After 18 endless months the team's experiments had been accomplished and their results were in…
"Team, great job, for 5 and 4 months you were helped by Camelia and Ophelia. Boys fantastic work! Eliza was there for 1 month but congratulations I have very good news! We will be sending people out to the Amazon for years to learn more about this culture. It will be a whole team! From pilots to chefs. You ALL can visit whenever! Thank you! You have shown us a new way of Amazon," The PM boasted, "I have individual letters for each of you. Please read them."
Dear Camelia,
Thank you for your work, you found one of the biggest finds in the Amazon, a new tribe, a new culture, a new world! Beyond that line was a land of unknown but luckily it is being investigated with environmentally friendly products.
Dear Ophelia,
Thank you for your team work and brave manners. You did the right thing for the time when you left. It was a true leader's qualities.
Dear Xander,
After the girls left you really did shine, thank you.
Dear Zeal,
THANK YOU!! After the girls left you were like a leader.
Dear Corban,
Your funny personality always shines with tasks, thank you for being like a leader.
Corban became a world famous researcher and found more secrets of the Amazon.
Zeal became a medical researcher and is searching for more medicines from rainforest plants.
Camelia visits the rainforest continuously along with her new high ranking team, 5623.
Xander went on to do a new course in university to research space for huge companies.
Ophelia went on to be good friends with Camelia and assist in major projects.
Elizabeth left the crews and refused to go to the rainforest and was rejected in designing equipment.