Chapter 031 | Convincing Nonō.

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'Not qualifications? What was this development?'

Manoshi had vaguely felt some pain in his gut and began to wonder if he had crossed into some World of Warcraft world.

"Uh, is it because you find it difficult to talk about your past experiences?"

Manoshi guessed. It was inevitable that tragic stories and misery would emerge in his mind.

"What is Manoshi-kun thinking!?"

Nonō reached out and gently tapped the head of the teenager in front of her.

"It's just that I was once living in the darkness and was subjected to a sealing technique that prevented me from revealing information."

"This sealing technique is a bit familiar."

This technique sounded somewhat familiar. However, if Manoshi had been able to see the marks displayed on Nonō's tongue, he might have reacted faster.

"Was it Danzō Shimura?"

Manoshi subconsciously passed the blame to The Shinobi of Darkness. He is involved in 80% of the shit that goes on in Naruto's world.

Nonō didn't expect Manoshi could guess it right away, but the restraints of the Root's Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal prevented her from directly saying information related to Danzō.

It was silent.

Most of the time, the absence of denial could be regarded as affirmation.

Manoshi, who had a clue, quickly recalled the original episode, which was a scene where the Root shinobi Sai stuck out his tongue.

"What's it called? Root's Cursed Tongue Seal or something?"

Nonō was surprised that the teenager knew the name of this secret seal technique from the Root and began to worry if the child in front of her had ever been in contact with Danzō.

"Since this is the case, I have an idea."


An hour later, Nonō, who had been tortured and somewhat drained, was lying on the bed with a pale face.

Manoshi sat on the edge of the bed and used a warm, wet towel to wipe the faint sweat rising from Nonō's forehead.

The two kept testing the bottom line of the Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal through question and answer, and while Manoshi had nothing to lose, Nonō suffered because he triggered the restriction several times.

"You can't protect everyone, and you can't protect them for the rest of their lives."

Manoshi wrung out the sweat-soaked towel and spoke seriously to Nonō, who was still lying on the bed.

"So, was my thinking wrong?"

Nonō couldn't quite understand. She was just trying to protect these children.

"While protection is certainly right, it shouldn't be used as an excuse to cut off the children's right to choose. And the more they are prevented from encountering something, the easier it is to arouse children's rebelliousness."

"Is that so ..."

Nonō carefully savored Manoshi's words, which seemed to have some truth to them.

"This is human nature. People don't cherish things in front of them, but if something is forbidden, we couldn't resist wanting to try it."

In the war-torn shinobi world, naturally, no one had time to study the psychology of the rebellious period of minors'.

After all, juvenile teenagers graduating at the age of 12 were being sent to the battlefield.

"And have you ever thought that if you were no longer around in the future if they didn't have power, who would protect them?"

"Tell them about your experience, teach them the truth, so they can learn to distinguish and think for themselves. Only they could choose their own path in the future."

In Manoshi's opinion, it was normal for people to have different beliefs and different choices, and some sacrifices were inevitable.

However, Danzō sacrificed others to achieve his ambition and still felt that he had given everything for Konoha. Manoshi really couldn't stand seeing it.

At this time, Root was still nominally the reserve department for Anbu.

Therefore, Danzō not only fooled people into it in the name of Anbu but also brainwashed people to feel that he was a great man who carried all of Konoha's darkness.

The old pyramid scheme.

Against this kind of unreasonable organization, simply hiding and stopping it wouldn't be effective. The only way to do it was to illustrate the dangers involved.

"Chakra is just a tool. There is no right or wrong. The most important part is guiding the person who uses chakra."

"I see. Then, I will always watch you, Manoshi-kun, and see if what you're doing is really like what you are saying."

A smile appeared on Nonō's pale face, and a hand reached out from under the covers to hold Manoshi's hand.

"I hope you can really make the children's lives better, Manoshi-kun."

After convincing Nonō, Manoshi's plan to transform the Shinobi world from the orphanage could be said to have taken the first official step.

After tucking in the covers and tending to the gentle dean as she slept, Manoshi went out into the yard.

"What is Urushi's chakra attribute?"

Standing next to Kaoru Uchiha, looking after a group of children trying to refine their chakra, Manoshi sensed the situation.

"Urushi's chakra only has the earth attribute. Manoshi-kun, do you have Earth Release jutsu scrolls?"

The young girl was somewhat distressed. She had fire attribute, and Manoshi had fire and lightning dual attributes. Neither of them had mastered Earth Release jutsu.

"Hmm, Earth Release jutsu has a trick to them."

It was a civil jutsu developed by Kakashi in Kikyo City, and it would be perfect for the two students to start their education.

"You're not promising something to these kids again, are you?"

"Ah? No, haha ..."

"Your tone is very suspicious."

"The intention was to teach them the three basic techniques first." Manoshi touched his chin with some hesitation.

If the goal wasn't to become a combat shinobi, the normal three basic techniques (shadow clone technique, substitution technique, and transformation technique) didn't seem to be of much value.

"I didn't do it on purpose."

"No, as a punishment, you have to make dinner for these children!"

It was getting late, and Nonō was still resting. If the two of them weren't responsible, these children would go hungry tonight.

Manoshi stopped the children who were 'practicing' and pulled Urushi to ask, "Where is the kitchen? Your Kaoru-oneesan and I will cook for you."

"The kitchen? It's in that little hut over there." Urushi casually pointed, then realized that his sensei couldn't see, "I'll take you there, Sensei! But it's always Granny Hanako who helps with the cooking ..."

"Yes, yes, Granny Hanako is very good." A little girl on the side added, "Not only does she come every day to help cook, but she often brings us snacks to eat!"

Other children shouted in surprise, "Granny Hanako is here!"

With a cloth bundle in her hand, the hunchbacked granny pushed open the iron gate of the yard and waddled in.

"Granny came late. Are you guys hungry? Here, Granny brought you some dangos."

Surrounded by a crowd of children, the old woman opened the bag she was carrying, revealing the plain white glutinous dango inside.

In the expectant eyes of the children, they were distributed one by one. Each getting a stick of dango.

"Thank you, Granny!"

The children shouted in sweet voices and began to enjoy the rare dessert in their hands.

At this moment, Granny Hanako didn't notice that there were two teenagers dressed as shinobis in the yard.

With eight parts trepidation and two parts deference, she slowly walked up to the two.

"Shinobi-sama, I don't do that kind of thing anymore. If you want to punish me, just punish me. Please don't involve these children."

Kaoru Uchiha: ???

Manoshi was also stunned to realize that this Granny Hanako, as the children called her, was someone he knew.