Chapter 028 | Who Knows How Big Konoha Village Really Is?

"Then let's start today's practice!"

Dictating to Manoshi, Guy, and Kakashi the way to open the first gate of the eight gates, Might Duy immediately suggested.

"The first step is to run ten laps around the Forest of Death. "

"That ..." Kakashi, who was wearing a mask, and covered his expression, raised a hand. "I have a mission, so I'll leave first. "

After saying that, and before Might Duy, he directly stepped on tree branches and jumped away.

"Ah, since Kakashi still has something to do, let's exercise, Guy, Manoshi!"

Might Duy took the lead, followed by Might Guy and Manoshi. Shisui, not to be outdone, followed behind the three.

As the largest training area in Konoha Village, the Forest of Death, confined in a circular area, had a 10 Kilometer radius.

That was to say, running once was over 60 kilometers, running ten times was ...

Although the Forest of Death was the largest training ground in the village, few people came here to practice because it was too far away from the village, and there were various poisonous beasts in it.

Might Duy also came here to exercise because of Manoshi. If there were only two people, he and Guy usually ran around the village.

There were many buildings in the village, and the terrain was too complex. He was worried that Manoshi would feel inconvenient, but now it seemed that Manoshi's perception ability was unexpectedly good, and it wasn't necessary.

Half an hour later, on the soft ground covered with fallen leaves, Manoshi gritted his teeth and followed Might Guy.

After only running around three times, he had already felt the burning sensation from his leg muscles. However, listening to the sound of breathing, he could tell that Guy, who ran in front of him, still had the strength to spare.

It didn't mean that Manoshi lacked exercise. On the contrary, he ran 180 kilometers in half an hour, which was already a speed of 100 meters per second.

This was a long-distance run, not about explosive speed.

By the way, if he wanted to make his position invisible to the eyes of ordinary people as Rock Lee did when he beat an Uchiha, he needed to reach a speed of over 200 meters per second.

After two more laps, Manoshi could still barely run, but Might Duy had no more strength.

As for Shisui, who had only just taken the path of the Jōnin, he was discouraged by these three seniors.

He was still holding on. As a result, he was still doing his second lap.

"Mission failed. As a punishment, punch three thousand times!"

After replenishing a little bit of water, Might Duy immediately started the next round of exercise.

Manoshi also followed suit and stood in a horse stance, vigorously throwing punches in front of him.

It sounded like 3,000 punches were much easier than running 600 kilometers. But in fact, taking Manoshi's pure physical ability as an example, throwing 2 punches per second was already his limit.

Half an hour later, Might Guy had run ten laps and came to practice boxing.

"Guy, your weights need to be increased again!"

Might Duy sighed as he threw his punches.

"Yes, Dad, I've saved up the money to buy some new weights. This set is just the right weight for Manoshi. "

"Worthy of my son! For the sake of his fellow man, is this youth?"

Manoshi: black question mark.jpg

'So, this is the difference between me and a taijutsu genius?'

Not only in speed and endurance, but what Might Guy said also seemed to have crushed Manoshi, who had just started his intense training, on all fronts.

Clearly, punching training started half an hour later, but three people ended the goal of three thousand punches together.

"Well, the goal is completed. Reward yourself with three thousand sit-ups!"

Might Duy and Might Guy excitedly lay down, ignoring the fallen leaves and dirt sticking to their bodies on the ground, and began to do sit-ups.

"1, 2... 7, 8..."

Most people might not understand what they were excited about. In fact, the other student didn't know either.

However, Manoshi wasn't in a hurry to keep up.

Small steps on the withered leaves made cracking sounds.

Shisui Uchiha finally finished the second lap at turtle speed.

Tired and lying on his back in front of Manoshi, he breathlessly said:

"Manoshi Oniisan, I am too weak. "


'Child, are you asking too much of yourself?'

To be honest, even if there was the addition of the power of the divine dragon, Manoshi might not even be able to run a full circle when he was 7 years old.

After all, most people in the Uchiha clan focused on illusion and jutsu and didn't delve into physical techniques.

"Everyone has what they are good at, and what they are not good at, so learn to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses. "

Manoshi confirmed that Shisui was only exhausted, so he felt relieved to lie down beside him and do sit-ups.

"I am no longer able to see the room for my own progress, so I have to practice taijutsu, but you are different, and you have a bright future. "

Shisui thought thoughtfully and touched her eyes, "But these eyes also brought a gap between the clan and the village. "

"Hahaha. "

'No matter how mature you are, you are just a child, and you can't see things thoroughly.'

"The only thing that can bring about a divide is the heart. "

Far away, the Hyuga clan, who were also members of Konoha, had a very sweet relationship with the village seniors.

On the one hand, the Hyuga clan knew how to be submissive. On the other hand, it was also because the Hokage people had no preconceived notions about the Hyuga clan.

"Then, I want to have the power to change people's hearts!"

"Well, then I'll teach you the power to manipulate people's hearts, okay?"

Not knowing what kind of broken Mangekyō Sharingan that Shisui Uchiha would awaken in the future, he thought about how to use public opinion to change the status quo of his family in the village by harnessing public opinion.

However, Shisui didn't respond.

When he listened carefully, he realized that the boy had already been snoring.

Shaking his head, Manoshi focused on continuing his sit-ups.

He spent the whole morning running, punching, doing sit-ups, squatting, and pull-ups.

Of course, the word 'high intensity' should be added before each set.

However, shinobis were also human beings that needed to eat.

Manoshi, who felt that he had reached his limit, put Shisui, who was still sleeping, on his back and whispered goodbye to Might Guy and his father.

"Uncle Duy, Guy. I'll come back tomorrow morning. "

Walking slowly back to the village, Shisui showed no signs of waking up under the light footsteps.

"Uncle Dai, Shisui fell asleep from physical exhaustion. "

Gently knocking on the door, Manoshi turned around when someone opened it to facilitate the other party to pick up his son.

"Ah, sorry for troubling you. "

With the short, polite words, Dai Uchiha closed the door to the house and went back to his room with his own son in his arms.

Manoshi didn't stop but turned and walked in the direction of his own house. From the yard opposite Shisui's house, a man came out and threw a scroll at Manoshi.

"You are?" Manoshi asked, puzzled, as he caught the scroll.

He wasn't good enough to tell someone's identity without them talking.

"You don't need to care who I am. I heard that you were asking for taijutsu instructions from outsiders, right?" The man said proudly, "Although our Uchiha family doesn't have a taijutsu heritage, our sword skills aren't bad either! Don't make outsiders think that we Uchiha can't do that much!"

After saying that, without waiting for Manoshi's response, he directly twisted around and went into the house.


'What do you mean by that?'

'Oh please, adult men shouldn't be so arrogant, okay?'

Manoshi held the scroll in his hand and didn't know what to say.

Most importantly, he was given a scroll. He couldn't read...