Chapter 030 | Attempting to Communicate in Depth with Nonō.

"Can ...can I really?" Urushi stammered a bit, "How to refine chakra is very important knowledge, right?"

"Of course, there's no problem. But not everyone has the qualifications to refine chakra, so you shouldn't be disappointed."

Manoshi rubbed Urushi's head.

"But right now, there's one more thing. Where did Kabuto go?"

"Kabuto? He's in the dean's office reading about medicine."

"Okay. Then you first show everyone the method of refining chakra, and I'll go check on Kabuto."

Manoshi smiled and walked into the orphanage building with Kaoru Uchiha.


Inside the dean's office located on the second floor, Nonō Yakushi looked at the teenager standing in front of her with some complaint.

"Why did you teach chakra refinement to all the children? You should know how difficult the path of a shinobi is without adequate resources for these children."

"With your resources, you may be able to finance Urushi and Kabuto to practice, but the needs of so many children is certainly not something you can solve alone."

"And I won't let them become shinobis!"

Nonō seemed to be obstinately opposed to the idea of shinobi and was adamantly opposed to Manoshi training these children to become shinobis.

However, Manoshi had no plans to train these children to become shinobis.

"Thinking that only shinobis need chakra is wrong."

Mastering chakra to become a shinobi was the typical mindset.

Right now, Manoshi wanted to correct this misconception.

"Nonō-san, you have mastered chakra, but you aren't a shinobi, are you?"

"I ... am just against these kids being tools because of my experience."

Nonō looked pained as she recalled her former career as a Root shinobi.

Root shinobis were killing tools trained by Danzō himself. They put the mission first and foremost -- even if they had to bloody their hands with the blood of their fellow comrades.

Nonō knew that the teenager in front of her lived in the light and wouldn't know the horrors of the darkness.

But she had to protect these children and never again become a tool in the hands of others.

"Giving up opportunities that can make life better because of the possibility of being used is something I can't accept."

Manoshi couldn't accept this kind of behavior. If we give up the future for a single possibility, then humanity wouldn't progress anymore.

"There are shinobis who are reduced to tools; there are shinobis who sacrifice needlessly. It's precisely because such thoughts are condoned!"

Manoshi was emotional, blood rushed to his head, and the long-suppressed divine dragon power couldn't help but spill out.

"But what makes darkness dark and not stand under the light is because it doesn't conform to the ethics of ordinary people."

'Why did the Third Hokage look so brilliant?'

'Because the villagers needed a leader like that, and that's why Danzō stood out.'

"Since everyone thinks it's wrong, try to change it!"

"Manoshi-kun ..."

Feeling the atmosphere was a little stiff, Kaoru Uchiha tugged on the teenager's coat and whispered his name.

Two people have their own ideas, and just like keyboard warrior's fights, no one could convince anyone.

Manoshi simply approached Kabuto, who was silently reading a book on the side.

"What are you doing?"

Kabuto, who was holding a scroll and reading it, looked up, and the dean's wide, round-framed glasses slipped from the bridge of his nose.

He quickly held his glasses with both hands, only to lose the hold on the scroll that also fell down.


The frazzled Kabuto let out a cry of surprise, but Manoshi stretched out his hand and caught the scroll.


Kabuto Yakushi opened his mouth wide and shouted in surprise.

"Did you just realize I was here?"

"This medical technique is just too interesting."

The introverted Kabuto's little face was flushed.

"You can read this?"

"Well, I didn't quite understand it at first, but after the dean taught me, I understood it."

Manoshi weighed the scroll in his hand and was somewhat perplexed.

Because there was a gap in his memory, he didn't know Kabuto's age, but he seems to be around Shisui's age.

He could only sigh. As expected of the famous research madman in the original story.

He unzipped the ninja bag around his waist, took the last chakra test paper he intentionally left behind for Kabuto out and handed it to his student.

"Here, try to inject chakra into it."

Kabuto carefully held the chakra test paper in his hand and injected a trace of chakra.

"After the test paper split in half, half was reduced to fragments, and a half became moist."

Because Manoshi couldn't see, Kaoru Uchiha explained it to him. Then, she looked at the test paper with three properties and happily told Kabuto.

"Congratulations, you were born with three types of nature transformation. Wind, earth, and water."

Kabuto nodded and said nothing.

"I am your teacher's sister. You can also think of me as a sister."

Like a pervert abducting a shota, the young girl took Kabuto's hand.

"Come on, let's go out, and I'll teach you a Fire Release technique."

No one knew if he was willing or unwilling, but Kabuto was taken to the yard by Kaoru Uchiha anyway.

There are only two people left in the office: Nonō and Manoshi.

It was said to be an office, but in fact, with the compact layout of two bookcases, a desk, and a bed in a small room of ten square meters, it might also be Nonō's bedroom.

Manoshi, who touched on it a little bit, came to that conclusion.


Manoshi, who calmed down, took the lead in opening his mouth, breaking the long-standing silence.

"Before, I had met a guy on the battlefield. He said that people could understand each other if they could communicate with each other."

'Manoshi-kun wouldn't be compromised by the enemy, would he?'

Nonō frowned and thought so with some concern.

"However, I told Kakashi at the time that not everything could be solved by mutual understanding."

Manoshi stroked the spine of the big medical books on the bookcase.

"But on the contrary, if people couldn't communicate, there would be conflicts."

Manoshi turns his head to face Nonō, who was standing by the window, watching the children play around.

"The difference between man and beast lies in the fact that man has language and can communicate better, and humans are social animals."

"A person who carries everything on their own is not the embodiment of responsibility. On the contrary, because of concealment, the lack of information will instead allow a villain to find an opportunity to exploit."

The teenager who walked up to Nonō held out a hand.

"So, can we have an open and honest conversation?"

Of course, Manoshi referred to openness and honesty: 'You give me your card, and I'll tell you a little bit about my plan.'

After all, as the saying goes, 'Wisdom is not used to harm others, but it is used to protect oneself.'

If it weren't for their contact these days, as well as through the inference of the original plot, he wouldn't have had the idea to talk to Nonō.

And Nonō likewise held out a hand.

However, instead of passing her hand to Manoshi's, she touched her tongue.

This was the only trace of her past left behind.

The sealing technique, 'Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal,' was imposed by Danzō.

Retracting her hand to her side, Nonō said somewhat despondently, "I ... have no such qualifications."