be true.

Manoshi, who wasn't familiar with the plot, still didn't know what role this person played in the extermination of the Uchiha clan.

However, Manoshi felt that he underestimated the degree of harm from this man because he also designed a trap for him as a 'war hero'.

Manoshi had always believed in the idea of profit-driven behavior, but Danzō the man's behavior wasn't even in line with any interest!

Manoshi, who was misled by some opinions from his previous life, always thought that Danzō was an ambitious, scheming man who had 'Konoha's interests' at the heart of everything.

But he couldn't figure out why Danzō thought it would be good for Konoha's development to kill Manoshi.

How could he have imagined that Danzō was just consistently hostile to all people with the surname Uchiha and also wanted to get the bodies of Mangekyō Sharingan owners to experiment with?

After all, Danzō was a man who could kill Shisui Uchiha, his teammate's grandson, who did everything for Konoha's sake.

But Manoshi was no saint either.

This time it's against him; next time, it might be against his friends and family.

For both public and private reasons, Manoshi had to eliminate Danzō. Without Danzō, the conflict between the clan and the village would be resolved.

"Manoshi-kun, get up!"

The next day, Kaoru set breakfast and shouted Manoshi's name from the kitchen.

Manoshi, who washed up, wandered into the kitchen and sat opposite the girl.

"Ah~. Good morning Kaoru-san."

"Manoshi-kun hasn't slept enough. If I had known, I wouldn't have called you up first. "

Kaoru Uchiha looked at Manoshi's messy hair and chuckled.

"No, Kaoru-san, you called me up at just the right time. I also made an appointment with Kakashi today. "

Going to practice taijutsu with Might Guy was his goal. After all, the stronger fist had the last word.

If he wanted to bring down Danzō, he had to wait for his good friend, the Third Hokage, to abdicate and secure the Hokage seat for Minato Namikaze.

"Okay, okay. So, you don't need your dear sister when you have a new team member. " Kaoru Uchiha stood up, bypassed the table, and stretched out her hand to smooth down Manoshi's hair. "Take your time; I'll go first. "

Kaoru Uchiha left in a hurry. Manoshi was about to enjoy the sandwich made by the girl when the voice of a small child calling at the door came.

"Manoshi Oniisan! Manoshi Oniisan!"

Manoshi, with his sandwich in his mouth, went to the door and was about to open it when the child outside barged in on his own and hit Manoshi head-on.

"Oh, it's Shisui; it's been a long time. " Manoshi touched the top of the child's head in front of him, a familiar touch that couldn't be mistaken, and he smiled, "I heard you've been able to open the Sharingan. You're more powerful than I was at the beginning. "

"No, Manoshi-san is the real deal. " Shisui Uchiha, who stood still, shook his head with a solemn expression like an adult, "You awakened Mangekyō on the battlefield and saved so many fellow soldiers!"

After a moment of hesitation, Shisui said with some frustration, "But many grandpas in the family don't want me to get in touch with Manoshi-san anymore. "

This was understandable. It was easy to gain another genius, but what if Manoshi Uchiha taught him to be 'bad'?

Manoshi still felt it was somewhat ridiculous, "Do you think they're right?"

"Well--" Although the answer was already in his mind, Shisui analyzed it a little, "They think that my contact with Manoshi-san would produce bad results because Manoshi-san's behavior is not in their interest. From their point of view, the strength of the clan's genius and the value of Mangekyō Sharingan is undoubtedly higher than the lives of other people in the village. "

"But I don't think it's right; the lives of our fellow citizens are priceless. " Shisui smiled, held Manoshi's hand, and firmly said, "I also hope to have the power to save others like Manoshi Oniisan!"

"Then you have to redouble your efforts." Manoshi took Shisui's hand and walked out of the door. "Let's go. I'll take you to special training. "


Walking through the entire Konoha village, Manoshi and Shisui, who came near the Forest of Death, met Kakashi, Might Duy, and Might Guy, the father, and son who had been waiting here for a long time.

But, even if it was waiting. Actually, these two training madmen had been unable to hold back for a long while and started squatting in place.

"1123, 1124, ..."

Shisui looked curiously at one big and one small, two thick-browed freaks in green fitness suits.

"I can't, son. You've really surpassed me!" Breathing heavily, Might Duy hugged his son and exclaimed, "Maybe this is youth!"

This line was a bit familiar.

Unable to enjoy the 'visual pollution' of the two Might -father and son, Manoshi recognized these two people like the ones he was looking for with this iconic line.

"Oh, you're the kid that Kakashi said was coming to chase youth together. "

Might Duy waved enthusiastically to the two, completely ignoring the bandage wrapped around Manoshi's eyes.

"Today, you have come at the right time because I am going to teach Guy the Eight Gates technique that I've been practicing for 20 years before I succeeded. Do you want to come and learn it together?"

'Uh, is the Eight Gates technique so easy to learn?'

"But to learn this technique --"

'Sure enough, it's a legendary, forbidden technique after all.'

"It requires several times more effort than normal, and only with the belief of protecting your companions could you perform this move. "

The amount of chakra that could be compared to that of Jōnin erupted around Might Duy's body.

Eight Gates - Gate of Opening!

"Because this is a forbidden technique to lift the restrictions on the body, overload the body's energy consumption, and if you open the eighth Gate of Death, you will die! Therefore, if you want to practice this forbidden art, you must suffer twice as much as ordinary people, and you must hold the determination to die!"

"Can such a powerful forbidden technique really be handed over to me?"

From his tone, Manoshi could sense Shisui's excitement, but this thing was obviously not suitable for Shisui. Being an Uchiha clan member, the excessive pursuit of physical fitness was trailing too far from the path.

"You can't. You're too young. " Might Duy shook his head. "But that boy is the hero in the village, Manoshi Uchiha. I believe you could definitely use this forbidden technique reasonably!"

In fact, Manoshi was also a bit narrow-minded in thinking the family's Secret Technique may not be passed on. But the poor-born Might father and son didn't have this kind of discipline; on the contrary, they were happy to share their knowledge.

Because it was a win-win situation for civilians to share limited knowledge with each other.

Only the requirements for the Eight Gates Released Formation practitioners were too harsh, and most importantly, the user was required to have superb physical qualities and be able to resist the side effects of lifting the restrictions imposed on the body.

Without a matching physique, even if you master the skill of opening the gates, you would only hurt yourself in the end.

But for Manoshi, such a forbidden technique was exactly what he wanted, so he naturally agreed to it.